View Full Version : Mind is Going

01-20-2021, 10:48 PM
Decided to start casting my summer supply of 45 bullets yesterday. Got my Lee 6 cavity cleaned and lubed and fired up my Lee 20# pot at 5.5 Started casting and had problems with the spout on the pot freezing every two or three bullets. After checking my notes realized that my memory of what setting to use was wrong, always had used just over 6. Also noticed that cut sprues looked odd, round on the bottom. Looking things over realized that the mold had a troughed steel sprue plate. Didn't notice this when lubing the mold and honestly can't recall buying or installing it. I guess the mind is the first thing to go, although my wife said it was something else but I can't remember what it was.

Winger Ed.
01-20-2021, 10:58 PM
I've had similar type events like that.

Awhile back, somebody told me what the three signs of alcoholism are.

I'm sure the first one is senility.
Ahh,,,, I can't remember the other two.

Texas by God
01-21-2021, 02:17 AM
CRS is real, I think....

high standard 40
01-21-2021, 08:07 AM
I came to the realization that my memory is not so great a long time ago. I keep detailed notes for every mold I have. I check those notes before I plug in my casting pot so I'll know how to proceed. It saves time and frustration.

01-21-2021, 08:34 AM
CRS is real, I think....

Most definitely.

01-21-2021, 09:00 AM
I'm in the same boat, CRS has set in... I keep notes, then I write a note on where the notes are!!!

Has anyone seen my pencil...

01-21-2021, 12:44 PM
Apparently, it can sit in on a person in the mid 60's. I was cleaning out old emails and ran across one where I'd bought 1,000 once fired Winchester 38 Special cases. It was dated back to 2017. Now if I can just find the things. They are probably in the same bucket I tucked 500 once fired PMC 380 cases.


01-21-2021, 01:31 PM
I’m glad that I’m not the only one...

01-21-2021, 01:59 PM
I’m glad that I’m not the only one...

I'm hoping I have a mind left to lose, but I'm not all too certain of it. Been using some sort of electronic organizer gadget for at least 30 years now. Started with the old Casio DataBank watches, then their pocket organizers, and on and on, up to now using Android tablets and phones. I may still have two brain cells to rub together. Maybe. Not prepared to bet on it.

Winger Ed.
01-21-2021, 02:13 PM
Even before CRS set in, I was talking to the wife and said something along the lines of,
"You're making me crazy".

Quick as a cat, she told me I was already crazy.

01-21-2021, 02:42 PM
I have "threshold memory" when I cross a threshold I can't remember what I went in the room for. --- Olds-timmers disease.

Martin Luber
01-21-2021, 03:32 PM
Dr asked an old man if he had any bouts of memory loss..

Not that I can remember

01-21-2021, 03:45 PM
Welcome to my world.

01-21-2021, 06:18 PM
Careful what you say, they don't need another excuse to take your guns away.

Now, if I could only remember.......can it be CRS, threshold, oldtimers, or something else.


01-21-2021, 06:23 PM
Even before CRS set in, I was talking to the wife and said something along the lines of,
"You're making me crazy".

Quick as a cat, she told me I was already crazy.

I tell mine that it's better to be crazy than stupid!

Winger Ed.
01-21-2021, 06:29 PM
I tell mine that it's better to be crazy than stupid!

I wish I'd thought of that.
No, wait. I've learned sometimes its better to keep some thoughts to yourself.

If I said that, Mrs. Winger might grab me by the heels and beat me against a telephone pole
like something you'd see in a cartoon.:bigsmyl2:

01-23-2021, 06:16 AM
buy same thing again sure way to find the missing stuff.

01-23-2021, 06:56 AM
What,who said?:brokenima

01-23-2021, 12:50 PM
I have "threshold memory" when I cross a threshold I can't remember what I went in the room for. --- Olds-timmers disease.

I call it "thinking about the hereafter". I walk from the house to my shop and stop dead in the door, thinking to myself "What the Hell did I come out hereafter?"

Land Owner
01-24-2021, 07:05 AM

At the E.R. on January 20th a gentleman in his 70's, complaining of 'memory loss' and being tested for cognizance was asked, "Who is the President?

His reply, "Today or yesterday?"

Broke everybody in the E.R. up. He passed!

01-24-2021, 07:14 AM
I have 2 minds, ones lost, and the other is out looking for the first!

01-27-2022, 10:15 PM
I've been here for only a year or so. Until recently, had never seen a reference to CRS. The past two weeks I've seen it many times.

Now, I've had two types of cancer, covid and the flu. I had no clue *** CRS was. I asked my wife if she had ever heard of it. She spit her beer out of her nose while falling out of her chair and onto the floor laughing. After gathering herself and cleaning up after peeing her pants laughing so hard she told me what CRS was.

I'm sure that I knew at one point, but... CRS - I must have it.

01-28-2022, 12:47 AM
If one of my brain cells dies the other one will get lonely.

01-28-2022, 07:15 AM
So what again is CR ....and then I dropped the the ....

Mal Paso
01-28-2022, 11:56 AM
It's all in your mind!

