View Full Version : Rona got me on Dec 31, 2020.

01-02-2021, 08:59 PM
Covid-19 and 2020 just could not let me have a good year in 2021. Got a positive test on the 31st. Had to run to the ER today because my SpO2 dropped to 76. Get there and it was 96-100, they did a chest X-ray and it was clear. So they sent me home.

01-02-2021, 09:37 PM
76 is certainly a bad thing!

Hope things get better from here!

May God bless you and you have a speedy recovery!


01-02-2021, 09:51 PM
Thank you three44s

01-03-2021, 10:27 AM
Hang in there, my wife and I are still on the mend. It started with my wife thanksgiving week, she still has no sense of taste or smell. It’s a slow process to get rid of the rona.

01-03-2021, 10:37 AM
My wife an I spent a lot of the month of November locked down an sick. My wife is still coughing . There are still days when I am out of energy it takes along time to recover. Lost taste an smell but that is back now . Good luck take care of yourself.

01-03-2021, 10:46 AM
Sheesh hope you all get well SOON!! I had radiation to my neck and throat years ago which took out my taste buds, saliva glands, thyroid, and it was years before I got back the 45% or so of my sense of taste that came back, I know what you are going through losing the ability to taste and it's horrible.

Der Gebirgsjager
01-03-2021, 11:41 AM
Take it easy, 1911sw45-- we'll hope for a rapid and full recovery. Best wishes.


01-03-2021, 12:30 PM
My wife and I both had the rona back in August. I developed pnuemonia as well. The initial symptoms went away fairly quickly but the taste and fatigue lasted quite a while. Wishing you the best during your recovery.

01-03-2021, 12:44 PM
prayers sent sir... just look at it as a boolit casting vacation!!!!

01-03-2021, 02:42 PM
Hope you get better

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-03-2021, 03:17 PM
I hope you recover quickly!

I had it in March. I got lung damage from it and ain't worked since March. Dr says I'm disabled cause I caint do nothing without being so winded I have to rest. I can walk around a store only for about half an hour before I'm winded so bad I need to rest. I get winded and then I can't think. Got nodules in my lungs big as my thumb. Guess we'll see if I can actually get disability, since it ain't got better like they said it would. Give it a few weeks then a few months, then give it six months they said.

01-03-2021, 04:45 PM
Thanks for letting us know. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

01-04-2021, 03:29 AM
When they tested you for the chinese virus, did they also test you for the flu?????

01-04-2021, 04:32 AM
Hang in there and recover quickly.


01-04-2021, 12:52 PM
Abunaitoo no they did not test for the flu.

01-05-2021, 06:33 AM
Hope you kick its butt soon. Good luck.