View Full Version : Getting About Time To Go Pick Collards..

11-14-2020, 02:52 PM
Only problem, I don't think we have yet had a good frost, and doesn't look like one is coming this week.

This is from 2018 I think, hope they will be good in 2020, they will be one of the FEW things that are!


These are actually yellow collards, we call them cabbage collards, more or less a North Carolina thing, they taste exactly like cabbage and collards mixed in the pot, they are sweeter than regular collards and a lighter shade of green.

11-14-2020, 09:02 PM
I love greens, but I prefer turnip and mustard. Just what I was raised on. Have eaten collard, just don't prefer them. Spinach, cabbage, kale? Anything green and leafy I love. Remember Dad pouring the "pot liquor " off a good pot of greens into a big glass and drinking it. Still do it from time to time.