View Full Version : Need a new single stage

09-01-2020, 08:33 PM
I have a dillon 550 that does all of my heavy lifting, high volume production. However I am finding out that I like a single stage for some of my precision rifle and round development work. I am currently using a little rcbs partner press for this work. A nice little press, but I'm going to kill this poor little thing.

It has been working well for me with only a few questionable pulls until now. I knew it was weak when I got it, but only paid 40$ for it so thought I would give it a try.

I'm resizing some ought6 brass from my little bros garand, and boy is it hard on brass. I've already had one stuck case, always a pain to remove of course. I'm using plenty of lube, so much that a few pieces got hydro dents in them.

Anyway, this got me to thinking this little partner press needs upgraded to a bigger single stage. What are your recommendations for a new, current manufactured press?

I like rcbs equipment, if my dies aren't blue they are mostly green. But I'm not opposed to other companies, except hornady. I love their bullets, but don't like their dies, so I don't think I will like their presses. Maybe I'm wrong, I just think the l-n-l bushing system seems hokey.

If dillon made a single stage, it would already be on it's way to me!

Winger Ed.
09-01-2020, 08:42 PM
I don't like the LNL system either. Its a solution for a problem I don't have.
I really liked my old 007 without it.

When I got back into reloading, I got a new Hornady single stage.
It didn't take long before I took off a O ring from one bushing and JB welded it back in the frame.

09-01-2020, 08:56 PM
I really like my Lyman Brass Smith C press. No way to prime on the press but its pretty low effort to size 223 and 270. If taken a few cases of 30 06 and resized to 270 without issue. Ultimate Reloader on youtube has done a couple of videos comparing single stage presses, the effort to size brass, and other metrics. He has quite the setup. Gavintoobe is his name.

09-01-2020, 09:12 PM
I have been very happy with my Lee Classic Cast single stage. And I like the way the spent primers go down through the ram.

Steve in N CA

09-01-2020, 09:23 PM
When I was giving the Hornady Projector, I was having a hell of a time to get it adjusted. Now with all the help from forum members it is finally alive. But in the mean time I purchased a RCBS supreme single stage press and I tell that press really impress me. It is like butter to operate and so far after deprime about 1000+ rds still working good. may want to give it a look, beside there was a rebate going on so I basically got it for like half the price.

09-01-2020, 10:10 PM
I have sized many 30.06 and 7.52x54r brass on my lee o shape press. I now do them on my Lyman brass smith turret.

09-01-2020, 10:32 PM
I keep looking at this lately.


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09-01-2020, 10:46 PM
If I was getting a new, stronger press I would get the Redding Big Boss II.

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09-01-2020, 11:31 PM
If starting over today, you only buy it once. I'm still using the Rock Chucker I bought in 1976.
I would get a Rock Chucker or Redding Big Boss II.

09-02-2020, 12:31 AM
The rock chucker is hard to beat without spending a wad of money.

09-02-2020, 12:33 AM
The RCBS Rock chucker is an extremely solid single stage that will last a lifetime and do everything you want to do on it.

09-02-2020, 05:09 AM
I'm definently with the buy once cry once crowd. I have been looking at the Redding big boss machine. I know their dies come highly recommended, although I have never used one.
The rock chuker is of course another option, I just wanted to make sure they are still quality units. I would not expect rcbs to cheapen them up, but 20 years ago I would have said the same thing about ford and harley so there is that.

09-02-2020, 05:26 AM
I was reading some reviews and some people are saying rcbs outsourced to china. Can anyone confirm this? If so they are out.
I am definately looking at the Redding presses, does anyone know the difference between the big boss and big boss 2?

Ozark mike
09-02-2020, 05:40 AM
I do everything on my lyman t mag without issue. I dont care for rcbs so i cant help ya there

09-02-2020, 06:17 AM
My Lyman Orange Crusher has been good for 36 years and still going strong. It is a cam over design though, some people don’t like that but personally I think it’s the best feature. There’s always the option of just setting your die lower to eliminate the cam over too. To me the advantage of cam over is it sizes it twice in one stroke, although I can’t vouch for this to be any advantage but it seems like possibly this would help to minimize spring back on the case.

