View Full Version : Profanity

12-28-2020, 12:46 PM
Browsing around on some of the other gun forums, and reading some posts of interest. Like most of you here, I enjoy the reloading, shooting, hunting posts.

But why is it, that many people that post, answer posts, or comment, have to use 4-letter words, f-bombs and vulgarity to express themselves? (Thankfully not here on this site!)

I worked all my life in coal mines, construction, and stone quarries with rough neck, redneck and hard boiled men, and have heard and used about all the descriptive language anyone can think up.

But all these men were polite, courteous, and mannerly when in meetings, with females around, or public places around others.

Today on many forums, and in the comment sections, there are rude and disrespectful mutts who can't communicate without vulgarity. When I read this trash, I am gone.

I would guess, most of these trash-talkers think that using vulgarity and f-bombs make them seem tougher or more intimidating.

Most of these types, in my estimation, are fearful little punks, who are insecure, and have to present an "image" of being a tough-guy.

Real men don't need to be vulgar to communicate or get a point across.

Just my feelings about communicating and conversing with others. [smilie=1:

12-28-2020, 12:51 PM
Yet another reason I really enjoy this community.

12-28-2020, 12:52 PM
It has been my experience that vulgarities take the place of intellect and lack of thought.

12-28-2020, 12:52 PM
Eloquently stated and accurate.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

12-28-2020, 01:00 PM
Couldn’t agree with you more. I meet more and more younger people (I’m an old geezer) who do this without thinking. They drop the bombs in ordinary conversations. I even see a good percentage of females doing it. I was buying a string trimmer at a local hardware store one day and my wife was with me. The young fellow showing me what products the store had on hand kept dropping the F-bomb just describing each model. I finally asked him to stop doing it, it wasn’t necessary for me or my wife to hear it since it didn’t add anything to our buying decision. As an after thought I called the store the next day and spoke to the owner. I asked if the employe who I dealt with was a relative of his. He said that he wasn’t. I told him about the employ’e language the night before and told him we bought the trimmer we wanted in spite of the language he was using. I mentioned that I didn’t like it, especially in the presence of my wife. He thanked me for letting him know and said he wasn’t aware of the problem and he didn’t approve of it himself. I never saw that kid again. I hope he learned a lesson he could use on his next job. FWIW, I didn’t intend to get the kid fired, but I thought the store owner (someone I knew for many years) should be aware of how his employees were representing his business.

12-28-2020, 01:21 PM
Polite, courteous, and mannerly must be learned. When you do not have intellect, thought, honor, character and respect you end up with uncouth individuals.

We as a group have the tools to easily do harm, but we do not. Some are bound by the law of man. I am bound by GOD.

12-28-2020, 01:25 PM
Career Army and four years of all male military academy before that, I've known guys who made profanity a fine art and have to admit to having a foul mouth too, but I can also turn it off when in company where it isn't acceptable and do that on web forums where you never know who might be reading (ladies, kids).

Bottom line, it's a bad habit and one I need to work harder on never doing it, if I can shut it off in mixed company I should cut it out all the time.

12-28-2020, 02:20 PM
I’ll admit that I’m guilty. I’m doing better though.


12-28-2020, 03:03 PM
I cussed like a sailor before I became a career sailor. I do my best to be aware of my surroundings but when I get comfortable the bad words flow without me thinking.

We actually had this discussion yesterday at work. I told them I am religious. I dont swear or curse or use the Lords name in vane. What comes out of my mouth is just bad manners and vulgar. It hurts people's minds. The Bible even gives examples. I still dont understand how people get confused between cuss words, curses and swearing. They aren't the same.

Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk

country gent
12-28-2020, 03:03 PM
The art or skill of debating has died out, a lot of people cant discuss or argue a point with out getting vulgar or nasty. I too can get nasty and vulgar with the best but chose not to. To a lot loud nasty and vulgar is seen as winning now. I tend to get quieter when arguing or debating. Yes when I have an opps smash a thumb or finger, or do something I knew better than I will swear but very seldom at other people. One thing I find interesting is most using this language rarely know what they are implying or saying with it.

By getting quieter you force people to listen to you, You can actually sometimes diffuse a situation. At the least you come out as the "reasonable" one.

In the shop or field is one thing in the house restaurant or public is another

12-28-2020, 03:53 PM
I too am capable of letting the inner-sailor out on occasion such as when I hit my thumb with a hammer etc. 8 years in the NAVY followed by a decade in steel fab/welding sure made a habit for me. I had to go cold-Turkey and give it all up to shake the habit.

My kids (all adults with families) understand this and play the game I made up years ago where if you swear, you go downstairs and grab the dictionary, find the word you MEANT to say and share that with the group.

It has become funny and nobody gets sore, they understand now that there are a lot of alternatives to profanity.

12-28-2020, 04:35 PM
To the OP I couldn't agree more. If I notice myself cussing I try hard to stop and for the most part I'm quite successful. Now that being said I don't think I've ever felt the need to answer a post or make a comment in any forum with profanity.

Der Gebirgsjager
12-28-2020, 05:52 PM
It is gratifying to see so many unsolicited comments that confirm the CB Forum's policy of "No bad language at any time." I do not have much time in as a moderator, and since profanity wasn't part of my previous membership, I had to learn the rules myself. They are not complicated, but have one peculiar quirk, which I shall explain.

Like I said, the policy is "No bad language at any time", but a Censor Feature exists in the Forum software that will screen out it's use. If you write a prohibited word such as the "F bomb" in all it's four letter badness, the Censor Feature will automatically screen it out and replace it with four asterisk....****. That is not considered a violation. But, if you attempt to get around the Censor by writing the F followed by 3 asterisk to represent the letters you are attempting to disguise it is considered an attempt to bypass the Censor and an infraction is issued. Many have been issued for this violation.

O.K.--so do not ask me to explain this reasoning, because at present I do not understand it. It's no bad language at any time, but it's o.k. if you write the bad language and it's censored out. It's not o.k. if you attempt to disguise the word yourself, which is sort of self-censorship, and have it be censored out.

