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Texas by God
10-17-2020, 01:46 PM
My chauffeur was available today so we went and voted. Straight Republican just like I have since 1976 when I had long hair and an earring- but could still tell Carter was an idiot....

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Winger Ed.
10-17-2020, 02:04 PM
Mrs. Winger & I went a couple days ago.
It looked like everybody in town was there, and it took us about 30 minutes to get in & out.

By Texas law, no campaign stuff in any form or fashion is allowed within 100 feet of a polling station.
So everybody had to go back and leave their MAGA hats in the car when they saw the sign on the door.

10-17-2020, 02:13 PM
Straight Republican ticket as always! Voted no on two spending measures. Can't believe how they want to spend money when the economy is in the toilet and the debt is out in the ozone layer!!!

10-17-2020, 02:24 PM
wow thomas.... the world didn't implode when you voted.. looks like we are gunna have an election after all...

10-17-2020, 02:57 PM
Voted Tuesday and trusted the boss to get mine & her ballots to the County Clerk (works in the same building) office and got confirmation that they were logged in. Straight Republican since 1971, no on a couple of tax increases and some State constitutional amendments that were numbered in the high 70's, enough all ready.

Enough all ready refers to the number of amendments in the Colorado Constitution.

Texas by God
10-17-2020, 03:08 PM
Ten minutes in and out. Would have been quicker but we had to talk to the nice ladies working there to ask about “Mom and them”.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-17-2020, 04:38 PM
I knew something had happened.....I felt a disturbance in The Force.

10-17-2020, 04:47 PM
I. voted absentee and dropped them to the post yesterday. I voted straight republican too. I liked one of the libertarians but didn't want to chance splitting the vote and losing my gun rights. It would have been a vote against Mitch McConnell, And while I don't agree with all he does, things will get worse faster without him.

10-17-2020, 07:04 PM
Dropped my ballot in the ballot box on Thursday.

10-17-2020, 07:17 PM
Straight Republican ticket as always! Voted no on two spending measures. Can't believe how they want to spend money when the economy is in the toilet and the debt is out in the ozone layer!!!

Very easy to spend other peoples money.

10-17-2020, 11:09 PM
Mrs. Winger & I went a couple days ago.
It looked like everybody in town was there, and it took us about 30 minutes to get in & out.

By Texas law, no campaign stuff in any form or fashion is allowed within 100 feet of a polling station.
So everybody had to go back and leave their MAGA hats in the car when they saw the sign on the door.Interesting. In Florida, voters can wear their hats, shirts, etc in the polling place. There can not be any solicitation of voters within 150 feet.
Worker's in the polling place can't, of course, wear or display campaign materials.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

10-18-2020, 10:45 AM
My wife and I sent our absentee ballots back to Michigan a little over a week ago and got a e-mail from the township clerk that they had received them. I mailed both ballots in their return envelopes in a USPS flat rate envelope. Sorry . . but I don't trust then going through the mail in an envelope marked "absentee ballot". Why? Because we never received our absentee ballots for the Primary! The clerk mailed them to us at our correct address here and they sere stamped "undeliverable" and returned to the clerk! Huh???? We ended up doing the Primary on the computer with a PDF the same way as the military has to.

There was some good news that I heard the other day. A friend was back for a few days and I asked him to stop at the Republican Headquarters in the "burg" just south of us and pick me up a 3 X 5 Trump 2020 flag I could put up. (I no longer drive). He stopped and was tod that they were "out of everything - flags, stickers, signs - but that they were expecting another shipment the next day. He couldn't get back there the next day but did stop the day after - the flag he got for me was the last one left from the large order they had received the previous day. They told him that as soon as they get things in - they are gone. I take that as a GOOD sign!

10-18-2020, 11:31 AM
My wife and I Still have not voted. Like BedBugBilly above; we have a Southern House (Moapa Nevada) as our primary residence, and a 2nd home in the North (Kalispell Montana). During Jan/March 2020 Nevada "Scrubbed their Roles". We checked in April/May and we were listed on the Clark County Nevada Website as "Active" voters. During the "Hot Season" we are always in the North or traveling away from the Desert; so in June/July we checked the website and we were still "Active". We printed out the hard copy "Absentee Voter Registration" form and mailed it in. Checked the Voter Registration web site in August; and they had us listed as "Inactive"; so we went on line and completed another Voter Registration Form electronically. Checked early last week on the Voter Registration Web Site and they had us listed as "Inactive" . So, we went on line AGAIN and completed the Electronic Absentee Ballot Registration. I then called the Clark County Nevada Voters Office.

Took probably two hours and went through 6 people; including two Supervisors before we got a resolution on the absentee ballot registration. The last Supervisor promised all was well; but I was unwilling until I got the Supervisors Desk Telephone # and stated that if I did not see us as "Active" on the website next day; or if I do not see my Ballot delivered by USPS by 22 October I would be calling her again. Next day we were listed as "Active" on the electronic posting for Voting. Will have to wait until Thursday to see if we actually get the Ballots for Absentee Voting in the mail.

