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View Full Version : I sure hope castboolits hosting provider is 2A friendly

01-12-2021, 08:52 AM
They're starting to silence the 2A crowd. Don't think this place isn't on the list to be shut down.


01-12-2021, 09:25 AM
Fellers today is the time to figure out where you will go electroniclly to be able to hear / read truth.

01-12-2021, 11:12 AM
IF the left has their way, there won't be any place.

01-12-2021, 11:22 AM
The electronic attacks have started.
Parlor, AR15 forum, and who knows what else.

01-12-2021, 02:00 PM
Save all the information you think you need.

All reloaders should have at least 1 or 2 good reloading books.

We reloaded before the age of computers and the internet, we can keep doing it even if they shut them down.

It will just be harder to get new information nd for new reloaders to get started.

01-12-2021, 02:38 PM
What are the chances they will also try to shut down on-line retailers like Midway, Graf's, etc., etc.?

01-12-2021, 03:18 PM
What are the chances they will also try to shut down on-line retailers like Midway, Graf's, etc., etc.?

I remember that being one of Bidens points from his website that he will end gun related online purchases as soon as he gets in and I'm sure more after that.

01-12-2021, 03:31 PM
Go Daddy... not good... Arfcom WAS on Go Daddy...

01-12-2021, 03:46 PM
I do believe this board owns its own server.

01-12-2021, 04:01 PM
I do believe this board owns its own server.

All they gotta do is block the domain and we are toast, server or no server.

01-12-2021, 04:12 PM
Hope for the best I am all going to say and go from there. I learn the old way from the manual. But learn alot on here also and other sites I am on.

01-12-2021, 04:21 PM
Gentlemen we are in uncharted waters. I was worried about the Second Amendment but didn’t think that the First Amendment would be in danger. All those books like 1984, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Atlas Shrugged that I read as fiction in my youth are now sounding like an accurate weather forecast.

01-12-2021, 08:04 PM
Many may remember a James Bond fun from a few years ago... Before the internet age... Still on the print and broadcast journalism period.

The evil genius seeking world domination was the ceo of a large media corporation. He claimed that because he controlled what people heard, read or viewed as news, he could direct the affairs and policies of governments.

Seems we are living that now.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

01-12-2021, 08:17 PM
Over the many years of reloading I have compiled “in print” the BANGER’S BIBLE that contains many pages of custom loads and comments about all the cal’s I reload for. All the tricks of the trad I have encountered, Pity those that rely on electronic/on-line media for their load data!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on the black-outs and such. I am ready!

Banger :guntootsmiley:

01-13-2021, 08:43 AM
Towards the O.P.

Bring it on,can't happen fast enough for me;

What "they" don't realize,and personally don't think a lefty can ever be educated enough to grasp what I'm about to say is....

The only reason alternate "sights and services" haven't been organized is there's been no need. Looking for gubment,or big brother to "fix" anything is how they got themselves in this position to begin with. So going,BACK to that entity looking for solutions to problems is just chasing their tail. The only reason we're still using 100+ y.o. ignition sources on small arms is because of this,no need to change. So when "they" shut down all 2A related discussion or practictioning,think for a moment..... in your perfect scenario,what exactly would you like to see? Free primers? 3D printed 1911 frames? Cast bullets that make JB's look stupid from a BR? Well,it's exactly these things that will start turning up.

Not going politics because there's a sub forum for that. No,this is about how the American spirit...... yeah,the same spirit that brought the freakin world the industrial revolution,SPEAR HEADED by the firearms industry. What makes anyone believe there won't be MORE problems after the gubment,fixes all our ills? So,the further I/we can distance from these "leaners"* ,the better.

*Leaner: someone who,leans on your racecar fender telling you how,he would build a car,if he had one.

2nd def: an office worker who relys on others because he's out of his element on whatever we're designing.

3rd: horseshoe term

01-13-2021, 09:04 AM
Get on elected officials and tell them to poor some could water on socialism.

01-13-2021, 10:23 AM
Over the many years of reloading I have compiled “in print” the BANGER’S BIBLE that contains many pages of custom loads and comments about all the cal’s I reload for. All the tricks of the trad I have encountered, Pity those that rely on electronic/on-line media for their load data!!!!!!!!!!

Bring on the black-outs and such. I am ready!

Banger :guntootsmiley:

The info I need for reloading and such is in the several books I already own, so no, I do not need this forum for THAT, but I do need this forum for moral support and just general chit-chat. Kind of like down at the local coffee shop.

01-13-2021, 12:22 PM
All they gotta do is block the domain and we are toast, server or no server.

