View Full Version : WW = Arm and a Leg.

12-12-2008, 02:33 PM
Well, I went down to one of the local tire shops today. They've been doing me decent. Selling me WWs at a price of $40 a bucket. A little on the steep end, but hey, when you live where I do there just isn't a lot of options.

Well, anyways I talked to one of the guys at the shop. Said that they didn't have any. They've been keeping everyone of them they could to put back on the wheels. Turns out that they are paying about $12 dollars for a box of the smaller weights. A box has 50 weights in it according to the guy.

So thats why their drying up. The guys selling them are ripping off the tire shops. Case solved.


cajun shooter
12-12-2008, 05:19 PM
I had a tire dealer tell me that he recycled. I said ; how much does the recycler give you for them? He said you don't understand, I put them back on different tires. I told him that was against the law and left.

12-12-2008, 05:39 PM
I told him that was against the law and left.

I thought that also, but it may depend on the state, I don't know. I know several places here in Ky that do not reuse the weights and some that do.

12-12-2008, 05:44 PM
WW are getting tougher and tougher to come by these days. I had a solid place.They just told me that they could not even SELL them to me let alone give them to me. I have a feeling that they are "recycling" them in the same fashion........By reusuing them........things are getting weird all over guys. Things are bad when you cant even get toxic material for a decent price!!!

12-12-2008, 06:42 PM
I bet they are still charging their customers for new ww's.

12-12-2008, 06:49 PM
I bet they are still charging their customers for new ww's.

Here they don't charge you for the WWs. Instead they charge you for "balancing". Which is putting the weight on. I would rather buy the weight. It would be cheaper.

12-12-2008, 06:51 PM
A box of beer goes a long way....

12-12-2008, 07:09 PM
Well, I stopped by several places today. The one guy that DOES save his weights for me looked in the bucket and told me flat out,"I haven't been selling many tires. There is a few in the bottom of the bucket, and I'll keep saving them for you." I looked in the bucket. Yeah, there was about 10. I wasn't even going to get my hands dirty picking them out.

Beer does not go as far as you would think. Two of these stores are run by "hardcore Jesus Crispies." (not to offend anyone. I'm a church goer myself.) But these guys don't drink, smoke, curse, and one won't even watch football. We're in sad times my friends.

12-12-2008, 10:52 PM
First of all I want to say hi to everyone.
Been lurking for a while and finally decided to join in on the fun.

I haven't done any bullet casting in 15 years.
Thought I'd get back into it, but as everyone here has said, finding ww is getting hard to do.
Scrap yard has 1/2 of a 5 gal bucket for 30.00.
Several shops are reusing them.
One said he couldn't sell them because they were hazardous material and had to be disposed of properly.

But I guess there is hope, several weeks ago my boss told me of a tire dealer he knew that had ww and all I had to do was call him.
And of course I kept forgetting to, when I finally got around to calling him he told me he had given them away just the day before.
He said he had GIVEN away 4 or 5 , 5 gallon buckets of ww away.
I guess thats what I get for waiting.

You would think at my age I'd learn by now.

12-12-2008, 11:28 PM
My best place, big o went out of business, those guys really saved alot for me, oh well need to beat the bushes I guess.


Southern Son
12-13-2008, 08:05 AM
bbs70, mate, I think you have the same fairy god mother as me. I always get there one day too late, free ww, fishing, it don't matter, I should have got there yesterday.

12-13-2008, 11:24 PM
Well Southern son I guess it was really my fault, I should have called the man sooner.
As they say
If you snooze you lose.

I just regeristered on this forum yesterday and maybe that is what brought me luck.
I had called a scrap dealer yesterday inquiring about ww.
He said he had 1/2 of a 5 gallon bucket, but wanted 35.00 for it.
I thought that was kinda high so I passed on it.
But after talking to a dozen tire dealers and garages with no results I thought I had better latch onto the 35.00 bucket or I wouldn't have any lead.
Well this morning I went to the scrap dealer and said I'd take the 1/2 bucket of ww for the 35.00 they asked for.
They said I must have called someone else because they don't charge that much for ww, and besides they didn't have any.
However they had just this morning gotten 500 lbs of lead ingots and would sell them for .20 a lb.
I checked them out and they seemed to be just as hard as the store bought hard cast bullets I have been shooting.

The only problem I have now is waiting for my mold, furnace and sizer to get here.