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09-28-2020, 01:00 PM
At what age do you see that people are compelled to tell you their age? This is usually to win an argument or assert their expertise.

One set of my grandparents would do this all the time. "You know, I am going to be 77 soon, so you'd better behave." My parents have taken up this habit now. I am routinely reminded how old they are whenever there is a disagreement.

I know my weird relatives are not alone in this. I see this tendency pop up from time to time here in the posts, "I'm 80 years old...blah, blah, blah."

Der Gebirgsjager
09-28-2020, 01:17 PM
I'll plead "Guilty as Charged." I think it can be to assert expertise, as time does bring experience and knowledge. I think it can also be a feeler to find out at what stage of development the other person is at. It is true, is it not, that older people may have experienced something that you did not, and maybe will not, and perhaps can not. For example, the guys that are almost gone now that served in WW II and Korea. So, although there have been wars since, if you wanted to know how well the M1 Garand stood up in combat you'd need to ask one of these older guys. On the other hand, younger people can have experiences older folks can't expound on, such as those of a 32 year old Afghanistan vet who used an M16A2. I hope you don't find it irritating, because it's not likely to stop. I think older guys wear their age as kind of a medal. :confused: Best I can do.

09-28-2020, 01:56 PM
I'll plead "Guilty as Charged." I think it can be to assert expertise, as time does bring experience and knowledge. I think it can also be a feeler to find out at what stage of development the other person is at. It is true, is it not, that older people may have experienced something that you did not, and maybe will not, and perhaps can not. For example, the guys that are almost gone now that served in WW II and Korea. So, although there have been wars since, if you wanted to know how well the M1 Garand stood up in combat you'd need to ask one of these older guys. On the other hand, younger people can have experiences older folks can't expound on, such as those of a 32 year old Afghanistan vet who used an M16A2. I hope you don't find it irritating, because it's not likely to stop. I think older guys wear their age as kind of a medal. :confused: Best I can do.

I have always liked listening to stories told by older people. However, I don't think age is a valid point to put forward when having a debate.

09-28-2020, 02:08 PM
My mother would never dare mention her age. My father would use more how many years he had in the industry than his age.

Wayne Smith
09-28-2020, 02:11 PM
I would be tempted to answer back, Yes, you are, but how much of it do you remember?

09-28-2020, 03:08 PM
I never really remember age.
Mine or anyone else.
To me it doesn't matter once you pass 21.
Maybe when you reach 65 and can collect SS.

09-28-2020, 04:07 PM
About the only time I reveal my age is when I am making comments on this forum, and then only to demonstrate that I might, I say might, have some credibility.

09-28-2020, 05:13 PM
I always heard with knowledge comes wisdom, not age !

09-28-2020, 05:38 PM
No one has given me a number yet. I'd say this starts at age 70.

Someone who has been married for 50 years can give me advice on marriage. Someone who raised three children that have never been to jail, graduated from college, have good jobs and families of their own can give me advice on raising kids. Someone who is just old...not so much.

Winger Ed.
09-28-2020, 05:46 PM
I don't mind the advanced age thing.
When they start obsessing over their bowels is when I tell 'em,
"Excuse me, I think I left something on the stove", and sneak away.

When I worked at the safe company, I was older than most of the other guy's parents, and I'd tease them to no end.
One was having trouble with his phone one day and asked me about it.
I told him, "We didn't have fancy cell phones and voice mail when I was your age, all we had was dirt.
If you wanted to leave someone a message, you wrote it and drew pictures in the dirt".

Der Gebirgsjager
09-28-2020, 06:07 PM
"We didn't have fancy cell phones and voice mail when I was your age, all we had was dirt.
If you wanted to leave someone a message, you wrote it and drew pictures in the dirt".

Well, yeah...that's how we did it back in the Stone Age when I was a kid..... ;-)

09-28-2020, 06:18 PM
Try going through an apprenticeship, when the journeyman you were assigned to, was younger than you. That created some funny situations at times

09-28-2020, 08:12 PM
Well with me it is my youngest son always reminding me how old I am , thanks son , well as I get older I realize how much my father told me was right on , he is 91 and a Korean combat veteran , came home got married raised all of us kids worked hard and provided for his family , I have had most of my best friends who were old veterans of world war 2 and Korea and I miss them all , age may not bring wisdom and to me it is just another year .

09-28-2020, 08:24 PM
I was telling my oldest son about an experience Gail and I had wherein we were crossing a mall parking lot when I spotted an old man and his wife having problems. The old man was very obviously going to collapse and she could not hold him up. I ran over and managed to support him until she got his walker from their car. As I told the story my cheeky 60 year-old son interrupted by saying "please define old"! We both had a laugh. I guess its all in how you think.

