View Full Version : Full auto .22

01-14-2021, 10:43 PM
I want one, but will never be able to get one.
Just looks like lots of fun.
With the price of .22 ammo, it will get expensive.

01-14-2021, 10:53 PM
Huge waste of ammo.
Was she actually firing at a target.

01-14-2021, 11:13 PM
Just ding the FP on your auto loader Did see the tube of guy cutting tree in half.

Ole Joe Clarke
01-15-2021, 09:27 AM
That's what I need for my Ruger Mk II's! I have a terrible time keeping them loaded, even with 5 magazines!

Have a blessed day,


01-15-2021, 09:35 AM
Bad training. Young Lady needs to be taught/learn trigger control - Full Auto is not SPRAY AND PRAY when utilized correctly. Someone mentioned it earlier; the reason I never bought a full auto out of the numerous opportunities at good prices I have had is because I know I could never afford to feed them.

It is enjoyable to watch the "Machine" work though.

Burnt Fingers
01-15-2021, 10:25 AM

That's pretty much a wet dream for any real gun owner.

01-15-2021, 10:30 PM
Yeah, that's all neat. Won't argue with those that want to go full auto. Not my cup of tea, all I can say.

01-15-2021, 10:56 PM
Coming for a precision competitive background I had very little use for full auto. That is until I got to play with them some. It's hard to have that much fun with your clothes on. Rambo-ing an M60 with a 200 round belt is something that you don't forget soon. Total waste of ammo but it does peg the fun meter. Same for just getting the barrels on M-16's glowing hot. Before anyone gets their undies in a bunch both the M60's and the M16 were being turned in for destruction and the ammo had to be expended.

01-15-2021, 11:09 PM
I'd lean towards a steel barrel sized down hand crank Gatling gun myself.

Full auto just is not that fun IMO.

I once knew a guy who took a ruger 10/22 bolt, put in a locking screw to lock the firing pin forward.
Once you pulled the trigger all rounds in the mag went. Happened FAST.

He had a squirrel hide he had shot and tanned. 10 elongated holes across the back, like ladder rungs. Each about 3/8ths of an inch above the one below it. Rrriiiipppp and done.

Scary as heck. I'll take mine one at a time thank you.

01-16-2021, 12:35 AM
If one gets to the Las Vegas area; there are several places where they rent full autos at indoor and outdoor range s(hopefully the "Range Master" doesn't have bad breath because they are going to be right on top of you as you shoot). Examples include:



By the way; bring boat loads of cash - it aint cheap.

Rick R
01-16-2021, 12:54 AM
When I was in the Academy they brought in some guy to “Show & Tell” with his NFA guns, one of which was an American 180. .22lr with a Lewis Gun looking drum on top that held a bunch of rounds and shot them at 1,200 rounds per minute.

They put a cinder block 15 yards down range and three or four bursts reduced it to a pile of powder. Looked like fun but us fledgling LEOs got to stand and watch only.

01-16-2021, 01:20 AM
I thought full auto was lots of fun.....as long as Uncle Sam was furnishing the ammo. I couldn't afford to feed one of those for very long on my retirement.

Stephen Cohen
01-16-2021, 01:43 AM
As an outsider looking in, I think you all missed the point, at least for the next few days your living in America the land of the free where such things are allowed. The rest of the world can just look on in envy at the freedom they wished they shared with you. Regards Stephen

01-16-2021, 06:30 AM
There used to be a cheap 22 rifle on the market called IIRC,a Gevarm A6 or A7 ......fired from an open bolt with a ridge across the boltface........just about every one would full auto after about 5000 rounds had been put thru..........these guns also had the charming feature of NO extractor.....and were responsible for dozens of accidental shootings and deaths.

01-16-2021, 07:57 AM
It looks like she did pretty well; Held steady and appeared to be aiming.
Machine guns were never intended for precision shooting or a high X count, they're "area denial" or "anti-materiel" weapons.
A good friend of mine built a half scale 1919 in 22LR and it's some of the most fun you'll ever have.

