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View Full Version : The 'Rona finally got me

Blood Trail
12-22-2020, 11:25 PM
Good afternoon gang,

Well, this Covid-19 finally got me. About two weeks ago, what I thought was my allergies started acting up. Gradually, my sense of taste and smell went away. Last Sunday, I got the rapid test for Covid just to be on the safe side. It’s very common for me to lose my taste and smell about this time every year due to severe allergies, resulting in me getting steroid shots from my doc.

That rapid test came back negative. After driving 18!hrs to Wisconsin for Christmas, I told my sister in law (nurse practitioner and recently tested positive) that I still couldn’t smell or taste.

She prompted me to get the swab test done as those rapid test can be inaccurate. Sure enough, that test came back positive.

All as been well with me. I have a very slight fever of 99.2 but no body aches, chills, or fatigue, etc. If I hadn’t got tested, I’d chalked it up to allergies.

Y’all stay safe out there. I’m extremely blessed that that’s all I’ve felt so far.

Oh yeah, my BP spiked up as well. Heard that’s common with the infection.

My family got tested today. Y’all pray that everything will be ok for them.

Merry Christmas, y’all!

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12-22-2020, 11:35 PM
When I got it, was over pretty quick. I think about three days of bad and even that wasn't bad enough that it would have kept me from doing anything importamnt. Never really lost taste or smell, appetite did kind of go away. Had a nagging cough for a while afterwards.

I'm blessed with a strong constitution, don't get sick often and usually throw it off fast when I do. My wife isn't like that, catches everything and it's usually much worse for her, but once she had it (guess I gave it to her) it didn't really last much longer or go much worse for her.

I'm in my mid 50s and in good health and it really was no big deal really, but I understand there are folks who aren't so fortunate and it can be dangerous. Just take it easy and keep your distance from everybody, it'll be over soon and most seem to think it gives you a few months of immunity to it once you've had it and recovered so there's a bright side.

12-23-2020, 12:24 AM
I hope all will be well. My 88 year old grandma got sick last week. She was in assisted living, and went to the hospital just to be safe. First test came back positive. She was taken care of, but thankfully was better the next day. They did a second test that day, and it came back negative. Those were the quick tests, well known to be inaccurate. She went back to assisted living the next day, but is now quarantined. I don't know if they ever did the more accurate test or not. It's been a week, and I have not heard any updates if it was positive or negative. I have no idea if she really had covid or not, but she is ok now. I hope your family is as lucky.

12-23-2020, 02:46 AM
Take care of yourself and your family BT! Hopefully you don't get worse symptoms, most don't but you never know. And hopefully your family is okay too!

That's no way to spend Christmas!

Best wishes to you and your family and that you have a speedy recovery.


12-23-2020, 03:02 AM
Stay safe out there. I’m extremely blessed that that’s all I’ve felt so far.
My family got tested today. Y’all pray that everything will be ok for them.

Merry Christmas, y’all!

Merry Christmas! Get well soon. Prayers for your family's health.

12-23-2020, 04:21 AM
Merry Christmas brother and God Bless. Prayers sent.

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12-23-2020, 07:39 AM
Was wondering how Rona got your shotgun...LOL

Praying for the best and have a good Christmas.

12-23-2020, 09:35 AM
Glad to hear that you're better. The illness is the pits.

I had it in early and mid Feb' before anyone knew what it was. All I knew at the time was that I was sick with something. The 4 defining symptoms that I distinctly remember were the violent shaking (think shivering but on mega steroids), not being able to warm up, diarrhea, and the drop in my blood O2 level. It was the drop in O2 that had me most concerned, but I set myself a limit and never went below it. I lost 2 weeks from cardiac rehab because I didn't want whatever it was to get passed onto other folks there. Oh, and I had no appetite which is very unusual for me. I didn't eat for 4 days, but I'm in ketosis so for me not eating is no big deal.

How did I get it? I can't be certain. but when I went back for cardiac rehab I discussed what I had and a retired nurse who was the school nurse for a college stated, "Oh, you had the Unity (the name of the college town) Flu. ". She called it that because it had been right through that college and she saw lots of students that had it. I think she carried it to rehab on her clothing and I just got unlucky.

