View Full Version : Who is buying up all the ammo????

12-18-2020, 10:46 PM
I live on a island.
According to the shops, they cannot get any ammo from their vendors.
Powder and primers included.
So who is buying everything up?????
I know there are hoarders, but like TP, once you run out of room................
Ammo takes up less space, but it's not like they are shooting it up, like using TP.
I haven't changed my buying habits for years.
Except for .22 ammo.
Used to buy a case at a time, but when the shortage hit, we were limited to a brick a day.
I would still only buy when I got short.
Are people really shooting everything up?????

12-18-2020, 10:47 PM
the new gun owners are.

12-18-2020, 10:57 PM
Have not been to the range in 2 weeks, but last visit there were 7 people at the Rifle Range before us. They were shooting .223, .308, 270, 7mm Mag, and 30-06. Mix of reloads and Factory shooters. Appeared they were shooting "Less" than shooters over the last few months had been shooting. After rifle shooting (Reloads) the wife and I went to the Pistol Ranges (3 houses at this range). There were 5 Shooters at the Pistol Ranges. They were shooting .22's, 9mm, .38's, 40 S&W, .45ACP. 2 were shooting factory, and 3 were shooting reloads (Not Boolit Casters). Looked like each was shooting 50 to 100 rounds. Reloaders indicated "No Primers Found" worried if the drought lated 6 months or longer; but short run said they were set. Factory shooters said they had several Hundreds of rounds on hand; but were VERY WORRIED about how things would be in 3 to 4 months .

12-18-2020, 11:01 PM

12-19-2020, 12:01 AM
I think the new hoarders will move on to something different to hoard, then they will be selling to fund their new must have

12-19-2020, 12:05 AM
I foresee a cascading series of shortage: current, to 20 Jan crisis, to late winter/early spring collapse of the Stock Market, to Govt crisis that the WuHoo anti Virus does not perform as well as claimed, too... So says Nostredomous Mustang

12-19-2020, 12:15 AM
Thanks for posting that, very informative. I thought that was what was going on, that kinda reinforces my thoughts.

12-19-2020, 12:19 AM
I'd lay odds that a lot if not most of the new gun owners are these young folks who decided to jump onboard the wagon last minute due to the riots. As soon as the new wears off they won't be buying ammo and/or components any more. What they have will probably sit on the shelves in their homes and not be used up. Then things will start to get back to some facsimile of normal. Will prices come all the way back down, maybe not but better than now anyway.

12-19-2020, 12:19 AM
One other thing, if you don't have it, you ain't gonna get in the next 12 months +. Just saying. Think outside the box, learn some more skills, all I can say.

12-19-2020, 01:43 AM
New buyers are funny.

I’m a business consultant who deals with several different business owners each week. Years ago my dad gave my then fiancé now mother to his grandchildren/my wife a new in box original Colt Government SS in 380. At the time this was the caliber of choice for most women shooter and ammo was non existent (dad had never owned any in the 20 years he’d had the gun in safe). Finally we started seeing it so I bough up as much as I could lay my hands on for a while. Eventually started reloading and the cheap factory stuff I hated sat in cabinet.

Fast forward to this past June. One of my business owners (former navy) decided to buy a 380 for self defense cause of the civil unrest and 380 was only thing left that fit his hand well. They sold him 50rds and said that’s all they had. I said I had some old crappy (exact words) steel case 380 I could sell him and he eagerly was up for it. Ended up trading me 2 boxes of high end Winchester 30-06 rounds for one box and paying current going rate for other three (he negotiated trade and price rates). Probably could have gotten more but I wanted to be fair and help him into the hobby so figured going rate was $23 a box for like ammo so that’s what he would pay...after I peeled the $4.99 stickers off [emoji16] gotta love inflation.

Moral of the story: these shortages always come and go and when we come out on the other side we’ll end up paying the same for what we were buying. Difference is dollar keeps being worth less so what would have cost $5 then costs $20 now. Just wait out the current frenzy and stockpile Boolits till you can get what your looking for at a price your willing to pay.

Inflation example: in 1952 a 4 cavity iron HG mold would cost $22.50, plug that into inflation calculator and that would be equivalent to $220.95 today. Tom at Accurate charges $212 for a 4 cavity iron mold today (only iron mold maker I know). Prices don’t change much, value of dollar does.

12-19-2020, 01:53 AM
id hate to be one of the 10 million new gun owners that could only get one box or couldn't find ammo at all.the new reloaders didn't fair much better,purchased a reloading kit and couldn't find components or found them and couldn't afford them.