Far better to express youself without profanity. Profanity really isn't descriptive about the subject, if you think about it, and run a few possible examples through your head. All it may do is to add emphasis about how you feel about a thing or subject, but lacks descriptiveness, such as blue truck, or bad engine. **** truck doesn't really tell the reader anything except that maybe you don't like it, which you could say in plain English.

I'm glad that so many are agreeable to the Forum's profanity policy. For those members who just "signed up" but didn't bother to read the rules.....well, now you know.


12-28-2020, 06:36 PM
Career Navy, leavened with working around farmers, construction workers and mechanics. I watch my language around ladies and children.

I don't know why, but I can say words face to face that I am uncomfortable writing. It just seems so juvenile to write and post curse words.

Although I still remember the Chaplain in boot camp (Catholic Priest who was a former F-4 pilot) coming in and stringing together about five f bombs in a row, and telling us it was just words.

I still don't feel right writing bad words.

I like coming here knowing I can show anyone a post without screening it for inappropriate language.


12-28-2020, 06:39 PM
I think a lot of online vulgarity comes from the appearance of the speaker being anonymous. The train of thought being, if they can't find out who you are, they can't do anything about your misbehavior.
Also, many sites/forums don't want to expend the effort required to control such poor behavior.

12-28-2020, 06:45 PM
Browsing around on some of the other gun forums, and reading some posts of interest. Like most of you here, I enjoy the reloading, shooting, hunting posts.

But why is it, that many people that post, answer posts, or comment, have to use 4-letter words, f-bombs and vulgarity to express themselves? (Thankfully not here on this site!)

I worked all my life in coal mines, construction, and stone quarries with rough neck, redneck and hard boiled men, and have heard and used about all the descriptive language anyone can think up.

But all these men were polite, courteous, and mannerly when in meetings, with females around, or public places around others.

Today on many forums, and in the comment sections, there are rude and disrespectful mutts who can't communicate without vulgarity. When I read this trash, I am gone.

I would guess, most of these trash-talkers think that using vulgarity and f-bombs make them seem tougher or more intimidating.

Most of these types, in my estimation, are fearful little punks, who are insecure, and have to present an "image" of being a tough-guy.

Real men don't need to be vulgar to communicate or get a point across.

Just my feelings about communicating and conversing with others. [smilie=1:

You said it well and I completely agree . Having a business of my own I'd not say anything to a cussing customer if we were alone . But if there were women or children around I called them down on it in a heartbeat . It always amazed me when people did it........both men AND women now days .

12-28-2020, 07:06 PM
In writing you consciously have to curse or use vulgar words as your fingers and brain have to spell the word out and you think as you spell. There is no oops. Also most spelling checkers will catch them. That feature exists when replying to another's post here. The stars for letters in a sequence of text may let us adults surmise what that word is but to many youngsters or family oriented members it is not apparent and is less vulgar then the raw word.

As Hichok and others have so eloquently stated the lack of cussing or allowing cussing on Cast Boolits is refreshing in todays day and age. No_1 insists this rule be uniformly enforces and we see the benefits as you have all expressed.

John Taylor
12-28-2020, 07:13 PM
It takes an effort to change ones language. I was in the Navy years ago and learned many new words that would not normally be used in mixed company. After my two daughters were born I didn't want them learning the same language so I stopped using it. Every once in a while the old words get to the tip of my tung but I refuse to let them out.

12-28-2020, 08:41 PM
The goal of this site is to be "family friendly", so anyone can view the forum and not have to shield their wives or children who may be looking over their shoulder. I just checked the viewership and there are 766 people viewing the forum at this moment. Of those, 192 are members, and 574 are guests, and it's anybody's guess who those guests may be. If you get curious, any member can scroll to the bottom of the main page and see who is online at the moment, along with how many members and how many guests. It varies by the minute.

It's refreshing to be able to read posts here and not have to sift through the vulgarity to see what the actual meaning is. I've been on forums in the past where that wasn't the case, and I no longer belong to those other forums.

Don't get me wrong, I swear, but not on forums. After a stint in the Marine Corps, and 26 years as a cop, I know my way around the swearing bush, but I make a conscious effort to not post anything that I may regret posting at some future date, or that I would be embarrassed to have a small child read.

I would also like to thank the vast majority of members on this forum for making it a great place to visit, and to learn. It's also a place to exchange ideas and to "talk" to like minded individuals.


Old School Big Bore
12-28-2020, 09:00 PM
About 2004 I was standing in a checkout line in the uniform of my then-agency, and about two spots in front of me was an idiot talking full volume on his cell phone, blasting an F-bomb every other word. I spoke up with, "Dude! You're in public! There are ladies and children here!" Without looking back at me, he blew out another F-bomb aimed at me. As I reached forward past the lady between us to tap his shoulder, she raised up a number-whatever (BIG!) can of beans or something and brought it down right on his noggin. He fell like he was pole-axed. The lady looked at me and started, as if she were in trouble, and I grinned at her. The line just stepped around him until the store security guy and a bag-boy drug him over to the security office.
Gotta love a happy ending.
Ed <><

Good Cheer
12-28-2020, 09:04 PM
About the only thing around that makes me want to cuss are the people on the evening news that sit there earning a living deceiving you with a straight face. Yeah, I know they don't write that stuff but they can't be so stupid as to not know what they're doing. My solution is to not watch TV.

12-28-2020, 11:19 PM
Sadly, foul language has become a form of punctuation. That said, I've often said over the years that one's intellect was inversely proportional to the frequency of cuss words used in ones everyday language.

12-28-2020, 11:25 PM
When I see/hear vulgarity, I see/hear ignorance of language.

12-28-2020, 11:34 PM
Never around women or children, but I'm guilty at cursing at the TV.

12-29-2020, 05:26 AM
Sometimes the rules are a little to strict here, but that is just my opinion.
I understand where they are coming from.
I remember this from school days........
"Pornography....... I can't described it to you, but I know it when I see it"
Same could be said for Profanity.
Remember gay used to mean happy.
How many people know that today.