The keys to keep in mind is that it has a 99.8% recovery rate. and if you're strong the odds are extremely good of recovery. Heck, I'm older and have heart disease, that's 2 strikes, and I survived it without a hospital stay.

How to prevent it? (The CDC is lying) Masks are mostly useless. the weave is far too large with even an N95 to stop it because a virus is so small. It's like trying to stop a hurricane wind with chicken wire. It doesn't have a cellular wall and that's the key. It's composed of a strand of DNA surrounded by a globule of fat. Warm temps melt the fat and expose the DNA so that the environment can destroy it. UV kills it, and soap removes the fat, again exposing the DNA. So wash hands and stay away from people, basic things that you'd do for the flu. Keep the booger hooks away from the face, and that means get a mask that stays up without playing with it continually. Protect the folks most at risk. And if you have it stay away from others.

Personally I don't think it's as contagious as the fear mongers state. The wife was around me the entire time I had it and she displayed no symptoms, maybe she got it and was asymptomatic? We just don't know. But risk factors for contracting it are 2 that I know of. Be male and have a blood type other than O. That's me BTW, of course it isn't the wife. But there was a period of time where I had it and knew I was sick, just not sick enough to recognize it as being serious, and I went about my life contacting others, shopping and such. No one near me got it, and locally no one had it until many months later. So despite being symptomatic and being around others I gave it to no one else (again, I stayed away from cardiac rehab).

My Dr would love to know if I had it, but according to him the test to detect it AFTER one has recovered just isn't reliable enough and I was told not to bother.

12-23-2020, 09:40 AM
How old are you? Age has a lot of effect on the severity of the symptoms. My 29 year old son only had a runny nose for a day when he got it.

12-23-2020, 10:04 AM
Me? I'm 68. Yes, age is a risk factor. Thankfully I'm strong at 68.

12-23-2020, 10:18 AM
Greetings to all, sorry to hear that and hoping you all feel better .
Merry Christmas to all.

BJK, you did a great job describing it, thank you.

'Awfully close to Genocide’ Kung Flu ! China has prooved to be
‘A Biological Terrorist ’
How do we know that they haven’t re-infested us again and again with
something else or even stronger dose as they have learned to make it even
stronger, can keep doing it un-noticed ! !

This just might be a part of a bigger Chinese plan to re-infest the
West once again, India is already facing some un-known deadly virus that
is hard to pin point where its coming from ! !

Years back we heard WMD could be spread through an Aerosoil can in to the wind and no one will know who did it, I remember shuttind down all my windows with plastic to make it air tight, just might make sense doing it !

Lets Hope for the best.
Ajay K. Madan
Super Blazing Sabots

12-23-2020, 10:55 AM
I agree Ajay.

It's not the first galloping crud to come out of China. Lately they all seem to. Remember SARS? That was a type of Covid too. Remember the junk they sold to be put into pet food? I think that was the trial run to see just how much they could get away with. They killed pets, now they've stepped up to killing people and there's absolutely no push back. Heck, Fauci gave the lab in Wuhan 3million $. Pushback? I guess not when we're funding this stuff.

I won't claim that the Chinese destroyed our economy, I leave that square on the shoulders of our politicians and supposed Drs with blinders on who can only see C-19 and no other factors that humanity lives with every day. The politicians have an ulterior motive. In order for socialism to grab hold people have to clamor for it. That's what's happening now. The middle class is being destroyed, it always was a thorn in their side, and handouts from the go'vermin are being more looked at as the lifeblood to keep families fed and roofs over their heads. The one remaining thing in their way are the firearms and they'll work on that very soon. If we give them up we are truly finished. It may mean that many will become felons.

Question to ponder re: masks... if they work so great then why are c-19 cases spiking? If it was being spread through family contact at Thanksgiving they wouldn't speculate on that, they'd be shouting it on the talking head shows. But they aren't. I know that in Maine now we're basically forced to wear them. Can't go anywhere without it being enforced by the store entered into. Just think about it, I don't need an answer.