09-02-2020, 06:57 AM
I have a Forster coaxial , a Redding Big Boss and 2 Lee single stage presses in the single-stage area and I use the Redding more than the rest. I also have 3 turret presses that I usually use as single-stage. To each his own I guess!

09-02-2020, 07:17 AM
If I was gonna buy a new single stage Id have a delema too.

I like the looks of the Hornady IRON press, The MEC press and seriously considering another CoAx press.

But truth told, many many will do exact same job for allot less $$.

Also dont overlook USED!! Also LEE cast iron press is a fine press too. (Im not a big LEE fan)


09-02-2020, 07:27 AM
I've certainly been looking at used, but there is not much available locally. With the impending doom and gloom out there now everyone thinks their rusty old basement dweller press is made of gold. I'm seeing lots of them priced at or above new that look beat to death.
Fleabay is an option, but you never know what you are getting.

09-02-2020, 07:28 AM
Rockchucker, period !

09-02-2020, 07:34 AM
My Rock Chucker press was bought used. It does all my initial sizing and depriming of military brass. It can be pushed doing .308 machine gun brass but it has never failed. The biggest downside it has is that it spits primers all over the place. Maybe the newer models have that solved.

I would likely look at the Lee Cast press if I was buying new.

09-02-2020, 07:54 AM
I don't like the LNL system either. Its a solution for a problem I don't have.
I really liked my old 007 without it.

When I got back into reloading, I got a new Hornady single stage.
It didn't take long before I took off a O ring from one bushing and JB welded it back in the frame.

I use a Pacific 007 for the hard stuff also , but Lyman , RCBS , and lee make a good strong single stage press .
Cruise ebay , but don't get excited

09-02-2020, 08:59 AM
My Rock Chucker press was bought used. It does all my initial sizing and depriming of military brass. It can be pushed doing .308 machine gun brass but it has never failed. The biggest downside it has is that it spits primers all over the place. Maybe the newer models have that solved.

I would likely look at the Lee Cast press if I was buying new.


About the closest thing to a cure for the Rock Chucker spitting used primers everywhere, is a plastic straw. I wasn't aware of it until several years back and read about it hear on the board. The best solution, was to cut a plastic straw and slip it into the recess in the press ram where the primers drop out the bottom of the shell holder. The spent primer travels through the straw and exits much closer to the primer catcher. Sure solved about 98% of my problems with spent primers.


Static line
09-02-2020, 09:10 AM
Yep,me too. I am in the Rockchucker camp. I've been using mine steadily since 1970 or so.

09-02-2020, 10:12 AM
Co Ax or the latest RCBS, the Rebel.

As folks send their Rock Chucker presses packing to buy the Rebel, you can gobble up a good used one. I would spend more effort with sales on the gun forums than Fleabay though.


09-02-2020, 10:59 AM
Forster CoAx, if you can afford it.

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09-02-2020, 11:25 AM
Although I don't use one, the RCBS Rebel is getting good reviews.

I don't know why your 30-06 brass is hard enough to resize that you are concerned about your press' life. I have sized many, many 30-06 Garand brass on my old style Lee turret and Lee sizing die w/no problems. I use my Co-Ax now with RCBS dies and it's a breeze. I use Mink Oil Boot Dressing Cream as case lube and sizing is problem free (HXP, Hornady, LC Korean War vintage, and mixed range brass).

09-02-2020, 11:36 AM
Not sure why this brass is giving me so much trouble. I did try a different lube that I have and it made a huge difference, but still a little to much flex from the little aluminum press.

It looks like a rcbs jr3 is in my future though. A member by the name leadhead is close to me and offered one at a very reasonable price. Thank you Sir!

The little partner I think will become a backup.

09-02-2020, 12:01 PM
I have been very happy with my Lee Classic Cast single stage. And I like the way the spent primers go down through the ram.

Steve in N CA

Me too!

09-02-2020, 12:16 PM
If you want a new press then look very hard at a Redding UltraMag single stage press.

09-02-2020, 12:22 PM
stuck case problems disappeared for me when I started using imperial sizing wax. find an original rock chucker, Redding big boss or orange crusher and your grandchildren will spend their lives reloading with it.

09-02-2020, 01:01 PM
stuck case problems disappeared for me when I started using imperial sizing wax. find an original rock chucker, Redding big boss or orange crusher and your grandchildren will spend their lives reloading with it.

