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View Full Version : Paypal help

Patrick L
12-04-2020, 03:20 PM
Hey guys, I'm having a Paypal issue I can't figure out.

Im selling something, I sent the buyer an invoice, but their account won't let them pay it. Its not even gun related, so that shouldn't be an issue. I think my invoice is good, plus if it wasn't I'd think the automated system would flag me.

Any ideas or experience with this issue?

12-04-2020, 03:35 PM
Maybe their algorithm doesn't like you?

Kind of interesting how AI is slowly taking over our lives and developing attitude towards people. And it ain't even gotten started yet!

Wait till it really gets racist.


12-04-2020, 04:08 PM
It is plain and simple with Paypal. He has no Money in his account. Paypal invoice couldn't care less about Firearms or Gun related. You Buyer has No money In his account. Be careful.

12-04-2020, 04:14 PM
I think the suggestion that no money is the problem is correct. For me to pay for something via PayPal I have to transfer funds there unless having sold something I was paid for via PayPal has provided me with a balance. I know some may have auto deduction to move funds from bank account to pay for PayPal items, I do not and I think many wouldn't want the PayPal system to have unrestricted access to their bank account.

I do think you should avoid mention of guns or firearms or even firearms related information in the PayPal system. They do not allow firearms purchases and I believe the AI tends to flag purchases that are firearm related based on key words. E.G "30-06 Rifle Brass" might not be a banned sale but the system will just see "30-06 Rifle" no point in tempting fate I say.

12-04-2020, 04:37 PM
Paypal sucks, plain and simple

12-04-2020, 04:41 PM
I must have a different PayPal. I pay via debit card. My "account" never has any money in it. I have been "invoiced" but I just OK the payment and pay via debit...

12-04-2020, 07:38 PM
Was about to say the same. Never had any cash in it but pay by credit card BUT my bank account is verified as is my credit card. That might be the difference. Good luck.

charlie b
12-04-2020, 09:15 PM
When I used Paypal for our business I would 'test' the shopping cart software and Paypal interface by making a purchase.

I'd use a different email and pay through Paypal with their direct credit card system (no Paypal account needed). It has to be a different card than the one on your regular account. That way I knew the system worked. There were quite a few potential customers who tried to tell me my system was screwed up when it was their credit card that did not work. One even forged a back records to claim that I charged them for the product. Paypal helped me fix that one.

12-04-2020, 09:27 PM
the buyer dosnt have to have a paypal account to pay the invoice. Just a credit or bank card.. On a side note paypal does indeed have a set of rules and restrictions about weapons. Its almost never enforced but sometimes is flagged and enforced. Just be sure not to use any alarm words....
We did about $26K-$35K a year sales through paypal for almost 14 years.. Ive seen it all with regards to paypal

12-04-2020, 09:29 PM
have him send it friends and family without invoice, less strings

12-04-2020, 10:33 PM
I never send Money via Paypal F&F . I got shafted Once , On this forum, yes the person is out. but i was out To. You have no Recourse with F&F

12-05-2020, 12:03 AM
I never send Money via Paypal F&F . I got shafted Once , On this forum, yes the person is out. but i was out To. You have no Recourse with F&F

That's true, but Paypal's services payment doesn't offer that much more. You can open a claim, but if the other party denies the claim, well, that's that. My one and only claim with Paypal was a few years ago. I had bought a set of pistons from Rockauto, and they had turned out to be very poor quality. I returned them according to Rockauto's instructions, including printing off their shipping label. After a week, I get a refund for about $50. I call them, and ask what's up? He said, we refunded you for the piston. I told him I sent in a whole set. Nope, I'm only showing one on the warehouse sheet. I said, yeah, one set. That devolved into a back and forth idiot match where I was growing impatient, and the other guy kept refusing to simply walk to the warehouse and check the box I sent back.

So I filed a claim with Paypal. Of course Rockauto flat out denied everything. So I was was out the money, Paypal couldn't help me, and Rockauto lost a customer who had spent a few thousand there that year, and was prepared to spend even more. In your stated case, you would probably have gotten your money back through Paypal, and is a good idea for dealing with people you don't know at all.

12-05-2020, 10:31 AM
Paypal Is Not going to defend any one customer Because they Play both ends against the Middle . Both sides are There Customer. all their doing is transfering Money

Patrick L
12-06-2020, 11:42 AM
He didn't want to do Friends and Family because as I understand it there are more protections for the buyer. I get it, its a fairly pricey item, I'd be nervous just sending someone that much money.

12-06-2020, 01:26 PM
Pricey item.

That could be another road block. I assume the buyer doesn't have a "balance" in Paypal. If the buyer is using a CC, maybe he inadvertantly overlooked that the amount is beyond his credit limit...Since this is going through paypal and is not a direct purchase from a retailer with a CC service, the available credit on the typical CC for cash advance is usually much lower than available credit for a purchase.
If their Paypal is linked to a bank account (checking or whatever), maybe the Bank "slows" down the funds when the transfer is a large amount...for fraud tracking purposes.

charlie b
12-06-2020, 10:01 PM
Paypal usually verifies the account as valid or not on the spot. The seller can't withdraw the money for about 3 days.