View Full Version : Drill press table replacement

RU shooter
01-27-2021, 05:11 PM
This may sound stupid but ,I think it's called the table it's the platform that clamps around the 2" or so tube in the back raises up and down I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about . But anyways mines a casting and it broke where it clamps onto the tube and I need to replace it . Do they sell a generic replacement anywhere I'm sure it would need to be tube dia specific . I'd google it but like I said I'm not sure the correct name of it

01-27-2021, 05:19 PM
I fixed a vice that broke by brazing it back together, you might try that.

01-27-2021, 05:33 PM
More data please
What Brand and Model of drill press?

https://www.repairtoolparts.com/delta-parts/delta-11-985-type-1-parts/delta-900301-tbo-table?gclid=CjwKCAiAu8SABhAxEiwAsodSZN28ZJ4Frx5C9t dTGU7r4lVtHhl7e6-ODlkSZJa31l76RAvr6N8xuhoCwR8QAvD_BwE


https://www.google.com/search?q=replacement+drill+press+table&safe=active&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALeKk00vIcskF1KA0pwXcyXmljjkYWEUVw:161178334 0641&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=194jt3fgMrewPM%252C3qLVLkYuwHSM1M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRP-1dssq8gbN6kBnc7SPLgnm5oEQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiE2-TriL3uAhVSOq0KHeGoBeUQ9QF6BAghEAE#imgrc=194jt3fgMr ewPM


01-27-2021, 05:36 PM
You're right, it's called a table. Since it seems every drill press is different, the best option may be to use the make/model of the drill press to find the OEM replacement.

Not sure where you would find a replacement table. Harbor Freight still has their cheap little press for about $70, maybe the column would be the same diameter.

edit: Just checked my little HF drill press. The column is 1.80" diameter.

John Wayne
01-27-2021, 05:37 PM
Many, many drill presses parted out on ebay. You can find your part there or order one from the manufacturer.

01-27-2021, 05:49 PM
if you don't weld, you might try taking it to a welder to get an opinion on repair

01-27-2021, 05:50 PM
SHOULD YOU BRAZE/WELD- TRY TO GET IT LINED UP- FLAT sorry-- either during repair or check afterwards. It might not be square and hole get off, that kind of thing

RU shooter
01-27-2021, 06:36 PM
It's a black and decker 8" 1.9" pipe on it probably 25-30 years old

01-27-2021, 06:40 PM
I repaired my beater drill press table with JB weld. Cleaned up the pieces well, took the shaft off and placed it in a vice. Set the table on the top of the vice upside down and put the pieces back together with cold weld. Held the whole works together with a couple of pipe clamps. Seems to still be functional after a decade or so.

p.s. I did coat the shaft with vaseline as a release agent.
Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

country gent
01-27-2021, 06:50 PM
Chances are its cast iron and while it can be welded its tricky and needs special "care" when welding.A snug fitting slug should be turned up to hold everything in alignment. then veed out for weld or braze. then pre heated to normalize for the operation. clamped up and welded. Special rods for cast iron are needed.

There is a strong chance that it may be cast aluminum even more tricky.

If theres room top and bottom you may try fitting a ring around the outside 3/16-1/4" wall thickness. 3/4"-1" wide.clean up part and epoxy creack and rings in place one the column. Let sure then split in line with original.

01-27-2021, 07:15 PM
My small drill press table would not stay level and the fix was to take 4 sections of all thread and washers and nuts and use them in a squire pattern on the bottom table with washers and nuts to make the all thread snug and use more washers and nuts to hold the top table level even if the spindle is not square with the table it can be adjusted so that it is .

01-27-2021, 07:35 PM
My larger floor model had the cast table break, I ordered a new one from HF. In the mean time, I brazed it, the new one eventually came, but I am not sure I even replaced the one I repaired.

I would get a good measurement on your post and find a currently produced model with the same shaft size and order that.

Winger Ed.
01-27-2021, 07:38 PM
This sounds like you have the perfect reason why you 'need' to get a new, bigger, and better one.:bigsmyl2:

01-28-2021, 12:59 AM
This it??


01-28-2021, 02:48 AM
I would braze it. It could be welded but that is much more difficult and requires nickle rod ( expensive). Without the proper equipment and experience you probably want to find one with the proper tube size.

01-28-2021, 07:20 AM
Depending on what all you use it for you could make one out of wood that is adjustable. My dad picked up a floor standing 15 speed drill press for cheap that I'll be doing that with.

01-28-2021, 08:45 AM
I'll jump on the bandwagon for brazing

Once fixed - support the table if you are going to use it as an arbor press (how they usually get cracked)

RU shooter
01-28-2021, 09:08 AM
This it??