12-19-2020, 02:47 AM
I was digging around in the Walk in closet where my Gun safe is. Also were my stock of ammo is. I found 4 20 round boxes of 30-06 Factory Ammo I don't remember buying (had to be several years old. Same time I found 10 boxes of Herters .45acp that I bought in a bulk package from cabela's more than 10 years ago. Not a single round fired in that time. Didn't find any primers/bullets or powders in there though. I am down to 3 packs of CC! SPP, 2 packs of LPP, 2 packs of LRP, 1 pack of LRP Magnum 2 packs of SRP. And I got 9 packs of Shotgun Primers that came in a batch of reloading Equipment almost 5 years ago at a yard sale. I don't load or reload my own Shotgun ammo.

When Components are available again I will be stocking up again but not for hoarding purposes .

12-19-2020, 03:10 AM
Back in the days when we could buy ammo through the mail, I would order 45acp, 30.06. .308. 7.62x39, and what ever surplus was cheap.
Then I discovered RELOADING.
Still have lots of the old ammo I bought.
Started buying bullet "heads", .22, 6.5, .30, 8mm, .45, and whatever else I reloaded for.
Them I discovered "CAST BOOLET CASTING"
Still have lots of bullets"heads" I bought back then.
So reloading and casting has saved me from having to buy ammo these days.
So I didn't hoard any ammo.
It's all left over from the good old days.

12-19-2020, 06:41 AM
Being in my mid 50’s I’m old enough to have seen this a few times but not at this level. On time manufacturing and delivery has lead folks into a false sense of security, I.e. Walmart is open 24 hours and they have EVERYTHING!

A few years back I ask SWMBO to stock enough non perishable items to last us 6 months. After the last TP shortage I ask her to add TP as well as a few other items onto her shopping list then purchase those items when on sale or when she had a couple dollars to spare. It hasn’t taken long to get our stash back to a comfortable level where we won’t worry about not having or being gouged by those who bought it all up in hopes of a profitable turnaround.

As far as unavailability of primers, powder, bullets? Do it yourself.
——> Making primer compound (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?182089-can-you-make-priming-compound) <——
——> Making Black Powder (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?104979-Here-is-the-write-up-quot-My-homemade-black-powder-quot) <—-

And you should know how to make boolits

Buzz Krumhunger
12-19-2020, 06:51 AM
If the OP can find a BRICK of .22LR to buy he’s well ahead in the game. I haven’t seen ANY .22LR for sale in a couple months.

12-19-2020, 07:17 AM
I had picked up a 7.62x39 complete upper from a guy through the local trader magazine for $350. Got to talking and of course supplies were brought up. He was complaining about not finding any ammo or reloading supplies as he and his friends (all in 60's) shoot 500 yds plus. He said he was putting another upper up and I was thinking about trading some small rifle primers. He commented best he saw was gunbroker going around $180 per 1,000. I am still not fully unpacked and went looking at my stash. Panick set in as I could not find them. Finally did and let's say I have a lifetime supply- I think. I am 60. Point of all this is when I thought about trading 2,000-3,000 small rifle primers I got "concerned ". I could find uppers in stock for more realistic prices than primers. I just couldn't believe the feeling of not quite panic, that I would not have enough primers to last me. Was kinda eye opening but I am not giving away my stash. That what getting older does to us?

12-19-2020, 10:27 AM
the new gun owners are.

I don't think so. The ammo shortage was already happening BEFORE the latest surge in gun sales, so at best, those new gun owners would have been able to buy maybe 2 boxes of ammo, and that is ONLY if the gun store reserved enough ammo to be sold ONLY with the purchase of a firearm. ANYONE who is hoarding ammo right now could do so ONLY if they have an inside track direct to the manufacturer. ----- Maybe an actual employee of the manufacturer?

12-19-2020, 10:29 AM
Conservative estimate, 40 to 60 million NEW gun sales this year.

Now there desperate to find ammo for their new toy so some of them were paying 90 +$ for 50 rounds of 9mm.
In that situation, how much you think is going to trickle down to Hawaii?

The old smart guys are all sitting on stashes. And stashes of brass, lead, powder and primers as well.
They can still shoot for 6 to 12 cents per round depending on variables such as gas checks, powder and primer price, load size.

If you can't shoot, the question I have to ask is " where was your head?"

Might want to recheck priorities.

12-19-2020, 10:54 AM
I noticed a long time ago that the periodic shortages were fueled by the internet ... The herd will believe anything and is ready to panic at the drop of a roll of toilet paper .
Every 4 to 8 years seems to be the cycle .
When Joe takes office and makes everything right again ... Lay in a supply and stock deep while the prices are down .
There will be another shortage , the prices will skyrocket ... but don't panic and don't panic buy ...
Have your shelves well stocked ... As the Scouts say ... Be Prepared !
GhostHawk ... I'm sitting on my stash and have been stashing since 2013 . Notice 2013 last shortage ...2020 this shortage ...
... 7 years ...how about that timing !

