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View Full Version : Learning to use my Chromebook good bad and ugly

11-02-2020, 11:59 AM
Our old computer was new in 2008 according to the plate inside the case. It weight about 50 lbs and has wires running everywhere. It is currently running Windows 7 and has been updated a couple of times. We have resisted the pressure to get a new computer with Windows 10 with all it's attendant Mandatory upgrades that they charge you for . We have it connected to a Cannon 3100 series printer and it works well enough when the computer is in the mood to send it stuff.

My wife and I both got H&P Chrome book personal computers and I like mine for the most part. It won't put up Microsoft games easily but there are other ones to use. I like the Cribbage and Hearts games. That is the good, also I am writing this on it and can get pictures from my stupid phone and post them if I want to, also good. I can't find a good version of freecell though. That is the bad. There was also a learning curve which I did not enjoy that much. The ugly: I can not get the Chromebook and the Cannon printer to play nice together, or even speak to each other. I have tied them together with a special wire and they still stubbornly refuse to play. What is the magic spell or word that I don't have to make them behave.


Do I dump the printer ? I consider this an option because , it was cheap ,and black ink for it has disappeared from the shelves and is even listed as out of stock from Cannon. I wonder what printer might be a good, cheap, reliable, easy to use choice. or is there some way to get it to work? That might be a moot point if there is no ink however.

11-02-2020, 12:18 PM
First, buy this companies ink.


I have been using them for years. They are available from ebay or amazon.

Second, getting printers and chromebooks to talk is a pain in the but. Go get a new printer that is designed to work with chrome.

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11-02-2020, 12:25 PM
I can completly agree with problems with your non printing with chromebook. A couple yrs ago I went with a chromebook and I also for the most part like it. I have not yet solved the issue but have learned if you don't have a very late model printer it will not be compatible with chromebook. The printer has to be able to print from the "cloud". I haven't replaced my printer yet because of the expense as I want to go with an inkjet to stop wasting money on ink carts.
I also would appreciate any input from users to decide on which printer to buy for chromebook.
edit: I meant to say I want to go to a laserjet printer not inkjet lol.

11-02-2020, 12:47 PM
most of the issues i believe are in the background supporting deals between the manufacturers. if the drivers are not available for your specific combination of computer printer the answer is simple... buy their new XX and that will fix it, more or less planned obsolescence.

I have a similar issue with my Chromebook and Cannon printer. I just gave up and send the desired print jobs (or webpage links) to our desktop computer via email and print from there. I had the home network set up at one time and from the various devices including phones i could print from the desktop as well. On clearance i got a HP inkjet for next to nothing and the wireless print works OK when you are close by, our house is old latt and plaster so each room is almost a faraday cage.

Printers are becoming about as disposable as keyboards and mice..

11-02-2020, 12:49 PM
I would guess that the age of the printer could be a problem working with the chromebook.

I've been using Chromebooks for about 4 or 5 years now and the ease on getting a printer to work has changed a bit. Lots of older printers used to work with cloud print, but that seems to have changed. Cloud print is quickly approaching end of life.


There are alternatives as noted in the article.

It is likely time for a new printer.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

11-02-2020, 12:55 PM
Another option, if your printer supports it..

I will, when facing an irksome printer, save a document as a PDF and copy it to a flash drive. If your printer supports painting from a flash drive, you can insert the flash drive into the printer and print directly from the drive

A bit of a pain with the extra steps, but it can help when the document doesn't print correctly it the printer is not cooperating.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

11-02-2020, 01:14 PM
I'll be watching this thread, having the same issue here. Have a chrome book puter that never shook hands with any printer. I like the chrome book cause it's small & compact, and it's what I could afford. All I want out of a computer is to communicate and look stuff up. I don't need games & frills. Just simple down to earth basics. Rather put my money into powder & lead.

11-02-2020, 09:38 PM
My chromebook prints nicely to my HP Office jet without printing from the clouds. I just use it for searching the web and for a couple of forums but it works great for that.

11-02-2020, 11:22 PM
The printer was new last fall. so I guess it is about a year old, Cannon 3122 I think. The flash drive might be a way to go . How do I know if the printer "supports " a flash drive? Does that go in the USB port? I'm not seeing a USB port.

11-03-2020, 09:19 AM
I don't bother with ink jets. Only use Laserjet. They last forever without any problems. If I need a color picture, put it on a card or USB and take it to a CVS or whatever. Good luck.

11-04-2020, 07:26 AM
It is likely the printer does not work because there is no driver for the Chromebook Operating System.
go to the printer manufacturer support website, find your model of printer, and download the latest drivers.
Do NOT DOWNLOAD PRINTER DRIVERS FROM THIRD PARTY WEBSITES you will get malware and it is not likely the driver will work.
Also contact the support people from the manufacturer of your printer, they will tell you if there is a driver for your printer compatible with your Chromebook.

I have trashed a number of very nice printers and scanners because of lack of drivers for new OS (operating systems)

the printer/scanner folk do not like to provide drivers for their older products because keeping the older products compatible kills sales of new products. Planned obsolescence
I have a very expensive LED projector that works extremely well but will have to be scrapped when I upgrade to the latest laptop and windows 10 to run Microsoft office - I need a working version of power point to teach. Windows 7 is not quite compatible with the latest up grade to powerpoint. I pay over $100 a year for software that does not quite work and will cost me several thousand to up grade computor and projector when lack of OS upgrades and incompatible software upgrades grind power point function to a halt.
My instructor agreement requires me to use specified power point content supplied to me despite my ability to teach more effectively without power point.

11-04-2020, 07:37 AM
What a rackett!

11-04-2020, 08:24 AM
What a rackett!

Called a business plan, and secure future markets.
When we can no longer afford electricity,
The rich will get richer,
The poor will get poorer,
And the unlucky will die.

Mal Paso
11-04-2020, 10:34 AM
I don't bother with ink jets. Only use Laserjet. They last forever without any problems. If I need a color picture, put it on a card or USB and take it to a CVS or whatever. Good luck.

I agree! I have a $125 dollar Brother with a multipage scanner. Generic cartridges and drums are under $15. It uses Powdered Carbon to make the image so it can't dry out.

11-06-2020, 01:06 AM
What 10X said cannot be overstated. I’m a retired IT professional. Never download third party printer drivers. Only go to the manufacturer’s website regardless of the operating system.

On another point, I have two Windows 10 computers. One came with it and I installed it on the other onto a new hard drive. I have never had to pay for an update.