View Full Version : Its Crow hunting hunting Eve!!!!

01-24-2021, 02:58 PM
I have only called them in a couple of times in the past with my Foxpro. I figured I'd have some fun and take out my special needs buddy tomorrow for his first crow hunt. I have the batteries all charged up in my Fox Pro and decided I'd make some home made decoys. I had a few foam crows but they magically disappeared as usual. I'm pretty positive my pops came over and snagged them to put around his garden a few years back. Here are my cardboard, clothespin, and black paint decoys. I'm sure they'll work. I've called crows in without decoys so these should be a hot! That's right I think I have a plastic owl yard decoy somewhere to take with as well.



Shotgun only so I'll be using a turkey choke and some #6 heavy field loads. Figured I'd get some grouse egg eaters out of the area and score some fly tying feathers in the process. I might have to brake out the 1873 Charles Daly SxS 10 guage later in the week but at $3 a pull I might save the shells for spring turkey hunting.

white eagle
01-24-2021, 03:13 PM
thats rite its open tomorrow
I call them while after fox and coyote
had them land in trees and on the ground
will smoke them with the 22-6mm if on ground
can't wait to get my 220 swift back from Hart so I can
send a couple more to the big caw in the sky
good luck to you and your buddy

01-24-2021, 05:50 PM
You have a season on them up there .

01-24-2021, 06:40 PM
Two seasons. September through November and then Jan through March. Shotgun only. You think it would be open year around like coyotes. I normally call them after I get done predator calling for the morning to get some shooting out of my system.

Winger Ed.
01-24-2021, 06:48 PM

Looks like you've done pretty well already.

How do ya cook them?:kidding:

white eagle
01-24-2021, 07:45 PM
Two seasons. September through November and then Jan through March. Shotgun only. You think it would be open year around like coyotes. I normally call them after I get done predator calling for the morning to get some shooting out of my system.

not sure it's shotgun only where did you see that?

01-24-2021, 07:57 PM
Unless it's changed it's always been shotgun only because WI considers it a game bird. It use to be posted in the regs every year that crows were shotgun only but I can't find it on anywhere in the WI PDF 2020 regs. I'm sure it's illegal because the DNR figures some Yahoo would shoot at crows flying or perched in a tree and send a bullet into orbit. Extremely dangerous IMO. I could see shooting them on the ground where there is a back stop.

Ed, I croc potted a crow breast a few years ago just to say I tried it. It wasn't bad but I dont plan on eating any more.

01-24-2021, 08:18 PM
Here in Virginia we need to keep track of what day of the week it is crow on Monday , Wednesday , Friday & Saturday .
I don’t hunt birds any more , but I have enjoyed sitting around crow decoys . Lots of action

01-24-2021, 08:22 PM
I just pulled out a box of Federal #4 heavy game loads I bought from walmart for $5.99 last May. Should have bought a box of 5's and 6's as well since everything is cleaned out from the covid clap!

01-24-2021, 08:30 PM
We used to be able to shoot them all year long down here in Kentucky. During the summer months while groundhog hunting I would shoot many of them on the ground in fields when I could caught them. Then in the fall we would call them in and shoot them in flight like duck hunting.
Now we can only hunt them if there is a season open. It was due to a joint agreement with Mexico. The crow is Mexico's national bird and if we regulated our crow hunting they put regulations on dove hunting.

01-24-2021, 08:48 PM
Years ago we used them to check our sights at various ranges .
Now I just chase them out of the pecan trees . I keep a sack of 4 shot just in case they get to acting bad .
Enjoy your hunting

01-24-2021, 09:24 PM
We have them fly around the house all the time. I swear, they know if you're dangerous to them or not. If I'm just out in the yard, they'll fly right over and land close. If I happen to get the shotgun I keep in the shop when I hear them, they stay way clear. They just seem to know.

