View Full Version : oh no, Mary ann died

12-30-2020, 07:01 PM
you know,
the professor and Mary Ann on gilligans island

rip dawn wells


12-30-2020, 07:04 PM
I just saw that, very sad news. She was a real sweetheart, and I grew up watching that show as a kid. RIP Dawn.

12-30-2020, 07:43 PM
So sad. I followed her on facebook. Just six days ago, she was all bubbles and going on about how she was being safe and making Christmas videos for family and really paying attention to the protocols.
But it got her anyway. :-(

12-30-2020, 07:53 PM
I saw her posts on Facebook all the time too, could be someone else managing her account, but had no idea anything was wrong.

By all accounts, she was a very nice person to everybody, not just the parts she played. Another entertainment icon gone in 2020.

12-30-2020, 08:09 PM
RIP Mary Ann !

12-30-2020, 08:34 PM
The REAL babe on Gilligan's Island.....

Don Purcell
12-30-2020, 09:45 PM
My wife's cousin met her and he said she was great, very friendly and approachable not a snob by any means. A real lady.

12-30-2020, 10:18 PM
I always thight she was better looking than Tina Louise. (Ginger) Rest in Peace Dawn, I loved watching you on tv when I was a kid.

12-30-2020, 11:51 PM
So sad. I followed her on facebook. Just six days ago, she was all bubbles and going on about how she was being safe and making Christmas videos for family and really paying attention to the protocols.
But it got her anyway. :-(

I saw her posts on Facebook all the time too, could be someone else managing her account, but had no idea anything was wrong.

By all accounts, she was a very nice person to everybody, not just the parts she played. Another entertainment icon gone in 2020.

I also followed her on FB. If her posts were generated by someone else, it had to be a long time close friend, because the posts were as sweet as her.

12-31-2020, 02:21 AM
Sad news. She was a very sweet gal. Met her up in Driggs, Idaho when i lived up there and she was always friendly and loved the community. She will be missed.

12-31-2020, 02:22 AM
I grew up watching that aswell. I remember when Gilligan's island turned color.

She was a beautiful woman. Even into her older years.


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12-31-2020, 04:28 AM
That is a shock.
She didn't look all that old.
I too grew up watching the show.
Can't count the time the question was asked...........
"Ginger or Mary Ann????"

12-31-2020, 05:53 AM
Yup, always answered MaryAnn. The girl you could be seen with around your friends, and bring home to mom. I’m getting old.

12-31-2020, 06:36 AM
Always answered Mary Ann too. Went to college with a guy who's dad went out with her. He said she was about what you would expect from watching the show. Very nice, positive and smiled a lot.

Be careful with all this "Died of Covid related causes" stuff.

12-31-2020, 06:38 AM
I was shock myself when I read that she died and she was the best part of the show. She add something to the show that Ginger did not. RIP Dawn .

12-31-2020, 08:10 AM
I watched the show. It was one of those shows that made me ask myself occasionally what my major malfunction was to be wasting my time on nonsense, and then I'd see Mary Ann smile.......

12-31-2020, 08:15 AM
I watched the show. It was one of those shows that made me ask myself occasionally what my major malfunction was to be wasting my time on nonsense, and then I'd see Mary Ann smile.......

Everybody needs an escape sometimes and with all that was going on in the world at the time, an awful lot of people needed one then. It's amazing to me that a three season 98 episode run could have such an impact on pop culture,

12-31-2020, 08:21 AM
Everybody needs an escape sometimes and with all that was going on in the world at the time, an awful lot of people needed one then. It's amazing to me that a three season 98 episode run could have such an impact on pop culture,

I really think the best part of the show was the intro. Everyone I know from my generation still knows the theme song by heart.

12-31-2020, 08:27 AM
Funny how they could make popular TV shows without violence ,hate,deviant behaviour,or social engineering .

12-31-2020, 08:38 AM
I really think the best part of the show was the intro. Everyone I know from my generation still knows the theme song by heart.

When I was growing up, after the show was canceled, it was a favorite sing along at Boy Scout camps and on school busses for field trips, I wouldn't be too surprised if it still is.

My youngest son is 25 and a college student and thinks like a lot of his generation does, we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but he's of good character and we just avoid certain subjects. He is pretty cynical, sometimes a bit too cynical for someone so young, but when he's here with us, that kid will stop whatever he's doing to watch an episode of Gomer Pyle or Gilligan's Island if we have it on. We watch more TV than we should, and 99% of it is MeTV or other channels that show old sitcoms and such. Maybe the people who produced them realized the need for brain decompression and Dawn Wells was perfect for shows like that.