Yeah that looks close to it , replacement collar is obsolete according to that site . If I had all the parts I would have someone attempt to braze it but I'm missing half the collar . This happened about 2 years ago . Now that I know what it's called I'll see if I can find something to work better than a stack of 2x8's that I've been using to

Petrol & Powder
01-28-2021, 09:36 AM
Yeah that looks close to it , replacement collar is obsolete according to that site . If I had all the parts I would have someone attempt to braze it but I'm missing half the collar . This happened about 2 years ago . Now that I know what it's called I'll see if I can find something to work better than a stack of 2x8's that I've been using to

Sounds like repair is out. I think you're in the camp of replacing the part OR replacing the entire drill press.

If you can find an inexpensive replacement table, that's not a bad option but I would recommend setting a hard limit on how much money you would be willing to commit to that old drill press.
If it was a high end industrial grade or machine shop type press, the repair cost could be justifiably higher. A 25-30 year old consumer grade drill press is certainly repairable but if the repair cost approaches the cost of a new one; what are you gaining?

I picked up a Delta drill press at a second hand store for less than half the cost of a comparable new model. The quill was tight, motor was fine, it had very little wear.
I would seriously recommend looking for a used drill press.
Shop new ones, get an idea want they go for and then check out the same models on the used market. You might be surprised what you can find.

01-28-2021, 09:52 AM
you could maybe put a different type of table from underneath , the table is major part of a drill press and probably without another of the same model to get a table, for what a part will cost you might just find another machine. save the powerhead, chuck up a reamer bit and use it to process brass.

country gent
01-28-2021, 09:53 AM
If its a simple clamp collar with no rack and pinion it wouldnt be that bad to make. with a 1.9 column 2 1/2 " cold rolled square stock. 3-4 holes and a slit to allow clamping. But that 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 6" chunk of 1018 is $60.00 this dosnt include the time to bore and drill holes.

If a replacement can be found even for a bigger column it can be shimmed to size with a bushing glued in.

01-28-2021, 03:19 PM
When I worked in the oil fields, one got broken after it was knocked off the bench, there was no fixing it. No, I didn't break it! Ray, the welder I worked for, told me to lay out the parts to re-make the table from 3/8" steel and steel well pipe.

Out came the soap stone and I drew up my table. He looked it over and said 'cut it out.' Long story short, he turned me loose and had me weld it up. The trick part was the riser clamp I fabricated from 2 pieces of pipe, one large enough to fit the 3 piece clamp, adjustable with a T handle, and centered with 2 relatively fixed clamps. I periodically had to do my regular 'helper' chores for Ray, and worked on the fix when Ray was burning rod.

Welded, configured, cleaned up, and painted before lunch. I owe it to Ray for trying to teach every day from his wealth of knowledge. He worked in a fabrication shop for 20 years, ran his own shop for 15 years, went back into contract work where we met. Ray was a midwest farm kid and self taught machinist.

Together, we contemplated, designed, and eventually had a prototype engine that ran on water. It ran like the dickens. He did all the work in his shop in the evening, but we discussed 'the project' every day during lunch, after Paul Harvey. He inspired me to expand the box I was to think outside of.

'Good job Kid' was his response when I re-assembled the drill press table, that was high praise for Ray to dole out. I never would have attempted such a feat without taking the things he taught, and the things they could be applied towards projects.

RU shooter
01-28-2021, 04:58 PM
Thanks all I work at a sheet steel fab shop so I'm probably will make something up if I can find something suitable to slip over that steel post that fits fairly close . What hoping since most of these import presses are almost the same I could luck out in a generic table .

01-29-2021, 09:39 AM
Someone gave me a table so i could put two on my drill press but it is the wrong diameter. If you will measure yours with dial calipers and give me a close idea of size i will check and see if it will work for you. You can have it if it will work. Do not let me miss your response as i am not very computer savvy.

RU shooter
01-30-2021, 10:03 AM
Someone gave me a table so i could put two on my drill press but it is the wrong diameter. If you will measure yours with dial calipers and give me a close idea of size i will check and see if it will work for you. You can have it if it will work. Do not let me miss your response as i am not very computer savvy.

Thanks for the offer it's 1.9" when I did a quick check the other day I will measure again today

01-30-2021, 01:07 PM
I measured mine and it is 2.330. Sorry I thought it might be right cause it was too small for mine. Maybe it would be easier to make a bushing to make the 2.330 to fit the 1.9 than any of the other options???

country gent
01-30-2021, 01:34 PM
A bushing with 2.330 od and 1.9 id (.215 wall thickness) would make it work. But you will have to rework the clamps possibly and no gear up or down. Another issue will be table size itself, a much bigger table on the smaller base may become unstable