Not 100% accurate. If the data is on a server, this forum can continue. While it might not be as easy to get to, it still would be. Worst case would be becoming an onion site.

That problem Parlor and maybe AR15 ran into was their data was in the cloud that some else has control over.

01-13-2021, 03:35 PM
I do believe this board owns its own server.


a server is nothing without the 'connection' to the internet.
i have ran a forum from a pc at the house but the bandwidth requirements were great.
even then, my internet service provider could have shut me off without a care.
my forum would have kept on running just fine but no one would be able to 'reach' it.

the software this forum runs on, vBulletin, is also a consideration.
perhaps the next update will 'take care of' unacceptable content?
vBulletin is not a 2A advocate.
(no one here is calling for a boycott of this forum for some reason)

the ability to do this goes back before the www.

running a dial up bulletin board for decades, i had issues with the phone company a time or two.
-you have 3 personal lines, are you using them for business, etc.-

dunno, hope things calm down.

01-13-2021, 03:40 PM
I believe that biden also mentioned stopping the online ammunition sales also. WTH did those parents teach their kids anyway?? Stealing from working people is a good thing??

01-13-2021, 04:03 PM
after my stroke, i was only given a 15% chance of life, so i'm not afraid of death, tho i don't want to die, i WILL stand up for my President Trump and the US Constitution. i signed up for the Army at 18yo and i took the Oath, which means a great deal to me. i will never stand up to fake president biden and his communism cronies. instead, i'll stand with Patriots on the firing line, instead of hunkering down with my keyboard.

01-13-2021, 04:24 PM
I consider it a national security issue that the President of the United States be able to reach the citizens of the United States . If the nation was to come under some sort of attack the Commander and Chief needs the ability to reach the masses .

01-13-2021, 07:28 PM
I am a HAM radio operator. It wasn't hard to pass a test and get a license, and another, and another, until I maxed/topped out in 2002. The past year has been re-acquainting myself (and my brother is too) with distance communications on minimal power. I'm not going into deeper detail, other forums for that.

The point is, a network of people have been prepping for disaster communications, and practice every day. Sure, our conversations are being monitored and so open conversation on specific topics are generally avoided. The HAM net, think internet, is alive and well. There are plenty of specialists who have been discussing and maintaining contingency plans on a continual basis, even in good times.

I was doing business with Midway and others decades before a computer. The post office isn't the only place that delivers correspondence. Think about that. There are plenty of patriots driving for various carriers to deliver news of the world. Heck, our American history is replete with news spread in writing, and delivered to those who could not read. But to all who can hear, they can listen and then send their reply.

Now is not the time for a call to arms. As it has previously been said, the urbanites depend on water, power, food, and sundries, provided by flyover folks. If trucks, trains, and planes can't get in, because drivers, technicians, and others choose not to cross the bridge into urbania, they will see they depend upon us, and should not just demand from us.

Gardening is hard on concrete, not impossible, but if all you know is having an order delivered by Amazon and Grub Hub, and don't know how to grow your own, you become dependent on the very people you despise. To those poor ignorant souls, I say live in the Venezuelan utopia of your creation. I have land in 3 states, mostly rural, and I can feed my family. Yes, I can make my own fuel and generate my own electricity, and if needs be, feed the smoke pole.

01-13-2021, 08:59 PM
I wouldn't be so worried but the Big Tech Companies are shutting down our politicians and even or elected sitting Presidents account .
I used to receive E-mails from the White House and my Congressman and Senator ... I no longer get any E-mails from any pro 2A politician . They have effectively been silenced ... the local newspaper is so Left Leaning it's not even funny... they no longer print stories that show any pro 2A persons in a positive light . A resident who started a grocery store chain in La. , who is now retired and no longer in the business had his picture run in the paper along with a story that IDed him as a Trump supporter... the next day a man was on TV organizing & calling for a boycott on all the stores .
I don't like that... he no longer owned the stores and he simply went to the rally ... he didn't take part in any illegal action but is now persecuted for being a Trump supporter .
I shop at one of those stores and will continue to shop there ... I guess I'm next once word gets out I might be Pro-2A .

