View Full Version : It's 9/11... Who else forgot?

09-11-2020, 03:39 AM
I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't even realize or think about it until about an hour ago.

Such a horrific event that is seared into my mind for the rest of my days, and I didn't even realize that it was here.

09-11-2020, 04:17 AM
I'm sure anyone who is a real American, remembers where they were when it happened.
I was at home, on the computer and watching TV.
To say I was MAD, would be a gross understatement.
Mad at who, I didn't know.
I still get upset when I think about it.
Remember, obummer said it was our fault.

09-11-2020, 04:33 AM
At the time was on 3rd shift. Asleep on the couch. My dog barked at the UPS man on the porch, woke me up. Retrieved my package and saw the first tower burning on FOX. Then the second plane came in. Lots of people killed, and more about to meet their Maker. Sorrow, sadness and the sure knowledge that my world, your world, everyone's world will never be the same.

Stephen Cohen
09-11-2020, 04:59 AM
There are those who would say its up to American to remember that incident, I would dispute that, as it is a world wide horror that must be remembered by all. I also know exactly where I was at that moment. Yes even we in Australia will also live with the horror of this day, I like many others here believe it would never have happened under a Trump Presidency. Regards Stephen

09-11-2020, 06:58 AM
I had slept in that morning & received a call from my sister about the first plane hitting the the tower. I was watching the news when the second plane hit the south tower. There were many heroic acts that day. Under the mutual aid system emergency personnel were activated in the entire NYC metro area. I think every emergency response agency was activated within a 75mile radius of NYC. As to not deplete all the resources in one area as equipment and personnel responded to the scene other departments were dispatched to fill the voids created. Although we were not dispatched to the scene one of our engines were relocated to a department further south. On Sept 14 the day of President George Bushes speech, I responded with my department to the scene of Ground Zero in relief efforts. The roads & highways were blocked by abandoned vehicles left during the attack. It was a damp morning with lite rain, the smoke thick in the air, ash 1"-2" thick covered every horizontal surface. We had to walk about a mile into the scene, the roads leading to Ground Zero were lined with people thanking us, cheering us on and offering food, water ect.The devastation was massive, something out of a apocalyptic movie. We worked for several hours before the President arrived and were dismissed after his speech. There were fire departments from all over the country that came to come help the recovery efforts. The effort was grand, steel workers and heavy equipment operators that spent weeks and months removing the debris along with thousand of firefighters, police and EMS. Many companies trucked in water, generators, lighting ect. to help as well. Once again the streets were lined with people cheering, thanking us, giving us food, water, snack packs prepared by children with thank you notes and crayon drawn pictures.
There were many hero's some died the day of the attack, some died days, weeks even years later from the effects of the attack. I am fortunate, the rain kept thing settled and I was not there long. I am not a hero but please remember the ones that were!



09-11-2020, 07:13 AM
I didn't forget, but it seems all the new agencies did.

I rode the motorcycle in to work that morning so didn't get the news until I walked into the office and an NCO told me. We all stood around a TV, the second one hit shortly after. It was funny, I had been stationed on Fort Riley for several years by then, and couldn't believe that they could shut that place down so fast, but I drove right on like always and it took me two hours to get back off when I left, armored vehicles, crew serveds and Soldiers in full kit at every gate checking IDs coming and going. My boys were still little then, went and picked them up at elementary school, felt a little better after that.

We went to get fast food that evening and stopped for gas. I'll never forget it but there was a guy there who was washing everybody's windshields and generally just helping anybody anyway he could and saying God Bless, just some guy trying to be a good friend and neighbor and I think that reflected the mentality we had for a while, sure wish we could get that part of it back.

09-11-2020, 07:23 AM
the reverend J Wright, Obama's "pastor" blamed it on us too. He said "our chickens have come home to roost". Bengazi was our fault too. Guess we just can't do anything right. I didn't forget. I was at work that day, my clients filled me in all morning. It's also my youngest daughter's birthday.

09-11-2020, 09:45 AM
Forget? ....... No way!

I was saddened by how fast the left regrouped into hating POTUS Bush and began obstructing however.

The continued response from enlightened folks, the rise in recruitments and desire to serve, the attention to responsibility and following through and a million other acts of heroism and bravery that have followed these atrocious acts of terrorism gives our nation hope and resolve.


09-11-2020, 10:01 AM
Never forget, I watched it all unfold sitting in a hotel room in Paso Robles, Ca. We overnighted there flying a B-25 to Reno for display during the air races. My dad was fishing off Sandy Hook and saw one the jets fly right over head. Had no idea what was going on till he got back to the ramp, it was being used to evac people out.

