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View Full Version : A year ago today

09-01-2020, 09:20 PM
It was a year ago today that my wife and I left Eureka Montana early in the morning on our mountain tandem bike and headed over Whitefish Divide on NF-114. It was a 60+ mile day before we ended up in Polebridge Montana.
The day before we'd come down from Fernie B.C. and crossed back into the states in Rooseville Mt.
In our 37 years of marriage, this was by far the most special day that we'd ever had and I wanted to share it.

Here we are at the mountain pass. We sat at the other side of the road and had a nice picnic lunch relishing in the fact that we'd actually made it over the top.

Here it is on Google maps.We are DEEP in the heart of grizzly country.

All of the pictures from that day are here.

Polebridge is a small town, quite liberal, that has no cell service or electricity. We camped in the yard of Oliver, a guy who works for the USFS at the northwest entrance to Glacier National Park. At the general store in town, if you hike or cycle in, you get a free pastry and THEY WERE DAMNED GOOD!

That evening we sat drinking beer and hard cider with a friend named Johnny that we'd met a few days earlier in Elkford B.C. He caught up to us and we had a great evening together. My wife is visually impaired and as we walked back to Olivers house late that moonless night, she saw the Milky Way in all of its splendor. The stars popped and we stood there for a long time taking in the majesty of the universe.

The next morning we went into Glacier National Park to ride through the park; however, there were a couple of grizzlys misbehaving and they closed the inner road to all traffic so we had to head south on the outer road which is dusty and heavily traveled.

I just wanted to share. Thanks.

Edit - misspellings

09-01-2020, 09:41 PM
Awesome making memories like that! Loved the pictures too, beautiful country.

09-01-2020, 09:59 PM
Looked like an awesome time in God's country. Thanks for sharing. You and your wife have been blessed.

William Yanda
09-02-2020, 06:13 AM
Now that's just special.....on many levels.

09-02-2020, 09:01 AM

09-02-2020, 10:46 AM
Those are some nice memories! Thanks for sharing them with us.

09-02-2020, 12:02 PM
Sounds like a fantastic trip! Great memories . great fun . . . even better when you do those things with your spouse and lifelong partner!