12-31-2020, 08:51 AM
I like small aluminum bay boats. I always name them Minnow because I loved Gilligan's Island. My first time out after building my first boat I pulled up on a large random sand bar in the estuaries outside of Mayport, Fl. My friend and I got so lost in the fishing we didn't notice the tide change and the boat floated away. So we settled in and kept fishing while we called our wives. We were off and not worried about it. Military doesn't like it when you are UA and our spouses knew where we were. So we sure someone would rescue us eventually.

Our wives were so pissed and and scared. They called the coast guard, the sheriff and our moms. I would have swam through the gator water before I let the Coast guard rescue me (Navy pride).

We had enough beer and water and snack to last a few days. We are big boys and don't like missing meals.

Here comes the funny part. Where we were was about I dunno quart or half mile from a bridge... our wives were on the bridge looking at us with binoculars. The more fish we caught and laughed and had a good time the more pissed they got. They would call us and tell us stop laughing. Next funny part, about 2 hours after we called our wives, every 45 minutes to an hour the coast guard or sheriff would drive by us... we would wave high, they would wave back and keep going. Finnally the suns going down and we thought we had enough fun and fish. We did a hailing type wave to the sheriff and he pulled up. He laughed when he realized we were the bubbas he was looking for. I looked at him and said how the hell you think we got out here without a boat.

Unfortunately he couldn't take us across the river because the tide had changed again and his draft was too deep. But there were a couple flounder gingers putting by and he went and talked to them. They were mysteriously too happy to help. Once aboard their craft the over whelming smell of marajana hit me. I chuckled because think there might have been some unofficial bribery to encourage them to help me. So the took me to my boat.

I couldnt just leave the boat I had a 9mm and my wallet there which had my ID cards for base. So I needed it.

Now you might be asking why I didn't just dive in and get it while we watched it float away.... because God had a sense of humor and got involved. When I went to dive in while the boat was only a few yards away a Gator surfaced. I almost dove onto his back. I slammed on the brakes from a dead sprint and busted my butt sliding at the waters edge. I said hell no. Grabbed a beer and my friend and I went back to fishing. I dont like being in a spot were I am not the apex predator.

Now to carry on the tradition. Every time I get a new boat. I always stencil USS Minnow on it.

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12-31-2020, 09:28 AM
That's a great story.
Best part was the Wives calling you to tell you to stop laughing.

12-31-2020, 10:06 AM
That's a great story.
Best part was the Wives calling you to tell you to stop laughing.I like to keep my wife's life interesting. She would be board without me. I either the reason she is chagrined or laughing. There is no in-between. Jokes on her because I am still young. She has another 50 or so years with me before I even think about getting old and slowing down.

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12-31-2020, 10:12 AM
Everybody needs an escape sometimes and with all that was going on in the world at the time, an awful lot of people needed one then. It's amazing to me that a three season 98 episode run could have such an impact on pop culture,

Strange, isn't it? Take a look at Star Trek for example.

I also remember when it changed from black and white to color. I also remember that it started out serious like a lot of the shows and went into comedy along the way.

12-31-2020, 10:13 AM
I just heard about it last night. Sad news for sure - Gilligan's Island was watched and enjoyed by so many of us and the entire cast of the show brought a lot of laughs and pleasure into our homes. May she rest in peace and enjoy God's Kingdom.

12-31-2020, 10:33 AM
I was reading it only had three seasons. But it was one of the few shows that has never stopped airing.

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12-31-2020, 11:42 AM
Strange, isn't it? Take a look at Star Trek for example.

I also remember when it changed from black and white to color. I also remember that it started out serious like a lot of the shows and went into comedy along the way.

That is a formula that has worked for years, that networks seem to forget. A mixture of humor and drama are successful. The new version of Star Trek will fail, lost me after a couple shows.

Apparently Tina Louise was a bit of a prima donna when the show was on, always demanding more. I never heard anything bad about Dawn Wells. She did get busted a few years back for smoking pot, no big deal anymore.

12-31-2020, 11:59 AM
That is a formula that has worked for years, that networks seem to forget. A mixture of humor and drama are successful. The new version of Star Trek will fail, lost me after a couple shows.

Apparently Tina Louise was a bit of a prima donna when the show was on, always demanding more. I never heard anything bad about Dawn Wells. She did get busted a few years back for smoking pot, no big deal anymore.

The original Star Trek is one of my all time favorites, I still watch it a few times a week and never gets old. Strange the comparison, because it really is a polar opposite of Gilligan's Island. It seems TV shows didn't have long runs like they do now, even successful ones.

I remember when they did the made for TV reboot movies in the 70s of Gilligan's Island that Tina Louise was the only one who wouldn't have anything to do with it. I also read some where that Jim Backus and Natalie Shaefer (Mr. and Mrs. Howell) developed a very strong, non-romantic, friendship bond that lasted the rest of their lives and when he was dying of some kind of debilitating condition, she was almost his full time care giver.

