View Full Version : Sweet Potatoes

09-23-2020, 06:06 AM
Any of you raise sweet potatoes? How do you store them? I raised nine plants and got about twenty pounds in return. Had some for supper last night, they were very good. I planted mine in half barrels because I got the plants very late in the season. I'll do it again I believe.

09-23-2020, 06:24 AM
Be sure to cure your sweet potatoes first. Store them at 80 to 85 for about 10 days to bring up the sugar. Then store them in a cool, not cold, place.
Where I am now , In my house, was a sweet potato field when I bought it.

09-23-2020, 02:04 PM
Store them in a cool , dry place ...for me that's inside my house .
A ventilated cardboard box with a top ... Like a Banana Box ... works great !
Next time they are putting out bananas in the store just ask for a box .

Curing is what makes sweet potatoes ...really Sweet...Don't omit this important step...
80 -85 degrees for 10 days , you can taste the difference big time .


09-24-2020, 05:38 AM
Thanks will do.

09-24-2020, 07:01 AM
I'd store them in a compost pile!

MT Gianni
09-24-2020, 01:47 PM
I love them but cannot imagine storing them at 80+ in Montana in October. I would have to build a box with an old incandescent light bulb. I will stick to regular spuds.

09-26-2020, 08:19 AM
Remember as a kid there was a neighbor that had a log barn that they used to store [cure] sweet potatoes in. Back then they would build a fire in a wood burning stove to cure them.

09-26-2020, 08:31 AM
Potato sheds here store them for months at 55 or 56 degrees. As stated above make sure to cure them first then inspect for blemishes. Set those aside. Wrap each potato in newspaper and put in a cardboard or wooden box or basket with an apple to prevent budding. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not seal the box.

The bruised ones can be frozen. Cut them up and remove the bruises. Boil them 20min or so then mash or slice. Sprinkle with lemon juice, put in container and let cool then freeze. They will last nearly a year like this.

This is a pretty good rundown https://www.wikihow.com/Store-Sweet-Potatoes

10-09-2020, 06:31 AM
My wife made a sweet potato pie yesterday and I think we'll never make a pumpkin again! MUCH better than pumpkin any time.