View Full Version : Blessing in all shapes and ways ?

10-22-2020, 12:23 PM
My son just turned 47 years old . We have not been close for many years . We are very different in our thinking and lifestyles . This started bothering me about a year and a half ago . There was little communication and at times that communication was adversarial to say the least .

Remembering a phone conversation I had with Pine Baron long ago about unconditional love I started pondering on the role I was playing in my son's relationship with me . I started trying to fix that relationship . He was kind of shocked that I wasn't arguing or bringing up points we disagreed on . He slowly has started doing the same thing with me . He actually calls me up to talk regularly now .

Yesterday we went fishing together for the first time since I use to take him as a child . We went out on the Little Wichita River just south of me where I usually go by myself . It's the first time he's been fishing in about 30 years . We both enjoyed it . We were fishing for carp and catfish . The catfish weren't biting but the carp were hungry . He had bought a rod and reel combo from Amazon . I gave him a Garcia Bait casting reel and pole and a tackle box I had extra . We just talked about fishing , our family , our dogs and everyday things . Nothing was said about it but we stayed away from topics that caused problems for us .

I had been talking to GOD to lead me in this for a long time . Robert is my only son and it was wrong for us to be at odds with each other . When I asked him to go fishing I told him...Don't worry ! I'm not trying to convert you to fishing . I just want to be able to say I went fishing with you...that's all .

This is Robert with the 4 carp we kept . Total weight was about 24-26 pounds .


He just called me about an hour ago . He has to cross the 'big' Wichita River on his way home . He said he stopped and checked some places you could get into the river . He told me we ought to try and go fishing every Wednesday . GOD does not work in mysterious ways as the old saying goes . GOD works in his way .

Pine Baron
10-22-2020, 01:02 PM
And in His time. You have no idea how happy this makes me. One down, one to go. You are always in my prayers brother.

10-22-2020, 01:59 PM
Charlie, that is great to hear! And thanks for the picture, really a good one!

Der Gebirgsjager
10-22-2020, 03:24 PM
I'm happy for you. For both of you.

10-22-2020, 05:15 PM
I am so thankful to hear you two have reconciled. My dad left us when I was 4 years old. I saw him about 4 times as I was growing up, but we didn't spend much time together even then. I have been fishing with my dad twice that I remember. I held it against him till I was older and married. He started to come visit unannounced when he started getting older. We got into a disagreement after a birthday party for my son. For several years we didn't get together, I started the problem. I tried to call and talk but he wasn't too interested. In April of 2009 he showed up with his sister and her husband and we talked and mended our relationship. What he didn't tell me was that in July '09 he had to have surgery for a double bypass and a heart valve replacement. My younger half brother called and said I should get to Atlanta to see dad. We went and got to talk to him in the ICU recovery room. By then I had been awake for 42 hours straight, due to overtime at work. We went to a motel close by to sleep, I got a call at 6:45am and by the time I got to the hospital he was gone.
Spend all the time you can with your loved ones, as if today is the last, cause it literally was for us. I often wish I could have gone fishing with him just one more time.

square butte
10-22-2020, 06:13 PM
I can't think of a better story that I've heard in a long time. I am so very happy for you. God is so very very good

10-22-2020, 08:43 PM
That is truly good news to hear brother.

10-23-2020, 05:11 AM
What a blessing! I rode 150 miles and back to visit my youngest for an hour yesterday. I have 4 children and it would be very easy to drive a wedge between any of them for different reasons. Good on you for taking the first step!

10-23-2020, 06:00 AM
My son just turned 47 years old . We have not been close for many years . We are very different in our thinking and lifestyles . This started bothering me about a year and a half ago . There was little communication and at times that communication was adversarial to say the least .

Remembering a phone conversation I had with Pine Baron long ago about unconditional love I started pondering on the role I was playing in my son's relationship with me . I started trying to fix that relationship . He was kind of shocked that I wasn't arguing or bringing up points we disagreed on . He slowly has started doing the same thing with me . He actually calls me up to talk regularly now .

Yesterday we went fishing together for the first time since I use to take him as a child . We went out on the Little Wichita River just south of me where I usually go by myself . It's the first time he's been fishing in about 30 years . We both enjoyed it . We were fishing for carp and catfish . The catfish weren't biting but the carp were hungry . He had bought a rod and reel combo from Amazon . I gave him a Garcia Bait casting reel and pole and a tackle box I had extra . We just talked about fishing , our family , our dogs and everyday things . Nothing was said about it but we stayed away from topics that caused problems for us .

I had been talking to GOD to lead me in this for a long time . Robert is my only son and it was wrong for us to be at odds with each other . When I asked him to go fishing I told him...Don't worry ! I'm not trying to convert you to fishing . I just want to be able to say I went fishing with you...that's all .

This is Robert with the 4 carp we kept . Total weight was about 24-26 pounds .


He just called me about an hour ago . He has to cross the 'big' Wichita River on his way home . He said he stopped and checked some places you could get into the river . He told me we ought to try and go fishing every Wednesday . GOD does not work in mysterious ways as the old saying goes . GOD works in his way .
I need to do that very same thing !!!! Thanks for posting this !

10-23-2020, 07:50 AM
What are you gonna do with those carp?

10-23-2020, 08:32 AM
Amen and it is great to see you and Robert spending time together, God is good all the time! I too would like to know what you do with the carp?

10-23-2020, 03:44 PM
Heck ! I eat em . Yep ! I'm a 'carp eater' ! LOL , most won't eat carp these days but they are a good eating fish . Mild white flaky meat , no more 'fishy' than a catfish . They taste about the same as cod or any other white meat fish . They do have big y bones but they are easy to pull out or get around . They are already in the freezer .

Did you know the government imported common carp here back in the 1870's because our European ancestors demanded them ? Still a favorite fish in Europe and Asia along with a lot of other country's . PLUS ! They are a lot of fun to catch ! They were a staple fair fish and commercially fished for up until the 1920's .

Now the Asian or so called 'flying carp' are a different story , they are considered an invasive species . Common carp are considered a 'naturalized' fish because they fit in with our native fish .

10-23-2020, 08:55 PM
If you think the common yellow carp are good, you really should give the flying carp a try. Meat as white as crappie, but the same bony structure as yellows. If you could catch flying carp on fishing tackle they would turn bass fisherman into carp fisherman! I've eaten a bunch of carp and buffalo fish in my day, and I'd rather have carp patties from canned carp over salmon or mackerel any day!

10-24-2020, 04:51 PM
We used to catch them in the Susquehanna river in Catawissa, Pennsylvania when I was a kid and we'd give them to an old Jewish Junk man and he'd eat them.

10-27-2020, 01:06 PM
I can't think of too many things more important than the relationship between a father and son. God's blessings on both of you.
