View Full Version : I知 at it again with picking fish!

10-11-2020, 08:00 AM
I made some Northern Pike and bass last year and figured I’d try some new test subjects. Sunfish, perch, and Buffalo.

Hers my neighbors recipe. I skipped wine on the first week soak with the first jar just because I didn’t have enough.


My first jar of little Sunnies will be at their two week mark today so I will be pounding them down. I have noticed if they sit for a month or two the fish even taste Better!

The other two containers have Buffalo and small panfish in them on just finishing up on their first week of soaking to dissolve the bones. I Got a hair up my butt for pickled fish two weeks ago and went down to the dock to fish. The only thing I was pulling in were 3 to 4 inch sunfish. Little PeePees! I thought to myself what if I just filleted them right down the back bone leaving the ribs in and then filleting the skin off? I can tell you it worked after removing them from the dissolving bone brine after the first week. I was a little paranoid on the rib bones with the sunfish but they were completely gone. I think they’ll make perfect size servings because they’re so small I didn’t have to cut them up into pieces! The Buffalo is one of the ones that I speared this Spring. I filleted off all the meat without bones and batter fried it up last week and kept all the stuff with backbones to soak in brine for pickling instead of wasting it like most people would’ve done and tossed it out. Can’t wait!!!


Here are some of the Buffalo I speared in the beginning of the year. I had no clue how good the meat was fried up, or just panfried, or even just boiled in water and butter like poor lobster. I’ll be filling my freezer next year if I run into these guys which I’m sure I will. I’ll see how the pickling goes with them. You should have watch the circus this past Spring spearing and flopping them in my canoe while kneeling in it. The big one almost put me in the drink.



10-11-2020, 10:44 AM
Had a good cup or more of a little leftover pickling solution. I carved up a bunch of apples and threw them in the pickling solution I read to let it sit for 24 hours. I’ll be curious to see how they taste. I added a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger to the original brine.

10-12-2020, 05:27 AM
Them some good looking fish.