View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Sunday, Dec. 20

Pine Baron
12-20-2020, 07:53 AM
Good morning all. Today's devotional is from Hagee Ministries. A good reminder of what it all boils down to. Go in peace, have a safe and blessed day.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Our Christmas celebration speaks of God’s heart-stopping, breathtaking love story to us. It opens like this: “For God so loved the world….”

In a cave in Bethlehem, to a virgin named Mary, Jesus was born. He lived in poverty and was raised in obscurity. He did not travel extensively.

In infancy, He startled a king. In childhood, He puzzled the religious scholars in the temple. In manhood, He commanded the course of nature, walking on water and silencing the storm.

He never wrote a book, but all the universities combined cannot contain His wisdom. He never wrote a song, but innumerable anthems proclaim His glory. He never founded a college, but His students outnumber them all.

He never practiced medicine, but He has healed more bodies and broken hearts than all the doctors and psychiatrists together. He never mustered an army, but His soldiers march on today.

He was crucified on a cross, but He still lives in the hearts of millions. Satan could not stop Him. Death could not defeat Him. The grave could not hold Him. He stands at the highest pinnacle of glory – proclaimed by God, acknowledged by angels, adored by saints, and feared by demons, as the reigning King and Lord of all – a Savior worth celebrating!

Today's Blessing
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. God loved you so much that He sent this most precious gift of Jesus, His Son. Receive Him with praise and resounding joy!

12-20-2020, 09:40 AM
Amen and Amen!

And perfectly timed with Christmas right around the corner.

12-20-2020, 10:32 AM
Amen and praise the Lord for His everlasting gift of salvation!