View Full Version : Had to go the New knee route

09-30-2020, 08:39 PM
My left knee final gave out and I got a recommendation from the VA Hospital to replace the knee at the Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Mo. The VA. department of Orthopedia doesn't do knees in house. Last week the the left knee got cut out and the Surgeon came by to check me out and said the bone was so eaten out that he could just about pull out of the the knee. The pain was really bad and hasn't gotten a lot better. All the employee tell me to hang in there, it is worth it. The Surgeon will see me again tomorrow and see if I get to go home. I have aplogised to my wife about 20 times. A little prayer please guys!
Ole Jack

09-30-2020, 08:41 PM
Pulling for you. I have been treated at Barnes. They are first rate.

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09-30-2020, 08:51 PM
The pain will get better.

Thoughts are with you.

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09-30-2020, 09:21 PM
Im pretty near you Jack. If you need the lawn mowed or a drop off from the grocery store, pm me and let a guy know how he can help.

Budzilla 19
09-30-2020, 10:10 PM
It is worth it!!!!!!!!!I had my right knee done in Jan. of '19, 90 days later, i was back at work on the pipeline right of way, has gotten better by the month since then!! The pain is intense but it will be better gradually. As far as Physical therapy, i'm here to testify, brother, your religion will be tested!!!!!!!!!!!! But, if you push yourself and continually go beyond your set points, it will heal faster than you think!! Good luck to you, sir, sigep1764, thats' good of ya!!!! Just my opinion.

big bore 99
09-30-2020, 10:31 PM
Prayers sent

09-30-2020, 11:46 PM
You are not alone. In the early to late 90s I worked for a company that made 72 knee systems per shift.
I was a knee implant engineer. I saw a woman get a bi-lateral (both knees) surgery in about 1990. Her knees were so badly damaged by arthritis they stunk like dead flesh when the surgeon cut her knees open.

10-01-2020, 04:08 AM
When you go to PT...
Work hard at it.
My friend had on changed.
He didn't push it.
Doctor had to go back in and break it to get it to move.
He still didn't push it, and now cannot make it straight.
Doctor refuses to do the other knee.
They must talk to each other, because no doctor is willing to do it.
So he had one knee that is bent, and one that is a pain.
And not his back is giving him problems because of the way he is walking.
A couple other friends had theirs done, and are doing fine.
Push till you can't push anymore.
Take the pain.

10-01-2020, 09:19 AM
Praying for you.

I had a total knee replacement (left knee) this summer.
I won't tell you how great it is several months later like everyone else does, BUT what I will tell you is the first two weeks will be tough and painful...take the Meds...keep in motion and do the exercises religiously and don't just sit around on the couch/bed.

After the two week mark, you should have turned the corner of all the real bad stuff...but you still have lots of work to do, but it's lots easier. I'm at 14 weeks now, and can do anything, and more, that I did before surgery, but my left leg muscles still need strengthening, they remind me every morning. The Surgeon tells me it takes about a year for most people to get to where you won't notice the lack of muscle strengthen.

10-01-2020, 09:48 AM
I had both done last summer. Do your PT. It was certainly worth it to me.

10-01-2020, 10:53 AM
I had both mine done 6 years ago (6-weeks apart; not both at once thank goodness). You are getting good advice here -- push the PT and especially do the home exercises they'll give you more times per day than they ask. Tough first week, better next week, then better day by day.

One thing they don't tell you is that it'll take three years before you get full strength so you can go up and down ladders like a real person. At least that's what it took mine. Yeah, you'll be walking around the neighborhood pretty dang soon, but up and down steep hills and ladders and such stuff? -- well it was at least two years before I was no longer disappointed and three before I was really happy with my restored abilities.

10-01-2020, 11:20 AM
Im 4 days in now. From my quadricep reattachment.In a lot of pain. It felt better before they fixed it. Prayers sent too.

10-01-2020, 05:56 PM
Thank you for the encouragement Went back to the Doctor to day and he showed me the pics. The guy put 3 stainless steel about 4 inches long and about 12 gauge. Then there are two large st. plates. My wife is tougher than a Marine drill Sgt. I can't slack off or I will I lose large pieces of my hide. So pray for my hide and for doing it right. All the prayers are well needed.
Ole Jack

10-01-2020, 09:33 PM
I had a left knee done 12 weeks ago last Monday. Finished with therapy and up moving.
Still a little stiff but I am sleeping again. I can tell it is a success.

10-02-2020, 03:25 AM
Mom had 1 done at 79, 2 years ago. Physical therapist told her 6 months of PT, and then evaluate. She was sweating and crying 3 days a week for 6 weeks, then they dropped it to twice a week, earlier than they expected. A few weeks later they dropped her to once a week, again, earlier than expected. At 4 months, they discontinued PT, but still wanted to check her range of motion periodically.

