View Full Version : Smoking dreams...

10-09-2020, 08:28 AM
I quit smoking a good 20+ years ago. Best thing that I ever did.
But every once in a while I have a dream where I am smoking a cigarette and have half a pack on me. I had one again last night where I was running and smoking again. In every dream I can't believe that I started smoking again and will have to quit once again.

10-09-2020, 09:25 AM
I quit over 40 years ago and I still have cigarette dreams.


10-09-2020, 09:54 AM
I never smoked, but the rest of my family did, heavily.

10-09-2020, 09:57 AM
I never smoked heavily. But, occasionally I have a dream where I light up a smoke. When I wake up, I swear I can smell it. Weird.

10-09-2020, 10:10 AM
I haven't smoked in probably 35 or so years, but, like you, I sometimes have dreams in which I am smoking a pipe - which I preferred. I smoked cigarettes and cigars and now, I can't stand the smell of either. However, when I smell someone smoking a pipe - which seems to be rarely these days - the craving is still there to stoke up a pipe, sit back and enjoy it - which I'll never do.

10-09-2020, 10:39 AM
After 40 years, or so, I finally kicked the cigarette habit around the same time as you but I've never had any dreams about smoking. However, until my heart surgery, I did enjoy the occasional cigar and still "get the urge" now and then...'specially when I happen to notice the empty humidor sitting on top the gun safe.


10-09-2020, 11:12 AM
30+ years since my last cigarette. I haven't had one of those dreams in a long time, but I used to. I remember waking up feeling guilty from them. Eventually I just found them humorous. I'd have other dreams about running and exercising and wake up feeling pretty good about how I'm at least taking care of myself when I was asleep. I wonder if dream smoking can be offset by dream exercise so I can avoid dream COPD.

10-09-2020, 11:21 AM
I wake up feeling relieved.... It's like Whooo... I am so happy it was a dream....

Rick Hodges
10-09-2020, 11:21 AM
I quit in 2006, cold turkey. I still have cravings. Not as often as at first, nor as strong....but still get them.

10-09-2020, 11:26 AM
I quit in 1984. I still can taste the Marlboro of my youth. I think about having a cigar on a cool night with a little cognac, but I resist.

10-09-2020, 11:30 AM
I quit smoking cigarettes many years ago. Still dream about them. Often dream about hand rolling them (which I did for a long time). I now smoke a pipe and the occasional cigar.

10-09-2020, 11:40 AM
I quit in 95. Don't remeber having any dreams about smoking. But when I would see someone on tv or in a movie smoking, I would get the urge to light up. But even weirder I can sit in the same room next to someone smoking and not have that urge

10-09-2020, 12:01 PM
I'm a pipe smoker. I considered quitting, but figured a man should have at least one bad habit. I've actually got quite a few, but it's hard trying to narrow it down to which one I enjoy most.

10-09-2020, 12:38 PM
I sometimes have great dreams, and while still about half asleep think 'WOW That dream would be a great movie', but when I try to remember them I can't. I just know I had a good dream.
I used to rub snuff back in high school, but never been a smoker except in my younger days I was always bumming smokes from my smoking pals when we would go to bars.

10-09-2020, 01:06 PM
With what is known today, no one should smoke or use tobacco products. However, I believe everyone has the right to do what you want. I used to smoke cigars, but it doesn’t make sense to today, with everything that is known about the dangers of nicotine.

10-09-2020, 01:12 PM
I stopped smoking for the most part. Now and then ill bum a smoke. I do vape. Since starting to vape i can hike and not run out of breath. My O2 levels are up too. I don't use homemade vapes. I buy commercial vape.

mike britton
10-09-2020, 01:34 PM
I quit smoking cigarettes about 40 years ago. Don't really miss them. But whenever someone close to me lights up it's almost as if I can taste that first 30 seconds or so of their cigarette.

10-09-2020, 02:27 PM
Darn, from the title I thought this was about hot chicks.