Winger Ed.
09-28-2020, 08:42 PM
Well, yeah...that's how we did it back in the Stone Age when I was a kid..... ;-)

Them young kids don't know how good they've got it.
When I was young, we didn't even have shoes.
We had to wrap barbed wire around our feet just to get a little traction on the ice.

09-28-2020, 08:54 PM
I don't worry about my age or someone else's. They want to impress me with their age, they won't. Impress me with they did, like Ickisrulz. Not with education, wealth or accolades, "Did they produce law-abiding, tax paying, productive citizens? Did they work hard to take of their families? " To me, that shows a person's worth.

09-28-2020, 09:01 PM
As far as people dwelling upon their age, a lot do it to try to prove that with age comes wisdom. IMHO, it doesn't. I met plenty of older people that aren't too smart. That's why scammers prey on them. There were plenty of kids that hung around high school and got a diploma, didn't learn a thing. Same with life.

09-28-2020, 11:47 PM
The other day, dad made mention, "I'm pushing 81 this year." I told him "Me too, I'm just pushing 81 from a fair distance further." We had a good laugh. Mom is already 81, haven't seen her since her birthday right before this lock down nonsense. Dad does't want us possibly putting them at risk.

My oldest brother is still working but lives closer to the folks. Sometimes, he and his wife drive to the folks place. Mom and dad sit in lawn chairs in the garage, brother and sister in law sit on the tailgate in the driveway. It's a 12 hour drive for me so a lot more video chatting, send pictures, brag about whats cooking on the grill. You make do.

I know lots of folks here have lost parents, family, friends. I count myself fortunate, and sometimes pray with and for members here who sometimes just need our support and encouragement.

09-29-2020, 02:29 AM
Try going through an apprenticeship, when the journeyman you were assigned to, was younger than you. That created some funny situations at times

For me it was training guys older than me. I was 27 when I got my card and had AP's assigned to work with me that were in their 30's and 40's. It was kind of weird sometimes when it came to telling them what you wanted done.

As to telling everyone how old they are ,their just so surprised that they are still alive that they can't stop talking about it. I'm the same why, I can't stop saying "Now that I'm retired" [smilie=w:[smilie=w::happy dance:

09-29-2020, 05:45 AM
I never really remember age.
Mine or anyone else.
To me it doesn't matter once you pass 21.
Maybe when you reach 65 and can collect SS.

You are showing your age. Retirement is now 67 :groner:

762 shooter
09-29-2020, 07:09 AM
My mother keeps reminding me she is 94 and my dad is 96........When she looks up from her tablet or pauses Youtube.


09-29-2020, 07:28 AM
The same age as when they till you every ailment they currently have....or have ever had in the past....or potentially in the future. Wow....my grandparents had EVERYTHING according to them. (and I'd just about give anything to have them back)


09-29-2020, 07:44 AM
I just know that OLD is not what it used to be. I have gone up on old peoples roofs that I believe were younger than I am recently, ( IE my son in law.. I was always the kid on the job but all the old timers have gone on to their rewards now it seems. I do notice that the work is not as easy as it was once. Gravity has gotten stronger I think. My grand daughter was helping out and I saw her carry a whole bundle of shingles all the way around the house and flop it down on the plank. I said to her " You the Man" and she gave me a very strange look. It was meant as a compliment.

09-29-2020, 09:04 AM
You know you are old when you observe a great grandson, who will soon be all of one year old, walking around in the backyard and realize that he walks almost as good as I do.

Der Gebirgsjager
09-29-2020, 01:51 PM
I always heard with knowledge comes wisdom, not age !

[smilie=l: Yeah...but you have to live long enough to get the wisdom! :D

Mal Paso
09-29-2020, 02:37 PM
My mind is as sound as it ever was, knock wood. ..... Come In!

09-29-2020, 04:35 PM
My big reminder of my age was when the young'uns at Kroger started asking me if I needed any help out with my groceries. Kind of stunned me. But, I registered for the draft in 1969.

09-30-2020, 02:19 PM
My reminder was just the other day when my son said---"Deb and I are starting to down-size, getting rid of a bunch of stuff---"! All of a sudden it hit me my kid is almost retirement age (60).

10-01-2020, 11:43 AM
LOL . . . . . . . everyone has their quirks and I guess that reminding others of your age is just another one of those things . . . we all have known people who do it. Just remember that you may well be doing the same thing some day.

My Dad did it every once in a while . . . my mother"? Not so much. But to me, it never bothers me . . . there are much greater things to worry about in life. Yea . . . if it is a parent who is doing it in regards how you or your family are doing things . . . well . . . give then the benefit of the doubt . . . listen and then follow your own instincts. It's funny how we all get a bit perturbed at times by family or friends . . my Dad has been gone now for 25 years and my Mom for 15 and I would give anything to have them back and they could remind me about how old they are and give me advice and I wouldn't let it bother me at all . . . . .the same as friends that are now gone.