12-19-2020, 11:04 AM
Seems like we went thru a time like this back in 2012. Turned out that the Federal and state governments were ordering tons of it. Homeland security was buying a lot for training for the various agencies under it. Lot of conspiracy theories about that, IIRC.

12-19-2020, 11:28 AM
I don't think so. The ammo shortage was already happening BEFORE the latest surge in gun sales, so at best, those new gun owners would have been able to buy maybe 2 boxes of ammo, and that is ONLY if the gun store reserved enough ammo to be sold ONLY with the purchase of a firearm. ANYONE who is hoarding ammo right now could do so ONLY if they have an inside track direct to the manufacturer. ----- Maybe an actual employee of the manufacturer?

I can't speak for Iowa, but there was plenty of Ammo available in January 2020. I was at two guns shows, nothing was selling in MN. The Poop starting hitting the fan in March, same time as the run on TP.

"In the early stages of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the media began reporting on a surge in firearms sales across the United States."

12-19-2020, 11:42 AM
What good is having a hoard of ammo or components if some LAW ABIDING CITIZEN makes the phone call and the swat team shows up after the first shot.
I've got mine. At least until the time the sound of a fire arm brings the KGB.

12-19-2020, 11:43 AM
Being in my mid 50’s I’m old enough to have seen this a few times but not at this level. On time manufacturing and delivery has lead folks into a false sense of security, I.e. Walmart is open 24 hours and they have EVERYTHING!

A few years back I ask SWMBO to stock enough non perishable items to last us 6 months. After the last TP shortage I ask her to add TP as well as a few other items onto her shopping list then purchase those items when on sale or when she had a couple dollars to spare. It hasn’t taken long to get our stash back to a comfortable level where we won’t worry about not having or being gouged by those who bought it all up in hopes of a profitable turnaround.

As far as unavailability of primers, powder, bullets? Do it yourself.
——> Making primer compound (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?182089-can-you-make-priming-compound) <——
——> Making Black Powder (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?104979-Here-is-the-write-up-quot-My-homemade-black-powder-quot) <—-

And you should know how to make boolits

Solid advice! Do you have a concern about an "ammunition accountability act" restricting non FFL citizens to 1000 (or less) rounds? I remember this being in the forefront some years ago but I've heard nothing about it recently...

country gent
12-19-2020, 11:54 AM
I believe this run on ammo and components was started by all those "peaceful protests" and the fear they inspired in people.The the election with all its issues. New gun sales are way up ammo is to the point that its being limited, reloading components are hard to find. With just the increased firearms sales and each person buying 100-200 rds for each new gun ( that number isnt far out of line) ammo was at a big premium. Few ammo companies use canister grade powders the handloader do but might in a bind. Most makers of primer also load ammo and as long as the ammo lines are running 24-7 at full tilt primers wont be available to reloaders, first priority is keeping the ammo lines running.

I can remember Dad telling that during ww2 they bought a 16 gauge shotgun at an auction not because they really wanted the gun but because 4 boxes of shells went with it, allowing them to continue to hunt. Ammo was impossible to find then also.

12-19-2020, 11:56 AM
Is the Remington Ammunition Plant still operating?

We know that due to bankruptcy that Remington was broken into pieces and sold off to a variety of other entities. This would include the Primer and Ammunition plant for Remington. Just wondering if the plant is operating at "Normal" levels after the Bankruptcy; or its it reduced or even off line with the Bankruptcy transfer. Read a couple of threads citing that some Wholesale/Retailers were no longer carrying Remington Primers which somewhat drives the question.

Just thinking that some of the "JIT" (rhymes with) supply could be attributed to a major Primer/Ammo manufacturer facility being transferred in owner ship.

12-19-2020, 11:58 AM
I can't speak for Iowa, but there was plenty of Ammo available in January 2020. I was at two guns shows, nothing was selling in MN. The Poop starting hitting the fan in March, same time as the run on TP.

"In the early stages of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the media began reporting on a surge in firearms sales across the United States."
https://www.recoilweb.com/why-is-the-ammo-gone-162059.htmlwas plenty in Iowa in Jan.

12-19-2020, 12:06 PM
Is the Remington Ammunition Plant still operating?

We know that due to bankruptcy that Remington was broken into pieces and sold off to a variety of other entities. This would include the Primer and Ammunition plant for Remington. Just wondering if the plant is operating at "Normal" levels after the Bankruptcy; or its it reduced or even off line with the Bankruptcy transfer. Read a couple of threads citing that some Wholesale/Retailers were no longer carrying Remington Primers which somewhat drives the question.