Texas by God
01-24-2021, 09:42 PM
We have them fly around the house all the time. I swear, they know if you're dangerous to them or not. If I'm just out in the yard, they'll fly right over and land close. If I happen to get the shotgun I keep in the shop when I hear them, they stay way clear. They just seem to know.They know my pickup. If it stops, they skedaddle. Calling them into a frenzy and shotgunning them is crazy fun for a few minutes! I don't appreciate the disrespect they show to owls and hawks.

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01-24-2021, 09:48 PM
I have a bunch of 3" #4 steel waterfowl loads. Might have to get a caller and make some of those decoys. How do you set them up? In open fields or in trees?

01-24-2021, 09:50 PM
Growing up it was open season on crows.

I started with Shotgun. Then I bought a Rem 788 in .243. Gunshop owner worked with me to develop some good hand loads for varmints. 30 grains of Dupont 3031 under a Hornady 60 grain boat tailed hollow point.

Bust one with a shotgun. The flock would move to trees a hundred or so yards away. Bust a second one there. Then they'd fly out into the middle of a square section of land. 350 to 400+ yards out. Line up, check wind, aim for the top of the head, let it fly.
Poof, crow hamburger.

After a couple of months of that they got smart. They'd see my pickup coming 2 miles away, lift off. Fly into the middle of 4 sections where there was no road or trail. They knew I was not going to walk 3/4's of a mile carrying a rifle for one shot.

But they were leaving my dad's crops alone so it was pretty much a win win situation.

They get smart fast. You can fool them once, once and a while you can find some young birds that have not heard, and fool them again. Never 3 times with the same setup. Mostly only once.

Smart birds, I am older now, wiser, have more respect.

But I still chuckle when I think how surprised some of those flocks were when I busted one out past 300 yards.

Shinin times.

01-24-2021, 11:16 PM
here in PA, i THINK that crows are shot friday, saturday and sunday, all year except for deer season. i haven't shot one for years and i've never eaten one.

01-24-2021, 11:37 PM
Crow is always best with BBQ sauce, just my humble experience!:bigsmyl2:

01-24-2021, 11:39 PM
Save grouse and other birds eggs, hatchlings, collect some feathers and you can eat em too!

UT Ag extension used to have crow recipes in one of their cookbooks, maybe still do.

01-25-2021, 08:02 AM
Don't crows remember everything and hold grudges? It's all fun and games untill they get even in the off season.

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01-25-2021, 09:24 AM
Here in bc crows are open with nbl all year as a nuisance bird.

01-25-2021, 09:39 AM
I have a bunch of 3" #4 steel waterfowl loads. Might have to get a caller and make some of those decoys. How do you set them up? In open fields or in trees?

Never really used decoys. They always just came into the caller. I plan on setting them up where ever I can get some open shooting. All I know is after I called and shot one or two they pretty much stop coming into my calling for the season...or for a few weeks. They are pretty smart birds.

01-25-2021, 09:59 AM
A long long time ago I would go with a buddy , we would set up a few decoys out of the wind on the sunny side of a grown up ditch or field lane for cover . Then call them until they got interested and started coming to take a look , after a few shots they figure out what's going on , so we would gather up the decoys and move to a different farm .
My buddy would eat them , as well as fall black birds when they were flocking up . We would shoot black birds by the bushel nothing wasted .

01-25-2021, 10:02 AM
I have an owl and several crow decoys.
Set them up in low trees or bushes.
They come in like crazy when I turn on the Crow Fight call on my Fox Pro.
I think crow season starts in October here in Oregon.

01-25-2021, 10:10 AM
I was surprised to learn there was an actual season on them. Always figured they were like coyotes and everybody was on board that the only good one was a dead one.

This sounds like something I could get into.

01-25-2021, 10:14 AM
Looks like you've done pretty well already.

How do ya cook them?:kidding:

I had an old cookbook from a local outdoor show that had a couple of recipes for crow.

