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View Full Version : When it's hard to trust the Lord

01-08-2021, 07:28 PM
Many are very upset by our elections of late. I understand. Where's it all headed? It indeed looks ominous and even threatening to many of us. Many are asking "How could you let this happen Lord!" Well, to start with, the Lord doesn't CAUSE things like this to happen, He merely ALLLOWS the natural and inevitable fruits of our sinfulness occur as they must.

We may not have CAUSED the election mess, but .... what did we do to PREVENT it? Little to nothing. We've become so fat and lazy because of the softness of our lives, that we let almost anything go without any real effort to deter it. Perhaps it's the Lord's way of teaching us a hard lesson that we need to learn very badly and very quickly??? We've been warned from the very start by our Founders and many times since, that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and liberty. And we've largely sat on our fat dead derriers for many years now, and watched evil and decadence to grow and evolve. Now, we've got a situation that I fear may take many lives before it's over. There are many who will NOT knuckle under and give up their freedoms, and others who'll follow their leaders into the gates of hell. It's time we considered very seriously just what side we're on, and what we're willing to do about it. "Unto everything there is a season," and I'm not sure I want to deal with the season that appears to lie ahead. All I know for sure is that I'll trust my Lord, no matter what comes to pass. Nobody likes not knowing what lies ahead of us, but ...... well, sometimes there's no other game in town. God bless us all, and God bless the USA

Der Gebirgsjager
01-08-2021, 07:53 PM
Hi Dennis...been a long time it seems. Yes, God's will be done in all matters. As you stated, I don't believe that he micromanages the affairs of men. He leaves things to us in most matters, to sink or swim. Afterall, he gave us the rule book to follow and told us that if we did so we'd enjoy plenty and success. We can immediately make the observation that approximately 54% of the nation's population has willfully chosen not to follow that path. On the other hand, he hears the prayers and supplications of his people and often answers them. We have that recourse.


01-08-2021, 09:05 PM
We can pray that this evil that is overtaking our country will eat itself, even as we prepare ourselves to defend our posterity. We older guys must use our collective wisdom and life experiences to encourage and guide our sons and daughters in these discouraging times. Above all we must recommit ourselves to prayer and revival of the Spirit within us. Nice to see you Again Dennis.

01-08-2021, 09:08 PM
Thank you gentlemen! I feel the same way. It distresses me to hear someone ask, Why did God do this? God did not do this, we did! I trust the Lord to do what He says He will do. And what He has told us is that He will use all things for the good. ALL things, good; bad or indifferent. What we need to do is to continue to pray, ask forgiveness for our nations sins and seek Gods will in all that we do. It sounds so simple, but it is hard to do. We must follow the Lord.

01-08-2021, 11:02 PM
Look at the bright side. Americans do not need the Bible....they have Twitter!!

You guys are living in the Dark Ages.

We will see censorship, we will see persecution, and civil unrest on a level that will be frightening. People will, in fact must, die. We have been blessed with Covid to help us get to the breaking point. We have replaced a leader with a traitor to guide our country. What could possibly go wrong?

01-11-2021, 03:15 PM
Dverna, I suspect you're right, but neither us can truly see tomorrow, so ... we wait, we watch, we listen and ... we read and reflect on our Bibles. None of us can see what lies ahead, nor can we truly know what we're best off doing about it. This is where faith comes into play, and it comes into play very strongly. I am unalterably Christian, but my body has its limits, and thcy're more narrow than when I was younger. All I know for sure is that i'm ready for whenever the Lord bids me come to him, permanently. There is a certain type of satisfaction that comes with that, that is unlike any other satisfaction. I pity those who are not ready. Whatever lies ahead, I am the Lord's, and I am His without reservation. If there's anything that supports a man's faith, this is it. God bless you all and God bless America.