View Full Version : Has anyone made their own cronograph tripod

Ozark mike
09-11-2020, 06:49 PM
Ive got some 1/2 in conduit and some other materials + a caldwell that doesn't have a stand looks like 5/16 threads i know i could whip one up in a jiffy with a cut off wheel and a torch but id like to see the other pods just incase someone else has a better idea. And because im cantankerous like that a store bought one will not do

Winger Ed.
09-11-2020, 06:55 PM
I've seen decent quality camera tripods cheap at Goodwill or junk shops.

I think I got mine for 6-7 bucks.

09-11-2020, 07:04 PM
On my scopes, cameras and chrono they use a 1/4 thread.
I have not built one. I picked up a couple good ones on a close out at WalMart.
Making it height adjustable and a solid base.

Ozark mike
09-11-2020, 07:08 PM
Okay it does look closer to 1/4 but as far as i know it may be 10mm beats me

09-11-2020, 07:42 PM
I think the thread size for camera mounts is ¼-20. Shockingly enough they haven't all changed over to metric.

Both of the Chronographs I bought used came with tripods, and I think I picked one up for cheap at a thrift store.

One thing I learned when I was first using my Chrony in the deserts of northern Nevada was that you want the tripod to be heavy enough to resist tipping in the wind. Nothing like firing a shot and watching your expensive piece of gear falling into the line of fire.

If its not heavy enough to be stable, figure out some way to attach weights. Hooks and sandbags work well. Piling rocks or sandbags around the legs also works.


09-11-2020, 07:43 PM
No help here either, I lucked into a pro quality heavy duty one at a swap meet, it’s big enough for a real tv cameraman setup for $25. The biggest issue I’ve found with cheap tripods is the extended height, my first one would only fully extend to about 3 1/2 or 4ft. I had to sit in a chair to be able to shoot across the chrono. My big one extends up to about 5ft and is heavy enough to be stable but still portable.

09-11-2020, 08:23 PM
I built one out of a bright yellow light stand that I salvaged from where I worked. We used them to illuminate the tanks that we cleaned and by the time we were done they were pretty wrecked but this one survived and cleaned up ok. The top is just an oak board with a few extra pieces glued to it with the shaft of the stand going through them. It also has a screw to mount the chronograph. Three side screws hold the wood pcs to the steel shaft which has a tight fitting dowel in it. The three legs have an extra piece of pipe or solid bar in them [don’t remember which] so its pretty heavy and won’t blow over.

09-11-2020, 09:00 PM
I have just gone out and set them on a 55 gallon drum or table top, does that count?

Ozark mike
09-11-2020, 09:14 PM
55 gal drum might be kind of tricky to haul in a vw bug:kidding:

09-11-2020, 09:55 PM
I doubt anyone here likes to tinker with wood and metal to make specialized tools, etc., for special needs more than I do. BUT, my idea of making a functional tripod for my chronograph went away when I found a sturdy but inexpensive photo tripod that needed a modest repair at a thrift shop and I've never looked back.

09-11-2020, 10:16 PM
Tripods are ok but are purposely built to be light and transportable and tend to be very top heavy with a chrony. Plus the shades act like sails if there’s any breeze. I used a tripod too for awhile but thought a heavier purpose built rig would be sturdier and work better.

09-12-2020, 07:37 AM
I've seen decent quality camera tripods cheap at Goodwill or junk shops.

I think I got mine for 6-7 bucks.

That is the way to get it done in this case. If you lived on the plains heavier might be better though.

09-12-2020, 09:26 AM
All the quality brand tripods are designed to be portable and stable. They have to, or are expected to, hold a 4 pound camera with a 4 pound, long telephoto lens. They are larger than the original Shooting Chrony. They will all have an extending center post, and on the bottom of that post is a retractable hook for hanging sand bags. If necessary additional bags are placed on each leg. If that is not enough then it's too windy for accurate shooting (camera or firearm).
Another factor is the type of head you can place on them. A simple plate on the tripod or a pan & tilt head, or a ball head, though I don't like ball heads as I find them too difficult to lock securely. The head lets you adjust the angle of the Chrony with no fussing trying to get the tripod leveled on rough ground.

We spend $$$ on guns and scopes and a Chrony only to cheap out on the tripod, don't make sense to me.

And, yes I have put a .41 caliber hard cast boolit from a hot wildcat cartridge through a Shooting Chrony. Killed it dead with one shot.

09-12-2020, 09:36 AM
55 gal drum might be kind of tricky to haul in a vw bug:kidding:

Yeah, when I have used them, it was because they were already at the range, what they used for shooting positions.