09-11-2020, 10:03 AM
I was listening to Howard Stern on the radio. When he announced it. On a side note i hope my wife don't realize today is the 11th. She has a tendency to go on and on about stuff.

Thunder Stick
09-11-2020, 10:30 AM
Of the four hijacked airliners, one did not reach its intended target. Why? The militia.

On flight 93 Americans stood up together, with violence and righteous indignation, against evil men. What they did is exactly what the American militia does. They were not authorized, deputized or armed by their government. There was no age or gender restriction. No multi million dollar weapon system brought down that deadly guided missile bound for God knows where. The American citizen, the militia, brough down those terrorists and thwarted their evil plan.

May the words, "Let's roll!" forever strike terror into the hearts of those who plan evil.

Thank God for the militia.


Texas by God
09-11-2020, 10:34 AM
I was driving to Fort Worth for my first radiation treatment for bone cancer when the news of the first plane hitting was reported. At that time they thought it was an accident like when the plane hit the Empire State Building long ago. As I pulled into the parking lot, the second plane hit and things were starting to be figured out. I prayed in the parking lot, and was so proud when a visiting minister led ALL of us in the waiting room in prayer for our country. If anyone had said an anti USA statement to me that day or months afterward, I would have needed to buy new crutches. As long as my memory works, I will never forget that day.

09-11-2020, 10:49 AM
On that morning , I was @ my desk in the NJ plant. one of the men came in and said " a plane crashed into the tower." everyone went outside . Our plant was just across the River in direct line with the Towers from the rear view. We are watching the Tower burn, Then we saw the other plane from our right. We remarked how low the plane was flying. We saw the second plane hit the back side of the tower. We were there in silence , until both Towers fell before our eyes.
Then the dust swept crossed the river. The awful dust blanked the cars and the building Several people i knew and friends of people died That day

09-11-2020, 10:51 AM
I didn't forget. I just wish we would have retaliated decisively. Maybe we would have taught our enemy a lesson that could have prevented some of the attacks later. Our lives would be better if we would remove vermin from this earth.

09-11-2020, 11:27 AM
Some things you can never forget .

We under estimated them ... and paid the price !


09-11-2020, 11:27 AM
I got to work unknowing . I lived in a hole basically devoid of radio reception . My 20 min drive happened in the first 30 minutes after the first hit .
I walked into our office and was told of the first plane and not long after one of the guys wife called telling him about the second in an hour we were shut down and sent home on admin leave . We reported each morning as security got more and more strengent and were sent home again . 9-10 days in we got the first NG and at 2 weeks their gear was all in . I worked for a gov contractor on a facility at the time .
The 5 min per truck in and out every gate was a hassle but I guess needed even 40 miles from nothing .

Shortly after we went home I went to my buddies house with satellite TV and saw all of the wreckage from about 30 minutes before the collapse . I remember very distinctly the break to the White House and the call from Yasser Ariphat stating that he and his nation had nothing to do with the attack and that short of man power and supplies anything we needed was available . It struck me because he dominated the news when I was small next to right wing leftists in So America .

The coming days weighed heavy on me as a VFD member . At the same time I marveled at WE as Americans all pulled together and were ready to go after those that were responsible ..........
While I have no use the the event or losses of this day I'd give anything to have just half of the pride , unity and the America that all rose up together and drove on in the hunt for the next 2 yr .

I was surprised by my Grandmother and great Aunt's reactions to the events and how their rage was so tempered , they were not far outside the gates of Pearl in 41' and my Aunt ran a triage in her living room . I suppose that after events like USMC Baracks , USS Cole , and a dozen others that temperance becomes a sign of grace . The fire was still there though .

I've found that my rage has been replaced with sorrow . I mourn for what we were then . The way we have been driven apart and told we shouldn't want for justice because it revenge we're seeking . Mostly it's the idea of it being our fault "some people did some things" that has broken me down I think .

I pray those souls lost might find peace and rest and that those truely responsible for so much death might be judged accordingly .

09-11-2020, 11:42 AM
I remember the Saudis were complicit in those attacks and we still sell them weapons.
I remember our response was to go after Iraq which had no ties to the attacks of 9/11/01. Nor did they have weapons of mass destruction.
We’ve now spent an entire generation in Afghanistan; some of today’s current military men and women are sons and daughters of those who first stepped foot in that foreign country.
I also recall our government seizing the opportunity that crisis provided by passing the oxymoronic Patriot Act which did absolutely nothing to make the United States more safe from terrorists but instead launched a massive attack on the Constitution by suspending select parts of our Bill of Rights, which continues today in the form of illegal executive diktats from local, state and federal government officials in response to a false pandemic.
I respect those whose memories are of lost loved ones at the time of the attacks on NYC, the Pentagon and Flight 93, nineteen years ago. However, I lament more the loss of liberty and consolidation of power into the hands of the dangerous few pretending to represent a free population today. We are not free, we are not prosperous and we are subject to the whims of an authoritarian government hell-bent on controlling every damn one of us, and they won’t stop unless we demand an end to their totalitarian authoritarianism.
Yeah, I remember 9/11, all right. I also remember a freer America on September 10th, 2001. Goodbye, USA...hello, USSA.

