View Full Version : wait,wait,wait

white eagle
09-15-2020, 03:02 PM
Bought a handgun and my ffl called it in for a approval and no approval
seems that our state like many has a glut of handgun purchases and it has
extended our wait's from same day to days after being called in,Bummer:cry:

09-15-2020, 04:26 PM
The purchase of a handgun in NH has gone from a wait of no more than an hour to 24hrs+. Not a horrible inconvenience for me and the wife. It gets the first time buyer a little shook up though.

09-15-2020, 05:09 PM
Our state wait is technically 3 days, but right now with the state police running behind it can be from 5 to 10 days! Unacceptable.

09-15-2020, 05:16 PM
I feel for you guys. Here in California the 10 day wait has stretched out to 2 weeks, 3 weeks and sometimes 60 days.

Steve in N CA

09-15-2020, 05:21 PM
I never understood any of this with everything being computerized. if you got some sort of record and get pulled over for speeding in probably a minute or less they know more about you than probably your own mother. never forget about 20 years ago when I got pulled over for not wearing a seat belt and the cop was asking me about getting my drivers license suspended decades before when I was 16.

09-15-2020, 05:35 PM
With my last drivers license renewal I opted for the "Real ID". When I went to the local PD a few months back for fingerprinting for a Form 1, my LEO never asked for ID or what my business was. I had called first, but even so. My question is, did he recognize me when I walked through the door or when I was still halfway across the parking lot?

09-15-2020, 05:35 PM
Dang shame when people have to wait to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights. I'd like to see a 10 day waiting period on news reports. Watch and see how bad the commie's heads would spin with that.

09-15-2020, 05:39 PM
My friend and I were joking about this a few months ago when he was waiting for over a week to get approval on a new firearm purchase. Our consensus was that the feds dont give a hoot about ensuring the system works quickly because they arent getting paid for each check done.

It sucks even more for certain states (like Madiganistan/Illinois) because the state actually charges a fee to run these checks. And we have an extra check in IL through the FTIP system to make sure we are super-extra-ultra safe because....well, because its Illinois

The only reason the police can get that info checked so quick is because theyre about to write a ticket and make some money

Of course this is all an opinion formed in a backyard around a campfire with a few adult beverages. Your results may vary.

09-15-2020, 07:23 PM
A number of years ago, I called the local AZ DMV to find out what my wife and I needed to do to get an AZ ID card. It just seemed like having one might make things a bit easier on some things even though we both had MI drivers license. They told me to just stop in and they could do it. I asked if they needed a copy of my AZ property tax statement or a utility bill to prove we owned a house in A - nope - just stop in. Se we did. Mind you we aren't that many miles from the border. Se filled out the paperwork and were called up to the desk. All hey asked was "what address do you want on the ID?" Again,I asked if they didn't want some form of tax bill, utility bill or even did they want to see our MI drivers license? Nope. So we gave them our AZ house address, paid the fee, had our photo taken and walked out with the ID cards. Hmmmmm. Did I mention that we aren't that many miles north of the border . . . or that we were the only ones speaking English among those who were waiting to be waited on?

Tpdaay, I get and email from our next door neighbor back in MI who is watching our place back there - we ended up spending the summer here in AZ due to me having to have some emergency surgery, a long recovery period and not wanting to drive back across country due to the Covid. She said the "guvment census taker" had been to our place and we hadn't;t filed our census yet. Huh:? We were here in AZ and I filed on-line here and as being in a "vacation home". I thought th census was for a "body count" in specified areas for calculating the Federal monies based on the population of the area - as well as determining just how many actually lived in the U.S. Our neighbor photographed the former the census taker left which listed all of the penalties for not filing, yada yada yada. So . . . am I supposed to fill out a census form for both AZ and MI? I thought the form we received at our place in AZ clearly stated to file for the actual location y9u were at during the time of the census.

Yep . . . after dealing with the census . . . which is already proving to be the typical guvment SNAFU, I have full faith and confidence in regards to those states that think it is a good idea to do "mail in ballots". Maybe I get to fill the census out for both MI and AZ as well as be able to vote twice!

