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View Full Version : Floodgate

12-15-2008, 11:17 AM
OK guys you went and lost the master! After too much political bantering on a forum that is dedicated to a hobby we love and care about, Doug decided to pack up and move to http://www.antiquereloadingtools.org/index.html . I got a note from him telling me of his new email address. All the years he was guiding you kids with his encyclopedia brain chock full of knowledge "WE" all want and need at times, he was doing it with phone dial up line. It's too late to warn you now after the damage is done, but in the future, please refrain from blowing your mouth off on something that has no place here.

All you older people from the old Shooter forum know how you looked forward to and read all of Floodgates posts. If there ever was such a thing as a Doctorate in Boolit casting history, he'd be one of the few here deserving of the award. ....Geo

Red River Rick
12-15-2008, 11:38 AM
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Floodgate on the site for a while. Too bad he's moved to another site, we've lost a wealth of information.

Unfortunately, there's always going to be one bad apple in the barrel that's going to ruin things for everyone else. When will we ever learn.


12-15-2008, 03:42 PM
I'm not sure what or who was meesing with Floodgate. I can't say that I ever say any answer to any of his posts that was out of line. As to the Humor O/T section if I think I might be offended by something there I don't bother to open it.

I been sittin' here all week waiting to see his reply on my new /old EZ Loader. I'll have to go to the other forum and tell him I got one.

MT Gianni
12-15-2008, 04:07 PM
He moved on after someone on an election post told him we should all be one party or leave. It's tragic the knowledge that walked out the door.

12-15-2008, 04:16 PM
Thats probably a post I skipped over. Really sorry to see him go.

Lloyd Smale
12-15-2008, 04:47 PM
its a shame we lost him. Its also a shame his feelings got hurt so easily. Personaly i come here because theres freinds here, theres knowlege here, and theres access to things i cant get elsewhere like molds casting equp. ect. Now the first thing im going to say is that ive been in an argument at one time or another with every friend i have or have had. Ive never let sometihing as trivial as a dissagreement or a few names tossed in vane ruin a freindship. Ill let the touchy feely run cause you said something i dont like crap stay with the women in this house. I cant count the time that people on this forum have dissagreed with what ive said. Thats the thing with life and with being a grown up. You know that your answer isnt allways the right one and that sometimes theres more the one answer or opinion that is right. Youd think wed learn that being casters because theres about no hobby i know of with so many things that cant be explained and so many differnt thoughts on the right answer. I liked floodgate and appreciated his knowlege as much as the next guy but he needs to thicken his hide a bit. Cowboy up and come back where his freinds are.

12-15-2008, 05:02 PM
I received a similar note from Floodgate/Doug a few weeks ago, and was saddened to see him leave. As far as I'm concerned, if no further political postings or threads landed on the site, it wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit. But it is difficult to divorce firearms hobby crafts from the milieu of politics, since gun control is such a hot-button issue with both parties. Hopefully, the politicos in this country of every stripe have learned the lesson after 1994's AWB that gun control is like Social Security--that both are the "third rail" of politics. Touch either, and die. The Supreme Court's findings in the Heller case might be a hurdle as well.

That said, I'll quote Ken/45 Nut here and type "It's about the boolits!" What I would like EVERYONE to keep in mind as we read or write on this site in EXACTLY THAT. Sure, we go into other subjects--jacketed bullets, hit-and-miss engines, Dodge 4WD trucks, balky boat motors, fly fishing and fly tying, condor recipes, spotted owl hunts--and you won't see The Authorities stomping on the flow of discourse very often--if at all. We're a pretty lazy and indulgent lot, take it all around.

But we get our hackles up right quick when a member starts taking flak for a political belief, or for any sort of personal attack. You can reliably expect to get skated into the penalty box if that occurs--because in the context of Doug's departure, I would prefer the absence of loud-mouthed bullying and profane texts to the departure of members over such expressions. Lastly, although the Humor & Off-Topic section's lead-in text includes a warning that entry might expose you to being offended, THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO USE SEXUAL, EXCRETORY, OR OBSCENE CONTENT AS TEXT OR ILLUSTRATIONS.

12-15-2008, 05:13 PM
This isn't good news as Floodgate was unfailingly helpful and polite to all. I certainly will miss him!

12-15-2008, 05:26 PM
already missed...

12-15-2008, 05:55 PM
He moved on after someone on an election post told him we should all be one party or leave. It's tragic the knowledge that walked out the door.

I've read a few, and I emphasize a FEW, posts that I would consider to be plain disrespectful and immature. It is sad to lose good knowledgable members over such pettiness. We aren't all of the same poitical beliefs and that is part of what makes the USA so unique. I served to protect everyones rights, although I don't agree with some. I only hope that the members who are the cause of such pettiness can and will be banned from making insulting and derogatory personal remarks. It seems that if there is a pattern from a few then maybe the administrators should take a vote and possibly put the said persons on probation or remove them from the forum. Just my thoughts on this stuff.