09-11-2020, 11:42 AM
I was at work, she called, said a small plane crashed. Went to another room with small TV and 5 guys around it, several ex-military. Saw that second come in and knew what was going to happen. You could feel the rage in that room! Her nephew was in Reston that day, immediately got a rental and drove straight to Dallas. One of my nephews was in NYC, woke up and couldn't figure out why all the noise. Put the flag out this morning.

Larry Gibson
09-11-2020, 11:55 AM
I didn't forget, put Stars and Stripes at half-mast at dawn.

09-11-2020, 12:04 PM
On this day 19 years ago I was visiting some friends in another state agency when one of the employees brought over the video of the first tower and we watched the second tower get hit. The agency I worked for we had a close friend in NYC to meet with others that worked in one of the towers. What saved him was as he was about to enter one of the towers he remembered he had forgot to get a special coffee that he could only be obtained in NYC. He went to leave and a police officer was pushing people in and closed the door just before a huge cloud of dust and who knows what went past. They heard what had happened over the TV in that store. Never will that day be forgotten by me it was my generation's Pearl Harbor Event. Prayers to all lost on this day

09-11-2020, 12:24 PM
I will never forget ! Yes, I was mad then at the terrorists and 19 years later mad at the idiots that think disrespecting the flag is an appropriate way to vent their frustrations especially on days like this. Unlike East Germany, anyone that thinks this country is so bad is free(and welcome) to go elsewhere.

09-11-2020, 12:39 PM
I will never forget ! Yes, I was mad then at the terrorists and 19 years later mad at the idiots that think disrespecting the flag is an appropriate way to vent their frustrations especially on days like this. Unlike East Germany, anyone that thinks this country is so bad is free(and welcome) to go elsewhere.

Actually, it’s not free. The U.S. government charges an un-Constitutional exit tax.
I remember reading about how the Jews disrespected the Nazi flag of Germany in the late 1930’s & early 1940’s of the last century, so yeah, better not disrespect “our” flag. Or else!

09-11-2020, 12:55 PM
It's a shame some will honor the dead with politics . Thanks . Go fight about politics in the Pit it doesn't belong here .

09-11-2020, 12:56 PM
I was siding the garage end of my house - had started t reside the house the week before. I took a break and went inside to grab a cup of coffee and the phone was ringing. It was the aide taking care of my mother asking me if I had had the TV on. I quickly put it on and watched a few minutes when my wife called from school - she was in the middle of teaching her class when they were notified and said that all the TVs were on in the building and except for the TVs, you could hear a pin drop. They all had their hands full trying to explain things to the kids and keeping them from panic.

I forgot about my siding and continued to watch. I remember that when they announced that a plane had hit the Pentagon, I felt my heart sink. I had an old high school classmate who worked at the Pentagon. I waited until later in the afternoon and then I called her sister to see if she had heard from her - she hadn't. She called me later in the evening to let me know that her sister had called and that she was safe. Things are in such a turmoil that it had taken a number of hours before my old classmate had been able to call her sister to let her know that she was O.K.

I don't think that any of us who remember that day will ever forget. Nor will we forget how this country came together. Today, when I was watching the memorial service held in PA, I'm not ashamed to say that tears came again for those that were lost, their families and all those who sacrificed to help them all in rescue efforts.

And then I also got mad. I think about all of these Socialist wannabes who have no concept of what they are doing or what this country means and has to offer to everyone - regardless of color, creed or whatever. Last night, they put up the mugshots of some of these entitled young spoiled rotten privileged white kids who call themselves the "New Black Panthers" - nothing more than thugs who want to tear this country down - and most were babies or maybe not even a twinkle at the time of 9/11. They haven't a clue about what this country is about nor the sacrifices of generation to keep us and others free. And I doubt that any of them give a thought to what the date of September 11 means.

I have one small flag pole on the end of my garage here that has the American flag flying on it everyday. I chose to let my neighbor fly his American flag today and I switched and have my Fire Department flag flying at half mast. I mean no disrespect to our National Colors - but as a former Firefighter - for some reason this year - I felt the need to fly it in remembrance of those first responders - Police, Medical and Fire who lost their lives as a result of 9/11.