I did call the Nevada Secretary of States Office and was less than thrilled. Got the standard line "In Nevada the Election Process is run by the Counties; you'll have to work with Clark County to resolve the issue". Seems that one "MIGHT" get an individual voter registration problem resolved; BUT - there is no mechanism or willingness to investigate/resolve what seems to be a combination of Technical, Process, Systematic, and employee knowledge training issues. Note; I never said in there anywhere VOTER FRAUD; I believe that too often our vote/tabulation systems are handicapped by Technical, Process, Systematic, and employee knowledge training issues - there is just an acceptance of Status Quo; and if there are major Updates/Changes as Nevada went through Winter of 2019 to Present the problems may never be resolved because of either ambivalence or personnel with limited Analytic Skills building the next generations of Process/System/Tech to support the voting process. Yes I am concerned with Voter Fraud; but the "Not my Job - Contact the State Legislature if you don't like the voting process" answer I received multiple times can be infuriating.

joe leadslinger
10-18-2020, 11:38 AM
I voted straight R ticket. Dems are not your friends.

10-18-2020, 11:42 AM
I voted early this year. Idaho has made it very easy. I just showed up and showed my ID and went to the booth (More than half of the hundred or so were open) All Republicans but one on the ballot were voted for and the one exception was for a Libratarion (sp) running for representative.Gp

10-18-2020, 11:49 AM
since i don't want my ballot in the trash, i'll wait. besides, its only 3/4 mile away from my voting place.

country gent
10-18-2020, 11:52 AM
I voted absentee this year. Every time LOL

Ive heard if you get your absentee ballot thru the DNC it comes filled out and ready to mail in......

I found it interesting the absentee ballots return envelope wast postage paid here, required a stamp to send it back.

10-18-2020, 11:53 AM
my dad used to say vote early and often.

10-18-2020, 04:45 PM
It took 19 minutes on Thursday.

10-18-2020, 11:29 PM
I am not voting in this years election. I will be the first I will miss since I was in my 20's


10-19-2020, 02:39 AM
Mailed in my ballot last week in Washington. Been that way since 2011. I like being able to sit at the dining room table and vote straight Republican, then when it comes to judges and non-partisan offices, I can read the Voter's Guide that the state sends out, and search the internet for info on candidates.

I look at organizations that the judges are members of and if I smell anything remotely liberal, I vote for the other person. Same with other public offices.

10-19-2020, 07:43 AM
Georgia started early voting last week, we went ,waited hour and a half to vote. Long line when we got there and when we left.

Wild Bill 7
10-19-2020, 12:40 PM
The wife and I are voting tomorrow in person and early. I will be wearing my white USA 45 hat to the poling station. Will follow up on our experience tomorrow.
Wild Bill )

10-20-2020, 01:04 AM
My brother and I went to the County Clerk's Office today as we are heading to SO Cal in the morning. Called the wife, she turned in her ballot today as well. I signed up for vote tracking so I will be notified when my ballot gets tallied. I like many here enjoyed having the time to sit down and read everything to make an un rushed informed decision.

I am glad to here others are voting, and the ballots were actually serialized and trackable. I was a bit concerned because there have been so many reports of bogus ballots. Kind of reminds me of when they found 8000 people registered to vote at a vacant lot in Texas. I hope and pray this election is legit.

Wild Bill 7
10-20-2020, 05:01 PM
We went to the polling station this morning around 11 am. Short line only had to wait maybe 15 minutes. Everything was very organized and the people were very helpful. Got the ballot and voted. We were there maybe 30 minutes and out of there. I over heard one guy say that he heard a little over 10,000 people voted yesterday in Lee and Collier counties combined. He also stated that about 1000 people had voted already today.

10-20-2020, 06:39 PM
I wanted to vote in person.
Wifey heard today that our state is mail in voting only.
What the?!?
I guess I had better mail it in tomorrow

This state sucks

10-20-2020, 07:13 PM
We can either mail in or drop off the ballots. I dropped mine off at the courthouse dropbox. ( I feel it's safer that way :) )

10-20-2020, 08:11 PM
Just voted today. We have early voting location close by. Very well organised, not crowded.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

10-20-2020, 09:04 PM
Part of the landslide

10-20-2020, 09:20 PM
Got a USN enlistment flyer in the mail today so I went out and voted in person.

10-21-2020, 12:07 AM
Wife and I voted this morning. Before leaving the house, she asked how to tell which ones to vote for because she wasn't familiar with the names of some running for state offices. I told her just to look for "Republican" beside the name.

10-21-2020, 06:29 AM
Wife and I voted this morning. Before leaving the house, she asked how to tell which ones to vote for because she wasn't familiar with the names of some running for state offices. I told her just to look for "Republican" beside the name.

Same thing yesterday morning. Wife and I waited in line 1.5 hrs to vote, at least the weather was pleasant. Even voted for a couple of Libertarians running against the Demo-Rats without Republican opposition.:coffee:

10-21-2020, 11:44 AM
I was in and out in under 4 minutes....too bad my vote won't count in MA. The ticket was for P/VP....and a Senate race that had Republicans running...all the rest...Dems unopposed....have I said lately how much I HATE this dunghole state of MA.


