View Full Version : Who keeps original packaging

01-31-2021, 07:37 PM
So I was straightening stuff up in the basement and found a box of Lee boxes and a box of Lee single die plastic tubes. Got me wondering why do I have these?

A lot of the single die tubes where from expander dies that I added an NOE button expander to and leave in the turret disk. So I guess in theory I would need them if I took the dies out of the disk.

I'm not sure why I would really need the original box for Lee mold handles and such. These are just the red & white Lee boxes that stuff came in. Not the heavy duty boxes that things such as powder dispensers come in.

Now I do keep the plastic cases my dies come in. I store them in turret disks but if I ever sold them or gave them to someone I would want to be able to provide those original cases.

And because the weather is sort of blah, and I think it is more interesting than cleaning the basement I wanted to find out do most of us keep those boxes? Do most of us pitch them? Is there some really interesting and useful option I'm missing out on doing with this leftover cardboard and plastic tubes?

01-31-2021, 07:44 PM
I keep the lee boxes and store the moulds in them. Most of the other boxes I can. I need bout 6 lee boxes for used moulds I have acquired.

01-31-2021, 08:03 PM
Lee mold boxes make the molds stackable with handles on. Until I get a bigger shop, that's useful to me.

Mostly I only keep boxes long-term for that reason: convenient storage of an odd-shaped items that won't stack or pack conveniently.

I usually keep the boxes until I've worked that thing into my process, though. That way if it doesn't work out and I need to buy something else, I can put it back in the packaging to sell it.

I do, however, keep all die boxes, whether I'm currently using them or not. The boxes are easy to line up on a shelf with the label readable (except some Hornady dies). But if I buy a 2 die set and then add a crimper or a neck sizer for the set, I add it into the main set box and toss it reuse the box the single die came in. I want everything for that caliber for a single process in one box.

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Ural Driver
01-31-2021, 08:29 PM
I pretty much keep the boxes and papers for anything of value......especially if it has the items serial number on it.

01-31-2021, 08:31 PM
I keep and store my lee molds in their original boxes. Yes, they do take a little more room, but looks a whole lot neater.

01-31-2021, 08:50 PM
I should have posted a picture I have a couple of boxes that are nothing but small item boxes. Or the single die plastic tube with the tab to hang on a peg for store display. I use the Lee case trimming dies, and as I mentioned the sizing dies. I would guess I have almost everyone of those that I ever purchased. They are now stored in the flat 2 die boxes one can purchase. Those stack and I can label the ends. I never seem to get the handles off of a mold to store the handles back in the box but yep I have them too.

I keep the Lee 2 cavity molds in the box. I was pointed at Meijer's by another member to get some nice plastic boxes with a latch and seal for the 6 cavity or non Lee molds. The 2 cavity molds are stackable, protected a bit, and it is a whole lot easier to read the end of the box and look at the little bullet picture than read the die stamp and open the die to find the one I want.

If I expand a 2 die set I agree it is a good idea to purchase a Lee 4 die plastic box to be able to store the dies in if not in the turret.

I should confess I also keep coffee cans, peanut jars, cookie tins, and any other container that looks "useful" My youngest kids baby food jars and diaper wipe plastic boxes are still around. Her son is in his 20's

01-31-2021, 09:36 PM
I keep most boxes of anything that might end up getting passed down and the box is identifiable/useful.

E.G. I have an original RCBS cardboard box for my old 44 dies left to me by my grandpas and still have original box to all my Die sets but MP Mold boxes, which are just generic shipping boxes, get pitched.

Ultimately, it probably comes down to space. I still keep TV boxes cause if I have to move or sell the TV they are handy but if space ever becomes an issue, they’re the first thing to go, especially the big honking 55” tv box [emoji16].

01-31-2021, 09:38 PM
Most of those lee plastic stuff [containerrs] are useless.