I reserve mine for case forming. But its great stuff and only a tiny amount is needed!

09-02-2020, 02:09 PM
If you want a new press then look very hard at a Redding UltraMag single stage press.

SS presses, aren't complex devices and there are no secrets in making them. Thus, all of those that look about the same will work (and last) the same. So, pick a color or price you like and get it. (Including Lee's Classic Cast, which has the best list of nice user features currently available in an iron SS.)

But, if raw press strength is your goal, Redding's UltraMag IS the answer!

09-02-2020, 02:46 PM
Most any of the heavier O frame presses will do the job well.
I like the Lee Presses. They have spent primer control like few others. They go down through a tube to catch them in a the tube or you can unplug the tube and direct them into a gallon jug.
Lee's Classic cast is a cast iron frame. Just as tough as any out there. A lot of people even re build the linkage to give even more power for bullet swaging.
One thing you might think about is to get a second sizing die for those tough cases and leave out the decapping/expander rod. This way you on a stuck case you can easily drive a punch in from the top to drive the case out.

09-02-2020, 06:28 PM
Stuck cases are a PITA.

Stuck cases occur for ONE reason; poor case lubrication. And it's usually due to poor lube application, especially down near the head.

09-02-2020, 06:32 PM
The search is over. I met with leadhead this afternoon and acquired his jr3 press. Looks like it will work great. Just need to figure out how to catch spent primers.

Leadhead, thank you very much for reaching out to me. I also enjoyed our conversation and think I learned a few trick from you. Thanks again sir.

09-02-2020, 08:15 PM
Ken, Your very welcome.... You might find a primer catcher on e-bay.
It goes around the base of the press and catches them when they
slide down the slot it the ram. RCBS may even send you one for free
if you call them.There customer service is supposed to be top notch.
Hope it works out for you. And you don't have to call me sir.

country gent
09-02-2020, 08:25 PM
Something to consider is a press that was reviewed here a couple years ago. I cant remember the name I believe it was German made though. This press is very strong uses ball bushings on all sliding surfaces and has a lot of leverage. Very smooth operation and supposedly very accurate alignment between ram and die thread. Yhis machine was very well made but also very expensive

09-02-2020, 09:06 PM
Rock Chucker is the most accurate singlestage in it's price range.

You have to wonder why so many Rock Chucker's are still around.

PLUS RCBS has an excellent warranty

762 shooter
09-02-2020, 09:11 PM
Used older Rock Chucker.


09-02-2020, 10:30 PM
Rock Chucker is a good way to go. Check prices. They can vary a lot even for brand new presses.

If the 06 cases are always being fired in the same gun, why not consider just neck sizing them?

Lloyd Smale
09-03-2020, 07:42 AM
ive had a lyman orange crush, good press, probably as good as a rock chucker. Right now have a rock chucker and a lock and load. Rock chucker is built better then the lnl and those lock and load bushings tend to have place and work themselves loose. I also have one of the old rcbs Jrs. Another good press but it doesnt have the leverarge a rock chucker has. That one is used mostly for bulge busting cases. If price doesnt matter and you want a GOOD press get yourself a rockchucker. Its to single stage presses wha the 550 is to progressives. Brute strong and it will last two liftetimes.

09-03-2020, 08:39 AM
A Rock Chucker is what I use inaddition to my 550, for me I don't see a need for any thing else.

Petrol & Powder
09-03-2020, 09:21 AM
If we go back to post #35 we can see that Evoken is now the proud owner of a RCBS JR3.

I suspect that will serve him well.

09-03-2020, 10:26 AM
Indeed Sir. Can't seem to post a pic, but made a mount and she's already bolted to the bench.

Just need to clean her up a bit and start running her. I think I will start with some 45-70 rounds.

09-03-2020, 02:11 PM
Indeed Sir. Can't seem to post a pic, but made a mount and she's already bolted to the bench.

Just need to clean her up a bit and start running her. I think I will start with some 45-70 rounds.
Best of luck with the new press!!


Petrol & Powder
09-03-2020, 02:36 PM
Evoken, I think you got a good press. I have a JR3 with 1977 date code that's no longer on the bench. If I needed to I would have no issues with putting it back in service.