Back to what age it starts at? My guess is when the individual starts to give thought as to where they are past the midpoint in life and what is left is what is left.

10-02-2020, 02:42 AM
Was up the street talking to a neighbor , the house next to him had just sold and we got to talking about witch homes had sold the most. I was telling him that all but two house on our end had turned over three times sense we moved in and he said on his end it was a least twice. After talking he says that we have been living here longer than anyone else, we moved in in 1991 and were the youngest ones on the street now I am the fourth oldest guy and have been here the longest.

Funny thing is the neighbors I have the most to do with are younger than my wife's kid and he just turned 46. One neighbor will help me with things that I need a extra hand to do and I have showed him how to do some stuff around the house and things to do with cars and so on that I have learned from others. But sometimes I wonder if they are just humoring the old guy up the street with nothing better to do. Kind of weird thinking that most of your neighbors are young enough to be your kid.

Land Owner
10-02-2020, 06:20 AM
That "age thing" is the Voice of Experience, Life Experience, the culmination of things good and bad, opportunities taken and missed, wealth achieved, education, power, women, children, family, attempts made, failures, successes, and you only get it by living it.

"If only I knew then what I know now..." Lord, the girls in High School I would have courted! The investments I would have made! The life I would be leading today! If only...

We are limited to the dreams we have, what can be, what might have been, and what will never be on our path to the future in the number of days ahead before we rest forever.

I did "my own thing". I didn't "hear it" when I had chances. It didn't smack me in the face. I didn't take advantage of opportunities, which I look back on and wonder - if only...

I didn't purchase that idle property Dad thought would make a "good investment" for the college money I was earning while in high school, which a scant few years later sold for 10 times more than what I could have negotiated - if only...

While in the service and passing through Melbourne, AU with a couple of days to spare, I didn't spend a day to visit the well-to-do gentleman in Brisbane, Australia, a college friend of my Mom who had inquired, as she had encouraged me to do - if only...

I did gather up my courage to ask the beautiful British girl in Suva, Fiji to dance, and she said. "Yes." I am allergic to gravity. There is a God. I am not Him. These are the facts.

10-02-2020, 10:12 AM
My favorite way to go about it, is to say, "Kid, I've got T-shirts older than you!".

10-02-2020, 02:13 PM
Tee shirts, shoes, ammo ,guns that I think of as new, hammers, all kinds of power tools. neck ties....... kids.......grand kids,,,,on and on

10-03-2020, 02:09 AM
Not sure .....but I'm at 42,43 or 44 right now lol ......wait my wife just said I'm 43 for now !!

10-03-2020, 05:42 PM
Here in the retirement village
we have organ recitals.
"How are you?"
and they'll tell you
the latest on their organs.
And their dog's organs.
And their wife's organs.
Neighbor's organs.
Gets quite organic.

10-03-2020, 08:00 PM
Mostly what I heard was " Got cards in my wallet older than you". Those fellas are dead now.

10-03-2020, 08:21 PM
Mostly what I heard was " Got cards in my wallet older than you". Those fellas are dead now.

Geezer in NH
10-08-2020, 03:05 PM
Someone who has been married for 50 years can give me advice on marriage. . I will have been married for 50 years 3/21 and will not be 70 then.

My best advise on marriage is DON"T!

10-08-2020, 03:15 PM
My favorite way to go about it, is to say, "Kid, I've got T-shirts older than you!".

When you were a kid, Moby Dick was just a minnow!

10-08-2020, 09:41 PM
No one has given me a number yet. I'd say this starts at age 70.

Someone who has been married for 50 years can give me advice on marriage.
I don't care if they been married a hundred years, they ain't married to MY WIFE!
That immediately negates their wisdom. Fun statement to get 'em wound up is my Dad's--Was I born first or married first?

10-08-2020, 10:59 PM
I always heard with knowledge comes wisdom, not age !

I always heard was that " Wisdom doesn't come with age, sometimes age comes by it's self."

Land Owner
10-09-2020, 04:51 AM
I will have been married for 50 years 3/21 and will not be 70 then.

My best advise on marriage is DON"T!

With the rate of divorce in America, I chide my wife, a Classical Concert Pianist now working for the local church - including weddings - and she agrees, that the "Wedding March" is just a Funeral Dirge - in a different key. She is my Paradise on Earth.

10-09-2020, 08:16 AM
I just turned 68, and I am just seeing the first symptoms of this appear in myself. So as a general rule I would say 70's and up.