10-09-2020, 08:01 PM
I never smoked cigarettes but did smoke cigars occasionally and a pipe a lot. I wish I could still smoke a pipe, but can't because of low blood sugar problems. However I rode in a car for a lot of hours with guys who did smoke. Nowadays, if I happen to get downwind of some one who is smoking a cigarette, it feels so good. I've found myself coming up with some reason for pausing there to get a little extra hit. Recently I was doing this when the guy, noticing his smoke was getting on me, moved so it wouldn't hit me. I said, "No, you don't have to move. I'm just helping you finish off that cigarette." He looked at me, kind of smiled, put out the smoke and left. Guess I'm just weird, but hey, I cast lead bullets too.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-09-2020, 10:11 PM
I quit, finally, in 1984. It took 2 years of on again off again. I usually held the cigarette between my index and middle finger. After quitting I used to dream for several years I used to dream I was smoking, and would smack myself in the mouth with those two fingers hard enough to wake up. Those dreams and craving gradually went away, but I'm thinking it was at least twenty years after the fact.

Texas by God
10-09-2020, 10:27 PM
When I dream of smoking, hopefully it takes place in Cabo San Lucas....https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201010/3d040a303b0c4b74918ffc7e494b7731.jpg

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

10-10-2020, 12:32 AM
I quit in (near as I can figure) August 1977, and I have rare dreams of smoking. Lost all desire after about a month.

10-10-2020, 08:41 AM
The aroma of a good pipe tobacco is pleasing to the nose, just could not smoke a pipe always seemed to burn my tongue.

10-10-2020, 08:49 AM
Smoked about 3 packs a day in Vietnam, came home, got on Army pistol team was told give up smoking ,drinking booze and sex. We all laughed and said how about 2 out of 3? Quit smoking in 73 but picked up cigars in late 70’s,had to quit them in 90’s which I really miss....

10-10-2020, 08:56 AM
The aroma of a good pipe tobacco is pleasing to the nose, just could not smoke a pipe always seemed to burn my tongue.

That is from the type of tobacco you were using. Something like Prince Albert is guaranteed to bite. I like Black Cavendish.

10-10-2020, 09:08 AM
I quit smoking over 20 years ago but i did have a Cuban cigar a few years ago It was good

10-10-2020, 01:18 PM
Quit August 1977. Am now 67 and on my 75th bday think I will buy a couple of good cigars and sip some Russel Reserve.

10-10-2020, 01:25 PM
quit 12 years ago after 20 on- no dreams of smoking ever

10-10-2020, 04:26 PM
I never smoked but I chewed and dipped from a young age. I quit cold Turkey in 1990. I still crave it if someone near me opens up a pouch or can. I don't recall having dreams about it though.

04-07-2021, 08:37 PM
I quit the cigarettes nearly 20 years ago and can't remember ever having a dream about, or where I was smoking.

04-08-2021, 03:28 AM
I smoked for 25 years, quit 2 years ago and started vaping, using the little Juul things. Saw a lot of health benefits from quitting the smoking. Was fine vaping until I got Covid in January. Quit all forms of nicotine first week of February of this year. Been two months, no dreams, but I have had extreme mood swings and lost my temper a few times. Slowly, slowly getting better. Haven't noticed any health benefits yet, and actually gained back the 20lbs I lost while having Covid.

Pretty sure being fat is unhealthier than vaping, but who knows.

04-08-2021, 05:54 AM
I quit 25 years ago. 2 1/2 packs a day for 40 years. I never dream about smoking, but after a good meal coming out of a restaurant if I am downwind of someone just lighting up, I will almost pass out craving a smoke.

04-10-2021, 05:31 PM
Smoking dreams, drunk dreams, drug abuse dreams.

If you've broken the habit/addiction to any of the above, good for you. Dreams can be a blessin', or a lesson. The lesson is, you're never quiet over any of them until you've departed this life. If the dream frightened you, it's just God's way of reminding you the price you paid when you were abusing your health. If it tempts you? It's time to get back to whatever you were doing that helped you quit in the first place.

I'm an alcoholic, pure and simple. That's the bad part. The good part is, I haven't drank in over 3 decades now. I once had drunk dreams on and off years ago. I would wake up, and it was scary real, at times I thought I had gotten drunk the night before. Fortunately, I've not had one of those dreams in a long time.

