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01-31-2021, 12:01 AM
NO .... Well at least 2/3 , maybe sometimes 75% less head pain
So I will not need anywhere as many pain pills for those headaches

BUT the Stimulator is not a good way to combat the Migraines
So I will still need STRONG meds for them

Last week I had a Trial Spinal Stimulator implanted
The Doctor put 2 wires with Leads on the ends along side my spine
With a controller and wires taped to my back

The controller sent electric pulses to the Leads to disrupt some of the pain signals from getting to my brain

So for about 7 days I had pain relief that non of the pain pills I have taken have come even close
The only thing that was as good or better at giving me pain relief was Morphine
BUT I refuse to be doped up all the time IF I can stand the pain or at least dull it a little
But there are a lot of days I can't do anything , as the slightest sound or head movement makes the head pain REALLY BAD
A lot of the time it is like someone is kicking me in the head again and again

Jan 21 the Trial Spinal Stimulator was installed
I was awake with just something to dull the pain as the Doctor had to ask me questions as he put the wires in
Jan 28 the wires were pulled out [smilie=b:
The Doctor just gave a tug on each wire and then pulled them out of my back
In about 1 hour the head pain was getting bad , 2 hours later I was at home and was about to take some GOOD pain pills

The Doctor had to file paperwork with Ohio WorkMans Comp with my results
We then wait for the OK to get a permanent spinal stimulator implanted

Not sure how long it will take to get the OK
But I pray it takes less than a Month


01-31-2021, 12:03 AM
Prayers, brother.... I've not dealt with it personally but know others that have. I hope they see the way and help your suffering end.

Texas by God
01-31-2021, 12:29 AM
I’m praying for you John. I had Chronic Every Day Migraine Syndrome- that’s what the Dr. calls it- for 7 years. My mother had migraines and became hooked on Stadol after years of Demerol. It ruined her later years; the year she passed away was when mine started. I had migraines the entire time I was awake and they felt like 3/4 of an ice cream brain freeze( the best way I can describe it). I did NOT want to go the narcotics route obviously, so they tried many drug cocktails, Botox, massage therapy- nothing worked for long. There was a nasal capsicum spray that did work but it would light your sinuses up like no tomorrow. Finally we discovered that Valium as needed and Lunesta at bedtime calmed the storm so to speak. Strangely, or not, in August I cracked my skull in a fall and suffered a concussion with brain bleeding. By the grace of God, as I healed from that I noticed that my migraines were pretty much gone. Until I caught Covid, I hadn’t had a real migraine for 4 months. I’m better now- only the Man Upstairs knows how it will go from here on out. I’m not praying for you to hit your head! I’m just praying that your pain subsides because I know what you are experiencing, brother.

01-31-2021, 01:25 PM
Prayers sent your way. I hope they get you squared away soon.

01-31-2021, 03:24 PM
Hope this works for you. I have a problem with electrical stimulators. Tried the Quell unit which straps to your calf. Was actually helping until between 8-9 am Every morning the nasty headaches started to turn into migraines. Stopped using it and they backed off. Docs don't really believe my concerns when they want to install stimulators, they just want the work. Good luck.

Winger Ed.
01-31-2021, 03:36 PM
Wishing the best for ya bro.

Before ya know it, hopefully-- we can have ya back on that Saturday night TV wrestling show.:bigsmyl2:

01-31-2021, 04:33 PM
Prayers sent for all you folks with serious to severe pain that’s unrelenting!

This post taught me that there is a lot more of this around than I realized.

What a pity!


02-01-2021, 12:24 PM
Sorry to hear about the pain you are going through. I've never in my life (knock on wood) had a headache, so I don't know what you are going through with that. On the other hand In Sept, 2019 I had a guy at work drop a box on my head and break T5 and T6 vertebrae and blew out the disks between T5,T6,T7 and T9, T10. I've been through physical therapy, injections to the pain area, injections directly into my spine and then in August 2020 they did the first surgery. That surgery did nothing but move the daily pain from my upper shoulder area to my lower back. On January 14th they did the second surgery (which was so fun) and at this point the pain in my lower back seems to be gone, but the original pain in my shoulders has come back with a side of numb arms. I'm still in the early recovery phase, but hoping the pain is just swelling from surgery and will go away.

They have thrown everything at the pain (pill wise) and I've found that most of it doesn't do a thing. The ones that do work though I end up feeling like a zombie and am killing my liver by taking them. I have a 6gallon copper medicine maker in my garage that produces a much better alternative than the man made chemical pain relievers. I have also found that the CBD flower does a better job than any of the miracle drugs big pharma pushes. I know a few people who have had the electrical stimulators and some swear they are the best thing ever while others say it's a waste.

Hopefully they get you sorted out and comp doesn't play their games holding everything up. In the meantime though you should look into the other pain relief alternatives. I was skeptical at first, but to get out of pain I was willing to try anything and it really does work.

02-01-2021, 08:04 PM
A lot of people have no idea what being in constant pain does to you. Ever hear the stories of people who actualy drilled their own heads to releave migraine pain? Believe me, I can really understand and would bet a few others could also.

02-01-2021, 08:34 PM
God's blessing on you John, and amen to the prayers!