View Full Version : Checking for Powder Drops

09-25-2020, 09:34 AM
After loading over 150k pistol cartridges on a 1050 I wanted to share my experience and get feedback from others who employ the Dillon Powder Check (DPC), or other ways to determine a “safe” charge.

The DPC has never found an unsafe load or a case with no powder. It will occasionally trigger if a charge is off by .2 gr...but .2 gr. Is inconsequential for the loads I use. I see them as false alarms.

I am questioning the value fiddling with it when I change a load. One option is to remove it completely and sell it. The other idea is to modify it by increasing the “safe” zone so it allows a .3 gr variation in powder level before triggering. That should eliminate the majority of “false alarms”

I currently have two DPC dies. Mounted on .38/357 and 9mm tool-heads.

Visual checking would address an empty case, or double charge, but I fear my attention span is limited. It is not a method I would trust. And having never had either event happen on the 1050 so far, the incentive to pay attention is not there.

I am leaning towards modifying the DPC to make it less sensitive unless there is a better way. I will likely not add one to the .40S&W tool head...or try another method if someone has one.

Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions.

09-25-2020, 10:11 AM
On a 1050 I would absolutely use a powder check die. There’s to much going on and like yourself I would not trust visual inspection. There are other brands of Powder Cop/Lockout dies. I’d try the RCBS since it physically locks the press if the charge is off.

09-25-2020, 01:33 PM
"The DPC has never found an unsafe load or a case with no powder."
Don't know what you have going on but the ones I have will definitely alarm on no powder and the window for low or high seems to be about .5 or so gr. That changes with the type of powder used. You're probably saying that the measure and your technique are good and you just haven't had a instance where you actually needed the alarm? My 1050 mostly stays set up for .45acp. I can see the powder pretty easy in that case so I wouldn't be put out if it wasn't there but I really like it when I change over to .223, can't see in the case so good with that one. Having said all that the 1050 is the only progressive I've ever used a check die with.
Sorry if I misread your post.