12-29-2020, 07:53 AM
I grew up with construction jobs and my whole family was in it. I drop the bombs occasionally but not in normal conversations. I did have a rule of no cursing (excluding the damns and such) in my house. Kids hear enough at school and from their peers and they did not need to hear from their parents at home. My ex was guilty and couldn't understand. She had a couple over who were very rich, white trash. Every other word was the f bomb and they spoke like that to their kids and kids responded with the same. Told them not allowed in my home and if could not comply they had to leave. Ex was embarrassed but to bad. My home, my rules (just like here). My grown son will use it when speaking to me and if to much he is reminded about using it. Told him it shows a lack of intelligence if you have to use it constantly to express yourself. I still cuss but try not to in front of others.

Lloyd Smale
12-29-2020, 08:00 AM
sailor for 8 years and learned some fine language. I try to catch myself and not use it around women and children but bottom line is if i do its sure not the first time they heard it. More likely then not that first time came from there parents. Ive heard men and women, smart and dumb swear. Ive got a t shirt that says " how does it feel to be so weak that mere words make you nervous"

12-29-2020, 08:33 AM
Sometimes the rules are a little to strict here, but that is just my opinion.
I understand where they are coming from.
I remember this from school days........
"Pornography....... I can't described it to you, but I know it when I see it"
Same could be said for Profanity.
Remember gay used to mean happy.
How many people know that today.

Words like gay changing meaning becomes an entirely different issue. Saw recently where someone called someone else out for using the term "Retarded" as being offensive, but if you look up the definition, to retard something is to hold it back or limit it somehow, which is exactly what a mental disability does to a person and I remember when I was young, people used it as a perfectly acceptable term for mental disability.

I'm sure there's a million other examples of similar words that have changed meaning over time like that, hard to keep up with them all.

I've been on a lot of web forums and pages and have to admit, this one is pretty good about being civil and polite. The old handloads.com was the best one in terms of gentlemanly conduct I've seen, but this one i far better than most.

12-29-2020, 09:21 AM
It is the same for tv and movies.....I can remember Red Skelton saying: "You dont have to be vulgar to be funny!" Two to three generations with less going to church; watered down manners; and "It's all about me!" mentality has led to the sorry situation that we now face......I am no saint but I do watch my mouth around children and ladies....but just cant quite kick the bad habit....

12-29-2020, 09:35 AM
Repeated through this thread is, "not around women or children."

Maybe it's because I am a Gen X'er, but honestly, that statement seems absurd.

Can anyone explain why a man would be OK with sounding ignorant of Language in front of other men, and not when in front of women or children?

12-29-2020, 10:36 AM
Banish the use of the four letter word...

12-29-2020, 10:57 AM
good Anglo Saxon words .

12-29-2020, 12:14 PM
The art of profanity is the ability to call someone an SOB, without them realizing it for a day or two.

Come to think of it, I hear more profanity from women and kids than men. A couple women I know could cuss the paint off a barn. One of my neighbors comes to mind. She came From Spain years ago, and her first job was in an Alaska logging camp. To say her grasp of English was greatly influenced would be an understatement.

12-29-2020, 02:02 PM
Banish the use of the four letter word...

Love is a four letter word.
So is wife but sometimes, I am a little conflicted about that one.

12-29-2020, 02:12 PM
I believe one of the reasons why profanity is more prevalent today is because of television, and the slow evolution of profanity that has become allowed to be used on TV. A lot of "mild" profanity has become household words that we would never have seen used on TV, say 50 years ago. It's just become more accepted now I suppose, and has worked it's way into everyday conversation.

12-29-2020, 02:32 PM
Banish the use of the four letter word...

So, accordingly your post should read:---Banish the use of the ---- letter ----??

So much of what is acceptable these days is predicated on some flakes' concept of what is politically correct, and, accordingly on the inability of automatic programs to differentiate between what was said and what was meant.

We will soon reach a point where the most dangerous surgical procedure we can experience is a tonsillectomy, since no one will dare to open their mouth and tonsils will need to be removed anally!

12-29-2020, 02:45 PM
Words change their meaning over time. There was a time when the word collaborator was not a derogatory term.
Nearly any term/word can be turned into a "bad word" over time.

I just looked up the definition of the word profane. It is written so broadly that almost anything could be profane depending on the individual point of view or specific religion.

Elmer Fudd
12-29-2020, 02:50 PM
The art or skill of debating has died out, a lot of people cant discuss or argue a point with out getting vulgar or nasty. I too can get nasty and vulgar with the best but chose not to. To a lot loud nasty and vulgar is seen as winning now. I tend to get quieter when arguing or debating. Yes when I have an opps smash a thumb or finger, or do something I knew better than I will swear but very seldom at other people. One thing I find interesting is most using this language rarely know what they are implying or saying with it.

By getting quieter you force people to listen to you, You can actually sometimes diffuse a situation. At the least you come out as the "reasonable" one.

In the shop or field is one thing in the house restaurant or public is another

Well said. Maybe I can add that we could go back to dueling. The rules of dueling do not allow for insults or vulgarity in public, among other things. They keep a man (or anyone) from infringing upon others without having a big lead ball lobbed at them.

12-29-2020, 03:02 PM
People often become obnoxious and insulting(trolls) when they believe there cannot be any retaliation to stop them. The only reason they survive is it is illegal to kill them.

12-29-2020, 04:22 PM
Old poem

Banish the use of the four letter word
Whose meaning is never obscure
The Angles and Saxons were hardy old birds
Who were vulgar, obscene and impure
But cherish the use of a weasely phrase that never quite says what it mean
Better be know for your hypocrite ways than as vulgar impure or obscene

Now there are times when plain speaking is out
When Ladies God bless them are milling about
You may wee wee m make water or empty your glass
Go for a walk, even Johnny may pass
Stop by the road, see a man for a dog
When everyone's drunk its condensing the fog
But be pleased to remember if you would have bliss
Tis only in Shakespeare do characters ####

Times change and I am failing to change with them the language of the modern young people sadden me, especialy to hear a sweet young gal curse like a drunken sailor.

My poor attempt at levity.