01-31-2021, 10:16 PM
I should confess I also keep coffee cans, peanut jars, cookie tins, and any other container that looks "useful" My youngest kids baby food jars and diaper wipe plastic boxes are still around. Her son is in his 20's

Welcome to packrats anonymous. But these are perfect for storing boolits, primed cases, etc.


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01-31-2021, 10:32 PM
Yeah, I also like me some pickles!

01-31-2021, 10:37 PM
I keep boxes until the warranty expires. On any products.

02-01-2021, 11:49 AM
I never throw a good box away. But don’t let them get rained on either.

02-01-2021, 01:35 PM
I used to keep boxes for stuff, but eventually got over it. If it's a nice plastic box, maybe, but cardboard immediately goes into the recycling.

The breaking point for me was cleaning out my basement last time I moved and realizing that I had two truckloads (after they were flattened!) of random empty cardboard boxes taking up space.

It's a fire hazard, takes up space I can make better use of, and it attracts mold and vermin. So no more boxes hanging around.

02-01-2021, 02:09 PM
I was digging through the attic a few years ago. The box for Dads Model 12 Winchester was there. He bought it when
he came home from Korea. He still had the sales slip in his steel box! He had the receipt for our Oliver 77 from 1950 also.I tend to loose that stuff somehow.

Frosty Boolit
02-01-2021, 02:41 PM
Wish I kept the box for that LNLAP case feeder that just broke this morning.

Geezer in NH
02-01-2021, 03:34 PM
Pitch at once got enough junk as it is.

I am not a hoarder of useless stuff, only the good stuff stays.

02-01-2021, 03:48 PM
I keep every box for anything of value . Either for warranty return or resale . I have literally made thousands of dollars on selling empty boxes , mostly antique boxes that housed bicycle parts but also firearms/hunting related . Original packaging makes a huge difference in price when I sell a gun, knife , etc . . It also helps to have a gigantic house and very tolerant wife .

AZ Pete
02-01-2021, 04:38 PM
I do. Comes in very handy if you ever sell the stuff later.

02-01-2021, 05:50 PM
I keep some, until others take priority.

02-01-2021, 06:12 PM
The number one rule of us Pack Rats is ... Throw nothing away ...

Petrol & Powder
02-01-2021, 06:15 PM
Pitch at once got enough junk as it is.

I am not a hoarder of useless stuff, only the good stuff stays.

/\ I'm in this camp. Unless the packaging is special or somehow useful, it goes.

Generally speaking, packaging exists to get the item from manufacturer, to retail, to consumer. Once the item reaches the consumer, the job of the packaging is over.

I save some packaging that's useful but the bulk of it goes as soon as its job is done.

02-02-2021, 10:04 AM
All depends. I still have my Dillon box. It is long enough it is a small square shelf sitting on it's end. And I keep my gun's boxes. (and lee mold boxes.)
But almost everything else is either reused to ship stuff, or trashed if not a good size or too big. My daughter fusses as I reuse all kinds of boxes to ship my stuff in. But I'd rather reuse free box than trash them. Two uses is better than only one.

02-02-2021, 12:05 PM
I try to keep all original packaging if I can..

02-03-2021, 11:46 PM
I store as many my moulds in OM boxes as I can Lee , NOE , Lyman , and RCBS .
Dad had his Pacific Hornady 008 press still in box but it spent a lot more time there than set up .
I've kept the new gun boxes .
I have so much stuff jambed in such a small space . I can't keep too much extra stuff .

02-05-2021, 03:26 PM
I keep for a long long time then pitch

02-05-2021, 03:29 PM
I have the original packing boxes my Sansui component stereo came in from 1972! And most other boxes. I just cut the tape, fold them up, and stick them in the attic. Never know when one might need it for a "As New" ebay sale!


02-06-2021, 09:40 PM
Really depends what it is and the type of packaging it is. All gun boxes are kept in the rafters of the shop. If its something i only use for seasonally, original packaging makes storage a whole lot easier, faster and more compact.