01-25-2021, 10:17 AM
Well you guys are getting me motivated I better get up and get my cup of coffee and call my buddy.lol.
That’s the good thing about crow hunting...you can go any time of the day. Hopefully I can get my buddy to sit still long enough to at least get one.

01-25-2021, 10:29 AM
I found a photo of the last time I went out a few years back. I only connected with one before the gig was up...


I used a coyote moving decoy along with my caller that day.
It’s the one I croc potted. It tasted similar to duck.

01-25-2021, 11:11 AM
I just found an old set of snow camo cover ups to borrow my buddy today. It’s 1 degree out. This should be a quick hunt.lol

01-25-2021, 11:12 AM
Used to go to Ft. Cobb when I was a lot younger. Millions of crows would roost there. We had a few places that the landowners would let us hunt. Crows were hard on the peanut crops. We usually used #4's but after we would rattle shot off their feathers cause they were too high, we went to #2's. Boy, were they surprised the next time we went out. On a good day, you just couldn't load fast enough. I used a single shot H&R 12ga. Shooting 3 or4 boxes of those duck load really was hard on the shoulder!!
We would take our owl decoy and some wooden poles and get the decoy up to the top of a cedar tree, so when we called they would focus on the owl decoy. We even had crows land in the cedar tree and peck at the decoy owl!!

01-25-2021, 11:16 AM
I have almost a case of boxes of 25, 3” federal classic 3” 1 7/8oz lead BB but I’m saving those for predator hunting. Best cheapest coyote load imo. To bad federal discontinued them about 5 years ago. I have dropped coyotes in their track to almost 70 yards with the load. I paid about $25 a box for them from a guy a few years back. Use to buy them and the 10 gauge verson of 2 & 1/4 lead bb’s from mid south shooters supply for $29 and $39 a box. I steal imo. I still have a box of 10 gauge as well.

white eagle
01-25-2021, 11:59 AM
I load 2.25 oz #4 hevi for turkey in my 10 ga furthest turkey kill was 62 yds
I load # 4b for coyote in same gun

01-25-2021, 12:32 PM
"Now we can only hunt them if there is a season open. It was due to a joint agreement with Mexico. The crow is Mexico's national bird and if we regulated our crow hunting they put regulations on dove hunting.[/QUOTE]"
I too have shot many a crow whilst hunting other things....it breaks up the day, however "The golden eagle is Mexico's national bird."

Texas by God
01-25-2021, 03:50 PM
I will neither confirm nor deny being present during the death of hundreds of crows in a 5 decade span of time.......

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01-25-2021, 04:22 PM
If what I remember is correct, there is a season on crows because back when the Migratory Bir Act, or whatever it's called, was being negotiated, Mexico would not sign the treaty unless the US put a season on crows because some in Mexico consider the crow sacred. Her in Missouri the season runs from I thin November until March. Exact dates I don't recall. Boy, I killed a pile of them in years past. Set our decoys, back into a big ol' thick cedar tree and turn on the call. They are smart. On the farm I had two pastures I could get a little over 500 yards safely. I killed a few at 400-500 yards. After that when I came out of the house if there was any down in the pasture, they left before the door closed.

Your decoy's should work fine. Enjoy yourself...it is fun!

01-25-2021, 07:39 PM
Well, crows one and us zero. My buddy didn’t want to walk up into the woods where I always have them perch directly above me looking for the sound of crows fighting. Instead I set up in an open field and had them circling all over above the decoys and us...just out of range. I probably could have shot one or two but wanted an easy shot to show him how the crow game works. I believe he was excitedly moving all around watching all the crows and gave us away. After about 20 minutes of circling they had enough and left. I’ll have to try again with him up in the heavy timber at the end of the week once the crows have a chance to erase what they saw and heard from their memory today.

