View Full Version : Remembrance Day

Stephen Cohen
11-12-2020, 11:13 PM
A couple days ago we true Australians celebrated Remembrance Day as we do every year. I have always made sure my young gran children have a badge and poppy to pin on their chests as a sign of respect for those who served and those who gave all, this year I was unable to get one at my usual shopping centre stall, as many of these stores are now owned by Muslims and will not allow the RSL and Salvation Army to operate on their premises. I was very proud of my little 5year old gran daughter when she said she has the Poppy I gave her a couple years back, which she kept in her jewelry box. Sadly only her teacher and her wore a poppy at school that day, You bet I am ashamed of how my Country has sunk to this level. Now my little gran daughter wants some pictures of her grandad when he was an Army man, I wonder will she recognize that handsome young man in the green clothing, for I no longer recognise the country of my youth. I was a peace time soldier but it does not diminish that pride you have from serving with the best your country has to offer. America has always been a country that shows great pride in regard to their service personnel, as this country once was, but now we are governed by the incompetent and in many cases criminals who pander to the wills and wishes of the free loading rejects of the world and would turn this once great country into the slum they come from. To those I may offend I say, take a good hard look at yourself as you may well be part of the problem. Regard Stephen

11-12-2020, 11:30 PM
No offense taken here. I feel much the same sometimes about the half of my country that has adopted many of the philosophies of the people that shot at my uncles after D-day or at me and my friends in SE Asia. There is much virtue signaling these days by people that only a few years ago detested people in uniform.

11-13-2020, 12:04 AM
There is no offense taken from your post Stephen. Unfortunately it seems that the entire world is turning just that direction. In America, the public schools no longer teach that history that Grandpa's like you and I learned in school. They are now more indoctrination centers than schools. In my little town I still see much respect for our military, active and veteran. I too served in the peace time Army. You don't see many places where they have poppies for folks any more. It is very sad to me.