No one should forget.

09-11-2020, 01:20 PM
It's a shame some will honor the dead with politics . Thanks . Go fight about politics in the Pit it doesn't belong here .

The real shame is America’s collective stupidity in sending thousands more Americans to the Middle East to die after 9/11.
What about them? Are they forgotten? They must be, because we keep sending them over there to die.

09-11-2020, 02:23 PM
To Me the Saudis are directly responsible for the bombing. The US should have bombed that country off the face of the earth. Then let the chips fall the way they may

09-11-2020, 06:13 PM
I was one of the few people that was in a media dead zone during the event.

I was on my grandparent's farm near Rupert, Idaho helping to get it ready for sale as they were just put into hospice care. My dad and I were out in one of the machine shops loading up a truck and trailer with tools and mementos when my wife called me on my flip-phone and told me what was happening.

We had no access to a TV and had to finish up our work and headed West for Boise on I-84. Our truck overheated and we were stuck on the side of the hwy, listening to the radio, as it unfolded.

The first images I saw were about 11 am when we went into a Walmart in Boise to grab water.

One of the items I grabbed from Grandpa's shop was a 40's era Pontiac hubcap that still sits on the wall of my little shop. Every time I see it, I am reminded of that horrible day.

09-11-2020, 07:55 PM
No Griff they aren't forgotten . My oldest boy got his gold spurs 3 yrs ago and my youngest boy spent 2-1/2 of his 6 yr over there and will probably be on some sort meds the rest of his life . The little town I called home for 22 yr buried with full honors under threat of protesters a young man that went to school with my kids . Another died 5 times getting home and lost both legs at the hips from an IED . 4 more served over there as well that were around the house often . My Son Inlaw wrecked his back over there in the Corps too . So until you know a man from a little desert town of 2800 with a median age of 46 that's seen all the obvious and many of the hidden scars on
10 men andd the immediate affects on family and a town that is more family than just friends or spent just over 3 years of your life dreading answering every call from a government number or family I would suppose one might want to reign it in a little .

09-11-2020, 08:15 PM
I’ve lost family, too. War fighters go back generations in my family. I say back, because someone with half a brain has got to stand up and declare the obvious, that illegal wars of choice started by the highest levels of government in our society has got to come to an end—and refuse to encourage their children to join the military. I say illegal because Congress has not authorized a single war by declaration since WWII, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. Congress passing a bill does not automatically mean it is Constitutional. You would think that smart Americans would protest a Congressional abdication of their duties relating to warfare. Smart Americans would recognize the real threat to their liberties does not lie in the direction of the Middle East or Asia, but right here in the homeland in Washington, D.C..
Keep supporting them, and, by doing so, keep watching the needless casualties pile up. At least be smart enough to know when you’ve been had.

09-11-2020, 09:15 PM
I’ve lost family, too. War fighters go back generations in my family. I say back, because someone with half a brain has got to stand up and declare the obvious, that illegal wars of choice started by the highest levels of government in our society has got to come to an end—and refuse to encourage their children to join the military. I say illegal because Congress has not authorized a single war by declaration since WWII, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution. Congress passing a bill does not automatically mean it is Constitutional. You would think that smart Americans would protest a Congressional abdication of their duties relating to warfare. Smart Americans would recognize the real threat to their liberties does not lie in the direction of the Middle East or Asia, but right here in the homeland in Washington, D.C..
Keep supporting them, and, by doing so, keep watching the needless casualties pile up. At least be smart enough to know when you’ve been had.
I take it by your statement that you are the one with half a brain that has decided not to serve and have taught your children to refuse as well. That's ok, we will take care of that responsibility for you.

09-11-2020, 09:17 PM
Wrong... but expected.
The business of America is war, after all.
Americans are in for quite an adjustment to our new place in history. Our exceptionalism will be our undoing.

Snow ninja
09-11-2020, 09:23 PM
I was a senior in high school. My mom always watched those early morning news shows like Good Morning America before work. I was putting my favorite band’s TShirt on when She yelled through the house that an airplane had crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. I didn’t think anything of it, just figuring it was a Cessna or something. Not many people remember, but just a week or 10 days before, a small airplane like that had hit a building in another town like Boston or something. I said something to the effect of, “Wow, that sucks!” And walked out the door. I was pulling into the school parking lot when my mom called my cell phone. I figured it was important at that time of day so I answered, and that’s when she told me, with tears in her voice that a second plane had hit. Both of them were 747’s (Don’t know if that’s true, but mom isn’t a plane person...) That’s when it drove it home. I walked into school that was in complete silence. Every room had the news on all day. All we did was watch it during the whole school day, we kept schedule and just went from class to class like normal.. My dad called me right after school and told me to go fill my Gas tank up. There’s a picture in my yearbook of me and 3 friends walking out of one of the classes and we all had just, dead, dazed looks on our faces, it was a lot for a 17 year old kid to process.

