View Full Version : a. uberti

12-14-2008, 08:00 PM
how the quality of the a uberti 1874 sharps and the1885 high wall rifles ?

Don McDowell
12-14-2008, 08:05 PM
The Sharps are made by Pedersoli, not much of a buy there when you look at the cost being so close to CSharps and Shiloh.
The Highwalls are made by Uberti, and are a pretty decent buy, they do well enough for general shooting but need a rebarrel for seriuos competition shooting.

John Boy
12-14-2008, 09:05 PM
Milltown -having both the Pedersoli '74 Sharps and the Uberti '85 HiWall ... Pedersoli barrels are better made and closer to factory specifications. The Pedersoli lands and grooves are much smoother with less brooch cutter chatter than Uberti barrels. Whether Uberti air guages there barrels, I don't know but Pedersoli does and they consider their barrels to be 'match grade'

12-14-2008, 10:04 PM
I have the Cimarron 74 sharps from Pedersoli and I really like it. I got it at a fair price some years ago and have had no problems. I sold it once and missed it so much I had to buy it back for $300 more.....

I would think that the Uberti is the same gun, although I have heard that Cimarron usually pays a premium for better wood and a cleaner wood to metal fit than some of the other importers. Not sure if this is true or not.

The rifle still shoots little tiny groups if it likes what I'm feeding it.

I have treated mine like s....well...It has been a "Ranch Gun" for years. This thing has killed more game and has put more smiles on my face than any other gun. :Fire: A few of my friends have been in total disbelief by what you can do with the sharps.

12-14-2008, 10:26 PM

I bought a Uberti Hiwall this past summer in 45-70. Other than a H&R 1871 Buffalo Classic that I had previously, I do not have any more expierience with single shot rifles. I had nothing but trouble with the H&R, and did finally get a refund of my money from the factory. I used the money plus some more to get my Uberti. I really luke the HiWall. The bore is nice and smooth. The fit and finish is good. The H&R cannot be compared to the Uberti, but then it was not ment to be.
I have fired nothing but bp in the rifle with the Lyman 530 Postell bullet.
The rifle is very well made to my eyes and I would recommend one to you. I would not recommend buying one sight unseen. When I bought mine, I had the opportunity to go the the store where it was located and pick this one from three others available. This one is a Cimmaron import and was noticably nicer.

Angus in Wyoming
12-14-2008, 10:59 PM
I have the Uberti in the 38-55 highwall. I think it is great. I have read that some people have had issues with the barrels and not much support from the factory.
I bought mine from Buffalo Arms. It is the double set trigger, pistol grip model.
It is a very good shooting gun. I have only shot smokeless in it and use 335 gr Lyman bullet that looks like a smaller version of the 45 cal Postell.
It shoots that heavy bullet really well. We have a 848 yd target at our range and I can hit it regularly.
I think the 45-70 might be a little tough to shoot. I think they may be pretty light and the crescent butt plate might bite. I don't own the the 45-70, so I don't know. The 38-55 I have is great

12-15-2008, 05:18 AM
..............I have a Uberti Hi-Wall chambered 38-55. It is a beautifull rifle to look at and the mechanics are vg-excellent. It's the DS trigger/pistol grip version and the triggers are crisp, and it has rather nice, but not fancy wood. I got it from Cimarron. However the barrel is worthless. This is not true of all of them however. A member here, Jon K had one and it's a great shooting rifle. I bought mine on the fact that his was so nice.

I got mine October of last year and it has been sent for warranty work to Indiana ($36 shipping) and the barrel was reported to have had a bad crown (repaired) and some 'waviness' to the lands, which was apparently not deemed worthy of a barrel replacement. I was told they were aimed at the Cowboy Action Shooters.

Talking with Cimarron (again) produced the fact that they would re-barrel it and had ordered another barrel. That was 6 weeks ago. I have sent 4 e-mails in the past 2 weeks asking for an update, but has gotten no response so far.

Unless I could see one shoot there is no way in hell I'd buy another Uberti unless you plan on hanging it on the wall and just looking at it. Or you're a gambler or don't mind wasting a year or have an extra $400 to have it re-barreled yourself. I really don't have an issue with Cimarron other then their recent silence. They didn't make the rifle, but it would seem that they might have a word with Uberti about shipping crap, and having their name associated with crap.


12-15-2008, 12:46 PM
I have been reading your posts for months on your Uberti. Man that is so disheartening to say the least. I do hope everything works out for you on your rifle.
I had the same expierience with a H&R Buffalo Classic. I realize that the BC is not near the rifle the Uberti is supposed to be, but when it comes to lemons or just plain bad manufacturing in firearms , that is so personal. That is why I recommended not getting one of the Uberti's unless Milltown could physically look at it.
All the best to you and your rifle.

12-15-2008, 12:52 PM
I have the Cimarron 74 sharps from Pedersoli and I really like it. I got it at a fair price some years ago and have had no problems. I sold it once and missed it so much I had to buy it back for $300 more.....

I would think that the Uberti is the same gun, although I have heard that Cimarron usually pays a premium for better wood and a cleaner wood to metal fit than some of the other importers. Not sure if this is true or not.
They are both imported by Cimarron, but they come from different factories with different building techniques. They are NOT 'the same gun'.

