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View Full Version : WOW! Actor Jim Caviezel GOES OFF on Milquetoast Christian Leaders and Cancel Culture

09-18-2020, 10:42 AM

Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel went on with Shannon Bream on FOX @ Night to discuss his latest movie Infidel that explores Christian persecution in the Middle East......
During the interview Caviezel went off on the milk toast Christian leaders who are silent in this age of Cancel Culture and who say nothing as politicians shut down churches but open liquor stores and abortion clinics.


09-19-2020, 07:06 AM

One reason we're in the mess we are in today, is Christians didn't put up and stand up in the 70s!

09-19-2020, 08:28 AM
Thunder, I remember and believe Christians did put up and stand up. But we were - and remain - too few to matter to demon led politicians, educators, bureaucrats, entertainers and fake news media so I wonder what specific actions you think we should be doing that would matter to them today?

09-19-2020, 04:12 PM
Thunder, I remember and believe Christians did put up and stand up. But we were - and remain - too few to matter to demon led politicians, educators, bureaucrats, entertainers and fake news media so I wonder what specific actions you think we should be doing that would matter to them today?

Self-proclaimed Christians make up 65% of the U.S. population. They are more than twice as numerous of the next lower group (unaffiliated-like me) at 26 percent. How are Christians too few to matter. Almost all elected officials are Christians and all Presidents since maybe Jefferson have been Christians.

Or maybe your point is most Self-proclaimed Christians are Christians in name only, not true Christians, CRINO's.

As for what you can do. It is called civil disobedience. You know, get yourself arrested for the cause. Make the authorities make mass arrests for you gathering in your churches or on the street. If they fine you refuse to pay the fines and go to jail. If you have the strength of your convictions you should be happy being a martyr. Jesus willingly went to the cross for his convictions same with the Apostles. Seems a little jail time if a judge could in good conscience send you to jail is not such a big deal.

Seems you could do as much as the peaceful protestors are doing in protest against police brutality. Oh, wait, I bet a lot of those are Christians so maybe some Christians still have convictions.


09-19-2020, 05:09 PM
Timmy, you will find me at my church tomorrow morning, as usual.

Note that my question was directed to Thunder by name, not you, knowing I'd only get self righteous snark. And you're supposed to be ignoring me anyway.

09-19-2020, 05:24 PM

One reason we're in the mess we are in today, is Christians didn't put up and stand up in the 70s!

Now that's a true statement.

09-19-2020, 05:25 PM
Self-proclaimed Christians make up 65% of the U.S. population. They are more than twice as numerous of the next lower group (unaffiliated-like me) at 26 percent. How are Christians too few to matter. Almost all elected officials are Christians and all Presidents since maybe Jefferson have been Christians.

Or maybe your point is most Self-proclaimed Christians are Christians in name only, not true Christians, CRINO's.

As for what you can do. It is called civil disobedience. You know, get yourself arrested for the cause. Make the authorities make mass arrests for you gathering in your churches or on the street. If they fine you refuse to pay the fines and go to jail. If you have the strength of your convictions you should be happy being a martyr. Jesus willingly went to the cross for his convictions same with the Apostles. Seems a little jail time if a judge could in good conscience send you to jail is not such a big deal.

Seems you could do as much as the peaceful protestors are doing in protest against police brutality. Oh, wait, I bet a lot of those are Christians so maybe some Christians still have convictions.


Tim, keep on trying it's hard for Engineers to understand simple thing like getting saved.

09-19-2020, 05:30 PM
I may suck at math but I do believe 65% is greater than 50%, so one would assume that none of the anti-American, anti-life crowd would ever get elected.


09-19-2020, 06:52 PM
I may suck at math but I do believe 65% is greater than 50%, so one would assume that none of the anti-American, anti-life crowd would ever get elected.


The United States is just like any other nation on earth. We are not a Christian Nation but a Nation with Christians among the citizens. If we were a True Christian Nation FDR and LBJ would have never been in the White House.

09-19-2020, 10:34 PM
Timmy, you will find me at my church tomorrow morning, as usual.

Note that my question was directed to Thunder by name, not you, knowing I'd only get self righteous snark. And you're supposed to be ignoring me anyway.

Why am I supposed to be ignoring you? I told you that you were too much fun to ignore. It is others who are idiots that I ignore.

Will your attendance at Church violate any ordinance or order about gatherings or will it be within the rules? The OP seemed to think that Churches are being closed. Did they try to close your church?


09-19-2020, 10:41 PM
The United States is just like any other nation on earth. We are not a Christian Nation but a Nation with Christians among the citizens. If we were a True Christian Nation FDR and LBJ would have never been in the White House.

Most Christians understand that they would not want Billy Graham or Pat Robertson as president. Oh, and 20% of Christians are Catholics who are not at all like Southern Baptists. Then of course you have LDS and Lutherans.


09-19-2020, 11:30 PM
Most Christians understand that they would not want Billy Graham or Pat Robertson as president. Oh, and 20% of Christians are Catholics who are not at all like Southern Baptists. Then of course you have LDS and Lutherans.