If anyone wants the CDC study re: masks contact me and give me a place to send it. Once the CDC realized that their very own study told people that masks don't work for virus' it was removed from their website. But I have a copy of it. Another study that I foolishly didn't save* actually showed that wearing surgical masks was more dangerous than not wearing them. It had to do with no proper seal to the face and currents that deposited crud inside the mask. Then when adjusted or removed it got released to be breathed in in a concentrated form.

*I didn't realize that they would remove them. I got the CDC study from another gent who did save it.

Sorry to derail the thread. Maybe we can return to it?

12-23-2020, 11:45 AM
I'm sorry to hear this BT! Prayers sent fr a speedy recover and I'm hoping your family stays safe. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Blood Trail
12-23-2020, 11:49 AM
I’m 42. A healthy, strong as an ox 42. So far, I still holding strong.

It’s been two weeks since my first symptoms so I should be on the downside of it.

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12-23-2020, 12:17 PM
A Texican; a big and ornery gyrene; what virus? Good to hear from you BT. Your bride and little duck killer ok?

12-23-2020, 12:52 PM
prayers sent for you and your awesome family Leon... get plenty of rest sir.. do some boolit casting... takes more then some stupid Virus to kick your Big hairy self. take extra good care of that wife of yours... kids will be fine!


12-23-2020, 01:44 PM
"How to prevent it? (The CDC is lying) Masks are mostly useless. the weave is far too large with even an N95 to stop it because a virus is so small."

1. What motivation would the CDC have to lie about it? Do their managers have stock in mask companies?

2. They never said the mask stops the virus; they said that it filters out much larger airborne drops of water that the virus is in.

3. The Asians have much more experience with masking than we do. They say masks help.

12-23-2020, 05:29 PM
So you test negative, then positive.
What if you took it again and test negative????
The test is not 100% accurate, so how would we know if we have it or not????
Friends daughter got it from her stepfather.
Other than stress and the imagined sickness, nothing.

12-23-2020, 05:42 PM
pneumonia has a 1% DOA rate in US, has for years. Mostly effects us older folks with, well, OLD. Normal China Flu failure mode - pneumonia (viral or bacterial). Cousin's husband spent a week in hosp. with it, so did a local friend. Guy wife knew died from it - but his health was bad! Know several at home with it - no energy/weak/get steroids. Talked to couple older guys at the range yesterday, not going to get the vaccine. Take D/C/Zinc instead. Course the Gov has to recoup the B$s spent on it so they will attempt to force it on us. If I wait, everybody else takes it and me no worry.

12-23-2020, 05:54 PM
Getting sick and tired of mask.
The mask is to keep you from touching your mouth, without washing you hands.
We all wash our hands before eating..........right????
Same idea.
When we get home, one of the first things we do, is wash our hands.
gooberment knows these mask will not "filter" out the chinese virus.
It's is just to small.
If you can smell through a mask, it is not a filter, it's a screen.
Anyone who has gone through OSHA Hazmat training would know this.
Only thing that will keep the chinese virus out, is a MBC mask, environmental suit, or 100% isolation.
Non of which will work over a long period of time.
Best thing we can do is to adapt to it.
Let it run it's course, and hopefully we will develop an immunity to it.
If not, nature will do what it has done through out time.
Not much comfort, but it is reality.

Blood Trail
12-23-2020, 06:41 PM
Hey fam,

Thanks for all the well wishes. As stated earlier, I’ve been really lucky. I’ve had common cold far, far worse than this.

I believe I gave it to my nephew and father in law. My niece has it too. The results are back for my son (12), daughter (5), and my youngest (1), but they won’t tell me the results. Has to be a nurse so I’m awaiting the call back.

Please don’t turn this into a political argument. We get enough division already. One thing this place has that keeps us all together is the love of pouring lead.

Let’s not lose focus of that.

Love y’all glorious ********.

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12-23-2020, 06:43 PM
I always did dirty work ,had dirty hands,so I learned long ago not to touch my face.....and I havent had any kind of flu (nor vaccination) for 40 years at least........Yeah,I try to remember to wash my hands,but if they are clean ,I sometimes forget ...but getting better at it ......And Ive always avoided people who have to stand on my toes to talk to me...silly habit......I always stand well back from people....been accused of being shifty,devious......But it works...so far.