02-07-2021, 08:27 AM
I keep the packing to anything mechanical or electrical in case the need to return or resell arises. When the item is eventually replaced, the old packaging is also replaced with the new. I write the date of purchase on the box, owner's manual, and receipt. If an item breaks, I find the box first (that tells me whether it's warranty or not). If not warranty, the box goes out with the item. If warranty I find the paperwork and start the claim process.

02-07-2021, 03:26 PM
I still have the original box my first shotgun came in, a Remington 1100, back in 1967. Don't have the original receipt, but I vividly remember I paid $180. Which was full retail at the time. In 1971, I traded it for a 30-06 700, which I still have.

Winger Ed.
02-07-2021, 05:57 PM
I seem to save most stuff so it can be in the way, and gather dust & spider webs for about two years.
Then I throw it away.

02-07-2021, 06:09 PM
I keep gun and scope boxes just in case I ever trade or sell them. They also make it easier to keep up with whatever books, instructions, decals, ect that come with them.

I keep most of my surplus brass in the plastic cans that Folgers Coffee comes in. I keep my surplus cast bullets in the plastic jugs that coffee sweeter comes in. (not mine) A buddies Wife saves them from her office for me.

I like the pictures that some of you post of the square containers that you use but I hardly ever buy anything that comes in them. I got a jump start on the coffee cans that I use from work. I even gave a buddy 2 large trash bags of them to get him started.

Mal Paso
02-07-2021, 10:43 PM
I kept the Nikon and Starette boxes. Also the one for the color printer in case it has to go back to the factory. Would love to throw it out but figure the printer would need service right after I do. All other boxes get kept until I'm sure the product not going back, then out it goes.

Bullet storage is all recycled packaging.

02-10-2021, 04:11 PM
I so use those Folger's plastic coffee cans, I keep a stack for sorting brass into when I have a mixed lot, either of caliber or headstamp mix.

Bullets go into 30 caliber ammo cans that slide under the bottom shelf of the bench. Label at the end to see what caliber each one is and slide them out to get what I need. When I have more than one mold there will be more than one baggie of bullets in the can.

I can move a 30 caliber can of lead, a 50 caliber can, eh? not so much. I had to purchase them but just kept an eye out for good prices on them and picked up some more as I came across deals or good quality ones. Have enough "open" slots for 2 or 3 more calibers, or second box of an existing caliber.

I also spent the coin to buy those shoe box sized plastic containers. They fit where I need them, easy to stick a paper label on the end with caliber or other relevant information (x fired, prepped ready to load, etc.) I'm not sure it wasn't a bit of a waste but they fit my shelves well, provide an organized appearance even without my actually having them organized. I mean "Range P/U rifle" is a label that looks organized even if I have no clue what rifle brass is in those bins :-) I'm sure I thought it was useful and will sort it out eventually.

I share space in basement with wife. Looking like, or rather NOT looking like my garage helps keep my bench welcome inside where the temperature is much nicer now than it would be in the garage. Those containers provide an overall organized look to things. For the purpose of spousal harmony that matters.

I think about half of the plastic single die body tubes are going bye-bye. I use the two die flat plastic cases to store the individual dies but I could possibly want them for selling. Just don't think I'll ever want all of them, the estate can sell the push through sizer die with the reloading dies.

The red & white Lee boxes I'm going to go through and probably cull some to the trash and flatten the others, I can put them back together if I need them. I have dreams of hauling a pile of "stuff" (non-reloading) out to garage sale in the spring, with none of it coming back, curb or Salvation Army for what doesn't sell. If I manage to clear out the stuff like empty containers I don't use or need post garage sale my basement might actually look decently organized. Without it simply migrating to the garage or shed to make a mess there.

A mans reach should exceed his grasp else what is heaven for? If not to strive toward. Cleaned organized basement may not get you to heaven but it sure can't hurt, and will keep the wife and kids from cussing about you so much after your gone. :-D