View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Friday, Oct. 16

Pine Baron
10-16-2020, 07:18 AM
Good morning. The weekend is upon us. Stay focused, brothers and sisters, it's never been more important now, than ever.

Friday, October 16, 2020 - Pastor Greg Laurie
You Decide the Ending

“Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.”
—2 Corinthians 5:9

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, “Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending.”

One of the things I’ve realized over the years is that life can be full of surprises. For instance, people whom I thought would make their mark on the world simply crashed and burned.

Then there were others whose potential wasn’t all that obvious. I wondered whether they would amount to much of anything. Yet God put His hand on them in an amazing way, and they achieved things in an incredible way.

The Bible tells the story of someone who had the potential to become one of the greatest leaders in the history of Israel. He was actually a judge over Israel during the time when Israel was ruled by various judges. His name was Samson, and God’s hand was on him in an amazing way.

Yet Samson had an incredible beginning and a tragic ending.

One day, your life will be summed up in a paragraph on a program that will be handed out at your memorial service. When that day comes, no one will care about how high you climbed in your profession. No one will care about what kind of car you drove or how much money you made. Rather, they will talk about what kind of person you were.

So what would you write for your obituary? You decide how your story will end spiritually. God said, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV).

God wants you to be a spiritual success. God wants you to touch this world. But if you self-destruct spiritually, that is not on God. That’s on you.

10-16-2020, 07:56 AM
Amen and thank you.

10-16-2020, 08:03 AM
I believe in God , our Father. I believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Prayers to all , who will see , and will have Faith in Him.

10-16-2020, 08:48 AM
I have not set a high mark for anyone else to shoot at.

I am pretty much the black sheep of the family.

But I have heard the words "thou good and faithful servant, well done" from the master.
That is good enough for me.

Big houses, expensive cars, cordon blue meals don't do much for me.

Getting up one time more than I'm knocked down, that is right up there.
Accepting that I am living this world for rewards in the next. That's at the top.
Helping those in need that I can help. Well that is balm for the soul.

I have done bad things, things I regret, things that caused people to be hurt. I repent those choices regularly.

The Holy Spirit says my name has been written in the book of life up above.
That is enough for me.

In the meantime I will follow my master. I will stumble, trip, fail and fall daily. But I get up and ask for forgiveness and strength to do better.

We come into this world wet, naked and squalling and go out pretty much the same way. We can't take any of it with us.
So live for the next world. Put your treasure up in heaven where it can not be stolen or corrupted or slip away from you.
All it takes is good works done in his name. Follow in his will, go where he sends you, do what he asks. it is not hard.

If we truly have the faith, we can let the Lord run our lives in this world. He will take care of you. If you take care of his business.

10-16-2020, 08:56 AM
Amen, Live your life as a beacon for God!