View Full Version : Lee Enfield magazines

Der Gebirgsjager
10-31-2020, 10:48 AM
I've only been around this forum for about 6 years or so, not nearly as long as some of you; but during that time I know I've seen 3 or 4 inquiries about buying or where to get a Lee Enfield magazine. Since they're detachable, and the rifles were much sold and tinkered with, they are lost or missing in some instances.

Well, the answer to the question is usually that they're hard to find as a separate item, and can be expensive as the supply of surplus dwindles. Over the last few years the going price for one in good condition seemed to average $50, with some as high as $65 and some in lesser condition (rusty) for $35.

For awhile some newly made magazines (from Canada, I believe) that would fit and function in both the No.1 and No.4 rifles. I did obtain one out of curiosity, and it worked satisfactorily. I haven't seen mention of them for awhile.

It is possible to convert magazines made for one number to fit the other number. The No.1 to No.4 works best.

Now, suddenly Midway USA is selling newly made magazines that are specific to each number rifle for about $25 each. They are obviously the children of more modern production methods, as they have more of a square corners appearance than do the originals, with the bottom of the magazine being flat and a separate piece of stamped steel. To a collector or purist they would look a "little off" in the rifle, but they look functional, are half the price of an original, and are brand new.

I have a small box of original magazines that has slowly reduced in number contained over the years as I have rebuilt rifles or helped out fellow L.E. enthusiasts who couldn't find one. I have ordered two each of the Midway magazines just to put away for future reference. You might want to think about doing the same, and especially so if your rifle is missing the magazine. As things go, in cycles, 10 years from now they'll be hard to find again.



10-31-2020, 11:31 AM
Thanks! I'll look into this one.

10-31-2020, 10:03 PM
Just ordered two!

11-01-2020, 02:23 AM
The #4 magazines you want should have the ramp on the backside facing the same direction and should have two humps on either side of the ramp. May have to add metal on the backside of the ramp. But with the two humps that magazine isn't going anywhere.And while were at it you may have to bend the two ears at the front of the magazine. Caution bend while the ears are hot. Too much cold working can cause brittness of the ears causing one or both ears to break off. Frank

11-01-2020, 10:04 AM
Noticed that Sarco has been advertising newly made No. 4 magazines as well. I have toyed with ordering one; since they look a bit more historically accurate than the usual available mags.

11-01-2020, 03:01 PM
Good info, when they arrive it would be good to hear how well they feed and function. I state this as many A/M mags seem to be hit or miss on working as they should.

Not skeptical just cautious.

11-01-2020, 03:11 PM
I bought a No4 Mark1 from a friend.
It was missing the magazine and all the bolt parts except the body.
I bought the magazine and a complete bolt from SARCO.
Quite happy with it.
The new made magazine from SARCO looks correct and works.