12-29-2020, 09:15 PM
Saw some list from a university that they want certain words banned like "picnic" because they have twisted it to mean servitude of blacks or some other bull. These folks need to be canceled, not the words. Unbelievable.

12-29-2020, 10:14 PM
People that curse are not smart enough to use proper language, so they go lazy, I mean to learn proper English and so they curse. So that reveals their intelligence level.
Ole Jack

RU shooter
12-29-2020, 10:22 PM
Yep I see it on other gun related sites I belong to . It feels like I'm listening to a group of school kids . It's very nice to come to this site and have conversations without the profanity . My entire life I've never have heard my dad swear not once in my 52 years . I remember way back when I was in my teens and I cussed within ear shot of him . He snatched me up right quick and told me in very clear terms that he has to hear that talk all day at work and he will not hear it in his house . I've worked with iron workers and fab shop guys all my life and have heard and said it all with them in the shop , after we all walk out the doors when the whistle blows that all stops . Shop talk stays at the shop .

12-29-2020, 10:36 PM
I find I'm more comfortable talking with someone is profane.

Some times someone who is more restrained about their use of words is concealing their true intent.

I wish sometimes we could ban people for their misuse of their, there and they're.

12-29-2020, 11:26 PM
I can line up many of the words we are discussing the lack of here with the best of them, . . . .

but, . . . .


Thoroughly enjoy the lack of such language on this site!

Lloyd Smale
12-30-2020, 06:13 AM
The art of profanity is the ability to call someone an SOB, without them realizing it for a day or two.

Come to think of it, I hear more profanity from women and kids than men. A couple women I know could cuss the paint off a barn. One of my neighbors comes to mind. She came From Spain years ago, and her first job was in an Alaska logging camp. To say her grasp of English was greatly influenced would be an understatement.

my experience as well. Jesus once said. LET THOSE WITH NO SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE

12-30-2020, 07:54 AM
Quick statistics:

Below is the data for the following infraction: Inappropriate Language - Language Censor Violation

1st offense - 418 infractions issued
2nd offense- 55 infractions issued
3rd offense - 15 infractions issued

500 infractions for language may seem significant but considering the other statistics:

Member count - 51,373
Total Threads - 248,987
Total Post - 3,673,430

I realize we don’t catch every instance but with only 500 infractions from ~ 3,600,000 post spread out over 25 years I believe most members feel the same way as I do when it comes to language which is why this place is the best on the planet!

12-30-2020, 08:13 AM
*** you talking about Willis?

12-30-2020, 08:26 AM
i agree

Wayne Smith
12-30-2020, 08:49 AM
It is gratifying to see so many unsolicited comments that confirm the CB Forum's policy of "No bad language at any time." I do not have much time in as a moderator, and since profanity wasn't part of my previous membership, I had to learn the rules myself. They are not complicated, but have one peculiar quirk, which I shall explain.

Like I said, the policy is "No bad language at any time", but a Censor Feature exists in the Forum software that will screen out it's use. If you write a prohibited word such as the "F bomb" in all it's four letter badness, the Censor Feature will automatically screen it out and replace it with four asterisk....****. That is not considered a violation. But, if you attempt to get around the Censor by writing the F followed by 3 asterisk to represent the letters you are attempting to disguise it is considered an attempt to bypass the Censor and an infraction is issued. Many have been issued for this violation.

O.K.--so do not ask me to explain this reasoning, because at present I do not understand it. It's no bad language at any time, but it's o.k. if you write the bad language and it's censored out. It's not o.k. if you attempt to disguise the word yourself, which is sort of self-censorship, and have it be censored out.

Far better to express youself without profanity. Profanity really isn't descriptive about the subject, if you think about it, and run a few possible examples through your head. All it may do is to add emphasis about how you feel about a thing or subject, but lacks descriptiveness, such as blue truck, or bad engine. **** truck doesn't really tell the reader anything except that maybe you don't like it, which you could say in plain English.

I'm glad that so many are agreeable to the Forum's profanity policy. For those members who just "signed up" but didn't bother to read the rules.....well, now you know.


Let me point out one exception that I ran into years ago. There really is a file that is appropriately described with a 'bad word' and always has been. That is the only example of the censor over controlling that I have found.

12-30-2020, 09:29 AM
It has been my experience that vulgarities take the place of intellect and lack of thought.

Yes I agree with this.

12-30-2020, 10:04 AM
I do not believe in hate speech - there is only speech. I am 100% for free speech. Free speech does not infringe on the rights of others. If you want to demean my parentage to my face, it is your right. To do it in a public form may infringe on my rights if it is not true. Rough language and actions do have a place in a civilized society and should be applied appropriately.

Civility transcends the law. Civility is more that politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech, it is a way of life we all should strive for when dealing with others of a similar mindset.

There may be times in our lives where civility has no place. “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” Many on here have been / are those men. In conflict the goal is to vanquish the opponent and do so while preserving body and soul.

12-30-2020, 10:10 AM
Agreed, Hate speech laws in the US should be totally unconstitutional. But like everything else, we move towards socialistic CONTROL.

But on topic, I've found that I tend to unfortunately fall into whatever is around me. When I worked in rough crowd with a lot of profanity, I likewise responded more promptly with profanity.
When I worked in more 'genteel' areas, I found I was man out and would work towards curbing use of some words.
Unfortunate that I would do this, and I recognize it... Guess I'm somewhat human too.

There are situations where some folks just can't help it, or don't want to, or feel it makes them equal or better, I don't know, but I do cringe occasionally.

12-30-2020, 10:20 AM
I'm new to this site and happy to see the family focused discussion. Refreshing.

12-30-2020, 10:38 AM
I'm new to this site and happy to see the family focused discussion. Refreshing.Monobill, good to have you here![smilie=s:

12-30-2020, 10:45 AM
I don't think it could be said any better than your comments Hickok.

I think we've all been guilty of using the "King's English" at times - we're all human but that doesnt't make it right. Like you, many of us have worked around crews, etc. where the un-necessary works flowed. I remember working as a supervisor in a small plant where most of the employees were woman when I was in college. That taught me a good lesson that the swearing and cussomg were sometimes worse than any I had heard come out of a man's mouth - so it isn't a gender thing.