Hang in there, think it over what's making you want to drink, dip/chew or drink. Hopefully, you'll find your answer there.


Geezer in NH
04-10-2021, 09:10 PM
Quit in 1990 or so when my son was 2 years old.

Yep still get the dreams.

Was retired in 2001 disabled from my Fire department where I was a FF/Investigator/Photographer. Still dream I cannot find my gear for a response.

04-12-2021, 09:24 AM
Most of my friends growing up smoked or chewed never picked up the habit. Now 50 odd years later I find myself thinking of trying it out and with the insistence that once wont kill you from my brother inlaw I gave in and tried it out what did I have to lose at this point in life? Well with the first big inhale the sudden loss of fresh clean air was gone and filled with a harsh burning at the back of my throat equal to having swallowed boiling sulphuric acid the cloud was thick and caused my eyes to water and burn as if being sand blasted with crushed glass. I looked around and all I could see was smoke and all I could hear was laughter as the smoke cleared my brother in law says what are you doin? nobody whips the door open on the smoker when its hot and sticks thier head in and does that ! you gotta wait till it clears then you can smell that briskett

04-12-2021, 09:35 AM
i stopped smoking a few times 2 years then 1 year but still smoke ,only roll my own now .im no quitter!

04-12-2021, 12:08 PM
I started smoking at age 14 and continued thereafter to age 38. At one point I was smoking 50 cigarettes a day. I read an article that said the smoking habit was often not driven by the gratification we get, but rather by simple rote. I began to examine just how I pursued my filthy habit and noted that my life was structured around smoking. I lit up as I left for work, lit up again as I drove out of the tunnel, which gave me just enough time to finish that cigarette by the time I got to work. ! Smoke at break, 2 at lunch (actually timed my lunch to make that work), etc. I was a slave to my habit! This epiphany manifested around July and at that point I decided that I was going to quit. I knew it would not be easy and I knew that I hate to be laughed at so, I told everyone that I was going to quit after I came back from my yearly hunting trip in November. The morning after we returned from hunting I got up and thought “one last smoke” I had it and after breakfast I went up to my hunting partner's house to help the other guys process the Moose and Deer we had brought home. One of the guys asked me: “had a smoke this morning”? I said yes and he said “that's it then you won't quit”! Haven't smoked since! Now I want you all to know that throughout the time I was in the quitting process I never got owly or crabby at all (my kids and I disagree on this point, comparing me to a plastic, snarling monster toy they had when they were younger). It took a good 30 years for the cravings to finally disappear and there can still be a quick flash of desire when I smell cigarette smoke on occasion.

04-16-2021, 07:47 AM
Quitting is easy, I have quit a thousand times. Staying quit is not so easy, I have successfully done it only once. I started in 1973 quitting a thousand times before finally quitting cold turkey in 2008. Just as others have said I planned my day around smoking - wake up, have one. Eat breakfast, have one. Driving to work I apparently had designated light up areas such as crossing a certain road or bridge. I planned every job with smoke breaks factored in. I even planned vacations around smoking - if I could not smoke I wasn’t going or staying there. One day I quit and stayed quit.

In the beginning I dreamed many times of smoking. I always woke up feeling guilty. I have not had that dream in years but am sure I will tonight since I have spoken of it.

Congratulations to everyone who has kicked a habit - best wishes to those who still struggle with their addiction.

Take care,

Big Tom
04-16-2021, 08:18 AM
Came from 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day to zero 30 years ago when my youngest daughter was born, but in the summer time, I enjoy sitting on the deck, reading a good book and having my cigars and sometimes a good bourbon with it. Never dreamt about cigarettes or smoking.

04-17-2021, 01:43 AM
No dreams, just a vivid recollection. Dad started smoking at 14 and quit at 22. He quit because I was born and it adversely affected me. My older brothers always knew dad had candy in his shirt pocket but weren't old enough to know that he was using hard candy as his crutch. Flash forward 14 years.

Dad and I were sitting in the 'rec room,' think pool table, redwood bar, great stereo system. Dad was having a beer, I was having a soda, and Hank/Merle/Buck/Johnny, maybe just the radio was on the stereo. Dad reached for his shirt pocket, then shook his head. 'Kid, I quit when you were born, but sometimes the instinct takes over.' I will not forget that.

