View Full Version : Dripping BB's and large shot sizes

12-31-2020, 10:01 PM
I see this topic come up and there is a current thread running so I thought I would show my experiences.

Yes it can be done.....and no they aren't perfect. I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end despite the imperfections. :smile:

So I was dripping some standard size shot from my home made dripper. Size 4 to 8 depending on what nozzles I had fitted. Tried larger sizes and made some 2s once but it was very inconsistent and would dribble instead of drip. I have found with any lead dripping that there is a bit of a black art to it and some days it just works and others I struggle.
I was talking to a mate who is into shotguns and he said his shooting partner makes BBs for hunting as well as other sizes. My ears pricked and he gave me a tip to try.
Use a double holed dripper for one drip. Not something I had seen mentioned anywhere.
I started experimenting, broke more small drill bits ( I have a big collection of broken ones:cry::smile:) and finally had some luck.
The pics will show the details.
Ended up with 2 x .8mm holes to get a BB size shot. Smaller pairs of holes will make the smaller sizes.
For me it was just experimenting as I don't have a need currently for large shot sizes, still have some boxes of Win Super X BB from 1979 in the cupboard. These were made using wheel weights and fabric softener for coolant. I didn't try different temps, fluids or drip heights, I moved onto other projects.
Hopefully this technique, with the double holed dripper, will inspire someone else to take up the challenge and perfect dripping large shot sizes, there is plenty of scope for improvement and failure[smilie=b:[smilie=b::smile:. Post up your results.

My shot with a few Win BBs in the rubber band.

Good luck.

12-31-2020, 10:53 PM
I guess you didn't know that what you did is supposed to be nearly impossible.
What size pan are you using for the melt, please? I'm wondering, if the pan is "normal size" is the larger drips a result of having extra head pressure? I wish It wasn't so cold out in the garage. I'd plug all but one hole on my Littleton.

01-01-2021, 11:46 PM
Just a normal size pan I made and lead depth. I found that .8mm was the limit I could go before lead dribbled with two holes. Even .8mm wasn't always possible for some reason, maybe lead type.
With the two holes close together it formed one big drip. I had more consistency with two smaller holes, can't remember size shot I got. Just kept enlarging them to get BB size.
It was a lot of trial and error to get it to work but with two holes you have a chance of getting larger shot.
Hope you give it a try and improve on my results.


01-02-2021, 12:04 AM
This was my lead dripper, very basic. Have since pulled it apart and in slow process of improving it. Shown on first attempts making size 4 shot


Drilling the bolts for drippers is not easy with basic tools. So I made a jig for the dremel. Nothing hitech in my shed so I improvise the best I can.