Just thinking that some of the "JIT" (rhymes with) supply could be attributed to a major Primer/Ammo manufacturer facility being transferred in owner ship.

Did you watch the youtube video that Springfield linked to, in post #4 ?
The Video is a new one, published yesterday. The CEO said Remington ammo is being made as we speak. He didn't say if the Remington Ammunition Plant still operating, but Remington Ammo is being made somewhere today.

white eagle
12-19-2020, 12:15 PM
I live on a island.
According to the shops, they cannot get any ammo from their vendors.
Powder and primers included.
So who is buying everything up?????
I know there are hoarders, but like TP, once you run out of room................
Ammo takes up less space, but it's not like they are shooting it up, like using TP.
I haven't changed my buying habits for years.
Except for .22 ammo.
Used to buy a case at a time, but when the shortage hit, we were limited to a brick a day.
I would still only buy when I got short.
Are people really shooting everything up?????

who buys ammo in the first place?
Personally I have not bought any ammo for 30 years

12-19-2020, 03:17 PM
Well, a lot of ammo is out there, and selling, but might not be at you usual spot or at your usual price. I know many people who had stockpiles thinning them out a bit and many shops are selling ammo on consignment, and the large retailers also selling but running out of inventory as soon as it goes to the shelves. A friend worked out the Acadamy schedule and has bought 3800 primers in the last 2 weeks @ $50/1000

12-19-2020, 03:40 PM
who buys ammo in the first place?
Personally I have not bought any ammo for 30 years

We have a lots of "video game" and "magazine" new buyers here.
They have no idea what their doing, but feel big shooting.
Before the chinese virus, I would see them at the range with loads of ammo.
Shoot it all and leave.
Targets look like a shotgun pattern test.
I too haven't bought ammo for a long time.
Shops are selling firearms like crazy.
But being a damacrat state, buyers cannot pick-up because cops closed the registration.
Being on an island, you would think people would want protection in case something happens.
Mind set here is gooberment is suppose to protect you.
One day, they will find out different.

12-19-2020, 08:43 PM
7 million new gun owners this year. If each bought two boxes of ammo that is 700 million rounds.
Thats where it is going.

12-19-2020, 10:13 PM
I heard, years ago, that a person working for Smith & Wesson said the average firearm is only fired 15 times.

We'll find a new 'normal' and components will be available again. I think its just a matter of time.

I don't think the prospects for the economy are good either. I predict we'll see a lot of cheap like new guns for sale next year.

12-19-2020, 10:58 PM
I stopped by a gun store about 1.5 hours away that I rarely get by, All calibers of ammo in stock, Pallet of wolf 223 sitting there. Gun racks full. Everything priced at gunbroker prices, They did have SPP primers, I had to ask price even thought i need none. $22 per 100

12-19-2020, 11:17 PM

12-20-2020, 12:08 AM
I stopped by a gun store about 1.5 hours away that I rarely get by, All calibers of ammo in stock, Pallet of wolf 223 sitting there. Gun racks full. Everything priced at gunbroker prices, They did have SPP primers, I had to ask price even thought i need none. $22 per 100
No wonder he is well stocked. He will prolly carry that inventory clear into the time all other store shelves restock.

12-20-2020, 02:21 AM
The old smart guys are all sitting on stashes. And stashes of brass, lead, powder and primers as well.
They can still shoot for 6 to 12 cents per round depending on variables such as gas checks, powder and primer price, load size.

If you can't shoot, the question I have to ask is " where was your head?"

Might want to recheck priorities.

Well us young guys are just waiting for you old farts to keel over so we can buy your stash for pennies on the dollar at the estate sale.


kevin c
12-20-2020, 03:15 AM
Ha! The really smart old guys plan on using it all before they go! That or they already have everything; ammo, guns, components, molds, and reloading equipment all earmarked for appreciative family and friends.

12-20-2020, 04:35 AM
Every time I've been to the range over the years, through thick and thin, there had always been good reloadable brass in the scrap bucket. It was hog heaven! Some of it had been Glocked, but mostly once fired happy happy joy joy! Not anymore. Not for months now. Rimfire brass only. Not complaining mind you, just sayin.