Green Frog
01-28-2022, 12:53 PM
I’ve just about decided I’ve come down with a condition know as Halftimer’s Disorder. This means I remember stuff only about half the time. Unfortunately I can never predict which half will occur at what time. :???:


01-28-2022, 04:17 PM
what was i tal...........heh? what?

01-28-2022, 04:40 PM
even if you come down with CRS syndrome its helpful to write note to self to get the TP when shopping

01-28-2022, 06:56 PM
No hope for bullet casters, lead vapors has got you…..

01-29-2022, 01:05 PM
So what again is CR ....and then I dropped the the ....

CRS take your pick out of the 234 options.

Acronym Definition
CRS Course
CRS Certified Residential Specialist (real estate certification)
CRS Central Reservation System
CRS Can't Remember Stuff (polite form)
CRS Cost Reduction Strategy
CRS Consumer Relations Specialist
CRS Council of Residential Specialists
CRS Carrier Routing System (Cisco)
CRS Congressional Research Service
CRS Catholic Relief Services
CRS Coordinate Reference Systems
CRS Crisis Response System (various locations)
CRS Crisis Resolution Service (various locations)
CRS Controlled Release Society
CRS Coarse
CRS Common Reporting Standard (taxation; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
CRS Creditor-Reporting-System (OECD)
CRS Colorado Revised Statutes (State laws)
CRS Country Radio Seminar (annual trade show)
CRS Chronic Rhinosinusitis
CRS Crystal Red Shrimp
CRS Congenital Rubella Syndrome
CRS Cold Rolled Steel
CRS Community Rating System (insurance)
CRS Comparison Rate Schedule (finance)
CRS Commercial Resupply Services (contracts; US NASA)
CRS Creation Research Society
CRS Campus Recreation Services
CRS Certified Repair Station (US FAA)
CRS Christian Religious Studies
CRS Conflict Resolution Studies (various organizations)
CRS Child Rebel Soldier (band)
CRS Concave Reflex System (electronics)
CRS Children's Rehabilitative Services
CRS Coma Recovery Scale
CRS Corneal Refractive Surgery (eyes)
CRS Computer Reservation System
CRS Criminal Record Search (various locations)
CRS Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response (WHO)
CRS Computer Repair Service (various locations)
CRS Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (medical condition)
CRS Common Reference String (cryptography)
CRS Clinical Research Scientist
CRS Church of Religious Science
CRS Coastal Radio Station (US DoD)
CRS Community Relations Service
CRS Customer Ready Systems
CRS Cross Symbol
CRS Cisco Customer Response Solution
CRS Conditional Release System
CRS Certificate Request Syntax
CRS Child Restraint Seat
CRS Central Reconstruction Server
CRS Configuration Report Server
CRS Conversion Resource
CRS Cell Relay Access Service
CRS Cluster Ready Services
CRS Carrier Routing System
CRS Change Request System
CRS Cell Request Server
CRS Coastal Riverine Squadron (US Navy)
CRS Commission of Railway Safety (India)
CRS Classic Rock Society (UK)
CRS Civil Registration System (various locations)
CRS Court Records Search
CRS College Readiness Standards (education)
CRS County Road System (various locations)
CRS Centralized Reservation System
CRS Caudill Rowlett Scott (architecture firm in Houston, TX)
CRS Cost Responsibility Surcharge
CRS Commercially Reasonable Security
CRS Crash Recovery System (vehicle software)
CRS Constant Returns to Scale
CRS Chromatography Research Supplies, Inc. (Louisville, KY)
CRS California Relay Service (Sprint)
CRS Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service
CRS Cambridge Research Systems (UK)
CRS Customer Response Solution (software)
CRS Chief Review Services
CRS Cell Relay Service (ATM)
CRS Christian Record Services (serving the blind)
CRS Children's Rehabilitation Services
CRS Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité (French riot police)
CRS Cambridge Reference Sequence
CRS Commonwealth Record Series (Australia)
CRS Chilton Research Services
CRS Commercial Recreation Specialists (Verona, WI)
CRS Corporate Recovery Services
CRS Consumer Recreation Services (fictional company movie The Game)
CRS Colorectal Surgery (medical procedure)
CRS Computer Related Studies (course and degree)
CRS Corrosion-Resistant Steel
CRS Community Road Safety (various locations)
CRS Craniosynostosis
CRS Certified Road Supervisor (Canada)
CRS California Rally Series
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping
CRS Cost Recovery Surcharge
CRS Credit Risk Systems (various locations)
CRS Chairman’s Readiness System (US DoD)
CRS Community Relations Staff
CRS Compass Rose Society
CRS Clinical Reference Systems
CRS Common Reflection Surface
CRS Co-Operative Retail Society
CRS Care Record Summary
CRS Constant Rate of Strain (soil testing)
CRS Canadian Relief for Syria
CRS Chemical Registry System
CRS Console Replacement System
CRS Centralized Results System
CRS Central Receiver System (renewable energy)
CRS Calorie Restriction Society