Kyle M.
04-17-2021, 02:43 AM
I've never smoked a single cigarette but I smoke a good amount of cigars, the local cigar shop/lounge is my second home. I occasionally smoke a pipe as well. I'm certainly not dependent on nicotine as I can go months at a time without a cigar with no ill effects. I feel like I should be able to have one bad habit and since I don't drink other than the occasional drink with a cigar I guess cigars it is. There's also just something about smoking what really amounts to a handmade work of art. They say approximately 200 sets of hands touch a cigar from seed to boxing, and rolling cigars is no easy feat. Blending is a whole other art form.

I do have dreams from time to time that I'm in one or another cigar lounge with good company.

04-17-2021, 08:44 AM
Never smoked ... as a young kid being trapped in the back seat of the car with grandparents that both smoked heavily, and -30° Minnesota cold says you’re not rolling down a window overrode any desire to ever smoke tobacco.

Now on the other hand, I regularly light up the smoker under some pork, beef, and poultry out back all year long!

Frosty Boolit
04-17-2021, 12:06 PM
I quit smoking a good 20+ years ago. Best thing that I ever did.
But every once in a while I have a dream where I am smoking a cigarette and have half a pack on me. I had one again last night where I was running and smoking again. In every dream I can't believe that I started smoking again and will have to quit once again.

Happens to me every now and then, I wake up wondering why I threw away a life free from tobacco. I feel like a dope then I realize it is a dream!

Gator 45/70
04-17-2021, 04:02 PM
I quit when I hit 45 Dipped for awhile and to me this is harder to quit than smoking, All my friends who continued to smoke are now dead.

If I was ever to smoke a cigarette again it would be an unfiltered camel or Joe Hump as we called em'

04-18-2021, 10:02 PM
I quit 61 years ago , same day I started . Swiped one of Pop's unfiltered Camels , 3 puffs, I was done for good .

Idaho Sharpshooter
04-20-2021, 02:22 PM
I still enjoy a Cohiba or Fuentes Opus Opus X every now and then. Since I brought Agent Orange home with me from RVN I don't worry too much about tobacco. I'll be 72 this fall, and the Bible says "three score and ten...". My wife reminded me of that when I turned 70. She says I am now on the bonus round.
God Bless us every one...


04-21-2021, 10:18 AM
Amazingly enough, I had another of those dreams the other evening. I was smoking again like there was no tomorrow.
the oddest thing is that I don't ever have a craving to smoke. Never.

01-18-2024, 10:52 PM
I quit smoking in 1984. The money then, was enough to pay a car payment after I quit my pack a day habit. I never had any dreams like that.

01-18-2024, 11:20 PM
Not smoking, but still the dreams... I frequently have a dream that I am back out in the Great Lake of Texas, on a rig. Sometimes a Floater, sometimes a Jack-up. Sometimes its hanging out in the rec room, sometimes it's a cement job going to Heck in a handbasket and I can't get a valve to shut. Last night, it was Steak Day. I enjoyed THAT one! Just wish they'd stop.

Big Tom
01-19-2024, 08:39 AM
I quit smoking cigarettes over 30 years ago after being a rather heavy smoker (2-3 packs/day). Never (after the first year) had any urge to pick it up again and no dreams about smoking. However, about 10 years ago, I picked up smoking a cigar, primarily in the summertime, sitting on the deck with a drink and reading a book. But even the occasional cigar never brought back any wishes to pick up a cigarette and it feels like the cigar smoking is not addictive as I don't smoke inside, so no cigars in the winter time...

01-19-2024, 09:18 AM
I quit in 69 as a 5 pack per day chain smoker. Quitting is a one at a time deal, one day at a time. To really quit you can not use a crutch, keep an open pack in your pocket and right by your chair. That makes the process of quitting 100% your will. Takes 90 to 120 days to clear the lungs so you can breathe again. So no magic bullet, and 20-30 years later you may stilll get cravings or the brain trick, just one would not hurt.