I have a Facebook page - never post on it but I set it up as two gals that are like daughters to us post pictures of their kids, etc. - and of course you end up having "friends" - other people that you know that want to have access to your page. My wife has read off some o their posts and I couldn't believe some of the things they post (foul language) - to the point the I have lost all respect for them.

Spouting off and using foul language doesn't make a man a man - or in some cases a woman a woman - the ability to be a gentleman or a gentlewoman and express yourself in a civil manner is what shows the true character of a person - to get respect you have to give respect.

Hickok -hope you had a good Christmas holiday and have a safe and Happy New Year. Let's all hope that 2021 is better than 2020!


12-30-2020, 10:58 AM
use em or not, either way I dont support censorship. I can abide for things like this forum, (your house, your rules) but in general, in public, free speech is still a right. It may expose you in any number of fall short of the mark ways, but its a right, and I wont stand behind any censorship

Burnt Fingers
12-30-2020, 12:44 PM
I speak fluent Marine, and I'll take my knowledge and grasp of the English language against anyone.

Those saying anyone who curses is lacking in intelligence are posturing, perhaps they feel insecure?

12-30-2020, 01:01 PM
Frustration brings out the salt of the earth in me.
Personally, if you can’t find a better word to express yourself, quantity trumps quality every time! [emoji1783]

Lloyd Smale
12-30-2020, 02:20 PM
I do not believe in hate speech - there is only speech. I am 100% for free speech. Free speech does not infringe on the rights of others. If you want to demean my parentage to my face, it is your right. To do it in a public form may infringe on my rights if it is not true. Rough language and actions do have a place in a civilized society and should be applied appropriately.

Civility transcends the law. Civility is more that politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech, it is a way of life we all should strive for when dealing with others of a similar mindset.

There may be times in our lives where civility has no place. “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” Many on here have been / are those men. In conflict the goal is to vanquish the opponent and do so while preserving body and soul.

Problem is the difference in free speech and hate speech is who is saying it and who is receiving it and which side your on. Time and place is the real factor. On here its not allowed. Ill admit i was one of those that got my hand slapped. Matter of fact more then once. But I sure couldnt argue it. Its not my house. I have to abide by the rules. As i would in your house but bottom line is swearing or foul language is not against the law and what is vulgar to one person might not be to another. So in public you have no more right to tell me how to talk then i do you. That is freedom of speech. If i come up on some women in walmart cussing up a storm I have a choice. LEAVE. Being told how i must talk is the description of socialism.

Thin Man
12-30-2020, 02:36 PM
One lesson I learned many years ago is that profanity is the efforts of a feeble mind to express itself forcibly. Too bad that others were not taught this lesson.

12-30-2020, 02:40 PM
****can? The software removes **** but leaves the word can. Spell it out and let the software do its job. $hitcan, shi+can, *hitcan as well as any version of any foul word you can think of will earn an infraction lickity split. Just spell it out.

Let me point out one exception that I ran into years ago. There really is a file that is appropriately described with a 'bad word' and always has been. That is the only example of the censor over controlling that I have found.

Lloyd Smale
12-30-2020, 04:40 PM
One lesson I learned many years ago is that profanity is the efforts of a feeble mind to express itself forcibly. Too bad that others were not taught this lesson.

Well ive heard our president swear. Ive heard doctors swear. Ive heard about everyone swear. Heck ive even heard preachers swear. Like i said before let the one without sin cast the first stone. You didnt do two things in my parents house. You didnt take Gods name in vain and i to this day wont do that and you didnt use the f word. Those rules apply in my house too. But walmart and other public places arent my house. Telling someone how they MUST talk is no differnt then telling a football team or a school there name is offensive or telling someone that a civil war memorial offends them. The real world is out there. Deal with it.

12-30-2020, 05:25 PM
One lesson I learned many years ago is that profanity is the efforts of a feeble mind to express itself forcibly. Too bad that others were not taught this lesson.

Tell that to any military commander/leader and prepare to receive a lesson you will never forget. [emoji1783]

12-30-2020, 05:54 PM
Language of the ignorant.

Browsing around on some of the other gun forums, and reading some posts of interest. Like most of you here, I enjoy the reloading, shooting, hunting posts.

But why is it, that many people that post, answer posts, or comment, have to use 4-letter words, f-bombs and vulgarity to express themselves? (Thankfully not here on this site!)

I worked all my life in coal mines, construction, and stone quarries with rough neck, redneck and hard boiled men, and have heard and used about all the descriptive language anyone can think up.

But all these men were polite, courteous, and mannerly when in meetings, with females around, or public places around others.

Today on many forums, and in the comment sections, there are rude and disrespectful mutts who can't communicate without vulgarity. When I read this trash, I am gone.

I would guess, most of these trash-talkers think that using vulgarity and f-bombs make them seem tougher or more intimidating.

Most of these types, in my estimation, are fearful little punks, who are insecure, and have to present an "image" of being a tough-guy.

Real men don't need to be vulgar to communicate or get a point across.

Just my feelings about communicating and conversing with others. [smilie=1:

12-30-2020, 05:54 PM
I spoke up in a meeting at work, just got tired of hearing it, always talked to people / co-workers like I would like to be talked too, my boss told me profanity was a sign of intelligence?

12-30-2020, 06:10 PM
I spent a long time in the military and Law Enforcement. Worked the oilfields as a young man. Heard every one of the words and met many who could form entire sentences using them. Was raised by parents who did not allow them in the house. Dad was an Ironworker who worked around some very rough people. Most he would say around the house was a ****(something that holds back water) or a slang form of Hades. Was called out by Mom every time he did. We were taught that "polite" people did not use those words, except in occasions where you would not offend anyone. Basically, if you couldn't speak civilly, keep your mouth shut.

Der Gebirgsjager
12-30-2020, 07:08 PM
After chatting with another Mod we decided that it would be fair, informative, preventative, and wise to discuss one more profanity-related subject.

Who has ever heard the term "Grawlix"? I had never, in my 78 years, heard the term until lured in to the field of moderation. As of just 2 or 3 months ago, it was a "new one on me."

