View Full Version : Revolver cartridge formers

01-31-2021, 10:28 PM
Anybody know who is currently making the form tools to produce combustible paper cartridges for revolvers? Thinking about having a go at making those.

Caswell Ranch
01-31-2021, 10:56 PM
Guns of the west



02-01-2021, 04:21 PM
There are many different ways of making paper cartriges and all of them are good just depends on what you want to do. As for formers the ones sold by "guns of the west" seem to be used by many on different forums. As for me I have been making paper cartriges for my 44 caliber revolvers by just using a 7/16" wooden dowel rod.

02-01-2021, 05:48 PM
Anybody know who is currently making the form tools to produce combustible paper cartridges for revolvers? Thinking about having a go at making those.

Etsy is selling formers made by MesaWinds in 13 different models all made of aluminum. I have not yet tried them.


02-01-2021, 09:30 PM
Thanks! Just what I was looking for.

02-02-2021, 10:17 AM
amazing just how many of them that there are!

charlie b
02-02-2021, 10:23 AM
Why would you not just use a dowel?

02-03-2021, 12:15 PM
I used to repair violins as a hobby and I kept my violin peg shaver and taper reamer for fitting violin pegs. I know the majority of folks would not have access to these speciality tools, but that is what I am going to use to make the male and female parts of the form for making ,.36 and .44 combustible cartridges. In looking at a number of the forms available, it would appear that these are the tools used by some to make their forms. A piece of hard maple drilled and taper reamed with a matching ebony fiddle peg of the correct dimensions would make a perfect form for forming the paper portion and provide the taper needed.

charlie b - if you look at some photos of original combustible pistol cartridges, you'll see that they had a taper from the bullet to the base - this was for easy insertion into the cylinder chamber and when the bullet was seated with the ram, it compressed the cartridge to form to the cylinder. A dowel could be used but you would want it to be tapered, not straight. A tapered paper sleeve allows the tube to be attached to the ball/conical if the mouth is the correct size and yet the taper allows it to be inserted into the chamber easily. I'm guessing though, that you probably already know that and your comment about using a dowel just didn't mention that it could be sanded or turned to the correct size and taper.

Some of the methods I have see used for making the cartridges involve both a male (tapered peg) and female form base to make the cartridge. In this method, I have seen the basic tapered tube formed and glued on the male peg, and then using a small square of the same paper with glue applied, put over the open base of the tapered tube and inserted into the male base form, which in turn forms the small square tightly to the base of the tapered paper tube. I'm sure there are more than one way to "skin the cat" and other methods can be used as well.

Just thought I would throw it out there about the fiddle peg shaver and taper reamer. If you have a tapered reamer of the right size, you could easily make the male form base and then use a hardwood dowel to make a tapered female form peg to match the base - if you use the methods of forming the tapered paper tube and then applying a small square of paper to the bottom using the peg and base to form the finished tube.

If you can't find a form - take a look on the favorite on-line auction site as fiddle peg shavers and reamers - cheaper ones made in china, etc. - are usually listed and not terribly expensive.

Caswell Ranch
02-03-2021, 12:47 PM
From Guns of the West it's $20 (male/female/measure and funnel) and includes shipping, no auction sites to filter through and ships from U.S. address.

charlie b
02-04-2021, 12:36 AM
You are correct, I did not mention tapering the dowel. Father-in-law and I made a ton of paper cartridges for our pistols. His were for a .36 Colt and mine were for the Remington. We just used cigarette paper and soaked it in some nitrate solution. The trick was to get the 'base' so you don't have a wad or many layers of paper there. We also tried a bunch of different glues. We found a good one but I can't remember what it was. I think it was plastic model glue but not sure.