12-20-2020, 07:20 AM
I had picked up a 7.62x39 complete upper from a guy through the local trader magazine for $350. Got to talking and of course supplies were brought up. He was complaining about not finding any ammo or reloading supplies as he and his friends (all in 60's) shoot 500 yds plus. He said he was putting another upper up and I was thinking about trading some small rifle primers. He commented best he saw was gunbroker going around $180 per 1,000. I am still not fully unpacked and went looking at my stash. Panick set in as I could not find them. Finally did and let's say I have a lifetime supply- I think. I am 60. Point of all this is when I thought about trading 2,000-3,000 small rifle primers I got "concerned ". I could find uppers in stock for more realistic prices than primers. I just couldn't believe the feeling of not quite panic, that I would not have enough primers to last me. Was kinda eye opening but I am not giving away my stash. That what getting older does to us?Nine years older. And, yup, we do worry more, mostly because we have seen more bad stuff. But, had the same feeling. A friend was fixing to experiment on a shot load for a pistol caliber, and asked me for an ounce or so of Bullseye powder. No biggee as I had about 3 ounces left in an old canister, and then I too had "the feeling of not quite panic" because at first I could not find any more canisters of Bullseye, and then I did; blessed relief!

Thin Man
12-20-2020, 07:48 AM
A local FFL dealer (I work there) gets in a few small orders of ammo occasionally but puts them out of sight. With the sale of a firearm the buyer has the opportunity to buy one box of ammo. No other ammo goes over the counter. When the new gun owner complains that their semi-auto pistol does not cycle they learn most pistols usually require a 200 round break-in period before the owner can have confidence in it. Often I am tasked to clean and test fire the pistol. Some new pistols arrive at the store over-lubed, or completely void of lube, then there are the weak wristed shooters who have to learn how (and why) to grip the firearm. Many of these buyers are first-time owners but rarely are they instructed in this process and blame the firearm for their own failures.

This store has an inside range and generous quantities of once-fired brass are generated. This is a little used source for brass by most reloaders. The store sells this brass at very reasonable prices when asked yet brass sales lately have decreased. This suggests that the local reloaders already have their ammo and component assortments in order or cannot locate what they need, as in primers. Occasionally a customer will bring in ammo or reloading components from their deceased spouse's estate for disposal by the store. This can lead to firearm estates coming in for resale and first-refusal opportunities. Some estates are modest, some are breath-taking.

I have friends living 500 miles away who called to ask me to sell them reloaded ammo for their local friends. I declined the requests as I don't have the spare components to supply their needs when I have no prospects of being able to replace these components in the future, either soon or later. FWIW I don't reload for anyone but myself and my immediate family. All others are on their own.

12-20-2020, 09:43 AM
In my opinion the manufacturers were caught by surprise by the enormous increased demand, compounded by by hoarders. They plan their production several years in advance. They are motivated to make money so they will increase production, but unfortunately it takes time for them to gear up. The shortages will end in time, but in reality, we will probably be left with higher prices.

12-20-2020, 10:04 AM
Well us young guys are just waiting for you old farts to keel over so we can buy your stash for pennies on the dollar at the estate sale.


I am taking my stash with me.

12-20-2020, 10:32 AM
In my opinion the manufacturers were caught by surprise by the enormous increased demand, compounded by by hoarders. They plan their production several years in advance. They are motivated to make money so they will increase production, but unfortunately it takes time for them to gear up. The shortages will end in time, but in reality, we will probably be left with higher prices.

No, I think the actuality was that Covid Panic, yes Panic, shut down almost the entire industry for several months and even when things got up and running again, it became difficult to get THEIR supplies. And there have been intermittent shut downs ever since. Plus super increased demand. Plants are running as much as they can and there IS hoarding going on. Need a couple of boxes? buy 4, or 6.....

12-20-2020, 10:37 AM
I am taking my stash with me.

The pall bearers are NOT going to be happy... :mrgreen:

12-20-2020, 12:53 PM
We have a lots of "video game" and "magazine" new buyers here.
They have no idea what their doing, but feel big shooting.
Before the chinese virus, I would see them at the range with loads of ammo.
Shoot it all and leave.
Targets look like a shotgun pattern test.
I too haven't bought ammo for a long time.
Shops are selling firearms like crazy.
But being a damacrat state, buyers cannot pick-up because cops closed the registration.
Being on an island, you would think people would want protection in case something happens.
Mind set here is gooberment is suppose to protect you.
One day, they will find out different.

I read somewhere that after the Pearl Harbor attack, the general citizenry was pressed into service patrolling the beaches. Some didn't have weapons.

12-20-2020, 12:58 PM
When I was the full-time training officer for my National Guard battalion, I was in charge of the ammo account. We had to forecast our training ammo two years in advance including artillery, demo, pyro and small arms. The government needed the lead time to set up contracts with the suppliers.


