View Full Version : Gutter protection ads

11-08-2020, 02:47 PM
I am sick of ads for gutter protection. Good grief, you would think we were in a national crisis. Best solution, don't plant trees close to your house. Added benefit, if they are blown over in a storm, they will not fall on you house.

Wayne Smith
11-08-2020, 03:15 PM
I'm here in the East, very different from Cherry Valley! I've been there, BTW. Here we have trees for shade and they lower the cost of the AC. Oaks that are 40+ feet tall don't easily fall over, either. I've watched the trunk of two of mine literally bend in hurricane winds but stay stable at the base.

11-08-2020, 03:31 PM
Leaves?????????????? Not gutter catchers here. I have blooms and leaves from my front yard find their way over my 2 story house into the pool in the backyard! Around here, the wind does all the clean-up. And most "stuff" ends up in my neighbor's yards!!!!! tee-heee-heee! :-P

Winger Ed.
11-08-2020, 03:34 PM
The easiest and fastest way to get rich in America is to invent, or sell a solution to a problem people didn't know they had.

11-08-2020, 03:40 PM
The ads I see offer "easy financing" for purchase and installation, at an disgustingly high interest rate.

tomme boy
11-08-2020, 04:50 PM
If you are fat and disabled like some of us these are great. i can not get onto the roof anymore to clean ours out. So we had a local put them on ours.

Just because you don't need them others do. I have lost two friends that have fallen off ladders. I am not climbing anymore.

11-08-2020, 08:33 PM
don't badmouth gutter guards. until you've had to climb 20 ft. on a ladder on a slope to clean gutters; you don't know what you are talking about! i got new gutters, downspouts and leaf filter guards in sept. and couldn't be happier!

11-08-2020, 08:43 PM
I have the guards and the darn helicopters from the maple still finds their way into the gutters.
They do reduce the amount I clean to only once a year.

11-08-2020, 09:31 PM
Just cleaned out al my gutters yesterday once a year job no big deal. Today 3 inches of white rain.

11-08-2020, 09:38 PM
We don't have any trees in our yard but we have a lot of leaves. I had gutter toppers put on to keep from constantly cleaning the gutters. One of the best investments we have made.

11-08-2020, 09:43 PM
I pulled my gutters 20 years ago. I had cleaned them the previous fall. Went to clean them again and had three and four foot tall trees growing in them. We also had a huge male cottonwood in our front yard that reached two thirds of the length of the house.

No cotton, but every spring it put out a bumper crop of these 3/8ths inch long pods pencil size or smaller.
Soon as I saw where the rain runoff was trying to chew up the lawn I would put a row of bricks down on that spot and plant flowers inside it. Runoff from the roof would hit it and splash, preventing any erosion. Been nice not having to fuss with gutters.

They are overrated IMO unless you have no trees and can easily reach them. For taller houses like mine they are a pain period.

11-08-2020, 10:55 PM
While the name Cherry Valley may sound tranquil and pleasant we have very strong winds. We lie in an area know as The Pass. It is the opening between the desert. Of course they have planted a forest of wind generators just this side of Palm Springs. When we moved here in '97 we wondered what we had gotten into. We would go out for breakfast, come home to find a large section of the fence around our yard blown down. My wife and I built a new fence with steel posts set in cement. I installed gutters and keep them clean with an attachment I put on a garden hose. We had pine trees on the property and I cut them all down. The last one was close to our garage and 30 feet tall. One day there was a strong wind blowing. I stood close to the tree and place my hands against it it was pushing me off center by a lot. Since pine trees don't put down deep roots I was concerned to say the least. Shortly after we were down in Carlsbad where I saw a Pine tree about the size of ours lying in a family's living room. That tree was 52 years old. I counted the rings. Not long after I had my neighbor cut ours down. It was also 52 years old. I don't like pine threes anyway. They are very messy with all the needles they drop, not to mention the cones. Even birds don't like them. The tar sticks to their feet.

11-09-2020, 12:08 AM
Also had gutter filters installed a fews years ago, they are expensive but no buyer's remorse. 2 story home, had been using a leaf blower with an attachment which I added 10 feet to in order to reach most of them. That was just becoming too much work for me, doesn't sound like it, but it was a real bugger to handle. A single story with only 10 feet of blower tubing and I would have not invested in the leaf filters....at least for several more years.