Mom finally told them that she hit the treadmill every day, even on PT days, to get back to normal as soon as possible. I watched her push herself while in pain, but she was determined. Mom prayed through the pain, her source of strength. During recovery, mom and dad would walk to breakfast, dad would go home and get the car to bring mom home. Sometimes, when my brother and I were visiting, we would walk home for the car, and they would enjoy another cup of coffee rather than mom sit there alone waiting for dad to bring the car. They met in church at 5, married at 17, raised 3 ornery boys, and they are 81 now.

Mom and dad used to walk several miles a day, a mile or so and back, and get a breakfast sandwich. 25 years ago, while visiting my brother and I, and it was 3 miles each way. It was 'mom and dad time' and they felt like if they didn't burn it, they didn't earn it. On bad weather days they made their own breakfast, but still hit the treadmill every day.

Dad gets coffee and oatmeal in bed every morning because mom will get up and do a bible study while dad watches the morning market business news. Dad gets up and hits the treadmill for 45 minutes and then joins mom for their morning. their morning walks for breakfast were more an early lunch than breakfast. They have a routine, always have. Dad takes a 3 mile walk on his own because his dad always said stop moving, stop living.

Mom and dad were dust bowl kids having their folks move to the CA central valley and living a farming and construction background. Dad finished concrete and worked the land, just like their parents. All of my grandparents lived to 80 and 90 save one, Mom's dad. He got sick and died young. Great grandparents lived into their 70s and 80s. Moving meant working, working meant living, the alternative meant getting dirt thrown on your box. Mom and dad moved off their 10 acres, they still own, but moved to town as the farm was 10 miles from town and medical. Farm is leased to a family from their church.

Moral of the long winded story, you will face pain, faith will help. Taking the PT slow will prolong recovery. Stop moving, stop living. Grand dad lived on the farm with my parents (2 houses) and walked 2-3 miles every day, not counting his 'making the rounds' on the property. He especially liked looking for artifacts up by an oak tree on the place. It was the head of a spring and an Indian community before the Spanish moved them to the Mission. Arrowheads, obsidian knives, grinding bowls and pistils, name it.

Even when grand dad moved to town, he walked every day until emphysema and a bad heart put him the hospital. He started smoking and drinking when he was 14 after moving out on his own. I told him 'that will kill you' and it did, although it took 75 years. Doctor told him to quit, he did cold turkey, we had 2 more good years.

Before he died, he told my mom, I will see you again. He was just short of 90. My friend, your days have been numbered and known not by you, but by your creator. Your faith has already been tested, and will be tested, that doesn't mean it won't hurt. By your faith, you are healed. The instrument of that healing may be the skill of a surgeon of faith.

My wife discovered cancer in 2014. Before they wheeled her in, they were prepping and I was not allowed in. While waiting, I saw a painting on the wall. While the OR staff work working their skill, Jesus was guiding the surgeon's hand. I took a picture and showed it to my wife before they took her in. It gave her peace, she has been cancer free ever since that day, 6 1/2 years ago.

Grandma broke her hip, they replaced it. The next year she did again. As they loaded her in the ambulance, she told my dad 'it's okay, I'll get another one.' After each surgery, she was using a walker within a week and getting around. She lived quite a few years after that, you will too. It might hurt but by your faith you are healed. Prayers sent for you and by proxy, with you. Frank

square butte
10-02-2020, 03:43 AM
Inspiring post- Thank You

10-02-2020, 03:31 PM
Dad had both of his done in the ‘80’s. For about 3 weeks he said “I wish I hadn’t ever done that”. Then he started saying “I wish I’d done that 10 years ago”.

Life will get better.

10-03-2020, 06:15 AM
Going through knee problems myself right now. At 15 I was on crutches for a while due to knee pain. Rheumatoid arthritis was the diagnoses. Have lived with chronic knee pain for almost 40 years, got used to it.
But now knees are screaming, sleepless nights and hard to walk at times. In the last month have had xrays and mri, good joint spacing, torn meniscus and advanced stages of arthritis.
Doc wants to replace my right one, not ready yet to be cut up! Scared, yes and cannot afford the down time.
Encouraging reading these posts though....

10-03-2020, 10:26 AM

Doc wants to replace my right one, not ready yet to be cut up! Scared, yes and cannot afford the down time.
Encouraging reading these posts though....
Depending on what your job/business is? and how active you are now?
You may be able to do some job type work as early as one week, but surely only partial days.

I am retired, so no job ...but here's part of my story.
I came home the day after surgery, (only one night in hospital). I was able to walk into my house, by myself (with a walker), which included 3 steps.
The third day after surgery, they scheduled a Post-op Docter appointment, I drove myself there in my full size pickup (automatic), and drove back home.
On the 4th day after surgery, they scheduled a Physical therapy appointment at the hospital, I drove myself there and back home, it was a morning appointment, later that day, I went out to the garden and did some weeding.
...you get the point.