09-03-2020, 04:43 PM
To answer the gentleman that asked why not neck size them. These rounds are for bullet development for my dad and brother's bolt guns, full size was the only way to go.

Thank you for all your input guys!

09-03-2020, 04:56 PM

About the closest thing to a cure for the Rock Chucker spitting used primers everywhere, is a plastic straw. I wasn't aware of it until several years back and read about it hear on the board. The best solution, was to cut a plastic straw and slip it into the recess in the press ram where the primers drop out the bottom of the shell holder. The spent primer travels through the straw and exits much closer to the primer catcher. Sure solved about 98% of my problems with spent primers.


Yeah...that was my tip...It's been working good for years. The Burger King larger diameter straws work the best.


09-03-2020, 07:23 PM
Stay away from the Iron man press. Wish I would have.

09-03-2020, 08:19 PM
Evoken, I picked up a used RCBS JR3 press a few years ago on ebay. Don't know how or why but I was the only bidder and got it for $44.00 shipped. The funny story on this was the press was in Detroit and I am just outside Milwaukee but for some unknown reason it went from Detroit it Indianapolis to Eastern PA back to Michigan before going to Chicago and then Oak Creek Wi. to Milwaukee and then finally to my PO! Took two weeks to go from Detroit to Milwaukee.

Anyways that little press sat under my bench unused until about 2 weeks ago when I bought my 1st rifle, a 223. Then bought a Lee Universal Decapping die and put tat press to work. In a very short time I had a few hundred primers all over the floor. No biggie as I needed to sweep anyways. Next can a sizer die with Hornady Universal lube. Worked well but I thought it could use a bit more leverage.

Nice thing about it is that it is a short press and handles the short rifle cases very well. Enjoy yours!

09-03-2020, 08:31 PM
I use my Partner press for one thing only, bullet seating and it works absolutely fantastic for that. I have it so it just cams over enough to remove all slack in the linkage.

09-04-2020, 12:26 AM
My Rock Chucker is over 40 years old and still going strong. It is equipped with the L-n-L adapter and all of my dies that are used in the single stage presses are equipped with the bushings including the RCBS bullet puller, Lee lead tester, universal decapping die; literally every one of them. The precision is the same as screwing individual dies in and out (maybe better because lock rings aren’t a factor) and if I need to correct something I can change dies in two seconds, make the correction, another two seconds and I’m back to the task at hand.

Green Frog
09-04-2020, 09:13 AM
Late to the party as usual. My comment is, if your goal is a heavy duty application, “more is better.” Although they haven’t been available new for many years, my solution was to hunt up a Herter’s Super U-3. One of my mentors had me find one for him several years ago when the Rock Chucker proved too light for his needs. When I got to the point of buying a heavy press for myself, I figured “why not?”


09-04-2020, 10:23 AM
My daily driver is a Redding Boss but my two RCBS Jrs. are not going anywhere.

One was my first press back in 1975 at the ripe old age of 19, I began my favorite hobby! That Junior carried the ball for 35 years before I placed my hands on another press


Drew P
09-04-2020, 10:35 AM
I’m not a lee fan either but it sure is hard to beat the classic cast line of presses, like, real hard. However RCbS is gonna try with their new press just released! It’s bigger, everywhere, and has through ram primer handling. A good start! But, it’s 2x the cost of the Lee, and really only is an equal, not superior. But, for some cost isn’t an issue and color matters.

09-04-2020, 01:51 PM
I’m not a lee fan either but it sure is hard to beat the classic cast line of presses, like, real hard. However RCbS is gonna try with their new press just released! It’s bigger, everywhere, and has through ram primer handling. A good start! But, it’s 2x the cost of the Lee, and really only is an equal, not superior. But, for some cost isn’t an issue and color matters.
I am one of the few that wants the option of priming on the press , I also like the way Lee controls spent primers , so I would go with the cast iron Lee , mater of fact I would trade my Lyman Orange Crusher for one :-D

09-04-2020, 04:15 PM

About the closest thing to a cure for the Rock Chucker spitting used primers everywhere, is a plastic straw. I wasn't aware of it until several years back and read about it hear on the board. The best solution, was to cut a plastic straw and slip it into the recess in the press ram where the primers drop out the bottom of the shell holder. The spent primer travels through the straw and exits much closer to the primer catcher. Sure solved about 98% of my problems with spent primers.