12-20-2020, 01:31 PM
No, I think the actuality was that Covid Panic, yes Panic, shut down almost the entire industry for several months and even when things got up and running again, it became difficult to get THEIR supplies. And there have been intermittent shut downs ever since. Plus super increased demand. Plants are running as much as they can and there IS hoarding going on. Need a couple of boxes? buy 4, or 6.....

You have a good point about Covid playing a part.

12-20-2020, 02:46 PM
who buys ammo in the first place?
Personally I have not bought any ammo for 30 years

I buy a fair bit of shotgun ammo. Even now I can’t load it as cheap or good as I can buy it and I’d rather spend my reloading room time loading or casting something I enjoy. I rotate my stock of rimfire ammo and what I’m shooting today is probably 15-20 years old.


12-20-2020, 03:05 PM
Hoarder, what a wonderful label to blame others for ones own lack of preparedness.

If you truly enjoy shooting and this is your first experience with a major shortage? Eventually it will turn around. Then it's up to you as to how well you fare the next time it happens.


12-20-2020, 03:22 PM
I think the new hoarders will move on to something different to hoard, then they will be selling to fund their new must have

There are no hoarders.
There are no "New" hoarders.
Brought to you by every idiot that voted for a communist.
Burning cities, looters, defunded police, National manmade pandemics and fraudulent elections have a tendency to produce angry Americans.

12-20-2020, 03:23 PM
The word "panic" gets tossed around much too freely; the better word choice is "frantic". People really don't panic about toilet paper or guns/ammo but those of us prone to fear easily get frantic and that sparks buying sprees.

We know firearms have only two natural enemies; rust and Democrats. Rust we can control but protecting free people from Democrats determined to "change and control us for our own good" are implacable enemies and are virtually impossible for a free people to live with.

Years ago, rampant Democrats were ramping up the rioting in many cities (mostly across the violent northern tier) and we, the people, started buying firearms like never before to protect ourselves from those raging Democrat mobs. And those millions of new buyers immediately bought a lot of ammo.

Same time, many law agencies bought a lot of popular cartridges to bring their own people up to higher standards. Same time, we we millions who are often our own worst friends did too. Those of us prone to frantic buying started stuffing closet shelves with virtually anything within reach. Try as they might, our ammo makers simply can't keep up with such surges. These wild buying peaks indeed swing on 4 or 8 year cycles, i.e., our major election cycles come with normal threats of ever more illiberal elitist goals of new laws crushing the personal freedoms of "those deplorable little people", they being us!

Last year, when it began to look like another wave of Dem vote thefts might actually beat us this time, concerned buyers followed their usual buying paths. Now that our worst fears have proven true, the current legal gun/ammo buying wave has not crested.
This time, America's internal political enemies aren't even trying to hide their plans so our long simmering fears of unbounded government tyranny is now boiling over, directly in front of us beginning Jan. 21, 2021.

There is still a slim chance that the cheats were so brazen and clumsy that they might have their victory over us snatched away from their claws. God help us. And, if that happens, the frantic buying surge will likely be over by Mother's Day.

12-20-2020, 03:40 PM
I heard, years ago, that a person working for Smith & Wesson said the average firearm is only fired 15 times.

We'll find a new 'normal' and components will be available again. I think its just a matter of time.

I don't think the prospects for the economy are good either. I predict we'll see a lot of cheap like new guns for sale next year.

Well, compared to some here, I'm not really a shooter, but none of mine have been shot only 15 times. None of them have been shot as much as I'd like, either.

12-20-2020, 04:26 PM
The pall bearers are NOT going to be happy... :mrgreen:

I and my stash will be cremated.

Winger Ed.
12-20-2020, 04:39 PM
Well us young guys are just waiting for you old farts to keel over so we can buy your stash for pennies on the dollar at the estate sale.

I'm planning on all my stuff being in the boat for my Viking funeral.

12-20-2020, 04:56 PM
That first post thing.....

Big Tom
12-20-2020, 05:07 PM
He will hopefully carry all his stock right into bankruptcy...

No wonder he is well stocked. He will prolly carry that inventory clear into the time all other store shelves restock.

12-21-2020, 05:35 AM
I think the new hoarders will move on to something different to hoard, then they will be selling to fund their new must have

They will try the same thing as last time. A bunch bought 22lr at $50 a box of 500 and tried to sell it at $75-80 and didn't. So, they either have it still or lost money on it. It's supply and demand. People are going to reach a point where they can't store anymore ammo or have enough and it will be back on the shelves I think.

