View Full Version : Firing/bolt issues in a ‘91 Mauser

09-09-2020, 05:08 PM
I recently got a really nice Argentine 1891 Mauser to add to the old military “Mouser” collection. She is a matching beautiful old girl.

Anyway, tried to function test her w/ the old primered brass to see if she would fire trick before I started to load up ammo for her. But, all I got is a click. Over and over again.

Strip the bolt down and it is loaded w/ old sticky cosmoline. Cleaned it all out of every nook and cranny. Reassemble and tried again. Click, lots of clicks and not a mark on the primer. The firing pin does not appear to be cut down. Damn!!!!

The firing protrudes a little from the bolt face and the safety will not engage when the striker is cocked but, when un cocked the safety moves to the other two positions. I am thinking an issue with the safety. Just don’t know.

Any ideas? Thank you.

09-09-2020, 07:42 PM
1. Remove the safety and try it.
2. Put a small piece of scotch tape on the case shoulder to insure the case is set back against the bolt head.
3. Chamber casting to insure no one boogered with the chamber.
4. Insure the bolt is fully screwed together and not one rev short.

09-09-2020, 09:59 PM
Maybe hard cosmo is still stuck in the bolt.

1. disassemble bolt
2. throw parts in old pot, cover w/water, bring to boil for a few min.
3. drain, shake out bolt and hose down w/wd40 to prevent rust.
4. assemble and watch it fire

09-10-2020, 03:26 AM
Got her to work!!!!! I gave the bolt and guts another deep clean. Reassembled and figured out I was not getting the bolt sleeve far enough down against the body of the bolt/bolt handle. Evidently the person before me did the same thing.

Thanks for all the help!!!!!

10-04-2020, 11:59 PM
Glad you got that sorted out - IIRC, the 91 Argies firing pin threads in (unlike the later Mauser designs) and I seem to remember playing the same game with one a few years ago. Previous owners can sometimes try to “fix” things and leave you scratching your head. Ended up needing to twist it out a bit, only to find the inner shoulder had been cracked, so ended up replacing it with one from Liberty Tree. Last time I checked, they still had some 1891 parts in stock...