12-23-2020, 07:02 PM
This is Rickys wife he is in ICU not doing so well, please keep him and our family in your prayers. Im not sure how to navigate this site but im trying so I can keep you all updated.

12-23-2020, 07:17 PM
My younger brother (65) caught it and only had mild symptoms for 3 or 4 days. His sense of smell came back and he was feeling fine. The next morning the fever came back and had a hard time breathing. His oxygen level dropped to 89%. Ended up going to the hospital with Covid pneumonia. Was on 5 days of Resmed before he got released. So far he is doing fine now.

Blood Trail
12-23-2020, 10:27 PM
This is Rickys wife he is in ICU not doing so well, please keep him and our family in your prayers. Im not sure how to navigate this site but im trying so I can keep you all updated.

So sorry to hear about Ricky! Praying for God to touch his body!

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Blood Trail
12-23-2020, 10:29 PM

My wife, 12 month old daughter, niece, nephew, and FIL got it.

My son and other daughter are negative. Doc said they probably have it too as there’s a 30% false negative rate.

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12-23-2020, 11:18 PM
So sorry to hear anyone getting it. Prayers for them and the families, may God be by there side.

12-23-2020, 11:31 PM
Good afternoon gang,

Well, this Covid-19 finally got me. About two weeks ago, what I thought was my allergies started acting up. Gradually, my sense of taste and smell went away. Last Sunday, I got the rapid test for Covid just to be on the safe side. It’s very common for me to lose my taste and smell about this time every year due to severe allergies, resulting in me getting steroid shots from my doc.

That rapid test came back negative. After driving 18!hrs to Wisconsin for Christmas, I told my sister in law (nurse practitioner and recently tested positive) that I still couldn’t smell or taste.

She prompted me to get the swab test done as those rapid test can be inaccurate. Sure enough, that test came back positive.

All as been well with me. I have a very slight fever of 99.2 but no body aches, chills, or fatigue, etc. If I hadn’t got tested, I’d chalked it up to allergies.

Y’all stay safe out there. I’m extremely blessed that that’s all I’ve felt so far.

Oh yeah, my BP spiked up as well. Heard that’s common with the infection.

My family got tested today. Y’all pray that everything will be ok for them.

Merry Christmas, y’all!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The rapid tests are about 49% accurate from what I've been told. They are not a good indication of whether you actually have COVID or not. If you have the symptoms, it's best to assume you do have it, get swab tested like you ultimately did, and then quarantine yourself. I'm happy to hear that you seem to have a mild case of it. I hope it stays that way and that your family avoids experiencing it. I've had it, and it's not fun.

I hope you and your family get well soon.
Merry Christmas!

12-23-2020, 11:34 PM
This is Rickys wife he is in ICU not doing so well, please keep him and our family in your prayers. Im not sure how to navigate this site but im trying so I can keep you all updated.

Prayers sent, I hope he gets well soon.

If that is a phone number...pull it.,

You might want to delete the quote in your post. We can still see the number.

12-24-2020, 02:09 AM
And your pm box is full, dverna. Tried to message you to say that.

Thunder Stick
12-24-2020, 02:23 AM
I pray everyone stays safe from the Corona. But remember that Elon Musk recently had four Wuhan virus tests. Two came back positive and two came back negative.

Who knows.

But a major indicator is fever. If you have a temperature, assume you’ve got it.

12-24-2020, 06:30 AM
It just continues to amaze me at how much misinformation there is surrounding testing for SARS2!
Do what you think is best for you, but remember, from the day you where born, something has been trying to kill you!

Blood Trail
12-24-2020, 10:57 AM
I pray everyone stays safe from the Corona. But remember that Elon Musk recently had four Wuhan virus tests. Two came back positive and two came back negative.

Who knows.

But a major indicator is fever. If you have a temperature, assume you’ve got it.

Yeah, I never had a fever.

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12-25-2020, 07:08 AM
I spoke with Jackie last night. If I understood her correctly Ricky’s condition will not improve. He was given the choice of being placed on a ventilator but could not decide so he left the decision up to his wife & kids. They have placed him on a ventilator. I will try to keep y’all updated.


