View Full Version : When it's not easy

10-02-2020, 05:58 PM
Our lives are a seemingly never ending series of happenings, many of which are neither pleasant nor wanted in our lives. But they come, nevertheless. Why is it that God, who loves us more than we love ourselves, allows these things in our lives? I think all of us have asked that question, or something similar, at many points in our lives. We always seem to have trouble figuring out why God allows this, or maybe even sometimes, causes these things to crop up when we both know we don't want them.

That question comes from a serious misunderstanding of who God is, and what He wants for us. It also derives in part, from our misunderstanding of our own selves. God indeed wants us to be happy. However, He also wants us to work, both for ourselves, and for His sake. And we don't usually mind all that much when we work for ourselves, but we often resist learning the things we need to know for His sake. Our wills are almost always aimed at having fun and seeking pleasures. His eyes are more focused on our bettering ourselves, and bringing us into a closer and more intimate relationship with Him - a relationship that will last for all eternity. Following our own wills provided satisfaction only for a very brief time, and then, lapses into the fog of our memories. Which rightfully superceded the other? His will, of course. We just don't think of it in these terms very often, but that's the way it is, and God will have His will one way or another, and we can accept that, or reject it, and Him. And really, that's the only real option we have.

One thing we can always be assured of: Whenever He allows unpleasant things in our lives, there's something He means for us to learn from it. Maybe it's just to be a little more humble, for only the humble man can hear his voice - He always speaks in whis[ers. not shouts. Or, He may see something in our lives, some flaw or need of some kind, that we need to attend to and fix. There are many reasons He may provide us with unpleasant problems to solve.

Our job is to trust Him, and know, despite our displeasure that He has our best interests in mind. After all, what's a little challenge in our lives, compared to living at a level less than our capabilities allow??? He wants us to be our best, and He lovingly presents us with challenges, so we can overcome our innate laziness and sloth, and become the person He always intended for us to be. Yes, He loves us, even when He presents us with challenges, some of them great in nature and type.

So be glad when you are challenged, for God is working on you and within you, to make you better than you thought you'd ever be. It's an honor of a high and distinctive nature for Him to challenge us, even when it brings sorrow with it. Many lessons in our lives are not easy to learn, nor do they come naturally and innately to us while we simply pursue the many great pleasures and wonders of this wonderful world He created just for us. It's said that "Into each life, some rain must fall," and that is very true. We may not want it, and may resist it, or try to run away from it, but in the end, it always seems to make us better, more fulfilled and subservient followers of our Lord and Savior. So next time you're challenged, drop to your knees and thank the Lord, for it's a clear sign that He's working in our lives, and that He loves us more than we sometimes realize.

Keep the faith in all, and our rewards will be eternal and more satisfying than we can now know. What could be better than that?

10-02-2020, 06:41 PM
Thank you Dennis .

Pine Baron
10-02-2020, 07:35 PM
Dennis, it's good to hear from you brother. As always a thought provoking and spot on post.
Many times when faced with a seemingly challenging circumstance, just thanking God for His blessings and asking His Holy Spirit for guidance, turns that circumstance into a perspective that reveals His tremendous love for us.

10-02-2020, 09:08 PM
Amen and thank you for sharing your knowledge!