CRS Container Recovery System (US DoD)
CRS Certificate of Release to Service
CRS Content Replication System (Microsoft)
CRS Chauffage Ramonage Service (French: Heating Sweeping Service)
CRS Centre de Réadaptation Spécialisé (French: Specialized Rehabilitation Center)
CRS Communications Recording Systems (Dictaphone Corp.)
CRS Colorado Resort Services (hotel company)
CRS Center for Rural Strategies
CRS Complete Resource Sharing
CRS Computer Recycling Scheme (Australia)
CRS Canadian Rose Society
CRS Customer Reservation System
CRS California Radiological Society
CRS Commercial Reservation System
CRS Corps Républicain de Sécurité (French: Republican Security Corps)
CRS Canadian Relocation Systems (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
CRS Component Repair Squadron
CRS Communication and Rhetorical Studies (academics)
CRS Contractor Referral Service
CRS Configuration Report Server (token ring)
CRS Cosmic Ray Subsystem
CRS Cosmic Ray Source
CRS Centre for Rhetoric Studies (South Africa)
CRS Certified Resource Specialist
CRS Conference Room Scheduler (software)
CRS Corporate Reporting System
CRS Cohort Random Sample
CRS Czech Radiological Society
CRS Career Retention Specialist
CRS Centre for Rhizobium Studies (Murdoch University, Australia)
CRS Customer Requirements Specification (Project Management)
CRS Computer Resources Support
CRS Christian Rauch Schule (Bad Arolsen, Germany)
CRS Certified Reimbursement Specialist (Professional Academy of Healthcare Reimbursement Specialists; Virgnia)
CRS Content Replication Service
CRS Center for Religion and Spirituality (Los Angeles, CA)
CRS Computer/Radio Subsystem
CRS Control and Reporting System
CRS Consultant Registered Surveying (Arizona)
CRS Consumer Research Solutions, Inc.
CRS Co-Operative Retail Services, Ltd.
CRS Common Registration Service
CRS Collection Resource System
CRS Contract Reconciliation System
CRS Chemical Reference Substance
CRS Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stability (State Department group - post-conflict operations)
CRS Cathode Ray Syndrome (band)
CRS Chromium-Reducible Sulphur (soil analysis test)
CRS Catering and Residential Services (University of Nottingham)
CRS Central Refrigerated Service (West Valley City, UT trucking company)
CRS Can't Remember Something
CRS Carpatho-Rusyn Society (various locations; also seen as C-RS)
CRS Consumer Response System
CRS Cranial-Rectal Syndrome :-)
CRS Cornered Rat Studios (Playnet Incorporated; game developer)
CRS Call Reporting System
CRS Change Request Sheet
CRS Churchill Road School
CRS Content Rendition Services (includes Autorender, Autorender Pro; Documentum)
CRS Camion Rempli de Singes
CRS Correctional Reporting System
CRS Conditional Reserve Status
CRS Complex Reconfiguration Study
CRS Communication Replacement System
CRS Current Readiness System
CRS Circuit Reset Sending (CCS #7 ITU-T)
CRS Coupe avec Réserve de Semenciers (French: Seed Cup with Reserve; timber management)
CRS Cataloging Reengineering System
CRS Creative Restaurant Solutions (Exton, PA)
CRS Custom Routing Service
CRS Camp Reception Station
CRS Combined Resource Systems, Inc.
CRS Centralized Referral System
CRS Cash Receiving System (ATM, banking)
CRS Consumer Radio Service (FCC)
CRS Contingency Routing Scheme (air traffic)
CRS Contingency Retention Stock
CRS Container Release System
CRS Commercial Requirement Specification
CRS Chamber Reducing Station
CRS Central Radar System
CRS CO2 Reduction Subsystem
CRS Catalog Reengineering System
CRS Clinical Record Service
CRS Contingency Response Squadron
CRS Council of Residential Sales (realty accreditation)
CRS Canyon Ridge School (Surprise, AZ)
CRS Conductivity Recording Switch
CRS Correction & Rehabilitation Squadron
CRS Center Road School (Vernon, CT)
CRS Crisis Response Survey
CRS Calibration Recall System
CRS Carolina Southern Railway Company
CRS Crew Reserve Status
CRS Capital Replacement Schedule
CRS Community Reimbursement System
CRS Centre for Requirements and Foundations (Oxford Universty)
CRS Cable Running Sheet
CRS Contractor Repair Support (USAF)
CRS Commitment Records System (Colorado)
CRS Component Requirement Schedule
CRS Command Relay Section
CRS Can't Repair Stuff (polite form)
CRS Current Research Summaries
CRS Customer Reserved Stock
CRS Communications Relay Set
CRS Certification Review Series
CRS Card Repository System (US Air Force)
CRS CIS Receiver Suite
CRS Codepoint Routing System (Sprint)
CRS Certified Reinspector Seminar (insurance)
CRS Cellules de Reflexion et de Suivi (French)
CRS Customer Representative Supervisor
CRS Compact Radio Station (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union; small computer-based radio)
CRS Customer Record System
CRS Cross Range Stick
CRS Child Restaint System
CRS Communications Realism Submodel
CRS Chloroplast RNA Splicing
CRS Cyber Research Systems Corporation (Terminator series)
CRS Combined Resource Solutions (Ext