01-19-2024, 09:25 AM
I'm a pipe smoker. I considered quitting, but figured a man should have at least one bad habit. I've actually got quite a few, but it's hard trying to narrow it down to which one I enjoy most.

I could never trust anyone who doesn't have at least once vice.

01-19-2024, 09:55 AM
12 years with cancer sticks. Mostly Marboro's and the last year on Old Gold Lights.
30 years with a pipe smoking Velvet pipe tobacco.

Had my first smoking dream last week.

2014 I switched to an electronic vape system. I make my own juice (I buy 50/50 VG/PG blend to mix with. And 48 mg per ml nicotine and cut it to 20_-24ish)
I use an Aspire CF mod that takes Lithium 18650 battery's. Battery's last me 2-3 days. I clean and rewind my own coils. Wick them with a 1$ bag of cotton balls from the dollar store. I have weaned myself off of adding flavors. They just gunk the coil up quicker. If I start on Sunday with a clean coil and wick I'll make it to next sunday before it needs work.

My vaporizer is a Kangertech Evod bottom coil. With a glass liner so you can see fluid levels. It holds 1.3 Ml, I fill every morning and normally by mid afternoon need a refill. So total is 2 to 2.5 ml a day of 22 mg per milliliter juice.

I used to have to smoke outside, or in winter rigged a kitchen stove hood in basement so I could have a smoke without freezing.

Smoke bothered her, effected her breathing. The Vape system does not, at all. She mostly does not even notice if I take a puff with her sitting next to me.

I'll never go back. The first 3 years were hard at times as my body purged that poison from my system. But I can breath so much better now. And actually taste my food.

01-19-2024, 11:20 AM
Never really smoked cigs, doubt if I've hadmore than a dozen in my life. Did smoke cigars now and then, haven't had one in years. I am however a dedicated pipe smoker, started in my early twenties and still puffing away at 73+. Keep saying I'm going to quit but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Edit: I used to be a runner but arthritis and injuries ended my running may years ago but still sometimes have a dream where I'm out running.

01-19-2024, 11:49 AM
Twenty one years now tobacco free. Once every couple years, I realize I am smoking in my dream and get mad at my subconscious self.
It could be worse. At least never had a dream about my ex. That would be scary.

01-19-2024, 11:53 AM
I can't be the only one who thought this was going to be a collection of BBQ recipes.

Arkansas Paul
01-19-2024, 12:52 PM
I could never trust anyone who doesn't have at least once vice.

Abe Lincoln had a good quote on this as well.
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues.

I've never been a cigarette smoker (except at deer camp. There's just something about sitting around the fire that makes it seem right).
I'm a cigar and pipe smoker, and have been for about 10 years. As mentioned early in the thread, the guys at the pipe/cigar shop know me well.
I always had one two or three times a week and was not addicted to nicotine at all.
Then came law school and the bar exam. I spent countless hours on the back patio studying, and there was always a cigar lit or a pipe hanging out of my mouth. When the bar exam was over, I was addicted to nicotine. Now I walk around with a nicotine pouch in my lip all the time and I'm trying to give that up.
I have no desire at all to give up cigars and pipes, as they bring me a great deal of enjoyment and relaxation. However, I think when I get serious about kicking this addiction, I'll have to forgo them for a little while.

I don't know that I've dreamed about it though.

I know my father struggled with it. He was a 3 pack a day smoker, which I can't even fathom. He was also a bad alcoholic. Had to drink in the morning before going to work. He decided to clean his life up and started going to church. He quit both cold turkey, and almost had to be hospitalized from DTs. This was before I was born, so I didn't get to witness it. He told me that once he got over the hump, he didn't want alcohol at all. But smoking was different. He said years after he quit he would crave cigarettes.

01-19-2024, 01:13 PM
I quit smoking 4 years ago. I started at 14 and quit at 44. I haven’t had smoking dreams yet but I constantly think that I smell one being smoked. Drives me nuts. Short drive though.

01-19-2024, 01:24 PM
I quit 7 months ago after smoking for 40 years, it is HARD to not pick up a pack at the gas station!
I still reach for them in my now empty pocket, watching a movie and seeing someone light up makes me with I could still head for the garage and sit on my bar stool and enjoy one.
But now when someone walks by me that just had one, they sure do stink!