The way the different states run their background checks is not different - what a mess for some of them! Probably the "back up" on a lot of the background checks is due to the criminals making sure the guns they have are registered. You know . . the same ones that will be first in line to turn their arms in if the 2nd Amendment ever falls. I want to be able to be a fly on the wall if Corey
Booker ever gets to be a "gun czar" and watch him go u to a door and knock and tell the owner he is there to collect all of their guns. Oh yea . . . he'll send the police to do it . . . but wait a minute . . . the Left is all for defunding LE and making them all out to be villains. And so the world turns and the law abiding CITIZENS of our country foot the bill and pay the price in both money and their lost rights.

09-16-2020, 01:51 AM
The "new" sheriff in my NC county has tried dragging his heels to issue pistol purchase permits. The threat of being sued has kept him in check. Covid is the latest attempt but the state gun rights organization has stayed on his tail. Calling in purchases at the store has been the slow down.

09-16-2020, 02:11 AM
I hear you on the census thing, I have a house in California and Colorado. I was not in California on April 1. I was in California last week when the census guy came around to ask questions. I told him my primary residence, that nobody was living here in Northern California on April 1, and nobody was living at my other property in Oregon. He was a friendly chat, not as friendly as the person 10 years ago, we had a good chat. I guess some people just aren’t used to folks that invest in real estate, but this guy got it

09-16-2020, 08:29 AM
Darn am I glad that I left Illinois. East Peoria to be exact.
Here in Tennessee, as long as the NICS goes through, we are good to go.
Although I was told "No more guns".
Or Ammo...
I pushed back against the ammo as my FAL is very hungry.

09-16-2020, 08:41 AM
I just posted on another thread. In Ky with a drivers license and a concealed carry permit you can walk out with your chosen firearm. No wait, not even a call. The only problem we have is that not every establishment will accept a concealed permit. I personally will not buy from them. Thank God we have the state Constitutional guarantees we have.

09-16-2020, 09:08 AM
I am not sure why some states will accept a carry permit and others do not. IIRC it has to do with the renewal period for them.

What I find funny is that states like Illinois have a 3 day cooling off period to buy handguns. They should waive that if you already have a handgun. What are you going to do? Get PO'd at someone and go buy a new gun to go shoot them? It makes zero sense to me.

Besides that point, it is nice to walk out same day. I would be lying if I said that I never rub it in the noses of my friends who still live in Illinois.

09-16-2020, 09:35 AM
Here in Ohio it’s the same. Got a CCW? Cool, fill out this form and out the door.

I just posted on another thread. In Ky with a drivers license and a concealed carry permit you can walk out with your chosen firearm. No wait, not even a call. The only problem we have is that not every establishment will accept a concealed permit. I personally will not buy from them. Thank God we have the state Constitutional guarantees we have.

09-16-2020, 10:06 AM
Federal law is they have three business days to complete the background check. If they don’t get back in this time the sale is legally allowed to go forward. Dealers don’t want lawsuits so they keep waiting. But they can legally transfer the gun to you if they don’t get a response in three business days. Personally I will not buy from a dealer who doesn’t follow the letter of the law. It’s one of the reasons I buy almost exclusively online and have it shipped to a FFL close to home. He will wait the three days and if he doesn’t hear back you get the call to come pick it up.

09-16-2020, 10:08 AM
Here I just fill out the 4473, give them my license and ccw, $25 for the transfer and walk out the door. Will be doing that tomorrow on two 6mm barreled actions from Brownell's. Figure some day it could be a project my son and I work on together.

09-16-2020, 10:31 AM
Here in Colorado we are considered felons when buying a gun until the CBI determines we are not. We have to go thru them and pay a $10.00 fee. A CCW permit gets you no special treatment you are still a felon until they bless your purchase. Last I checked it was 10 days here and dealers have been told don't call in new purchases till we (CBI) tell you to, so their 3 day shall issue does not start till they accept the call.