The most commonly offered explanation of Grawlix is symbols used in place of cuss words, and the example most often cited is the comic strip "Beetle Baily," where Sarge becomes infuriated at Beetle and starts cussing. But instead of cuss words the text is a string of meaningless symbols found on the top row of your keyboard by depressing the shift key, symbols such as @$%&! meant to replace or disguise bad language. No, you don't "gotcha me", 'cause I'm not using it to hide anything, just as an example of what it looks like!

It is a Cast Boolits policy that Grawlix is not permitted, as this falls under the "No bad language at anytime" rule. This is sometimes a toughie to enforce fairly, as the reader has to use his imaginationas to what the writer means. On the other hand, the writer has intent to indicate bad language. Really, it is another software censor feature avoidance. Use of Grawlix will usually result in a warning or infraction.......so that's another thing to avoid.

No one likes to be told that what they've written or said (or done) is wrong. Everyone has an EGO, some larger than others, and egos are often easily bruised. Some get smacked and just roll with the punch, others develop a long-lasting resentment, and still others become so offended at being corrected that they say goodbye to the Forum. Some of those who can not adjust to the correction offered have the Forum say goodbye to them. Most of us just happily continue to associate with our forum friends with point noted, and future problems avoided. :D


Der Gebirgsjager
12-30-2020, 07:18 PM
That was my Official Duty post. Now, my regular, ordinary, just another member-type post, this is a very interesting thread.

So many who have commented have confessed that on the job, under certain circumstances, etc., that they are confirmed cussers. The "My House, My Rules" thing has been brought up several times. So, I just want to say that although I regard you all as good guys and brothers in the world of casting, shooting, and guns, if you actually come to my house to visit and start cussing you'll be asked to leave. Avoid the embarrassment. Kind of the same thing here, No. 1's house, avoid being embarrassed.


12-30-2020, 11:47 PM
****can? The software removes **** but leaves the word can. Spell it out and let the software do its job. $hitcan, shi+can, *hitcan as well as any version of any foul word you can think of will earn an infraction lickity split. Just spell it out.

I don't know, but I think "lickity split" should be added to the list :mrgreen:


12-31-2020, 04:59 AM
These days many of what was Taboo, is now common everyday sayings.
Many words no longer have the same meaning as they did in the past, and offend many people.
Strange time we live in these days, when you are expected to know what offends others, even though it didn't in the past.
Also, different things, might offend people in different parts of the country.
I've also noticed those in the military, use many terms not allowed here, as part of their normal everyday language.
I remember when I was real young, and "Sticks and stones, will............." was taught to us all the time.
I guess it was just another lie we were told when young.
Kind of like Santa, tooth fairy, baby stork, politicians are smart honest people, etc.............
Would be helpful, if there were a list someplace, where we could check.

12-31-2020, 08:37 AM
Some years ago ,the TV news aired the secret recordings of corrupt cop Sgt.'Chooky' Fowler recieving huge bundles of cash .......he said F this and F that so many times ,he was almost unable to make an understandable phrase,or coherent sentence.......Ive never heard the like of it,which includes army,construction,factories etc.,and he was a long serving copper ,.presumably dealing with the public on many ocassions.

12-31-2020, 09:24 AM
Tell that to any military commander/leader and prepare to receive a lesson you will never forget. [emoji1783]

I've been out a while now, but watched things get pretty politically correct over my 24 years, seems to have gotten more so. Honestly, thinking back on the conduct that was acceptable back in the day, some of the increased emphasis on professionalism isn't a bad thing, but it has gone a bit far in some circumstances.

12-31-2020, 10:04 AM
I don't know, but I think "lickity split" should be added to the list :mrgreen:


The granddaughter doesn't even allow the use of the idioms for swear words. With the exception of 'What the hay?'. For some reason, that one she didn't ask me what it meant or why it is used. She likes living with hard truths, so expected me to tell her the real meaning of what words meant.

I hope I ain't in trouble for this post.

12-31-2020, 11:29 AM
Ive no problem observing the rules of a forum, as its someone else's space, but im not keen on people supporting blanket suppression of speech and ideas on the excuse of civility. They are words, possess meaning, add context and viewed vital enough by the Framers to be included in the Bill of Rights. Verbal eloquence with regard polite society is as arbitrary as anything out there, it has no worth. I know terrible people who do not curse, I know wonderful people who do, and its as useless an expectation as banning the color blue.

Der Gebirgsjager
12-31-2020, 12:21 PM
Some here are obviously in favor of allowing bad language in their speech, and the speech of others, but prove our point by not having to use it to state their case.


12-31-2020, 03:34 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with the OP!

We're not a bunch of Puritans here, and profanity doesn't burn our ears, but there is a place for civility and respect. Refraining from profanity at times is simply a sign of respect. I'm surprised that it's such a controversial thought to some here.

I find it sad that our culture has been dragged down to the lowest common denominator. A coworker expressed dismay a while back, wondering why some people disapprove of rough language around women and children. He said that everyone uses that language, even women and children. Well, in his little world maybe they do, but not in mine. Somehow he thinks it's appropriate to force his values on me, but not vice-versa?

I'm not judging anyone for the way they talk or live their lives, but a little civility and respect is a good thing.

12-31-2020, 10:53 PM
Saw recently where someone called someone else out for using the term "Retarded" as being offensive, but if you look up the definition, to retard something is to hold it back or limit it somehow, which is exactly what a mental disability does to a person and I remember when I was young, people used it as a perfectly acceptable term for mental disability.

I struggle with that one. I have a cousin who has Downs Syndrome, whom I love dearly. I have a soft spot for folks with Downs Syndrome and would never use the term disparagingly towards them.

But I use the term quite often to insult and denigrate behavior, actions, and people. Been trying to limit it, but it seems like it is more and more needed these days.