12-15-2008, 06:21 PM
sundog said it ALL READY MISSED

12-16-2008, 06:44 AM
Floodgate was very helpful to me when I first got started in muzzle loading.

Just Duke
12-16-2008, 07:12 AM
His political opinions are his and his alone and I will fight to the death for his right to be able to express it weather it falls within the parameters of my own.
Where I'm from we refer to that as FREEDOM!

It is also his choice to volunteerily participate here, and myself, would not persuade a highly knowledgeable man that is a decade a so my senior to diswaude his decision (soley based on politcal peer pressure) to ruminate amongst us based on my thirst for information.
He will be truly missed.
Respectfully speaking of course.

12-16-2008, 11:03 AM
I hate to see him go and I hope he can find his way back here sometime. From my personal experiences, I will have to say that this place is at the top of the heap when it comes to manners and sincerely helpful people. I have made my way around the Internet to some of the other sites that pertain to my interests other than just firearms. That's not to say I've been to all that many, but enough to know that some of these other forums are down right impossible to participate in. There's some other good ones, but this one is the best. Sure there's room for improvement. But, to put it in perspective, when over 7,000 people come together from all walks of life, and conduct themselves like they do here, that's pretty amazing to me. Think about where you work, I'll bet in most circumstances the handful of people you work with day in and day out step on toes from time to time. And the same goes for just about any place you can name where human beings come together and communicate. For the most part, it's been my observation, that a lot of the less than appropriate behavior comes from folks that are new to the site and seem to bring with them the behavior their accustomed to at other places. These guys for the most part seem to quickly fade away or learn that rudeness is not tolerated here and fall in line.


12-16-2008, 11:18 AM
there was more to floodgate's leaveing than just the politacal argueing from the PMs i recieved from him. and his last PM i recieve he said he bears no ill feelings to anyone or to the CB site. and i will leave it at that. and do hope for his return. steve k

Pepe Ray
12-16-2008, 12:17 PM
Courtesy is contagious.
Usually the "wild hairs" don't last long if they're ignored.

I'd speculate that Doug has come to a point where allocating time is a challenge.
A man of many interests can be frustrated facing the fact that there are only 24 hrs in a day and you have to rest now and then.
When his focus is satisfied he'll drop in again, if only to lurk.
Via con Dios
Pepe Ray

12-16-2008, 01:28 PM
I view this place as a "family"! As such I expect a squabble now and then. I certainly can't drop out of my family because one of my kin is a bit stupid at times. I suppose in HIS eyes it's ME that is the problem. I am gretting to the age that when I don't hear from some one for a few weeks, I start to think the dark thoughts and hope I'm wrong. If Doug has been hurt by this site, he will most likely come back. It might just be that he has changed priorities! In which case I wish him the best and will miss him.

12-16-2008, 06:53 PM
I have just about quit other sites as I find them lacking by comparison in all respects. We are poorer for the loss of Floodgate.

12-17-2008, 12:56 AM
I tried to talk him out of leaving.

Some jerkoff new member caused the whole deal.. :roll:

12-17-2008, 03:07 AM
I also pm'ed him begging him not to leave over some idiotic BS from someone who was out of line and not vested (IMHO)....but to no avail. We are poorer without his prescence here....can this be moved to the in rememberence area? I feel pretty bad about his departure.....his knowledge on older moulds alone was more than enough to write a book on and I already miss him.

Imagine a guy nice enough to loan basically a complete stranger (me) very old almost irreplaceable lyman 3589 and 358318 molds still in their metal cornered box's. That is what kind of feller he is....and I will miss his voice here.

Red River Rick
12-17-2008, 03:53 AM
Some jerkoff new member caused the whole deal.. :roll:

I sure hope that this new member can replace the knowledge we just lost, but I doubt that. [smilie=b:


12-17-2008, 06:39 AM
I sent a PM to him in regards to some B&M catalogs a few years back. His response was amazing...to me at least.


cajun shooter
12-17-2008, 09:24 AM
The shame of it all. I'm sorry to hear of his choice. The sad fact about the people who blow off on the internet is that person would not utter a word in a FTF. When they realize that they can blow off without a problem they become the baddest person on the block. I'm 61 years old and have been into casting since about 72. I've learned more since being on this forum than all those previous years.

12-17-2008, 02:21 PM
I hate to see him go.I don't post much I am a preacher not a writer,and typ with one finger.But I come here at least twice a day.I have been casting and loading since high school.I have learned more here in the last three years than I did the 35 years before .Floodgate has been a big part of that.As have alot of others.
I have pastored churches I can get along with anybody if I can ignore him,and sometimes it takes an effort to ignore some folks.Sounds like there was someone he just could not ignore.
Anyway thanks to those who have taught me.:-D

12-17-2008, 02:30 PM
He put up with me ...:groner:

May have liked me even. Now that takes some thick skin.. :mrgreen:

12-17-2008, 02:48 PM
Naw, it don't!