01-25-2021, 08:42 PM
New York Sept. 1 - Mar. 31 Hunting on Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. ONLY; No bag or possession limit
Fed Migratory Bird Stamp NOT Required; Rifles and electronically amplified bird calls or sounds permitted

01-25-2021, 09:52 PM
New York Sept. 1 - Mar. 31 Hunting on Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. ONLY; No bag or possession limit
Fed Migratory Bird Stamp NOT Required; Rifles and electronically amplified bird calls or sounds permitted

What the heck happens on Tue, Wed, and Thursday there? That might be one of the more bizarre regulations I have heard.

01-25-2021, 10:43 PM
Ontario Canada, open season 12 months. Considered a varmint. Used to hunt coyote/fox with a stuffed cotton tail on ground and had to manually call (electronics were illegal - 30 years ago - so mouth calls only). Had a TON of crows coming in all the time so we ended up laying rabbit on ground near hedge row, pour a small amount of ketchup next to it, hide and call away. Crows can see colour so the 'red' and rabbit and call drew them in like crazy. Jump up and just blast away. Do a few times to different groups, drive over to another concession and repeat. Good times. Another time a friend lived in the middle of a flyway that many, many different groups used all day long coming and going to a 'garbage dump'. Brother and I set up under a big tree (loaded 300 steel shot shells) and shot them all. Shoulder was purple for days. Also brought the 223 varmint rifle so if we winged some and they glided out of range (100-250 yards away) etc, they would explode. haha.. good times. Yeh they are extremely smart and cant be fooled twice. Enjoy.

01-26-2021, 06:14 AM
Aug. 8 - Oct. 9, 2020: Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Oct. 17 - Nov. 30, 2020: Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays
Jan. 9 - March 31, 2021: Mondays through Saturdays

heres how CT does it, I have to keep a guide with me all the time to keep track

01-26-2021, 06:37 AM
I also have to remember this!The crow season is open every Monday, Friday, and Saturday of each week from July 1 - April 10. You cannot hunt crow during the 2-week shotgun deer season.
we live on the MA/CT border and I hunt both states.
Sorry forgot to mention this is MA rules

01-26-2021, 06:59 AM
I have read some place you cook crow up like you would duck and just use the duck recipe when you cook them.

01-26-2021, 09:14 AM
My rechargeable batteries that normally last all day for several non stop calling sessions wore out after about 45 minutes so I ordered an 8 pack of rechargeable 2300 energizers this morning. Will be here tomorrow with free shipping. Same price as Walmart and saves a drive. I have so many AA rechargers laying around I bought over the years so I’m sure I’ll be set. I think I need to toss out all my old rechargeable AA batteries. Seems I don’t call enough as every time I want to use it what ever rechargeable AA batteries either won’t take a charge abs read defective or they last for about 20 minutes after charging. I think the ones I used the other day had to be at least, or over, 5 years old.

01-26-2021, 10:38 AM
When I was a kid in the late 50's and early 60's there was an old fella who lived down the gravel road from my Grandmother who would give us a quarter a piece for every crow we took to him. Yes, he ate them. Being young kids and crows probably smarter than us at the time, it did not turn into a career. I don't remember any details but I'm certain we operated at a net loss. At that time hardware stores and the one old time sporting goods store in my little Ozark home town sold low brass shotgun shells for a nickel each. High brass was a dime each. As there was no tax at that time on anything under 50 cents, a quarter was good for 5 shells.

01-26-2021, 11:04 AM
You guys got me wanting to shoot some crows. I hear they taste like deer meat. I never ate it, but I would.

When I lived in Japan there were crows (ravens) there that were frightening.