Both of those men would not be a pick for president ether. I don't do Religion ( Catholics, Baptist and all the rest) because it's man made.

09-20-2020, 06:46 AM
Thunder, I remember and believe Christians did put up and stand up. But we were - and remain - too few to matter to demon led politicians, educators, bureaucrats, entertainers and fake news media so I wonder what specific actions you think we should be doing that would matter to them today?

Please tell me what Christians of the day "70s" did to stop or reverse the tide, and I'll tell you what they should have done, but didn't.

09-20-2020, 09:32 AM
Please tell me what Christians of the day "70s" did to stop or reverse the tide, and I'll tell you what they should have done, but didn't.

No, no; not saying they/we did something that's lost today, only that Christians were then doing the same things we would expect, i.e., worshiping and praying together and opposing sinfulness in high places. Christians joined in public demonstrations (not riots) opposing baby murder, same sex "marriage", forbidding any mention of God (but not Allah, Gaiha, Budda, etc.) in public places. We were and continue to be resistant today but fake news media portrayed Christian voters and demonstrators as a bunch of evil knuckle draggers - which remains the way "liberal" powers see us - and we were ignored in the halls of government.

So, my question to you remains; what acceptable forms of Christian resistance do you think might be more effective today?

09-20-2020, 10:22 AM
Well perhaps we will eventually adapt RULE .303.


Luke 22:33 to Luke 22:39

33 And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death. 34 And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me. 35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. 36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. 37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. 38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough. 39 And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him.

09-20-2020, 11:02 AM
So, my question to you remains; what acceptable forms of Christian resistance do you think might be more effective today?

I'll speak about the ones that raised ME, and the ones I was growing up with. They prayed big prayers and preached big strong sermons, but continued to cast votes with their wallet for the very ones who where destroying Biblical principles! They where too lazy or unprincipled to even vet ones running for local office. They kept doing business with business that donate to those candidates and causes that go against Christian values. I had a huge heated conversation with my parents in the early 80s about "how in the world can anyone who claims to be a Christian vote for a political party that is built and publicly proclaims via party platform against EVERYTHING that you CLAIM to hold as eternal tenants!".

You don't think there's enough Christian people to change this? Probably not enough with real conviction? I think there are enough Christians to shut down every abortion clinic, close every God forsaken public school, and replace political corruption from the ground up!

09-20-2020, 01:14 PM
I'll speak about the ones that raised ME, and the ones I was growing up with. They prayed big prayers and preached big strong sermons, but continued to cast votes with their wallet for the very ones who where destroying Biblical principles! They where too lazy or unprincipled to even vet ones running for local office. They kept doing business with business that donate to those candidates and causes that go against Christian values. I had a huge heated conversation with my parents in the early 80s about "how in the world can anyone who claims to be a Christian vote for a political party that is built and publicly proclaims via party platform against EVERYTHING that you CLAIM to hold as eternal tenants!".

You don't think there's enough Christian people to change this? Probably not enough with real conviction? I think there are enough Christians to shut down every abortion clinic, close every God forsaken public school, and replace political corruption from the ground up!

It was like that in Virginia too, they voted with their wallet on Tuesday and looked down their nose at you on Sunday. Them would wonder why kids in the 60's and 70's would call them hypocrites.

09-20-2020, 09:04 PM
I think there are enough Christians to shut down every abortion clinic, close every God forsaken public school, and replace political corruption from the ground up!

But still, HOW could they/we do that? The potential may be there but I just don't see a clear path for anyone to get it done.

09-21-2020, 09:41 AM
But still, HOW could they/we do that? The potential may be there but I just don't see a clear path for anyone to get it done.

My point exactly! MOST Christians are NOT willing to take time off work, risk losing a job, put their finances at risk, cause the family to "do without", lower their standard of living, lose your right to own a weapon, become a criminal, spend time in jail etc, etc, etc!
One example, Christian supported private schools that are supported by the churches membership. Not ones that cost $40,000 a year in tuition either, I'm talking about tuition for members children being paid by the church. Refuse to do business with any store that won't disclose who they contribute to! I can come up with a bunch more, but they ALL put a huge financial burden on participants! I look at the Mennonites around here and think, wow, what if all Christians did what they do? How would society be affected?
So I guess your rite, Christians in the 70s did all they where WILLING TO DO!

Just like today!

09-21-2020, 02:35 PM
..... I look at the Mennonites around here and think, wow, what if all Christians did what they do? How would society be affected?

Well, they have effectively withdrawn from society but I can't see how they have made society any different even in their nearby communities.

We know that mass "protests" and "boycotts" don't change anyone's positions so that's pointless in effect even tho it feeds the "feel good" minds of the protesters.

Christians' most powerful spiritual weapon I've ever seen in action is prayer.

09-21-2020, 03:12 PM
[QUOTE=1hole;4989438We know that mass "protests" and "boycotts" don't change anyone's positions so that's pointless in effect even tho it feeds the "feel good" minds of the protesters.[/QUOTE]

O really? Tell that to Harley Dealership here that lost his dealership because of some "racist comments" from his Facebook page.