12-17-2008, 02:53 PM
Well, …….I’m a “newbie” here, and I never had any contact with “Floodgate”: …..But it is very clear that many here valued his contributions. His departure is a real shame!

I have served as a moderator on an unrelated forum for the past two years, ….and in that time, I have learned one important lesson:

This is the Internet: ……There will ALWAYS be the occasional Clown with either “extreme” or “abrasive” opinions!!! One simply CANNOT be “thin-skinned” enough to let them get to you!!!!! You have to dismiss them for what they are, and get back to business.

I truly hope your old friend will realize that “one jerk does not a forum make”, ….and return to his friends!


12-17-2008, 03:13 PM
This is the Internet: ……There will ALWAYS be the occasional Clown with either “extreme” or “abrasive” opinions!!! One simply CANNOT be “thin-skinned” enough to let them get to you!!!!!

It didn't appear to be the opinions that were the problem. Floodgate wasn't even involved in the argument. It was the fact that someone eventually hauled off and told the opposition that he considered them to be traitors to their country no longer welcome here. He suggested that they go find another forum more conducive to their political point of view. Floodgate took him up on the suggestion.

Difference of opinion is good. Intolerance of those who do not share your opinion is not.


12-17-2008, 04:20 PM
It didn't appear to be the opinions that were the problem. Floodgate wasn't even involved in the argument. It was the fact that someone eventually hauled off and told the opposition that he considered them to be traitors to their country no longer welcome here. He suggested that they go find another forum more conducive to their political point of view.


We have fought repeatedly to insure that people have the right to have differing opinions. The "Love It, or Leave It" mentality really has no place in an intellegent discussion.


12-18-2008, 10:58 AM
A couple things we should all remember here, Doug is still here, so to speak, in all his answers and postings. Some of us fail to use the search tabs at the top of each page on this forum and tend to ask the same question over and over. Find one of his posts and click on his name and the opportunity to become enlightened is there at our fingertips. Use the advanced search then type in Floodgate in the box that says search by members name, and everything he posted is at your disposal.

The other option is ask your questions directly to him here...


It can be a little tricky to navigate on that old site, but a lot of old reloading info is there if you need it. ....Geo

12-18-2008, 06:38 PM
Well I don't know what all the hype is about...I belong to several forums. I don't go mopeing around with my head down like to suggest that to enjoy all that is available to us is like some sort of Divorce!!!:confused:

I looked at the sight link provided and found only a bunch of pictures of moulds.....Yea

I might be missing something, I tried to sign up...but for $35 to sign up!! I hope it comes with a kiss cause I always like to get a kiss when I'm getting....well you know.:mrgreen:

I had a few dealings with Doug and they were all Good ones.:drinks:

Even if it is a little repetative this place is addictive, FUN, and helpful!.....(Not near as Anal and up-tight as some of them..thank God) How else could people new to the sport learn if they can't ask the Questions we all asked when we started? (Wonder if my 3rd teacher ever felt like the years got repetative??) And like all forums, it is just more fun to ask than to wade through the endless search engine.....(Repetiton was the reason I was told for his leaving)(Not whiners whining)

I bet Doug will show up from time to time....even if just to look around:Fire:

12-18-2008, 06:59 PM
I've read Floodgates posts and found them to be very informative and well thought out. It is a shame that he let some twerp's posting show him the door. Internet forum vets know well that if you have a thin skin or easily pushed buttons you won't last. Sounds like he just got tired.


12-18-2008, 09:50 PM
I never had the honor or priveledge to Know Floodgate on a personal basis, but I will go with the General knowledge of the folks that have been here longer than me and Believe that he was one of the many good guys here. I read the thread in question and I think that the individual (woodtroll) that pissed off everyone had no right or business to suggest that the forum would be better off if they ( the fine folks with different party affiliations) were to go somewhere else. Its not his forum. He is not the owner nor does he express the opinions of the general population of cast boolits and he don't speak for me. This forum to me is full of folks that come from different backgrounds and life experiences. There is alot to learn here. It is a shame that we would lose an obviously valuable individual such as Floodgate over a slight during a heated political debate. I would also like to say that I have a rule for myself when conversing with other folks on matters of a sensitive nature. My rule is this: sometimes you must listen to others respectfully first inorder to be heard respectfully by others.

12-18-2008, 09:53 PM
Agreed that you gotta have a bit of a thick skin when dealing with some people ( a good example was when I worked NY harbor on a tugboat-they were all over the comm radios- we called them "heroes in the dark"-you know...."I'll meet you on the dock and kick your a$$" on the radio, you say "OK...pier 17 in an hour--dead silence!!!!) It's easy to talk crap when no-one knows you. Sad reason to leave this mostly fine group. And to you wanna be heroes--ease up!!!, it doesn't do any good and you look childish! respectfully......Bill