View Full Version : Anyone here with a milling machine do a small job? PICS

09-03-2020, 04:31 PM
This is small and likely doesn't require killer precision but it does require machine tools that I don't have and if I did I wouldn't know what to do with.

I want to put a MEC Marksman shell holder spring clip on a Hornady universal extended shell holder. I'm posting two pics that may help show what I'm talking about.

The Hornady extended shell holder uses a tiny set screw to secure the guest shell holder in place. It doesn't work well for me.

The MEC Marksman uses shell holder spring clip arrangement that lets the shell holder float on its ram. It works incredibly well. I'm hoping that someone can marry the two widgets together and make me happy. The Hornady Universal Extended shell holder cost $8.00 and the MEC Marksman shell holder clip cost $7.80. So this isn't a high dollar project, at least in parts.

Ozark mike
09-03-2020, 05:07 PM
@ 120 bucks an hour machine work is what will get pricey. And some machinest will charge minimum of 3 hrs hope someone here can help ya

09-03-2020, 05:22 PM
Yeah, I know the going rate is really out reach for such a small project but maybe some one will have pity on me. I'm fairly pathetic.

Hmmm....Maybe I could attack it with a half a box full of files.

BP Dave
09-03-2020, 05:32 PM
This may be heresy, but it kinda looks Dremel-able to me. Wouldn't cost very much to try.

09-03-2020, 05:48 PM
I have a small machine shop at home a can do that job!

09-03-2020, 06:00 PM
Ooooh...hang on. I'll get in touch in a few.

country gent
09-03-2020, 08:59 PM
I believe that conversion would be easier in the lathe if the extension is already made. a groove cut with the right parting tool to depth then fit it together. A pic of the spring would help

09-04-2020, 12:36 AM
looks like it could be done easily with a cut off wheel on a dremel

09-04-2020, 12:14 PM
To turn that ring groove would require a lathe and grinding a narrow slotting or parting tool.

09-06-2020, 04:46 PM
I sent a PM and never got a reply, must be looking for a favor!