View Full Version : Another AA2200 thread

12-15-2020, 12:42 AM
I queried, and all the AA2200 threads are pretty much about the Data powder. I'm still working down my last two jugs, but didn't want to use it all on the 5.56. The Data powder seems to stretch across a broad range of calibers. I've got a lot of .308 to load for the FALs I shoot, so ordered some newer AA2200, heard it's more specific to the smaller calibers. What the heck. I did notice this before I ordered, but knowing it might not be there tomorrow, I went ahead and took it. The listings on Graf's site suggest limiting its uses on the 17,19, and 20 calibers, and that it works extremely well on the lighter .223 bullets, 36-45 gr. Surely, it'll load outside this parameter. I don't have the Quikload software, need to invest in it. Have others pushed the 55s using this powder, cause I've got a truckload left to shoot.

03-27-2021, 01:40 PM
Apropos of nothing whatsoever, check out Shooter's World data, especial under Tactical Rifle. And, check out QL's free competition: Gordon's Reloading Tool.

You're welcome.