Alan Hale Jr., of course was in everything from Bonanza to Andy Griffith to Batman. His father was a long established actor as well. I have read in many places where he was a real prince of a guy who always had time for fans.

Russell Johnson was a B-25 pilot in WWII who was shot down in the Pacific and badly wounded as a result, you see him come up in Twilight Zone and similar shows often and was in some B grade sci-fi/horror flicks of the 50's.

It was a good cast, they had chemistry and worked well together.

12-31-2020, 12:11 PM
We would get off the bus at 4pm, eat one of our six meals a day- 7am snack, milk cows, 10 am breakfast with dad, 1pm dinner, 4 pm lunch, 6 pm dinner, 9:30 pm cereal. That's when we were home all day.
If we lolligagged dad would be in the house threatening Gilligan. Wed say that's Flintstones or green acres - my favorite but to dad it was always and only Gilligan. Sometimes he'd get mad enough or maybe the word.is disgusted we'd go on a tv vacation for a month. Then, he'd threaten us with breaking the tv with a hammer like a neighbor did. He bought a new tv and two days later broke it with a hammer and kept it on a rock pile in the cow yard for the kids to look at it every day. He was more intense than my dad.

12-31-2020, 12:16 PM
We would get off the bus at 4pm, eat one of our six meals a day- 7am snack, milk cows, 10 am breakfast with dad, 1pm dinner, 4 pm lunch, 6 pm dinner, 9:30 pm cereal. That's when we were home all day.
If we lolligagged dad would be in the house threatening Gilligan. Wed say that's Flintstones or green acres - my favorite but to dad it was always and only Gilligan. Sometimes he'd get mad enough or maybe the word.is disgusted we'd go on a tv vacation for a month. Then, he'd threaten us with breaking the tv with a hammer like a neighbor did. He bought a new tv and two days later broke it with a hammer and kept it on a rock pile in the cow yard for the kids to look at it every day. He was more intense than my dad.

We had to throw down silage from the silo every day. Dad would not mechanize with a silo unloader like all sane people did. He'd tell other fathers my brother and I were his silo unloaders.
If we didn't get the 70 scoops of silage down the cows wouldn't be fed. Us kids were given responsibility early.

12-31-2020, 12:21 PM
How about the battles the GIs in Vietnam over which was more of a babe- Ginger or Maryanne?

12-31-2020, 12:52 PM
Mary Ann was wife material.... but Ginger was a looker for sure. Glad Mary Anne had my heart though. She was gorgeous into her finnal hours. Ginger aged like milk on a hot counter. Look her up for a recent picture. She looks like the one would kick the bucket any day now.

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12-31-2020, 12:56 PM
Mary Ann was wife material.... but Ginger was a looker for sure. Glad Mary Anne had my heart though. She was gorgeous into her finnal hours. Ginger aged like milk on a hot counter. Look her up for a recent picture. She looks like the one would kick the bucket any day now.

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Saw a fairly recent picture of the two of them side by side and you are definitely not kidding. Dawn Wells must have been living right for sure.

That said, before Gilligan's Island Tina Louise was in a movie with Robert Ryan called God's Little Acre, and wow, just wow.

Texas by God
12-31-2020, 01:04 PM
I always answered "Both"!

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12-31-2020, 01:09 PM
I always answered "Both"!

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Yeah, if I'd been Gilligan, I sure wouldn't have been in any hurry to get rescued from that island.

12-31-2020, 01:12 PM
I always answered "Both"!

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12-31-2020, 01:34 PM
Dawn Wells, for some of us there's nothing to be said, Mary Ann was THE ONE. That gal you hoped when you grew up and it was time to settle down, you'd find a Mary Ann. Even as a kid, I figured Ginger was what we now call a high maintenance woman. Besides, I guess there's just something in my default settings that pretty brunettes will get my attention every time.

As for TV in general these days, I've seen nothing I care to keep up with. For a lot of us here, let's face it fella's...they don't make TV or movies for us. We're not in the targeted age group. Seem's women have far less problems with it than men. Hallmark, Food Channel, HGTV...etc.

Rest in peace Dawn Wells.


12-31-2020, 03:04 PM
I actually haven't watched cable TV in 2 years. I have Crunchy Role and Netflix for Anime (dont judge me, I am still a 35 year old man child). Then youtube for Real Life crimes. That Chapter, Explore With Me, FBI Files and Forensics Files are awesome.

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12-31-2020, 06:04 PM
Sad news! RIP Dawn, you will be missed.

country gent
01-01-2021, 12:05 PM
Dawn wells had that down home country girl charm. Her eyes always seemed to have a mischievous sparkle, Her smile seemed to light up the room. Yep I was taken with here too.