01-16-2021, 08:31 AM
My cousin was a machine gun collector. He had that 22lr with the 275 round drum clip on top and fired 25 rounds per second. He also had 3 thompsons, a German 9mm full auto and a M16. We were shooting them in my back field when a sheriff drove up. As he got out of the car he said " I don't believe you are doing anything wrong, but romebody filed a complaint. He was shown the permits for the full autos, and took down my name as the owner of the property. He went and told the complainer that we were breaking no laws.
Sorry to say my cousin is no longer with us. He was a fun guy.

Winger Ed.
01-16-2021, 05:23 PM
He went and told the complainer that we were breaking no laws.

Sounds like his neighbor was Mrs. Kravitz from 'Bewitched', or one of those refugees from California.

I got to fire a couple different machine guns in the Service, it was a hoot!
but also pretty well got it out of my system as far as wanting to buy and feed one.

01-16-2021, 05:37 PM

Check out the night time videos.


01-16-2021, 06:15 PM
Stephan talk to the Queen. I believe Canada allows its more remote citizens to have Bren guns. At least Bruce B had one before he moved back to the states. My full auto desire is a Thompson with drum magazines. Not worrying about feeding it, I can't afford to buy it at current prices. Do you think Joe Biden will let us make them again.

01-16-2021, 06:36 PM
Only full auto I've ever seen was marine at boot qual. Full auto BAR from the waist!. Don't want to be an ammo carrier for that or bazooka.

Texas by God
01-16-2021, 07:15 PM
I had the pleasure of firing one magazine each from a suppressed full auto Mac10 .45 and an M2 .30 Carbine one day; the .45 was controlled easier than the lightweight carbine- but what fun it was!

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

01-16-2021, 07:42 PM
Many years ago; we had a few similar to the picture (had quite a few more magazines in the case) and carried them on "Security Details" from time to time. If I were to part with the $$$ for a fun auto; I would have to return to one of my Sweethearts of my youth.


Stephen Cohen
01-16-2021, 07:42 PM
Stephan talk to the Queen. I believe Canada allows its more remote citizens to have Bren guns. At least Bruce B had one before he moved back to the states. My full auto desire is a Thompson with drum magazines. Not worrying about feeding it, I can't afford to buy it at current prices. Do you think Joe Biden will let us make them again.

I will have to check if the Canadians can have Brens. Some years back I was given two Thompsons by an old guy who was going into a home, one a drum and the other a stick mag and I gave both to a collector as I did not have the licence needed. I doubt Joe will allow you to keep anything if he gets his way.Regards Stephen

Stephen Cohen
01-16-2021, 07:54 PM
There used to be a cheap 22 rifle on the market called IIRC,a Gevarm A6 or A7 ......fired from an open bolt with a ridge across the boltface........just about every one would full auto after about 5000 rounds had been put thru..........these guns also had the charming feature of NO extractor.....and were responsible for dozens of accidental shootings and deaths.

It was the Gevarm E1 I believe your referring not the A7 or A6. I had an A7 in the 70s and it was a great rifle, I never herd of the E1 going auto without some modification but I did consider it an accident waiting to happen. Regards Stephen

01-16-2021, 08:44 PM

01-17-2021, 05:15 PM
Stephan talk to the Queen. I believe Canada allows its more remote citizens to have Bren guns. At least Bruce B had one before he moved back to the states. My full auto desire is a Thompson with drum magazines. Not worrying about feeding it, I can't afford to buy it at current prices. Do you think Joe Biden will let us make them again.

Back when I was with the local SO, we had 2 Thompson's. I was not impressed with them, fired them many times. They had some history to them. My hometown is where the "One riot, 1 Ranger," was first used. Later on, 1 was traded for 2 Mac 10s and a Mac 9 for the SWAT team. Deal done with a local dentist, the SO and an LGS going out of business. Later we were gifted with a Mac 11 by a family whose son died and they were left with an item they didn't want. I had to do all the paperwork on that--what a PITA! There's a lot more to the story, but I'll leave it there.

01-18-2021, 12:16 PM
Since May 1986, no new machine guns for civilians. A Mac M11/9 was $199 then, now $7500-8000. A $500 Colt M16 A1 then, now $25,000. I bout my first in 1999, a Reising 45. $1400 then, $7500 today. I am a range officer at the Knob Creek sub gun matches. Lots of fun.

Laws made machine guns now only available to the owners who can afford them. Of course, the same swipe of a pen could allow them again but.......