01-26-2021, 01:34 PM
If I still grew row crops or berries I'd be shooting them and hanging them from trees. they don't mess with my nut trees so I just let em be. they are very smart birds.
been there done that. 1 1/4 oz of #4 or #5 shot over a load of herco with 12s4 wad in federal shell out of a full choke works pretty well. but with this new pro reach powder you can gain 200fps, have yet to get any pro reach

white eagle
01-26-2021, 04:18 PM
My rechargeable batteries that normally last all day for several non stop calling sessions wore out after about 45 minutes so I ordered an 8 pack of rechargeable 2300 energizers this morning. Will be here tomorrow with free shipping. Same price as Walmart and saves a drive. I have so many AA rechargers laying around I bought over the years so I’m sure I’ll be set. I think I need to toss out all my old rechargeable AA batteries. Seems I don’t call enough as every time I want to use it what ever rechargeable AA batteries either won’t take a charge abs read defective or they last for about 20 minutes after charging. I think the ones I used the other day had to be at least, or over, 5 years old.

You need to totally discharge them once and a while
I have had some I have been using for years

45-70 Chevroner
01-26-2021, 04:26 PM
Unless it's changed it's always been shotgun only because WI considers it a game bird. It use to be posted in the regs every year that crows were shotgun only but I can't find it on anywhere in the WI PDF 2020 regs. I'm sure it's illegal because the DNR figures some Yahoo would shoot at crows flying or perched in a tree and send a bullet into orbit. Extremely dangerous IMO. I could see shooting them on the ground where there is a back stop.

Ed, I croc potted a crow breast a few years ago just to say I tried it. It wasn't bad but I dont plan on eating any more.

Yah I've eaten crow several times, especially when I get caught in a lie, I have really tried to quit telling lies though. My wife said do you really like eating Crow? I have no come back for that.

01-26-2021, 05:02 PM
I went to walmart and farm & fleet today just to see if there were any federal #4, 5, or 6's. Of course not, but I did grab a 100 rounds of 7 1/2 winchester super target 2 3/4" bulk 12 guage ammo for $21. Figured the time I needed some they would be gone to. I've tried them on crow in the past and it doesn't even faze them. It seems to work quite well for quail, dove, squirrel, and rabbit. I did shoot a couple turkeys with 7 1/2's under 20 yards along with a kicks .670 choke tube and it anialated them. I have a bunch of herters #1 steel shot 3"loads I can use if I run out of lead.

01-26-2021, 08:34 PM
What the heck happens on Tue, Wed, and Thursday there? That might be one of the more bizarre regulations I have heard.

Federal regulations only allow for so many days of hunting, by making it Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon it gives a longer season along with the most popular days to hunt.

01-26-2021, 08:39 PM
The crow is Mexico's national bird and if we regulated our crow hunting they put regulations on dove hunting.

Do you mean to tell us it is not the housefly?

01-26-2021, 08:41 PM
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/murdering-crows-in-new-yo_b_5035794?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMiYuYw8iyoC1YlGzUVcvCkaOeCY M_faVybNQwebkUHhcaPhA5c6KRzn-dMACjINNfD4JnemNx9GN08tq2flZc2xH8Nq9Dq-tLLHiGwjlqbMT5_3q5t81V0Kyuzd3n4uWhp1TsVTEiAOZZJETT yy4F0FVt3MdbGsiN4MRqucQM9M

Killing Crows in New York State
03/27/2014 10:56 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017

Did you know that in New York State (outside of New York City) it is legal to kill crows? While most other birds are protected under state laws, crows are not. Crows are highly intelligent, social creatures that live in multi-generational family units, according to birder and blogger Matthew Wills, he writes:

“[In] all of upstate and the rest of Long Island, you can actually murder crows from Friday to Monday, September to March, sunrise to sunset, with no bag limit; non-toxic shot and migratory bird stamp aren’t even required. Toxic shot can be carried by wounded birds to other animals who prey on the shot birds, spreading the poison. I had no idea this went on, particularly after West Nile fever did such serious damage to the American Crow population, and still remains a threat. There were several years in the Oughts when I saw no crows at all in Brooklyn.”