Texas by God
12-31-2020, 11:36 PM
I learned to cuss from my peers, not any adults or my parents. I became and remain quite adept at it; but I have always possessed a location/ situation FILTER that keeps me from sounding like an ill mannered rude man. My FILTER went sorta missing after my skull/ brain injury- so I quickly learned to issue a disclaimer before conversations. Thank goodness it came back as my head healed.
I don’t care for the forums that allow profanity, either. Not because I think I’m better; I’m not. It’s because they devolve into petty insulting arguments rather quickly. And life is too short for “such a mess”- as my mother said.

Frosty Boolit
01-02-2021, 12:55 PM
I'm a fan of free speech but if you want to use it carelessly, ya just might get smacked with a can of twisted tea!

01-02-2021, 03:15 PM
I was raised in a house that did not have any cussing (that i can remember) at the moment i dont even remember given a reason why we didnt use certain words, just that we didnt.

Then in college one of my professors (that often disccussed things that seemed unrelated to the subject at hand at first) got off on a tangent about cuss words (and censoring) :

What is offensive about a word? Is it the word itself, the sound, combination of letters? Or is it the meaning of the word? Or the emotion the word carries? Is it the intention that either party (person saying or hearing person perceives) of the word?

If you are offended when someone says (insert any cussword) are you less offended if the person is censored into saying (insert some word that is more "polite") if you knew they had wanted to use the former?

I believe this has been covered by a famous stand up comedian almost this exact stance.

But this bring up the heart of the matter. That expletives can be an attempt to convey emotion.
In person we are given the advantage of body language and voice tone and loudness to convey emotion. In the moment we may be overcome by emotion and use expletives, and describing a situation long after the fact when we are no longer emotionally overcome may wish to stress the emotional aspect of the details by using expetives.

Online (ignoring video and audio mediums) we do not have any non text ways to convey emotion. And the fastest, easiest way to convey just how much that primer scared you when it went off in the tube (made up situation) is to use some words that get changed to stars on this forum. Logically, there is no need to explain it. I think every one of us can imagine just how scary that would be. But we are not 100% emotional or logicall people, and the need to connect on multiple levels is real.

I have not lived long enough to know this, but i suspect our society has been on a path that has pushed emotional thought in front of logical thought. And with the rise of the internet and the limitations that it had early on, i believe this combination really pushed forth the common use of language that is supposed to be reserved for extremely intense moments and emotions. To the point where it no longer has the effect it once did.

I view this board as primarily drivin by facts and logic, and therefor it is quite easy to abide by the no profanity rule. But on occasion i have felt like my tools to convey a thought were significantly reduced.

Perhaps i have figured out on my own why my parents did not use foul language, it would certainly fall in line with how we were taught to value logic over emotion.

I also reject the motion that such language signals a lack of intellegence. I do believe that the levels of use that one can experience in otherwise normal situations signals societal level problems. I do not believe the natural evolution of language can adequately explain its prevalence.

01-02-2021, 08:06 PM
It's easy to be vulgar with people your not looking in the eyes

01-02-2021, 10:40 PM
I try to be a Christian and live up to what Jesus said.
Forgive me for preaching and cribbing, here is Mark 7:

4And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand: 15There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. 16If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

17And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable. 18And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats? 20And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 22Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: 23All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

Words can hurt.
Don't defile yourself.
Nunc Demittis

01-03-2021, 12:39 PM
I'm a fan of free speech but if you want to use it carelessly, ya just might get smacked with a can of twisted tea!

I've been seeing a lot of reference to twisted tea lately. What's that all about?

01-03-2021, 12:50 PM
I've been seeing a lot of reference to twisted tea lately. What's that all about?

if you google
"Reports: Viral video of man getting hit with can of Twisted Tea happened at Ohio gas station"
Google's first result will be a article from the Cincinnati Enquirer
I'd post the link, but it contains the actual video with racial slurs ...and I'd prefer not to get an infraction for that link.

01-03-2021, 01:07 PM
Good job Jon! An example of the proper way to share and unacceptable video or attachment.:bigsmyl2:

01-03-2021, 10:22 PM
I can’t stand vulgarities in forums either. This thread reminds me of an event years ago. Me and my other half were in Davis, CA where her son was going to school at the U. Of California. We were downtown by the campus. She was driving, he son in the back seat. There were so many bicycles that it became a challenge to make the left turn we wanted to make and she ended up cutting off a bicycle. The guy on the bicycle yelled plenty of “F” bombs. Her son in the back seat said “ You can tell he isn’t an English major”. That comment was priceless and even tho it happened years ago, I still remember it and think about it.

01-04-2021, 01:54 PM
It's hard to generalize because someone can always dig up exceptions, but in my experience those who rarely use foul language are either 1) Older or 2) More intelligent.

01-04-2021, 09:12 PM
****can? The software removes **** but leaves the word can. Spell it out and let the software do its job. $hitcan, shi+can, *hitcan as well as any version of any foul word you can think of will earn an infraction lickity split. Just spell it out.

So I learned !!!! Always thought it polite to use the $ sign to replace an S, but found out its not :bigsmyl2:
Oh well, one infraction in ten years, probably wont be my last .

04-25-2021, 03:17 AM
It's hard to generalize because someone can always dig up exceptions, but in my experience those who rarely use foul language are either 1) Older or 2) More intelligent.

I disagree, I get more foul mouthed the older I get. I always hear talk as if your mother was here, that don't work either. If I talked like my mom I'd get banned from XXX sites. Granny was the second most foul-mouthed person I know and Pap's not far behind. If I weren't so lazy I'd type and say more bad words, but that's just more words to spell.

04-25-2021, 04:22 AM
For some families, it's just the way they talk.
Good example is the Beets family on the TV show Gold Rush.
Every other word is "not allowed"
And the way they speak to each other, it means nothing.
These days, women and kids are just as bad as military people.
To me, we hear it everyday, most of the time, and even we get used to it.
So when we type something, we just put down how we would say it, or what we heard.
Times are changing fast.
Many things that were unacceptable when I was young, are embraced these days.
Unmarried mothers used to be shunned, and an embarrassment to the whole family.
These days, the family celebrate it with a big party.
Might explain why the country is where it is today.