Thanks for the tip!

Although I don't use one, the RCBS Rebel is getting good reviews.

I don't know why your 30-06 brass is hard enough to resize that you are concerned about your press' life. I have sized many, many 30-06 Garand brass on my old style Lee turret and Lee sizing die w/no problems. I use my Co-Ax now with RCBS dies and it's a breeze. I use Mink Oil Boot Dressing Cream as case lube and sizing is problem free (HXP, Hornady, LC Korean War vintage, and mixed range brass).

A friend has a Partner press. It’s fine for .38 Special, .45 Colt, .45 ACP and other low pressure cartridges but his concern is valid. They’re not strong and the mechanical advantage is poor.

I don’t recall the OP saying what lube he uses. Imperial Case Lube and Dillon are my favorite commercial lubes. For difficult resizing pure lanolin is fantastic. The buddy with the Partner press couldn’t size his .500 S&W on it. Even on my Rock Chucker it was difficult. After a little smear of lanolin on the cases they sized with about half the effort of Imperial.

09-04-2020, 06:57 PM
I keep looking at this lately.


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Yes,,, Sizing .30-06 brass is a Piece O Cake with my tool. also you can take it to the range and do it there, or in your camper, or tent, or at the dinner table. It is portable !

Portability and Quality are two big items we strive for here at BPM !


09-05-2020, 12:46 AM

Your press is a dandy, no doubt about it. I do think with my left shoulder with bursitis would preclude it right now. I have to go easy with my left hand doing light duty presently. Darned stuff anyway!


09-06-2020, 08:11 PM
I ordered a Forster Co-Ax Press - cry once.

It will pair nicely with my Lyman Turret Press which will be used primarily for Pistol.

09-08-2020, 07:45 PM
If you want a new press then look very hard at a Redding UltraMag single stage press.

I had one and did not care for the ergonomics. The linkages make things slow going, and the throw is really long. Very high quality press thatvisbtypical of Redding. I never did have a need for the leverage that it afforded since my Rock Chucker(s) could cover everything that I needed a SS to do. No way I would recommend a UM as a sole SS press unless case forming was a regular ordeal.

I have has 6 single stage press, and the current RC is the one I prefer.

09-08-2020, 07:49 PM
I was reading some reviews and some people are saying rcbs outsourced to china. Can anyone confirm this? If so they are out.
I am definately looking at the Redding presses, does anyone know the difference between the big boss and big boss 2?

This canard won't die. Here is the current box, and the friendly folks at RCBS will tell you if one were to call them.


The Big Boss II has a longer useable stroke and clearance.

09-08-2020, 09:07 PM
This canard won't die. Here is the current box, and the friendly folks at RCBS will tell you if one were to call them.


What I remember is that RCBS outsourced the press castings to China, not the finished product. Seems union labor costs plus government taxes and regulation costs are what drove most American jobs to China, et al.

If you're seriously opposed to out-sourcing American jobs I'd caution you to not look at the "Made In ..." labels on your computers, TVs, phones, small kitchen appliances, hand tools, etc.

09-08-2020, 09:32 PM
No [emoji107], Clinton with NAFTA outsourced everything to China and Mexico.!

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09-09-2020, 12:16 AM
What I remember is that RCBS outsourced the press castings to China, not the finished product. Seems union labor costs plus government taxes and regulation costs are what drove most American jobs to China, et al.

If you're seriously opposed to out-sourcing American jobs I'd caution you to not look at the "Made In ..." labels on your computers, TVs, phones, small kitchen appliances, hand tools, etc.

Man, I've seen all kinds of bad info, to include, that current Rock Chuckers say made in China on the box and that the frames on the "Supreme" versions are aluminum. I have debated the aluminum issue by inviting people over to my house and to bring whatever magnet they'd like. I've always sweetened the deal by offering a cold beer afterward.

No kidding about the product sourcing of our favorite gadgets -- particularly with reapect to tech. My S9 phone is made in Mexico, but mow doubt ladened with Chinese internals. My company is exploring how to limit supply chain vulnerabilities from Chinese sourced tech. Not many options!!

