View Full Version : Bausch & Lomb "Scope Chief" - eyepiece repair

Land Owner
09-17-2020, 06:17 AM
Unexpected result. What should I do now? Replace or continue with repair?

My 3x9 scope, pictured below (1 to 3), has an eyepiece that has "failed" (pic 4 and subject to argument - the rubber ripped off) after nearly forty (40) years of exemplary service. I want to purchase a replacement eyepiece. I removed the original eyepiece for measurements, and achieved an unexpected result (pics 5 to 7 - failed rubber noted). The last picture (unnumbered) is a stock photo from the Net and an example of what I expected to replace.

The long and extended exterior threaded portion of the eyepiece (pic 5) is "gummy" as are the interior threads on the scope. That "gumminess" has probably kept the internal lenses from condensation fogging. I expect continued exemplary performance from this scope, though I am wondering if after removal of its lens along with the eyepiece, has that deteriorated its performance?

Should I continue in an attempt to remove and replace just the "end cap" eyepiece? Anyone have this "issue" with theirs? I hate working around the lens in concern for scratching, dust, lint, hair, warping, knocking out of alignment, etc.

Should I leave it as is? Perhaps "cover it" with one of the "flip type" scope covers and keep going? This option doesn't fix the eyepiece problem, just covers it up. I will have to reassure myself at the range that zero is still intact and watch for fogging (a ruined hunting day if it occurs), though with its construction, this scope has been in operation for almost 40 years with no fogging. I do not know if this section of the lens system was ever "pressurized" with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, to preclude condensation.

Should I replace the scope? If replacement is selected (a sad day), it will be with one of several inherited Leupold 3x9 scopes from my reloading, hunting, and shooting Mentor and readjustment on the rifle as required to achieve accuracy again.




09-17-2020, 07:45 AM

Ooh boy!!!

I have a couple and always liked them. They was "THE SCOPE" back in the day!! I dont think 8 had a B&L after the Blavar scopes w/o internal adjustments.

I dont know if a specialized repair center for them either. Basically Im no help. Just wanted to sat Hello!!


09-17-2020, 09:34 AM
Did you call B&L? That would be the best and easiest approach for info. Good luck.

09-17-2020, 11:48 AM
I sent my 3-9 BL Scope Chief to Bushnell repair center in 99 or 2000, about a month later I got a package with a new Bushnell Elite 3200 3-9-40 inside, still have it and still performs fine, I like the "rainguard" lens coating works great.

09-17-2020, 11:50 AM
I did a scope once, didn’t work out well. In Jack O’Connor’s book the chapter on scopes has in 1st paragraph, Two kids of people take scopes apart, experts and fools. I was not in expert category.
Getting the older scopes serviced is pricey.

09-17-2020, 08:15 PM
I sent my 3-9 BL Scope Chief to Bushnell repair center in 99 or 2000, about a month later I got a package with a new Bushnell Elite 3200 3-9-40 inside, still have it and still performs fine, I like the "rainguard" lens coating works great.

I bought that scope, priced right, on a Walmart close out; it sits on my M 700 Mtn Rifle in .30-06. It's a great scope, especially so on rainy days.

B&L was bought by Bushnell. Management dropped the rifle scope label and made them Bushnell because B&L also made a lot of high grade medical optics. Seems the pink laced panties/Politically Correct doctor mob couldn't stand having anything to do with a company who did business with mean ol' guns.

I don't believe any scope cares what gas fills it's inside, all that really matters is that it be moisture free.

09-24-2020, 04:32 PM
Try these guys, he has done very nice work for me in the past.

L & K Scope Repair
13497 Hwy Nn. Eldridge, MO 65463. Directions.
(417) 426-5041.
From the Business. Repair and restoration of old scopes, 2500 scope adjuster caps in stock, We can rebuild your scope back to factory new.

Hope this still works.