This weekend in Palenville, New York, a “Crow Down“ will take place — it is the fourth annual crow hunting contest over a two day period. According to Wills:

“The Rip Van Winkle Rod & Gun Club of Palenville, in Greene Co., hosts this particular crow slaughter — calling it a “hunt” or a “sport” would be a disservice to those words. It’s a contest to see who can kill the most birds, plain and sick. It smacks of a hold-over from the 19th century, when crows were persecuted as pests. Neither colorful nor cute, crows have never had a good reputation among those who aren’t familiar with them.”

There is currently a law being proposed by New York State Senator Tony Avella that would ban these crow killing contests along with other contests that target coyotes, squirrels, and other wildlife.

Senator Avella said, “The lack of oversight of these hunting contests, which oftentimes become animal slaughter contests, is incredible. Living in a State which recognizes the dangers of gun use, we should re-evaluate our approach to promoting countless wildlife killing as means of family entertainment.”


01-26-2021, 08:51 PM
What is next fishing

01-26-2021, 10:00 PM
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/murdering-crows-in-new-yo_b_5035794?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMiYuYw8iyoC1YlGzUVcvCkaOeCY M_faVybNQwebkUHhcaPhA5c6KRzn-dMACjINNfD4JnemNx9GN08tq2flZc2xH8Nq9Dq-tLLHiGwjlqbMT5_3q5t81V0Kyuzd3n4uWhp1TsVTEiAOZZJETT yy4F0FVt3MdbGsiN4MRqucQM9M

Killing Crows in New York State
03/27/2014 10:56 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017

Did you know that in New York State (outside of New York City) it is legal to kill crows? While most other birds are protected under state laws, crows are not. Crows are highly intelligent, social creatures that live in multi-generational family units, according to birder and blogger Matthew Wills, he writes:

“[In] all of upstate and the rest of Long Island, you can actually murder crows from Friday to Monday, September to March, sunrise to sunset, with no bag limit; non-toxic shot and migratory bird stamp aren’t even required. Toxic shot can be carried by wounded birds to other animals who prey on the shot birds, spreading the poison. I had no idea this went on, particularly after West Nile fever did such serious damage to the American Crow population, and still remains a threat. There were several years in the Oughts when I saw no crows at all in Brooklyn.”

This weekend in Palenville, New York, a “Crow Down“ will take place — it is the fourth annual crow hunting contest over a two day period. According to Wills:

“The Rip Van Winkle Rod & Gun Club of Palenville, in Greene Co., hosts this particular crow slaughter — calling it a “hunt” or a “sport” would be a disservice to those words. It’s a contest to see who can kill the most birds, plain and sick. It smacks of a hold-over from the 19th century, when crows were persecuted as pests. Neither colorful nor cute, crows have never had a good reputation among those who aren’t familiar with them.”

There is currently a law being proposed by New York State Senator Tony Avella that would ban these crow killing contests along with other contests that target coyotes, squirrels, and other wildlife.

Senator Avella said, “The lack of oversight of these hunting contests, which oftentimes become animal slaughter contests, is incredible. Living in a State which recognizes the dangers of gun use, we should re-evaluate our approach to promoting countless wildlife killing as means of family entertainment.”


What an idiot. This Tony Avella is an embodiment of all that is wrong with New York and the United States today.

01-27-2021, 07:46 AM
Bet he's a vegan also.....probably not. It's Huffington Post...anyone expect different? Fascist propaganda publicaation.

01-27-2021, 08:13 AM
I personally don't kill it unless I am going to eat. My pet snakes take care of varmints.

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01-27-2021, 08:17 AM
Gentleman Not to get political... But remember who is President and his followers. The Crow is the national bird of Mexico ! We must be One-World orientated.
So use your flintlock !!! Far more patriotic !