09-09-2020, 05:09 AM
I hear you guys with the made in .... I try and buy as many made in usa products as I can. I know it cant or isn't all made here, I just go lit of my way to get what I can.

Ozark mike
09-10-2020, 05:35 AM
I hear you guys with the made in .... I try and buy as many made in usa products as I can. I know it cant or isn't all made here, I just go lit of my way to get what I can.

And this is why my next singlestage may be an ole hollywood. I would recommend to others to buy old castiron equiptment but theyd likely hang me from the nearest tree for recommending something that is 70 years old.

09-10-2020, 11:26 AM
I use a 40 year old Rock Chucker. If I think I need more power I switch to my Walnut Hill swaging press.

Herb in Pa
09-10-2020, 03:44 PM
I bought a Rockchucker in 1972, but use an RCBS A2 currently.

09-10-2020, 04:06 PM
A lot of us over focus on great strength in a press. When any tool has all the strength needed for the work it does, any more strength is meaningless.

Old style "C" presses with simple toggles were all we had for a long time and they were as strong as we needed for reloading and they still are. The rush to more costly "O" presses with compound swinging toggle links simply reduced the pressure we have to apply to the lever to make them work as they are intended.

09-12-2020, 08:17 PM
OK; here's the final confirmation that mine is entirely made in the USA !

Some of the parts are made by a shop in Chatsworth CA, and the rest are made by Me in Ojai CA !

Plus that I have "Made in the USA" Tattooed on the front of everyone !!! And I mean it!

Not a big fan of China right now, too many diseases there.


If anyone has any doubts about the validity of that statement they will get a BIG "GFY" from me!


09-12-2020, 08:59 PM
OK; here's the final confirmation that mine is entirely made in the USA !

Some of the parts are made by a shop in Chatsworth CA, and the rest are made by Me in Ojai CA !

Plus that I have "Made in the USA" Tattooed on the front of everyone !!! And I mean it!

Not a big fan of China right now, too many diseases there.


If anyone has any doubts about the validity of that statement they will get a BIG "GFY" from me!


Very nice looking mobile press.
"Your only going to do that once" hahaha. Nice short video, looks super easy to use.
If I decide i need a mobile press, I will look you up.
God bless America!

09-15-2020, 08:59 AM
Redding T7.

Sold the Rock Chucker

Ozark mike
09-15-2020, 09:18 AM
OK; here's the final confirmation that mine is entirely made in the USA !

Some of the parts are made by a shop in Chatsworth CA, and the rest are made by Me in Ojai CA !

Plus that I have "Made in the USA" Tattooed on the front of everyone !!! And I mean it!

Not a big fan of China right now, too many diseases there.


If anyone has any doubts about the validity of that statement they will get a BIG "GFY" from me!


I dont think anyone here ever doubted ya on youre equipment we all here know you make it. But alot of these large billion dollar companies that side with the burn everything campaign then accuse you of some kind of privilege (i make 20000 a year if im lucky)source most of this crap from china then cram it down our throat like we owe them. These are the people we need to scalp roast over an open flame and have a nice cold beer while they are screaming and kicking

09-16-2020, 10:45 PM
Hrrrmmmm.……biden-burgers? Clinton fries??

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09-17-2020, 05:08 PM
I dont think anyone here ever doubted ya on youre equipment we all here know you make it. But alot of these large billion dollar companies that side with the burn everything campaign then accuse you of some kind of privilege (i make 20000 a year if im lucky)source most of this crap from china then cram it down our throat like we owe them. These are the people we need to scalp roast over an open flame and have a nice cold beer while they are screaming and kicking

Yes and the most heart breaking one of all for me was "Snap-On" When I found out they were having their hand tools made in China and still charging "Made in the USA" prices, it hurt me deeply.

Never buy anything from them again.


09-17-2020, 11:31 PM

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09-18-2020, 04:49 AM
The EPA under the Dems forced much of our casting activities out of the USA.


09-18-2020, 10:44 AM

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09-18-2020, 02:25 PM

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If you don't mind I'm going to start using that.

Steve in N CA

09-18-2020, 03:39 PM
If you don't mind I'm going to start using that.

Steve in N CA


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