04-25-2021, 06:03 AM
I said to someone who has an important position (senior medical specialist)....You are using lot of f words,you never used to say anything like that....He said...I have to watch myself all the time,because I have two teenage daughters who are in an exclusive girls school......the language they use is astounding,and even the female teachers .....Apparently its a sign of a radical feminist.

04-25-2021, 11:43 AM
You can call someone an absolute door knob, and walk away. This leaves them confused, with the knowledge they have been cursed and insulted, but don't know exactly in what way.

04-25-2021, 12:01 PM
I have "come back" to God in the last few years, and have realized something about the profanity that was so common in my speech.

For me, it goes beyond just the words coming out of my mouth. When I start speaking profane, my mind also goes into a profane and unacceptable zone. My words and actions can take on a bullying, angry, or sexual nature, which migrates into my mind or state of being.

It can also spread to those around me, dragging them into the same state of mind. Profanity which always seemed harmless to me is far from harmless. And it is simply a stupid and immoral use of language. It's also extremely habitual, and difficult to put behind us. I'm doing pretty well, and feeling better for the improvement. jd

04-25-2021, 12:15 PM
I farm and ranch and work with my hands away from “sensitive ears”.

My language is quite coarse under those circumstances as I “talk” to my work and machines when things go awry! I never direct that language at people except in the most of extraordinary circumstances. I will talk into the TV now and then in less civilized fashion.

Now on this forum I have crossed into cautioned territory on occasion in political discussions with my irritations directed at leftists as a group. Sometimes there is disagreement with certain forum members of a certain political stripe and where in particular, they are trolling I can take issue. I am training my self to be better at highlighting poor reasoning with logic rather than merely fanning the fire with more emotion as the left is universal for.

Of late I just let things of illogical nature just float off like a puff of smoke in a breeze rather than respond.

I am that way with TV, I just take about so much and trounce off to my man cave and process more of my .223 brass.


04-25-2021, 12:28 PM
Dad always said if you have to use profanity it's due to your limited vocabulary.

04-25-2021, 12:44 PM
I am fluent in both English and Spanish profanity, but find little use for either. Profanity is just a bad habit and one that seems to be accepted more and more in our society. I was taught, it's use was just a sign or ignorance and quality folks did not use it, perhaps the exception was when the men were behind the barn and out of earshot. At any rate, I agree with the OP that it's use way to rampant in social media and I don't hang out with those who use it. I have tossed many off my FB page for this offense. I have way to many church lady friends who would be deeply offended by the language.

04-25-2021, 03:42 PM
I have little use for profanity also and was taught just like Char-Gar was, so I seldom use it. Now, if I am in the shop and an piece of hot metal burns thru my sneaker to my foot or elsewhere, or the screwdriver slips and draws blood, I will let loose with a choice word or two('bout my limit!) but in day to day, nope.

04-25-2021, 09:20 PM
Thank you all and especially Hickok for your insight. I wouldn't want to be a part of a group of really great people and have to leave it because of the cursing. What a terrible waste that would be. God's blessings on you all.
Ole Jack

Gator 45/70
04-26-2021, 06:19 PM
I had a cousin when alive was a rather profound user of cuss words.
It is often said that he would also rather tell you a lie for a dime rather than the truth for a dollar.
But everyone agrees he was a heck of a mechanic.

04-27-2021, 08:55 AM
I am one who is fond of using 10 and 20 dollar words, as well as uphemisms, partly because I was a foul mouthed teen and young adult. Having broke the habit of cussing, by the grace of God, I sometimes repeat something I heard in the 70s...the frequency of foul words in ones speach pattern is inversely proportional to that person's intelligence. That quote can probably get you punched, but it is a good motivator for controlling your own tongue!

Burnt Fingers
04-27-2021, 12:50 PM
I am one who is fond of using 10 and 20 dollar words, as well as uphemisms, partly because I was a foul mouthed teen and young adult. Having broke the habit of cussing, by the grace of God, I sometimes repeat something I heard in the 70s...the frequency of foul words in ones speach pattern is inversely proportional to that person's intelligence. That quote can probably get you punched, but it is a good motivator for controlling your own tongue!

It's euphemisms and speech.

If you're going to use the words at least spell them correctly.

Here's a hint. Your web browser will underline or highlight misspelled words. You can then right click on it to get the suggested correct spelling.

04-27-2021, 09:43 PM
You are correct to call me out on that... one was not being able to invest the time between responsibilities, the other was fat fingering. I am normally more studious than that!

04-27-2021, 09:45 PM
I did not know about right clicking, however! The question now is, how's it work on a cell phone?

Burnt Fingers
04-28-2021, 09:33 AM
I did not know about right clicking, however! The question now is, how's it work on a cell phone?

I don't use my cell phone for forums. But if I had to guess I would say you need to press and hold on the word.

I just checked and I was close.


You have to enable spell check first. If you have an Iphone then I can't help you.

04-28-2021, 11:40 AM
That's okay. I think it's hilarious that I made that mistake making the comment I was making!

04-28-2021, 03:20 PM
...the frequency of foul words in ones speach pattern is inversely proportional to that person's intelligence.

A similar thought from a high school teacher:

"Vulgarisms are a sign of a poor vocabulary."

04-28-2021, 04:25 PM
i used be, as a teen and into a young adult, a proficient vulgarer. the army was a gift to its vulgarity. f bombs and s slicks were a normal part of my conversations. when i turned 35 or so y.o., i listened to myself talk. i learned NOT to f & s & c bombs on every word. my drinking days(i was close to be an alcoholic) went from every evening to every other saturday nite. i was no longer the drunk and cigarette smoker and swearer guy. then when i turned 39yo, i had a bad stroke. it was so bad that i had to relearn my speech again. i could do f bombs and s slicks again, but not everyday speech. i was told by my speech therapist, the profanity i used was a normal part of me. she said not to worry about it. my brain works differently now. as i can see it, there used to be switch between my brain and my mouth(speech). but my stroke caused it to disappear. i could think thoughts, but no way i could communicate them. i can "communicate" somewhat, but it took me 2 years or so, not to be vulgar. it slips out once in a while, but dam(n) is only my swear word. i'll try not use dam(n), but "dang it" is common.