View Full Version : Wild turkey meatloaf

10-12-2020, 11:12 AM
I took the recipe off the Internet. I tried it last week and it turned out really good. EXCEPT...The only problem is I brined my turkey too long and it tasted like a Salt Lick. So this Time I soaked my turkey burger in water for almost 24 hours to soak the salt brine out of it. The only reason I brined it to begin with is because the meat used to make burger was so bloodshot. I wasn’t planning on using it but after I soaked all the blood out the meat looked great. Next time I’ll use a lot less salt when I’m brining the blood out . Only one of the 3 pounds of wild turkey that I used today was brined salty. I tried this with some my other turkey meat that I used for nuggets that I also over brined. I soaked it in fresh water in my fridge for a day and all the salt comes back out.

So into the meatloaf. I substituted since I didn’t have all the Same ingredients as last time. Are used 3 pounds of ground turkey. One pound breast and 2 pounds legs, four eggs, 2 TB of Worcestershire sauce, a can of mushrooms and an onion that I diced up and caramelized before adding, 2 TBS of oil, 1tsp of salt and pepper, 2 sleeves of ritz crackers and 2/3 cup of chicken broth to soften (I was out of milk...and allergic to it anyways).



Directions say to the bake at 400° for 50 minutes or until 170 degrees internal temp. Hopefully soaking in water for 24 hours in mixing 2 pounds of non-brined turkey meat with 1 pound of the original salty brine killed the salt lick taste.

I made the glaze out of a cup of catsup, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, some famous Dave’s sweet and zesty BBQ sauce, and I put in some molasses to boot.

Knock on wood it won’t taste like a salt lick again.

10-12-2020, 07:10 PM
Turned out great!

10-13-2020, 11:36 PM
Looks great!

10-14-2020, 05:24 AM
Yum! Great use of some turkey

10-14-2020, 04:39 PM
Yum! Great use of some turkey

It’s a project to bone turkey legs and grind up but it’s worth the effort.

10-14-2020, 09:38 PM
my hat is off to you for putting in the effort to debone/clean the legs.

sounds good!

i put them in a covered roaster (seasoned water filled) overnight.

i do spend 30 minutes or so sorting/fishing out the meat to can and straining the broth.


10-15-2020, 06:05 PM
I shot two Toms this past spring. The first Bird legs and thighs were crock posted till falling apart. I did it after I smoked the bird and fished baking in the oven. I found out the skin is to tough to eat along with the leg meat after baking so I croc potted the legs till tender. I’ve made turkey burger out of the legs in the past as well.