10-21-2020, 01:33 PM
I was in and out in under 4 minutes....too bad my vote won't count in MA. The ticket was for P/VP....and a Senate race that had Republicans running...all the rest...Dems unopposed....have I said lately how much I HATE this dunghole state of MA.


A Universal Truth is that "The Road Goes in two Directions". Perhaps time to move down the road to another location. I recognize that one may be locked in to a location because of a job or commitment (say the military Janes/Joes as the classic example); but somewhere enjoying life comes into play and changing jobs & moving might make life more enjoyable in some cases (i.e. all the Center to Right living under Socialist Regimes across the USA).

10-21-2020, 02:38 PM
A Universal Truth is that "The Road Goes in two Directions". Perhaps time to move down the road to another location. I recognize that one may be locked in to a location because of a job or commitment (say the military Janes/Joes as the classic example); but somewhere enjoying life comes into play and changing jobs & moving might make life more enjoyable in some cases (i.e. all the Center to Right living under Socialist Regimes across the USA).

That's part of the plan...I'm getting close to retirement...then its Adios.

10-22-2020, 11:21 AM
The Wife and I voted this morning. No one was there and it took me longer to walk in and out than to vote.

mike britton
10-22-2020, 11:39 AM
Just saw this thread.
I voted the first day, around midday. I was surprised to see the high voter turnout.
We set a record in my county for the number of voters so far.

Winger Ed.
10-22-2020, 02:13 PM
I was surprised to see the high voter turnout.
We set a record in my county for the number of voters so far.

There is record turnouts all over the state.
And its not looking so good for liberal Democrats.

10-22-2020, 03:14 PM
That's what happens when they have a nationwide campaign absolutely begging people to get out and vote, which is actually a good thing. I'm thinking that if the Dem's lose, next election season they will be discouraging people from voting...

10-22-2020, 04:53 PM
That's what happens when they have a nationwide campaign absolutely begging people to get out and vote, which is actually a good thing. I'm thinking that if the Dem's lose, next election season they will be discouraging people from voting...

Yep. Dems only like those things that benefit them. They were all for freedom of speech back when conservative thoughts and ideals were the norm in society. Now that leftist ideology has taken over everything, they no longer think freedom of speech is so great and work to suppress it whenever they can.

10-22-2020, 07:28 PM
Yep. Dems only like those things that benefit them. They were all for freedom of speech back when conservative thoughts and ideals were the norm in society. Now that leftist ideology has taken over everything, they no longer think freedom of speech is so great and work to suppress it whenever they can.

I see it differently. The democrat party has returned to the "Sins of the Parents" from the 1920's & 1930's with willing partnership with Socialist and Communist entities such as occurred in the lead up to war with Japan/Gemany/Italy - including the demi-god Roosevelt; and a strong element of Communists within the State Department in the 1920's through the 1950's. And.... I'll stop the history lesson that have been ignored/forgotten by the nation.

Bringing it into the modern US of A, we see the democrat party in bed with the Anarchist/Socialist/Communist elements set on burning down our cities and destroying our US Culture.

10-23-2020, 12:35 AM
Me and the Mrs. delivered our votes today.

10-23-2020, 04:45 AM
Put mines in the mailbox today.
Probably do no good.
But at least I tried.

10-23-2020, 06:23 AM
My wife and I voted Tuesday, we took my elderly mom with us. No waiting whatsoever. We all carried our cheat sheets of candiudates we wanted to vote for down ticket. Just waiting on November 3rd to see what we've all done

10-23-2020, 08:53 AM
I took my ballot down to City Hall and put it in the box. I did enjoy the fact that I could study the ballot and mark it up at my leisure and take it in myself. There was no line and the attendant at the box gave me a nice smile and asked if I wanted a sticker. My wife on the other hand wants to go in and stand in line on election day, I will take her over there and we will see how much she enjoys it. We have been inundated with " vote for me" cards and letters to our daughter who has not lived with us for more than a year. They all are from the Biden machine and I just hope they are very expensive for them to send.

10-25-2020, 08:17 PM
I am trying to start a tradition of purchasing a gun every time I vote. Although then with early voting and all that I think it would be best if it was voting day. Need the sales record to be on voting day.

10-27-2020, 03:32 PM
My ballot is in the mail. If voting by mail, don't procrastinate!

10-27-2020, 06:53 PM
We got an absentee vote notice in the mail, sent them in, they then sent the mail in ballot. We filled them out sealed and signed the envelope. Next day we took the envelopes to the Republican Headquarters and handed them to a nice lady behind the plexiglass window and watched her turn to our names in "the" book and we signed our names on the ledger, showed our picture ID. Then the lady turned in her chair and asked us to watch as she put the votes in the ballot box. It seemed to be better than mailing it in.

10-28-2020, 11:04 AM
I voted a few days ago.

I do wonder what the effect of having so many home during shutdowns, who may actually have paid attention to the candidates this time around? I bet there will be a lot voting who haven't done so in years, and a lot of first time voters.

bullet maker 57
10-28-2020, 02:57 PM
My wife and I voted last Saturday. 2 1/2 hours on line. We made some new friends while we waited.