View Full Version : Overheated brass

01-10-2021, 10:12 PM
I normally pre heat my oven to 325*, put in my wet brass and shut off the oven to let them dry. After the oven had cooled, my wife went in and pre heated the oven to 350* with my brass in there for about 15 minutes before I retrieved them. Is this overheated brass going to shoot differently than my other brass ?. How long do I leave my wife locked in the basement ?.

01-10-2021, 10:21 PM
Grain structure starts changing just under 500 degrees annealed at 600

01-10-2021, 10:30 PM
If I had locked my wife in the basement, I would move, call my son and have him unlock it! :target_smiley:

01-10-2021, 10:53 PM
Why let her out? Just give her a long enough chain to reach the kitchen and problem solved.

country gent
01-10-2021, 11:13 PM
How many cases and what caliber? I would be concerned more about the double hit on the case heads and it being softened some. Primer pockets and rims may not hold up as good. Necks will slowly harden from sizing, crimping and firing. 15 mins time at 350 may have softened it more than we think. Normal annealing is 700-750* for 10-15 secs even at half temp the much longer soak time is the worry in my mind.

If its readily available brass set it back let her out and forgive her. If its rare, impossible to find, expensive, or hard to form brass then let her out and punish your self for not letting her know.:D

I would keep it separate and shoot it up first then move on to the rest if I could. I wouldnt want it mixed in with the other and piece mealing me with failures a case or 2 at a time

01-11-2021, 12:07 AM
About 30 Starline .40/65 cases and they probably reached a temperature of 350* for about 8 min.

John Boy
01-11-2021, 12:31 AM
Jed, take your wife’s hair dryer and a bath towel. Dump the brass on the towel. Fold the corners to make a tent. Turn the hair dryer on to high, max heat is 205 degrees and stick it in the opening of the towel. In approximately 2 minutes the wet cases will be dry .... and then let the Mrs out of the basement :)

I keep an old towel and hair dryer in the reloading room and have doing this for years

01-11-2021, 10:44 AM
Use your cases 350 is not to hot. Brass will work harden very fast. Run them through a full length sizing die a couple times and they will be hard.
Years back I bought a couple hundred .40-70 Bertram cases, awful stuff that would split length ways after 3-4 loadings. I took it out in the shed and put the rosebud on the torch and heated the pile of cases red clear to the head and let them cool and to this day I still use them and the splitting problem stopped.

01-11-2021, 11:55 AM
Possible problem is that they weren't put in a 350 degF oven. they were in the oven when it was turned on to get to 350degF, ever put food in a cold oven and turn it on? The bottom burns everytime. while I wouldn't worry to much I would keep tabs on that batch and observe.

01-11-2021, 12:58 PM
I have taken Tank Gunners recommendation and left, but called my son to let her out. Currently he is stationed in Spain but will get leave the first of February. He said after he saw his girlfriend he would drop by and let her out. He is a great kid, I do not know why his Mother and he are not closer.

01-12-2021, 12:15 AM
My thought is 'it is her kitchen, why did you not ask', Thats what would have gotten me in hot water with my ex.

country gent
01-12-2021, 01:05 AM

01-12-2021, 02:16 AM
I'm a pretty lucky guy , my wife loves to shoot also ..... last night ran about 60 45-70 starline , 50 45-70 hornady brass and a couple hundred 45acp through the cyclone. Then she helps me rinse , preheats the oven to 175 , puts them on her pizza pans and sets the timer for 1hr .
Today i get home , she has them all sorted and ready !!!!! If i ever locked her in the basement? She would shoot me through the floor before i made it out the front door Ha!ha