Petrol & Powder
04-20-2021, 06:35 PM
History has shown that it is extraordinarily difficult to stop the flow of information. Of course that applies to accurate information and inaccurate information equally.
"Common Sense" written by Thomas Paine and published on January 10, 1776, is a classic example.
Radio broadcasts into NAZI occupied Europe is another incredible example of the difficulty in suppressing information. The ingenuity of the Dutch and the Poles in creating and hiding radios is fascinating history all to its own.
Printing presses and books have been the bane of all repressive governments since Guttenberg invented movable type.
POW's in the "Hanoi Hilton" communicated with each other via a tap code. Anyone that has worked in a modern prison will tell you that preventing inmates from communicating both within a prison and to the outside world is nearly impossible.
Even in today's world, information is transmitted in and out of regions under totalitarian control. Those oppressive governments with near total control of their population, STILL cannot clamp down on all external communication.

Some suppression of some platform in today's world is almost meaningless. It's like trying to bail out the ocean. It will be replaced immediately.

The real danger isn't the suppression of a platform. The real danger is the lack of intelligent people that can discern between propaganda and accurate information. Or people that possess the ability to question a source - ANY SOURCE.

Fear is a powerful motivator for all ideologies, liberal and conservative.

04-20-2021, 06:46 PM
there are a whole bunch of gun, shooting and hunting forums that use vbulletin and I'm sure quite a few are also hosted through their service just because of the free automatic upgrades and patches they provide. i can only guess that they are not anti gun leftists but I guess only time will tell

04-22-2021, 12:11 PM
I did a search for conservative friendly hosts. There are a few but no idea if they are any good. Seems to me one could be a nice niche in drawing users.

04-23-2021, 08:23 AM
Absolute worst case, host offshore.

My VPN provider is based in Panama where they have no logging laws on any server that they run worldwide. So if an alphabet agency wants records of activity by people using their service, they are out of luck.

I am considering moving some domains to a host located there in Panama. Then I will have complete encrypted pipeline to there for most activity that I do. Not that I need it, I don't like the government looking over my shoulder. Big brother and all.

04-23-2021, 10:00 AM
Absolute worst case, host offshore.

My VPN provider is based in Panama where they have no logging laws on any server that they run worldwide. So if an alphabet agency wants records of activity by people using their service, they are out of luck.

I am considering moving some domains to a host located there in Panama. Then I will have complete encrypted pipeline to there for most activity that I do. Not that I need it, I don't like the government looking over my shoulder. Big brother and all.

I dont know if that is secure I worked for one of the biggest LEO agencies in the US and if we wanted your intel it was handled by our IT guys who worked in conjunction with a alphabet agency and that was it.

04-23-2021, 10:33 AM
It all boils down to the logging. From home, my ISP sees a massive pipeline of data currently heading to a server farm in Charlotte (I can flip to other server clusters in seconds.). From there, any packets from my VPN link get intermixed with countless other packets so even if that access point is monitored, they've no idea of packet ownership. As long as there is no logging performed, and that is what I pay them to not be doing, it takes a massive effort to dig into it.

The other aspect is to use the TOR browser. It runs a tad slower; however, that is due to multiple encryption links from the browser to the destination website. I often see my TOR browser initiate a secure link to a TOR node in Denmark then a secure link to a TOR node in Canada and then to the eventual website.

I've worked in IT for 3 decades and am well versed in encryption and VPN tunneling. I do nothing illegal; however, if they want to monitor my online activity, they will have to work very hard for it. That is one reason why I have a VPN pipe straight to Panama. They can break the encryption but it will take time.

One down side is that when streaming, I get targeted commercials from the area where my VPN hits the internet. Charlotte Pools and Spas a lot.

04-23-2021, 10:57 AM
It all boils down to the logging. From home, my ISP sees a massive pipeline of data currently heading to a server farm in Charlotte (I can flip to other server clusters in seconds.). From there, any packets from my VPN link get intermixed with countless other packets so even if that access point is monitored, they've no idea of packet ownership. As long as there is no logging performed, and that is what I pay them to not be doing, it takes a massive effort to dig into it.

The other aspect is to use the TOR browser. It runs a tad slower; however, that is due to multiple encryption links from the browser to the destination website. I often see my TOR browser initiate a secure link to a TOR node in Denmark then a secure link to a TOR node in Canada and then to the eventual website.

I've worked in IT for 3 decades and am well versed in encryption and VPN tunneling. I do nothing illegal; however, if they want to monitor my online activity, they will have to work very hard for it. That is one reason why I have a VPN pipe straight to Panama. They can break the encryption but it will take time.

One down side is that when streaming, I get targeted commercials from the area where my VPN hits the internet. Charlotte Pools and Spas a lot.

Yeah our agency would send the request to alphabet agency then it goes down the pipe to interpol and the wco. We got one of the biggest human trafficker's using interpol wasnt much said about it in the states guess people are more concerned about the kardashians.