View Full Version : H&G 10 Hole 290bb

11-11-2020, 10:00 PM
I recently acquired a 10 hole H & G 290BB. Just casted with it for the first time & it sure is heavy, but you sure can crank out the bullets with it! I had to work with it a bit to get a rhythm going & before I knew it, the pot was almost empty. The craftsmanship on these old moulds is superb as they’re overbuilt & the bullets literally fall out. They’re on the expensive side & you’re gonna get Popeye forearms after using it for any length of time, but it sure is worth it!

Mal Paso
11-11-2020, 10:46 PM
I was eyeing an 8 cavity H&G 501. It sold for about $250 which isn't bad for 8 holes. If I had a 45 I would have bid. Almost did anyway.

11-12-2020, 12:58 AM
May not be a perfect system, but it does have merit