This is Rickys wife he is in ICU not doing so well, please keep him and our family in your prayers. Im not sure how to navigate this site but im trying so I can keep you all updated.

Teddy (punchie)
12-25-2020, 09:49 AM
Praying it all works out. Been a lot of this cloud and wearing on us all. God Bless!!

12-25-2020, 11:00 AM
I don't know who Ricky is, but supposedly being on a ventilator is a horror show for the person being ventilated. That's why they don't like to do it unless a coma is induced or the person is already in one. I feel so sorry for him.

In all the procedures I've had done, whenever a machine is doing my breathing it's always accomplished when I'm asleep and removed before I wake up. From what I've heard there's a very good reason for that.

12-25-2020, 12:19 PM
Ricky is member RP, a supermoderator and official Cast Boolit Sketch Artist. He's also a gentleman and scholar. He is very sick so please pray for him and his family.

12-25-2020, 01:08 PM
I logged on to come ask for an update. My thoughts are with him and his family. May he come through this well.

12-25-2020, 01:33 PM
Fight it Ricky, we are with you!

12-26-2020, 11:02 AM
he is very sick so please pray for him and his family.


12-26-2020, 11:23 AM
I hope things are doing a little better for Ricky,
He is in my family’s prayers.

12-26-2020, 04:19 PM
Praying everyone recovers from this bug.

If you lose your sense of taste and smell your body is telling you that you are low on zinc. Oysters have the most zinc then meats and nuts. Get some sun or take vitamin D supplements. It will boost the immune system.

These are what our bodies use to fight virus replication.

12-28-2020, 06:56 AM
Good afternoon gang,

Well, this Covid-19 finally got me. About two weeks ago, what I thought was my allergies started acting up. Gradually, my sense of taste and smell went away. Last Sunday, I got the rapid test for Covid just to be on the safe side. It’s very common for me to lose my taste and smell about this time every year due to severe allergies, resulting in me getting steroid shots from my doc.

That rapid test came back negative. After driving 18!hrs to Wisconsin for Christmas, I told my sister in law (nurse practitioner and recently tested positive) that I still couldn’t smell or taste.

She prompted me to get the swab test done as those rapid test can be inaccurate. Sure enough, that test came back positive.

All as been well with me. I have a very slight fever of 99.2 but no body aches, chills, or fatigue, etc. If I hadn’t got tested, I’d chalked it up to allergies.

Y’all stay safe out there. I’m extremely blessed that that’s all I’ve felt so far.

Oh yeah, my BP spiked up as well. Heard that’s common with the infection.

My family got tested today. Y’all pray that everything will be ok for them.

Merry Christmas, y’all!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

An update on your health would be appreciated.
Hoping that all went well for you

Blood Trail
12-29-2020, 09:06 PM
An update on your health would be appreciated.
Hoping that all went well for you

We’re all doing great! My wife lost her smell and taste a couple of days ago. I got mine back. My 12 month old is carrying on like nothing happened. My niece and nephew are playing board games with my other kids right now.

My father in law who’s 74 spent the last two days ice fishing and cutting wood.

We’ve been very fortunate.

Got a call today from a buddy of mine at work that we lost an inspector to Covid. He was in his 50’s. not sure of his medical past. That makes 3 deaths at my work, but I work for Lockheed Martin on the F-35 program and we’ve got about 15,000 employees.

I know a married couple that’s apart of the same bow hunting group I belong to in Texas that resented pasted away. The husband died two weeks ago. His wife just passed a couple of days ago.

My other niece living in North Carolina just tested positive for a second time since October. She said this time, it’s like having a bad sinus infection with loss of taste and smell. The first time, she was good for the first week, then it hit her with fever and body aches.

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12-29-2020, 09:58 PM
Well that's mostly good to hear. That's too bad about your friend from work. It seems like it either hits people hard, or not at all. It's never good to hear of loosing hunters either. It sounds like your niece is going to have superhuman immunity soon though, so that's good.

01-12-2021, 07:26 PM
Sad news.


01-13-2021, 09:30 AM
Sad news.


My sympathy and condolences to family and friends.
the world is a lonelier place now