If you want one that won’t break the bank and already have the 1/4-20 screw (captive so you won’t loose it) how about $16 for one that can adjust from 16-50 inches in height. https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Lightweight-Camera-Mount-Tripod/dp/B00XI87KV8/ref=psdc_499310_t1_B00J8RM35Q

It only takes up 17x4x4 weighs less than two pounds so it won’t even take up the entire back seat of a VW bug. ;)

09-12-2020, 10:38 AM
I like to build off of farm disc blade take offs. Good thing I am a farmer because I also covet them for choking off gravity water deliveries at out let pipes from farm ditches.

For a stand I turn them sharp edge down and usually use stainless welding rod to make the first attachment weld because stainless sticks to hard stuff better than garden variety rod. If you want to upgrade from there, then it’s Super Missile rod but better pucker your wallet as it’s going to hurt!

I can see welding a short tube to the disc blade with an internal dimension that accepts a smaller tube inside it. The welded stub needs a set screw to hold the longer upright tube solid. Thus you can break down your DIY gadget holder for transport.

For set screws I prefer tack welding a nut to the outside of the outside stub tube rather than count on tapping threads into the thin stub itself. In small sizes, I use square nuts to have more to tack to. Put some anti-seize on the threads of a bolt, run the nut to be welded on to the stub and a back up nut on the inside and tighten down after you have things lined up. The anti-sieze helps from burning off the galvanized off the bolt holding things steady.


09-12-2020, 11:41 AM
I got a camera tripod at a yard sale for $2.00. It has a 1/4-20 stud and has never "blown away" with my chrony. If I thought I needed more weight I'd tie wrap a couple ingots to the legs (or the old "supreme fix everything", duct tape)

country gent
09-12-2020, 12:29 PM
Make it similar to a saw horse with folding legs, legs should fold together then under the main beam. the joint for the legs to fold under the beams is simple enough a simple hinge and stop just past center so legs are splayed apart, then the weight locks them in place open to a 30-45* included angle again weight locks them in place. In this way the frame stand folds into a small package. This will be a very stable stand. For height adjustment a simple slide insert in the legs and use stop collars and thumb screws to lock them in place. I would braze the stop collars in place but not needed.

09-12-2020, 04:28 PM
I went to the junk store and bought one for $3. It was actually a decent tripod.


Ozark mike
09-12-2020, 04:57 PM
Its not that im cheaping out. If ya seen most of what i have youll see i have built most of what i own wether it be my 14' wooden skiff the trailer it sits on my 300 lb tool box a couple motorcycles just to name a few i dont even know where the Closest good will is heck i have to drive 200 miles to find the nearest wally world my town has a couple grocery stores a gun store 3 gas stations and a few more things but not much and i like to be self reliant. I got some bases around here made out of ole pressure tanks heck even a big diesel flywheel with a telescoping pole would work just weld a bushing to the pole and one to a plate run a bolt thru both of em and ya got a tilt ya can lock down solid.

09-12-2020, 05:42 PM
A big problem with building one is it needs 3 legs to be stable and the height must be adjustable.

I spend time making sure my site picture is just right through the chronograph because chronographs should NEVER be in season!!

Tripods -- thrift stores (make sure they have the threaded bolt on top because many people don't them when they lose the bolt :(:holysheep[smilie=b:

09-13-2020, 01:42 AM
Buy a 12' 2x4. Cut four pieces 2' long. Screw them together around the remaining piece left, but don't fasten the vertical.....just slide it in. Use all-thread, or cut off your bolt head, and epoxy it into a drilled hole in the top. Screw in your Chrony.

If you don't have a saw, have Home Depot cut the pieces for you. You could nail them with 16 penny nails, but 3" deck screws are best.

Pull the vertical out and you have two pieces that easily fit in a small car. All but hurricane proof too.


09-13-2020, 08:35 AM
... i have built most of what i own wether it be my 14' wooden skiff the trailer it sits on my 300 lb tool box a couple motorcycles just to name a few...

How tricky are they to haul in your VW bug?

Don’t get me wrong, I like building things as much as the next guy but I don’t see the point on this one. I am a bit spoiled in that I have lots of tripods to pick from though. Never have bought a new on, most of mine were free.

09-13-2020, 08:40 AM
If I absolutely wouldn’t use a tripod I didn’t make, I suppose I would make a top not unlike my flasher target stands except weld the three larder OD tubes at the proper angles to make a tripod and have the 1/4-20 bolt out the top.

So it just slides over 3 cut to length sections of EMT conduit.