09-21-2020, 07:16 PM
O really? Tell that to Harley Dealership here that lost his dealership because of some "racist comments" from his Facebook page.

Didn't say, didn't mean we can't harm individuals, especially so in these Politically Correct times. But, after Harley's management has done their worst to their dealers, society itself moves on just as it was before because the public at large couldn't care less which group is protesting what today.

Christians are a remnant, not a majority. Only a small percentage of our population rides scooter bikes and they, like us, aren't enough to rule the world. As a Christian who doesn't ride Harleys I don't care how they mistreat their individual dealerships but I know the brand itself will move on exactly as before. To me, that exposes the futility of petty boycotts and outraged street protests - after all the public screeching is done, nothing really changes!

But I know prayer - and proper voting - does have the power to change things! (Proof: Against all odds, Hillary still isn't president! :))

09-21-2020, 08:43 PM
I give up.

09-21-2020, 09:44 PM
Well, they have effectively withdrawn from society but I can't see how they have made society any different even in their nearby communities.

We know that mass "protests" and "boycotts" don't change anyone's positions so that's pointless in effect even tho it feeds the "feel good" minds of the protesters.

Christians' most powerful spiritual weapon I've ever seen in action is prayer.

Christ ain't pulling the rip chord when you jump out of the plane.

09-22-2020, 10:07 AM
You give up? Well, again, when you say (in effect), "The world is coming apart, we got to do something", I must ask what do you think "we" (Christians) should be doing? Being outraged on this web site surely isn't an effective plan.

Thing is, I've read the whole Book of past and future, from cover to cover; it tells how we got here and how this age will end. I doubt the end will be triggered by or hindered by anything we do. Therefore, one day at a time, I gladly let God deal with the big picture while I do the best I can within the little circle of the world that He's placed me in.

I know who and where I am, and I have a plan that's within my reach; I pray and I vote. If you have a better plan, say it. Until then I will continue to do what I can do and not worry about not doing what I can't do. Thus, I will continue to rest in confidence of God's plan and timing, knowing He probably doesn't need me to be skipping work to protest evil in the streets of DC or even in the city council meetings of this insignificant little western NC mountain town I call home.

So, ... unless you actually have a better plan (one that you've not yet defined), I give up too.

09-22-2020, 10:39 AM
Tim, keep on trying it's hard for Engineers to understand simple thing like getting saved.

Some engineers have no problem understanding or professing salvation.

There are plenty of little 'c' christians out there that say they beleive because they grew up attending church but were never really part of the church. But that can be said for many belief systems.

09-22-2020, 12:17 PM
Some engineers have no problem understanding or professing salvation.

There are plenty of little 'c' christians out there that say they beleive because they grew up attending church but were never really part of the church. But that can be said for many belief systems.

I worked for many Aerospace engineers and they understood perfectly. Most kids from my generation were made to go to church and never attended after they left home. I'm don't like to go in the door. My kids (late 30's and 40's) go every Sunday and we never taken to church as kids. It is all what a person makes of it. The only thing I ever told my kids was when the Hospice Nurse calls your name make sure you are ready and she will call your name for sure.

09-22-2020, 12:35 PM
I may suck at math but I do believe 65% is greater than 50%, so one would assume that none of the anti-American, anti-life crowd would ever get elected.


Let me just say that there are Christians and there are Christians.


09-22-2020, 03:21 PM
I worked for many Aerospace engineers and they understood perfectly.

Me too. Some of them were amongst the most dedicated Christians I've ever met. Ditto several atomic bomb engineers.

Most kids from my generation were made to go to church and never attended after they left home. I'm don't like to go in the door. My kids (late 30's and 40's) go every Sunday and we never taken to church as kids. It is all what a person makes of it.

Yep. As an ol' western philosopher (Gabby Hayes?) once said, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it." ;)

09-24-2020, 02:19 PM
Let me just say that there are Christians and there are Christians.


I well know, the small 'c' christians have deleted my posts on this forum. I'm assuming their head would fit inside a quart mason jar.

09-24-2020, 02:20 PM
Me too. Some of them were amongst the most dedicated Christians I've ever met. Ditto several atomic bomb engineers.

Yep. As an ol' western philosopher (Gabby Hayes?) once said, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it." ;)

My guess is that you have driven more people away than brought them too it. God would not be proud, but I'm certain that you are.

09-24-2020, 03:21 PM
Christ ain't pulling the rip chord when you jump out of the plane.

That's because he gives enough smarts not to jump out of a good airplane. :)

09-24-2020, 07:58 PM
My guess is that you have driven more people away than brought them too it. God would not be proud, but I'm certain that you are.

You know nothing at all about me but are quick and harsh with your guesses. Are you now trying to speak for God and be intimidating too?

09-25-2020, 08:41 AM
Revelation 12:9 and 10.

09-25-2020, 11:08 PM
Great video!