12-21-2020, 06:43 AM
Nine years older. And, yup, we do worry more, mostly because we have seen more bad stuff. But, had the same feeling. A friend was fixing to experiment on a shot load for a pistol caliber, and asked me for an ounce or so of Bullseye powder. No biggee as I had about 3 ounces left in an old canister, and then I too had "the feeling of not quite panic" because at first I could not find any more canisters of Bullseye, and then I did; blessed relief!

Thanks, glad Iam not alone in thinking like that. I am not like that normally and it just hit me how quickly the mindset can change. Merry Christmas!

12-21-2020, 08:57 AM
Here is a response from Federal, Remington, Speer take a look at how they are rising to meet the demand:

12-21-2020, 10:18 AM
the new gun owners are.

Just saw a column on Town Hall <townhall.com> quoting Vista Outdoors' President of Ammunition who stated that very thing; 7 million new shooters and lack of time for production and new hire training means an ammunition shortage.
That's a very good reason to reload.

12-22-2020, 10:53 AM
The word "panic" gets tossed around much too freely; the better word choice is "frantic". People really don't panic about toilet paper or guns/ammo but those of us prone to fear easily get frantic and that sparks buying sprees.

We know firearms have only two natural enemies; rust and Democrats. Rust we can control but protecting free people from Democrats determined to "change and control us for our own good" are implacable enemies and are virtually impossible for a free people to live with.

Years ago, rampant Democrats were ramping up the rioting in many cities (mostly across the violent northern tier) and we, the people, started buying firearms like never before to protect ourselves from those raging Democrat mobs. And those millions of new buyers immediately bought a lot of ammo.

Same time, many law agencies bought a lot of popular cartridges to bring their own people up to higher standards. Same time, we we millions who are often our own worst friends did too. Those of us prone to frantic buying started stuffing closet shelves with virtually anything within reach. Try as they might, our ammo makers simply can't keep up with such surges. These wild buying peaks indeed swing on 4 or 8 year cycles, i.e., our major election cycles come with normal threats of ever more illiberal elitist goals of new laws crushing the personal freedoms of "those deplorable little people", they being us!

Last year, when it began to look like another wave of Dem vote thefts might actually beat us this time, concerned buyers followed their usual buying paths. Now that our worst fears have proven true, the current legal gun/ammo buying wave has not crested.
This time, America's internal political enemies aren't even trying to hide their plans so our long simmering fears of unbounded government tyranny is now boiling over, directly in front of us beginning Jan. 21, 2021.

There is still a slim chance that the cheats were so brazen and clumsy that they might have their victory over us snatched away from their claws. God help us. And, if that happens, the frantic buying surge will likely be over by Mother's Day.

What is a "vote theft?"


12-22-2020, 11:23 AM
I'm planning on all my stuff being in the boat for my Viking funeral.

https://www.trapshooters.com/cdn-cgi/image/format=auto,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/https://www.trapshooters.com/attachments/atf-floaters-jpg.1728381/

12-22-2020, 12:09 PM
When the scamdemic is over....ammo availability will bounce back. But don't expect it for at least a year. It will take businesses (that can bounce back) that long to rehire/retrain employees to make a supply again.


12-22-2020, 06:36 PM
Has a bunch of 9mm IF you really want some....
Just sayin

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12-22-2020, 06:45 PM
People actually buy ammo? Who would’a thunk!

12-22-2020, 06:50 PM
Ammo I understand, but I find it hard to believe that first time gun owners are buying reloading equipment and components. I do believe that manufacturers are diverting components to manufacturing loaded ammo. I do believe that Covid shutdowns and raw material shortages have also something to do with it. I can’t believe that anyone that has been shooting and reloading for 10, 20+ years was not prepared for this.

12-22-2020, 07:03 PM
I'd lay odds that a lot if not most of the new gun owners are these young folks who decided to jump onboard the wagon last minute due to the riots. As soon as the new wears off they won't be buying ammo and/or components any more. What they have will probably sit on the shelves in their homes and not be used up. Then things will start to get back to some facsimile of normal. Will prices come all the way back down, maybe not but better than now anyway.

I think you better rethink ,this shortage is nothing like any you have ever seen ! And if the Georgia vote goes to democraps your ammo needs won"t matter as biden/harris want everything you have that goes bang (registered that is) and that is a for real fact ! Just because you"ve been around a while and think back to normal is coming remember this. When in your wildest dreams did you think our country would go commy/socialist ,cause thats where the democraps are going and with 3 branches there will only be one party and it will be the one in the past we went to war over ! Think China/Germany/Japan /Korea /and all had one thing in common ,no guns for the people and again biden/harris agree ,nuff said/Ed

12-22-2020, 07:06 PM
to late mine all went down in the storm

12-22-2020, 07:08 PM
I think you better rethink ,this shortage is nothing like any you have ever seen ! And if the Georgia vote goes to democraps your ammo needs won"t matter as biden/harris want everything you have that goes bang (registered that is) and that is a for real fact ! Just because you"ve been around a while and think back to normal is coming remember this. When in your wildest dreams did you think our country would go commy/socialist ,cause thats where the democraps are going and with 3 branches there will only be one party and it will be the one in the past we went to war over ! Think China/Germany/Japan /Korea /and all had one thing in common ,no guns for the people and again biden/harris agree ,nuff said/Ed
makes me think of all the buried hidden guns and ammo in a country the size of New England 50 odd years ago

12-22-2020, 07:09 PM
why are we having all this divisive political messaging.