09-11-2020, 10:19 PM
I certainly remember it ,how it all seemed to happen in slow motion,live on TV ,and how powerless the authorities seemd to be ....how it couldnt be stopped ,despite seeming to take hours ...... ,how the security forces with thousands of agents could possibly have been asleep at the wheel for so long...........I also couldnt figure out the Bin Laden business ......if they hadnt tipped the guy off ,they could have tracked him in A/stan and demolished the whole shibang with him in it, just one cruise missile .

09-12-2020, 12:00 AM
It sure affected a lot of families I know here. I live about 120 miles from NYC.
A friend's son's first day of work in the NYFD was 9-11. He was assigned to a company near the towers, and since he was a probie, was told to stay back in the firehouse. A lot of guys he met for the first time that morning never returned. He recently got promoted to battalion commander.
A guy that lived down the road from us had 3 nephews in the FD. One had the day off, the other two were killed, one never recovered.
Another good friend lost his son.
A Marine I met was the flight instructor of one of the pilots that flew into the towers. He was devastated by the news.
Another friend worked construction up high in a near by building and saw the whole event happening. The plane flew so close to where he was working that they could see the people through the windows of the plane just before it hit. He said they all dropped their tools and got the hell out of there just as the buildings collapsed.
Those are just a few of the stories from people I know personally.

09-12-2020, 12:13 AM
something I'll never forget, still a whole lot of unanswered questions about it all and a whole lot of good people still suffering the consequences from what happened.

09-12-2020, 12:15 AM
I put out the FLAG this morning
Went to the rifle range and shot 30-06, 22-250, 556, and 22 LR
Then to the pistol pit and shot S&W 29 with light 44 Mag reloads.
Came home for lunch and did honey dos till 4PM when I went dove hunting.
then Burger King and then cleaned the birds.

Put the Flag up and am getting ready to put on a Church shotgun shoot
scheduled to 10AM tomorrow. Dove hunting tomorrow afternoon.

P.S. was working at Pantex on that fateful day and we locked the place down.

09-12-2020, 12:38 AM
My wife and I were sitting on our couch at Camp Pendleton, had left my BN in Hawaii. Flew home early to PCS, to Parris Island! All I wanted to do was get back on ship, and be with my fellow Marines.

09-12-2020, 01:55 AM
We had moved to Louisiana after I retired. My wife woke me up and told me a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. I used to see them from our place at work. I sat mesmerized watching those two building which were a New York landmark topple to the ground. Picked up the kids from school and there was absolute panic in that parking lot. Figured I'd top off the tank on the truck only to find the local station closed. When I asked one of the attendants what's going on she said we don't know what to do. Had to drive and find one that was open. That got taken care of and while the wife was making supper we again watched the replays. A sense of rage at to how this could happen in our country?. So we started calling relatives in New York. Phone lines were jammed with people doing the same thing. Never got one call to any of them. Frank

09-12-2020, 02:59 AM
i was on the road in nc buying automotive cores and pulled into a dealership to buy parts and it came on their tv in the break room.we made a mad dash to fl to check on our families

09-12-2020, 08:19 AM
I was working at a local school system as a computer tech and had just pulled up at an elementary school my kids had attended.
Checked in and went to the library to see what they needed done when I found out that the first building was hit. Stayed in the librarian's office watching TV until after both fell.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

09-12-2020, 08:43 AM
I talk to guys in their 30s that have a childhood memory of the event. I'm in my sixties. I was at work when it was announced over the radio.

09-12-2020, 12:02 PM
I was a cop and was asleep after a grave shift, my girlfriend at the time woke me up to tell me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers. I assumed it was a small, privately owned Cessna or something to that effect until I made it to the TV and obviously saw what it was. I sat there watching in disbelief as the other plane hit the second tower, my disbelief changed to anger, border line rage and a deep sadness, two of the most extreme emotions that I ever dealt with at the same time.
That night at work is the most surreal thing I have ever experienced to this day. I got off shift, packed my alert bags knowing that my Guard unit was going to be activated, two weeks later we were called back on active duty orders for just over a year.
My memory is pretty bad about most things but that time in history will be etched into my memory until I crater, that I have no doubt about.