09-16-2020, 11:16 AM
Concealed carry permit in Idaho and No background check required (They already checked when you get the permit) This being the the main reason to have a permit here as it's legal in Idaho to carry without one if over 18. Also recognition by several other states makes it handy. Gp

09-16-2020, 03:33 PM
Bought a hand gun two weeks ago and on a Sunday , I have no concealed carry permit or any other permit , and it only took about 15 minutes to clear . I went to the rest room and came back and approval was complete .
Paid my money and walked out the door with a new Ruger Wrangler ...no muss , no fuss !
Baton Rouge Louisiana isn't that bad of a place to live in after all .

white eagle
09-17-2020, 10:05 AM
I made a call to big brother in my state they told me they are backed up
and I could expect it (approval or denial)within 2 days and they have 5
days to approve the transfer BS is what I say
I have transferred numerous firearms they should have me on speed dial
also carry a valid cc permit so this is horse shoes

09-17-2020, 11:15 AM
I bought a handgun 2 days ago and it zipped right through. Since this particular establishment doesn't accept a concealed carry permit in place of a 4473 I had to fill out the 4473 on a computer. I estimate it was approved in less than 10 minutes. I spent more time than that waiting for the store to process their own internal paperwork.

09-18-2020, 11:18 PM
I don't know about handguns, but I just picked up a rifle at the local gun store. Went in on a Friday, was told I was #2080 on the list waiting for approval. They called the next Wednesday afternoon and told me the transfer was approved and I could come in and pick up my rifle. I had to sign another line on the form because I didn't take it out of the shop the same day I filled out the paperwork. I've heard it's worse now, but can't say for sure.

09-18-2020, 11:42 PM
Why do we have to pay fees and wait as this is a Right not a permitted right but a Right , this state has waiting periods for semi auto so called by newer law assault rifles and checks by local police for pistols and registration for pistols and now assault rifles and so called instant checks , its all a registration scheme and a infringement on our rights , wait if I am a criminal I can steal or buy from someone no checks no waits , oh wait we give police extra rights on this to so they sign off on extra checks for citizens BS same rights same laws same constitution end of story .

white eagle
09-19-2020, 12:27 PM
Finally today after big brother approved my plea to own a handgun it was granted
I was told by my ffl that firearms sales are up 146% in my state

MT Gianni
09-20-2020, 03:09 PM
I picked one up Thursday. My ffl logged it in, checked my ID, called and sent it out in 7 minutes.

09-20-2020, 03:17 PM
If you have a carry permit in ND you are good to go no wait. That alone makes it worth having a carry permit for me.

09-20-2020, 03:19 PM
Thank the NRA.

They supported NICS.

09-20-2020, 03:28 PM
I was at the pawn shop yesterday. Fella had ordered and paid for 2 pistols and the pawn shop was handling the transfer. $20. Fella filled out the 4473 even though he has a concealed carry permit. Pawn shop called it in and there's a wait since calls are in and he'll have to come back when they get the OK.

That afternoon I saw a 22 pistol I NEED on armslist. Owner called to make arrangements to meet and 1 hour later I'm headed home with the 22 pistol I NEEDED. I had to give up my cash, photocopy of my ID, pistol purchase permit, and sign a bill of sale. All perfectly legal in my state.

I don't get the thinking behind these 2 legal transactions that took place within a few miles of each other. Crazy.

09-20-2020, 03:33 PM
If you have a carry permit in ND you are good to go no wait. That alone makes it worth having a carry permit for me.

My state says if I have a concealed carry permit I have to tell law enforcement I have a gun and I have to give it to them. If I open carry without a concealed carry then I don't have to give it to them unless I've done something wrong.

09-20-2020, 03:39 PM
In Ga. if you have CCW, fill out 4473, pay and out the door, Fl. too. Have Fl. CCW but have to wait 3 days for a long gun, pretty sure its longer but I’m not buying anything.

09-20-2020, 03:41 PM
My state says if I have a concealed carry permit I have to tell law enforcement I have a gun and I have to give it to them. If I open carry without a concealed carry then I don't have to give it to them unless I've done something wrong.

You have to hand your gun over? That’s nuts. You’d think they don’t want it at all due to liability.

09-20-2020, 03:43 PM
In Ga. if you have CCW, fill out 4473, pay and out the door, Fl. too. Have Fl. CCW but have to wait 3 days for a long gun, pretty sure its longer but I’m not buying anything.

Same in Ohio.