12-22-2020, 07:19 PM
Cause it"s needed for the few delusinal folks that don"t think!/Ed

12-22-2020, 07:49 PM
why are we having all this divisive political messaging. laughing

Thunder Stick
12-22-2020, 09:31 PM
In my area of California, I see people hoarding ammo. They buy it like it’s toilet paper at Costco. Seem okay to me. Some people are flippers. People who buy it up and resell it to make a profit. Nothing wrong with those things. It’s just what I see.

My LGS had 300 large pistol primers one morning. I bought 200 and left 100 for someone else. I wished I could have bought a case. But I try to think of the other guy. The salesman looked at me like I was crazy to not snatch them all up. But that’s not how I roll.

12-22-2020, 10:16 PM
Well I have been helping out a young friend of mine when I can. He has been both working a 40 hour week and going to college full time. Recently had a chance to change jobs, making much better money now, and has been buying guns.

2 handguns, a 9mm and a .380. He had "some" 9mm on hand but the .380 was new to him, so caught flat footed.
He also bought a Steyr Aug, so I let him "borrow" 40 rounds so he can at least have a couple mags for home defense.
And he bought a very nice looking Finnish Mosin, so again I set him up with enough ammo so he could deer hunt with it if he wanted to.

I fully expect in time for him to repay what he borrowed, with interest.

He's a good kid, ex marine chopper mechanic. Working security at a local state tech school.

40 rounds of either of those calibers is not a drop in the bucket of what I have stashed.
Given time I know he will be will stocked for the future, he is one of few of that age group I have met who has a solid grasp of reality and what might be needed to deal with what could happen.

12-24-2020, 04:47 PM
I hope to never need to buy factory ammo again! Ok, maybe 22lrs.

12-26-2020, 01:45 PM
It wasn't that long ago when I was derided for loading 9MM when it could be bought for dirt cheap. Not worth the hassle they said. That guy. That guy's buying all the ammo he can, and now he's buying reloading gear as well. As a primary reloader, I'm investigating casting, and now those items are getting scarce as well.

12-26-2020, 02:50 PM
Some years back, a lot of ladies I worked with bought various pistols in .380 ACP. None of them could find ammo to save their hides. Being a reloader, I told them I couldn't sell ammo, but a Bacon Western Cheeseburger and Fries was good for 2 boxes. I was told '1 box, 1 CB w/fries.' Don't argue with your co-workers.

I PC everything, and told them their choices were MIB, or 'Munitions in Black,' Barbie Pink 'because a girl has to accessorize,' Barney Purple, with a picture of Barney the purple dinosaur, and Neon Lime Green, or Zombie Boolits 'Got Zombies? Try Zom-B-Gone, use as directed,' and boxes labeled as described. I made a lot of 'Barbie Boolits.' Brass was cheap, lead was cheap, loading for my friends in that capacity was fun, nobody went without. The .380 loads I used were the same as I had since the mid 1980s, various pistols, no failures. If it isn't broke . . .

I've retired so my friends can't go to the LT for ammo like they used to. I worked a ton of Overtime so I was buying 5k of primers a month, SM P&R, LG P&R, 8lb jugs of powder whenever the last jug was about 1/2 empty. Not hurting, and haven't bought in 5 years. I rode out the last stupid crisis by waiting, when things cooled off, I probably loaded . . . I'd rather not say totals. Let's just say 3 households are well stocked. Heck, I've got 3k of 40 S&W that is lubed from the days before ASBBPC, something like 10 years ago.

I look forward to things cooling off and returning to somewhat normal. I make a final mortgage payment first of the month on one of my 3 properties, 2 of which are paid for. My fixed income will go further for sure, I'll probably start shooting more as the grand kids get older, already have a wife and kids who are shooters.

01-03-2021, 11:16 PM
the new gun owners are.


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01-11-2021, 01:03 PM
New government they need to deal with the riots in DC, oh and DOD is asking for the ammo they ordered two years ago as it is now time to deliver.