01-20-2024, 11:47 AM
I quit smoking cigarettes when the price went to 30-35 cents a pack. Then it was pipe and cigars lost first wife and I told kids I would pay them 10 cents each everytime I smoked stopped when I had to pay the kids $10 each plus the cost of the cigar. I still like the pipe smoke sometimes miss the pipe most but the thought of ending up like my grandfather who smoked half and half just can't put myself in the condition. I think it has been almost 50 years since I stopped best move I ever made

01-21-2024, 12:13 AM
The subconscious mind is a tricky thing.
Dream interpretation is a wide and varied topic.
I'd say smoking dreams are residual concerns to quit and also unanswered desires to partake in a once enjoyable activity.

01-21-2024, 12:23 AM
I started using smokeless tobacco in high school, Skoal then Copenhagen, I told myself when it gets to a dollar a can I was gonna quit and I did . I still have dreams about dipping. At times I still get a craving for it . So strange.

01-21-2024, 12:50 AM
Last night I dreamed that I was a ninja married into a ninja clan. The leader said we had to battle between ourselves to see who was best. A guy came at me with a knife and I pulled off my cowboy belt. He laughed at me and said “What you going to do with that?” Said “This”, and wacked him in the temple with the buckle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone sneaking up behind me. I smoked them only to find out it was my hateful Japanese ninja mother in law. Weird. My wife’s Mexican and my mother in law loves me!
I dabbled with cigarettes in high school. Chewed tobacco in the Corps while in the field. Knew a Marine who dipped till it ate through his bottom lip. Being a Marine, he switched to his upper lip then. He would stick the tip of his tongue through the hole in his lower lip and wiggle it. Gotta say, I was convinced he was stupid!

01-21-2024, 12:51 AM
Last night I dreamed that I was a ninja married into a ninja clan. The leader said we had to battle between ourselves to see who was best. A guy came at me with a knife and I pulled off my cowboy belt. He laughed at me and said “What you going to do with that?” Said “This”, and wacked him in the temple with the buckle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone sneaking up behind me. I smoked them only to find out it was my hateful Japanese ninja mother in law. Weird. My wife’s Mexican and my mother in law loves me!
I dabbled with cigarettes in high school. Chewed tobacco in the Corps while in the field. Knew a Marine who dipped till it ate through his bottom lip. Being a Marine, he switched to his upper lip then. He would stick the tip of his tongue through the hole in his lower lip and wiggle it. Gotta say, I was convinced he was stupid!

Thanks for the smile!!!

01-21-2024, 01:38 PM
At age 14 I tried chewing tabaco ONE TIME!! I got so sick I thought I was going to die! Too bad I did not get the same reaction when I started smoking. Around age 7/8, I tried eating my Uncle's Pic-o-back(sp) aromatic pipe tabaco. It smelled soooo good. Boy oh boy was that a surprise! Another ONE TIME experience.

03-15-2024, 08:34 AM
I've had my share of smoking dreams, especially after I quit cigarettes and switched to vaping. It's fascinating how the mind circles back to habits you've moved away from, kind of like it's trying to process the change. For me, vaping has been a helpful bridge away from smoking, satisfying that habit in a less harmful way. I've been getting my supplies from https://nexussmoke.com/, which offers a wide variety of options that helped make the transition smoother. These dreams, I think, are just a part of how we deal with change and the nostalgia for past routines. It's a journey, for sure, but finding healthier alternatives and acknowledging these subconscious reflections can be a big step forward in staying smoke-free.

William Yanda
03-15-2024, 09:33 AM
Recently my wife dreamed she got a tatoo. I told her it was ok as long as it wasn't Nazi oriented.

04-25-2024, 08:07 PM
I never smoked but from time to time I can vividly recall being in the back seat of an Olds Starfire with my Dad and his best friend Mr Gus. He would light up an unfiltered (Lucky Strike?) with a green Zippo lighter that was clear on the bottom half with a fly fishing lure in it. The smell of that first drag was fantastic. Then I would smell the smoke and start coughing.