01-28-2021, 07:03 PM
I'll have to head over to Harbor freight to buy some rechargeable batteries. I watched a youtube video of the HF AA 's lasting on average a half hour longer than the 2300 rechargeable Energizer batteries. Two of the Energizers I bought off Amazon were defective right out of the package. The package was also marked 2018. I called Amazon and was provided a return barcode. I already dropped them off at the ups store and amazon instantly refunded my card.


white eagle
01-28-2021, 07:43 PM
those are the ones I have been using for at least 4 years now
just had 1 not take a charge tonight

01-29-2021, 05:55 AM
For over 40 years we have been calling crows and never had a battery wear down. Under normal conditions we pop 100 + crows each fall through winter.
Big plus using a lung powered call I can talk back to those vermin very personally. When they get ticked off they are coming for a end all fight.

01-29-2021, 12:15 PM
I dug up about 2 dozen of my old AA batteries I have laying around. Power X, Tenergy, and about a dozen ultimate lithium rechargeables that are marked from 2010’ and newer. I will drain all of them and then recharge for a second time. I will then test to see how close to 4.0 MA they are on my HF tester before I head over to buy about 16 AA replacements and toss out all the old ones. All goes well I’ll go out and try again tomorrow for the second day the crow should be settled down and hopefully their brains washed from being educated at the beginning of the week by now.

01-29-2021, 12:30 PM
16 x 1.5 = 24
So 24 volts?
Maybe rig up a power supply and a small 12 volt battery?




01-29-2021, 01:17 PM
I just remembered on the way to go charge my batteries I had a $15 rebate from Menards. The only thing hey had in stock above 2000 was the exact same 2300 energizers. It cost $7 out of pocket and if they fail I can run back and exchange them. They also had their 2000 mah off brand that had horrible reviews and raovac 1350 mah.

01-29-2021, 06:37 PM
Well, I charged all my old AA batteries dating all the way back to 2010. Most registered 3.8 to 3.9 OA on my HF volt tester. A couple were a little lower. I charged them again an just about all went to 4.0 to 4.1. I wonder if they needed a couple charges to bring them back to full capacity? I'll have to run them all and time how long my caller takes to burn them down now vs the brand new batteries. The energizers were all 3.6 OA out of the package. After the first charge 3.9 OA...and after the 2nd charge 4.0 OA.

01-30-2021, 06:08 AM
I had a buddy that laughed at me when I told him about calling crows. Took him a few days later and he was hooked.

01-30-2021, 08:53 AM
I have had good luck with the enloop rechargeable, am testing out the amazon house brand right now too. I also run some night vision and maglites on larger tenergy c and d rechargeable, but have recharged them so few times that i cant really say how long they last through many cycles. I think having a high quality smart charger is beneficial to getting all you can out of your batteries, I use a la crosse.

01-30-2021, 09:57 AM
I used my la crosse 1000 I bought years ago and never really figured out how to use it till the other day. The older batteries I tested with my HF volt tester. I charged those on an old 1 hour ravac charger. I'm guessing that with the older batteries that have been sitting around for a couple of years need to be recharged a couple of times in a row since the HF tester showed on average 3.8OA the first time around a d 24 hours later all tested 4.0 to 4.1 after a second charge. My brand new batteries energizer 23000 that were 3.6 oa out of the box only tested 3.9 the first time around and then 4.0 the second time. Out of all the batteries I had one that sat on the charger still charging when the other three shut off. The battery that was still charging was making loud popping sounds so I removed it from my charger. It took a full charge but I'll be tossing it. It was one of the 2010 energizers.

01-30-2021, 11:53 AM
I had some of those energizers from way back when to power a digital camera, garbage by today's standards. I use an EBL charger, which seems to be a very high rate of charge, to slap a rapid charge on the batteries occasionally.

01-30-2021, 12:10 PM
Mexico’s National Bird is the crested caracara
Do you get enough meat out of a crow to make it worth the 2.5$ shell? Around here I could pop them with my pellet rifle. Didn't really have many here till a couple years ago.

Texas by God
01-30-2021, 03:19 PM
A mouth blown predator call added to the crow call sometimes helps to get the murder of Cuervos mad and looking for the source. We used regular hi brass 20, 16, and 12 gauge loads with #4 through #7-1/2 shot with no problems. The .17HMR has proven to be great on them when they are sitting still. I grew up patrolling the pecan farm with a 788 22-250 using Hornady SX bullets- very effective!

