View Full Version : 3 band Enfield sights

12-17-2008, 10:24 PM
Howdy, just want to throw this out there. I have a Enfield replica .577 cal. My problem is I just can't see the sights worth a darn. I figure after the War for Southern Independence there had to be plenty of these guns around like after WWII that were sporterized or modified. I want to add a set of sights that I can see but are period in appearance. Any suggestions?

12-18-2008, 02:23 AM
..............I've seen where guys have made a rear peepsight mounting plate that is retained by haveing some longer lockscrews made, and using them to retain it. This way you can get the sight back a usefull distance and closer to your eye. This will not alter your rifle. If you don't care about that you could have (or so it yourself) a tang extension welded on and then nicely shaped. Then D&T it for a tang sight.

For a front sight, if altering the rifle is no problem, get a dovetailed ramp and solder it to the barrel and install a tunnel insert type. If that is a problem then you could have a sleeve made and solder the ramp to it. The sleeve could be loc-tited, or epoxied in place. Or D&T'd in a couple places and brass screws used to retain it on the barrel.


Baron von Trollwhack
12-18-2008, 08:20 PM
I have seen a number of post CW sporterized muskets of many types in Virginia and North Carolina. Most relics I've seen were smoothbored, cut to half-stocks and had no sights at all. For a 3 bander I recommend a much thicker front sight blade and recutting the fine rear sight v to a pattern that you can see better with the thicker blade. Most of the Italian gun sights are loose, floppy, not repeatable in settings and require replacement if serious shooting is to be done. BvT