Uberti now sells Sharps rifles, but they are made by Pedersoli...and just stamped with the Uberti brand.

Because Uberti has entered the Sharps market, Pedersoli is now free to build Hiwalls...and they are. The receivers are supplied by Uberti, and Pedersoli re-heat treats them to their own specifications. After that, everything going into them is Pedersoli stuff...including the match-quality barrel.

If you believe the frequently heard statement that Pedersoli is no longer the deal that it was...because for a couple hundred more you can get a Shiloh...compare model for model.

Take this page at Dixie http://www.dixiegunworks.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=M1874+or+1874 as your Pedersoli price list, then compare at the Shiloh site.

I like to use Quigley guns for comparison because that model is supposed to look plain...not all gussied up with 'available options'.
You'll see the Dixie price is $1500 compared to $3300 in Big Timber.


Don McDowell
12-15-2008, 05:02 PM
You'll see the Dixie price is $1500 compared to $3300 in Big Timber.


Come now mr charlie the base price for a plain vanilla Big Timber rifle is 1800 and change. Don't know about you:roll: but I've yet to hear of anybody selling their Shiloh or CSA to buy a Pedersoli, or other Italian, but it does work the other way quite often.:-D

12-16-2008, 12:36 AM
Come now mr charlie the base price for a plain vanilla Big Timber rifle is 1800 and change.
That may be true, Don, but you aren't talking about the Quigley's, are you?.

If you want to compare 'plain vanilla', Pedersoli is $995 to your $1800...still close to the same ratio.

Don McDowell
12-16-2008, 12:52 AM
:-D Charlie you ever wonder why they put those pederolis up for sale at bargain basement prices?
The only ones I noticed on the Dixie site for under 1200 are some reallly really basic models ,that still won't hold a candle to fit and finish to one of the Big Timber built guns.
As to the Quigley model, well Dixie list that at 1800 right now. Sans the patch box you can still get a 34 inch barreled 74 from the Big timber outfits for the 18 and change. For the quality I'll forgo the patch box, that's not good for much anyways.:drinks:

12-16-2008, 03:52 AM
...............Sent the 5th e-mail to Cimarron last night so they'd have it this AM. It said:

It's been 6 weeks. Any word?

................I got a reply this afternoon:

Awaiting a reply from the factory.

.............Waiting 6 WEEKS!? I wonder what kind of reply they're waiting for?

1) Yes we have no extra barrels.
2) We need all the barrels we have and you can't have one.
3) Our barrel maker is on maternity leave.
4) Your request was incorrectly filled out, please resubmit.
5) These are made for Cowboy Action shooters. Unless the hole doesn't go all the way through it should be okay.


12-16-2008, 08:58 AM
i found a uberti 1874 sharps down under sharps in 45/120 for sale new in the box for $1330 is this a good deal? or would i be better off getting a winchester 1895 in 45/70 or 45/90 or a browning 78 if i can find one

Jon K
12-16-2008, 09:29 AM

WOW, that's scary.
They went from NICE to NAUGHTY real quick. Guess they forgot Christmas isn't here yet.


If you're going to play the odds, then Winchester/Browning has better odds. But if the design, DST, and weight are a big factor for you, then only you can decide.

OPPS, almost missed it, 45-120? are you sure you want that much recoil? Unless you have a specific use for it, and if this will be your first BPCR rifle, the 45-70/45-90 is a better choice.


Don McDowell
12-16-2008, 10:00 AM
45-120 brass runs about 3$ each, recoil is pretty much into the nose bleed category, and there's few and far between reports of decent accuracy with a 120. I suppose the choice is yours.
For the most part you can buy the Winchester 85's for about 11-1300 dollars, if you want to do something that'll launch you into bpcr competition ready then the Creedmore edition of the highwall from Davidsons is probably the best bet.
Also don't overlook probably the best buy in bpcr rifles at the moment, and thats the C Sharps 75 model.

12-16-2008, 11:08 AM
45-120 brass runs about 3$ each, recoil is pretty much into the nose bleed category, and there's few and far between reports of decent accuracy with a 120. I suppose the choice is yours.
For the most part you can buy the Winchester 85's for about 11-1300 dollars, if you want to do something that'll launch you into bpcr competition ready then the Creedmore edition of the highwall from Davidsons is probably the best bet.
Also don't overlook probably the best buy in bpcr rifles at the moment, and thats the C Sharps 75 model.

+1 on the 75. I bought one 4 years ago in 38-55, and while it is primarily a hunting rifle, it does quite well out to 600yds with the Lyman 335gr Postel copy. IIRC it was $1175 then.


12-16-2008, 03:23 PM
5) These are made for Cowboy Action shooters. Unless the hole doesn't go all the way through it should be okay.
Is that because 'how fast you shoot 'em' is more important than 'where they hit'...?

12-21-2008, 02:09 PM
I went with the Uberti 1885 High Wall .45-70 because it fit me better than the Sharps. The heavier bullets I used, the better it shot, and I've now settled on the old Lyman 457406 RN gas check design weighing in at ~510 grains with my alloy over a case of 2F. It may not be a serious competitor when playing with the big boys, but I've placed well in side matches at Cowboy Action shoots with it.