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01-30-2021, 04:48 PM
Hopefully tomorrow I will finally get back out. I plan on using one of motion rabbit decoys with the crow decoy set up this time.

01-31-2021, 02:22 PM
I believe the treaty that establishes a hunting season for crows has a disclaimer that allows them to be "hunted" if they are threatening livestock, poultry etc or causing damage to crops. In those cases , depending on state regulation, the season is still open. Here we have pecan trees not 25 feet from the house. One year I was too busy to fend off the crows , blue jays and squirrels. That year the crop was about 2 qts in shells. Normally, this is a BIG tree ~100ft, the crop is from 1-2 bushels.
They can tell the difference between a firearm and a shovel or broom. And its been my experience that with their bird vision they can look back thru a scope and tell from the change in your retinal blood flow when you are going to shoot! That or a sixth or seventh sense. You can look back thru a scope from the objective end.

02-01-2021, 07:00 PM
I suck...shot at 3 crows and missed every time. I need to change out my kicks .670 choke tube and switch from #4’s to 7 1/2’s. I had a good 30 plus crow dive bombing my motion decoy through the tree line. They were flying in circles at Mock one....lol. I think I just got excited. I’ll give it another week again. I did catch raccoon #45 for the fiscal year. Caught it in a homemade snare out a garage cable I fabricated. The coons have been staying away from my dog proof traps lately. One was dumb enough to walk through my homemade snare I set up on a pathway though. For all of $3 for it. I cashed in the last three coon receipts ($5,$4, & $3) even up for another dog proof trap.

02-01-2021, 09:34 PM
Missing crows is real easy when they are in overdrive doing the fast flip flop evasion moves. I find 20-25 yards is where I can nail then the best with #6 or #5 shot at about 1000 fps from cylinder bore chokes. Much closer and you might as well use a rifle or an 18" scatter gun.
Best days are when it is low clouds or foggy. Then they fly low and cannot see real well until they are at that 25 yard zone.

02-04-2021, 03:43 PM
If I still grew row crops or berries I'd be shooting them and hanging them from trees. they don't mess with my nut trees so I just let em be. they are very smart birds.
been there done that. 1 1/4 oz of #4 or #5 shot over a load of herco with 12s4 wad in federal shell out of a full choke works pretty well. but with this new pro reach powder you can gain 200fps, have yet to get any pro reach

Farmbif, you are spot on with the #4's and 5's. I met a friend of mine at his hunting club one day for a crow hunt and brought along my Western Rivers cassette call and several boxes of 7 1/2's and #8 dove and quail shells. I figured what the heck, they are just a regular bird and I need to shoot this ammo up anyway. Well I got to shoot the ammo up all right and all I was getting for my troubles was a few feathers and downing an occasional close crow. One of the club members had a case of old Remington Express #2 lead shells that he donated to the club for just such occasions and finally my hunting buddy told me to grab a box of them and leave the "sparrow" loads in the truck. Presto- the crows started hitting the deck. I have since started using Estate high brass #4's and 5's and the results have been very positive. In my 11-87 with a modified choke it is a sure 40 yd killer and a very probable 50 yd killer if I do my part. As a side note, the modified choke patterns are more dense than the full! My decoys have a cup hook screwed into their back and I taped a 12' telescoping crappie pole to the ground stake and hang them in trees, pole and all. Sorry for the long winded post but you all have given me the bug to go crow hunting again!

02-07-2021, 02:30 PM
I take them with a .177 pellet rifle. Head shots. Got one at 50 yards a few years back off a power pole with a scoped .22 cal pump air pistol. I fitted it with a Walther Lothar barrel. This is off my deck in town. Pigeons, starlings, grackels and squirrels too. Been a while since I called some up on a slow grouse hunting day.