View Full Version : Tru Line Jr turret

09-19-2020, 01:20 AM
Anyone have a source for Tru Line Jr replacement turrets which use 7/8-14 dies? I’ve looked at various auction sites and have not found any nor found any with general web searches. Most of what I’ve found is 5+ years old.


09-19-2020, 02:15 AM
I bought one way back when. Guy was in Pennsylvania somewhere is all I can remember. Did a search through all my old computerized purchase/sale records, but didn't turn up anything. Best I can do.

Maybe a business opportunity for someone.

Green Frog
09-19-2020, 07:06 PM
Not to be a wet blanket, but you’ll really be pushing the limits of strength for the little TruLine Jr if you add full sized dies (especially a full length sizing die) and crank down on it. It sounds good to talk about a compact press doing a full size job, but I finally figured out that Rules of Geometry and Laws of Physics tend to be absolute.


09-19-2020, 08:20 PM
Nobody with any sense would try FL sizing with one, would they?

My best Junior, which has the compound leverage, is now fitted with a six-hole plate. It does fine for common pistol rounds. I have also used it to seat bullets in bigger rounds. Saves changing out the die in my RCBS press.

Green Frog
09-19-2020, 09:24 PM
I used to take one of my TruLine Jr presses to classic rifle matches. I would attach it to the bench with a couple of C-clamps and load 32-40s for my high wall. Mega points for cool... wish I had been a better shot to impress the crowd more!

The biggest cartridges I ever loaded was a 45-70, and they did just great. Of course I wasn’t doing any significant sizing. I’ve got a few sets of pistol dies that include FL sizers, but I’ve never used them that I recall.


09-23-2020, 06:35 PM
Lyman did make FL sizer dies for the Tru Line JR press. Straight walled pistol cases And I think a few small rifle cases, ie 22 Hornet.
Nothing bigger. The press won't take the stress of FL anything bigger.
If you want a turret press that can handle that job, try one of the Lee turret's, they are about the same size.

09-23-2020, 07:00 PM
years ago there was a seller on eBay that made such turrets

09-23-2020, 07:04 PM
I have several 6 hole turrets on mine, they hold 32 pistol dies and 32-20 type stuff. OP never said he was looking to full length anything, just looking if there is a source of turrets. I agree, not going to full length any rifle on them but carbide pistol dies are easy. Case holder can be an issue but there is an adapter. Mine are shop made, not sure if he would do any more.

09-23-2020, 07:29 PM
I don't have one of the after market turrets, but I have a press with the original turret bored and threaded for 7/8" 14 dies.
It would be a great press for seating bullets but not resizing. I think. I really should mount it and try a carbide pistol sizing die and measure the force required.

09-23-2020, 07:41 PM
ya know, the guy never said he was planning to full size rifle, or anything. Neck sizing a 30-06 or 45-70 is same as full sizing 45ACP or less. Just allows the use of easier to find dies. I would like a 6 holer.

too many things
09-23-2020, 08:05 PM
forget it and get a Lyman AA
the jr was trash from day one

09-23-2020, 08:05 PM
years ago there was a seller on eBay that made such turrets

That's how I got mine. Whatever record of the purchase I may have made at the time has been lost.

09-23-2020, 08:07 PM
forget it and get a Lyman AA
the jr was trash from day one

Thousands upon thousands of satisfied users disagree. Including me.

09-23-2020, 08:17 PM
I'm guessing that most of the tru line jr's are like the one I have that has a turret threaded for 310 dies which from what I understand are neck sizing die sets. Lyman did improve them with the compound linkage, so Lyman realized at some point the design was flawed. but they have reload untold amounts of ammo and there is a reason they stopped making them and came out with the crusher and tmag or whatever they called it when it was orange.

09-23-2020, 08:57 PM
The only reason Lyman stopped making the Jr. was that the market changed. When it was introduced it was an affordable step above the tong tools and things like the Belding & Mull. But reloaders got richer, and instead of loading .38 wadcutters for pistol practice, or a dozen rifle rounds for the coming deer season, they wanted (and could afford) to load .30-06 by the hundreds.

The reason the Jr. uses 310 dies is that thousands of shooters already had them, having been using tong tools for decades.

09-24-2020, 02:30 AM
Was never planning on FL resizing. Was really just thinking about using it for pistol rounds. I have several calibers of 310 sets, so boring out the original turret is not an option. What really got me thinking about a turret for 7/8-14 dies is I could use a Lee FC die which I’ve gotten into the habit of using on all my pistol rounds.

The TL Jr is the smallest/lightest press of the many that I own other than the Lee hand press or 310 tongs. My hope was to set up something small that I could load rounds in my tiny camper while on my bird hunting trips.

09-24-2020, 03:12 AM
Tongs are of course the most compact of all. Do you have enough handles to set one up for each die? And set the factory crimp die in the Lee hand press?

09-24-2020, 03:52 AM
Yes on enough tongs. In the past I've just taken the Lee hand press with the dies already set in the bushings. What got me started on this trek was thinking about taking a Lyman 55 along which then led to the TL Jr thought. I'll find what I'm looking for eventually or find someone to make what I want.

I have some 310 dies, but not for everything I load. Prices on them have gone stupid so again why a 7/8-14 turret solves some problems. That and 357 Sig was never made for 310's which is one caliber I load.

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09-24-2020, 11:00 AM
I picked up 2 of the jrs for $10 each but have few of the dies so I bought one of the 7/8 14 turrets from a guy on ebay that made runs of them once in a while. Shortly after I bought mine, someone on here posted he tried to get one but he had missed the run. Since then I haven't seen them available again.
I was planning on using mine for small rounds like 25/20, 32 S&W, 22H and 32/20 but haven't got to it yet. Until I get my shop built, I have way more presses than I have room to set up.

09-27-2020, 04:58 PM
Does the press need to be a turret? Lee makes the Reloader press. It a small C press made of alloy, so it doesn't weigh much.
About the same size as Lee's hand press but mounts to a bench.
Early versions had a 7/8 x 14 threaded hole. The newer ones have the breech lock.
I had one years ago but lost it along with a lot of other stuff in a move. It worked well. It can get a bit tiring if doing a lot of sizing of larger case all at once but for a box or two of ammo out in the field it's no problem.